High Magic Earth

Chapter 1429: Ancient castle and evil spirit are the perfect match (2)

"Did I get into a horror movie scene by mistake." Lorna took a step back from the cold air that was thrown at her face and couldn't help but spit.

The room is still the original room, and the items are still those items... Lorna came in a hurry, or in a state of embarrassment, except for a small bag on his body, he had only one piece of clothing.

The bag contains her emergency supplies, the kind that you can run directly when you pick it up, comic books, radios, a few stolen shelf life and a long can... and some change.

After a lot of factory fires, Lorna's clothes were already broken, and there were a lot of women's clothes unexpectedly in the castle... Lorna changed to the trend.

Not all the classic costumes of the Middle Ages or the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, there are many modern popular clothes, but in Lona's eyes, it is still a bit behind, most of the clothes were popular more than ten years ago.

It’s not surprising that there are clothes in the castle. After all, Lorna feels that with the magic she saw, there seems to be no problem to be able to stump the house elves, but these clothes turned out to be modern clothes...

Obviously, the owner of the castle is not a wizard still in the Middle Ages, he will also keep pace with the times.

The presence of women’s clothing obviously meant that there was a hostess, perhaps a daughter, but Lorna didn’t even see it.

Of course she wouldn’t be idiot enough to ask the house elves, where the mistress of the castle had gone, but she was still curious.

There is nothing in the castle. Apart from going to the library every day, I just go back to the room and sleep. Fortunately, there are things like dvd computers in the library... otherwise, Lorna may be bored and crazy.

Because there is nothing to do, when she is idle, Lorna can only think wildly.

The gossip of the castle owner is the best thing to kill time.

These thoughts turned around in Lorna's mind, and she looked down into the room again.

The curtains hung down by the window again, without any slight shaking, as if the previous float was Lona's illusion, the light in the room was a little dim, because Lorna never liked to open the window.

The window with mosaic glass is beautiful, but as an old castle, without any protective measures, it may seem a bit dangerous.

And for many years of wandering career, Lorna used to hide in the dark instead of returning to the light.

Although the light is dim, there is nothing unusual. The two books from the library are still spread out on the round wooden table in the room. Her backpack is also neatly placed on the side and placed inside. Wearing her clothes.

The replaced clothing has been magically repaired by the house elves, washed, and sent back.

Well, I didn't go wrong.

Although he only lived in the castle for three or four days, Lorna had a deep understanding of the unfriendly nature of the castle.

According to the Harry Potter series of movies she completed yesterday... Yes, there is a DVD disc of Harry Potter in the big library, which is incredible.

Hogwarts in the film looks amazing, with moving stairs, portraits that can talk, ghosts passing through walls, and countless secret passages.

At first glance, it seems magical and magical.

But normal people have experienced several opportunities to find that the stairs that are running around are too unfriendly. It takes a few months to thoroughly learn their laws, and I am afraid that they can pass through the castle normally.

Fortunately, although the castle also has portraits that can speak, house elves and little yellow men running around, there are no annoying ghosts and stairs that are never in the right place.

But... this castle also has annoying places.

That is the door.

Lorna has always suspected that the castle is alive, or that something has its own ideas, because the room behind the gate is often changed.

Sometimes she apparently came to the kitchen through three doors in the morning. At noon, the three doors might have come directly to the garden entrance outside.

And there is no rule in this thing at all, the only way is to keep opening the door forward... After going a few wrong doors, you will come to the right room sooner or later.

According to Lorna’s experience, there are generally no more than three or five doors, and she feels that this is simply something in the castle and a bad joke she opened.

So after opening the door, a cold breath came across her, and she thought she had gone to the wrong room.

But obviously not.

Backpack books...this is her room.

Lorna shrugged irresistibly, strode in, and threw the door smoothly. In fact, she did not feel that there would be danger in the castle. Although the castle was empty, it seemed a little at night. Eerie, but Lorna knew that there were a lot of house elves in it.

These little guys are full of nerves, as long as they are there, no matter what the situation, they can embarrass the atmosphere in a second.

And full of magic and fantasy flavor.

Call the house elf if it's a big deal, there's nothing to fear.

Humming out of tune songs, Lorna happily lighted herself, and then jumped into the bath*, in fact, Lorna looked far stronger than her external age.

Her many years of wandering career have taught her to protect herself. They have suffered discrimination, exclusion, bullying and harm everywhere. And she is still a little girl. If she can't be strong, she may have died in a long time. Deep in a ditch or in a corn field.

Of course, it may be even more miserable than this.

But protecting yourself is not a strong inner heart. This requires real strength. Fortunately, Lorna has the power to protect herself. If it were not for these forces, people like them would not be excluded.

I don't know if this is lucky or the source of all misfortune.

Lorna’s strength is still weak, but it is enough to deal with ordinary people. As long as she does a little makeup, she can take advantage of the chaos. After all, it is just some ordinary citizens. Lorna is not a bad person, nor are they. Seeing blood, the heart is not fierce enough, just half a catty.

As long as one or two people's arms were slightly cut, they would back off one after another, and then fired their guns randomly.

Lorna couldn't block the bullet, but the bullet wouldn't hit her, she had time to leave.

If it were not for the time that those people set fire to the factory, or even dispatched a large number of people to round her up, she could escape smoothly.

It is a pity that although these people are not bad people, it is also the ignorance and cowardice of these ordinary people that they have driven them to a dead end step by step.

Sometimes ignorance is more terrible than evil.

Lorna itself has a certain self-preservation force, and there are countless house elves in the castle, so there is nothing to worry about at all.

This is why Lorna is so big-hearted.

The scorching heat soon confuses the entire bath*, with green algae-like hair and exceptionally white skin reflected on the mosaic glass, like a frozen oil painting.

The clattering sound of flowing water mixed with the toneless song seemed to rekindle the ancient lonely castle.

Everything is beautiful.



A wet palm print suddenly appeared on the mosaic glass of the bath*, and the blood-red face* left an unusually clear trace on the glass mist.

Bloody palmprints slowly slipped and eventually fell to the ground and disappeared.

The sound of falling teeth accompanied by the palmprints sounded like rats gnawed gently, but Lorna did not notice that she did not hear any strange sounds, nor saw the appearance of palmprints.

The heat was sufficient, and just a few seconds later, the entire glass was refilled with water mist. Similarly, the palm prints and blood marks disappeared.

As if it never appeared...

*Lona, who had a hot water, expressed her satisfaction.

She wandering outside rarely has the opportunity to clean herself, let alone hot water, not even cold water.

Not all of them have obvious algae green long hair. In fact, many ordinary rebellious girls like to dye their hair strangely, even stranger than Lorna.

But I don't know why, it may be born with an aura. Lorna always seems to be easily recognized by people. She's identity as a group of people.

For this reason, she has little chance to go to public places.

Dry her hair, and Lorna falls on the *.

The rhythm of life in the castle is very slow, except that the house elf occasionally reminds her that it is time to eat, no one will let her do anything.

Even the house-elves would avoid her particularly, clean up the room while she was away, or clean things like hygiene.

Overall, life is very leisurely.

These days are almost arguably the most relaxing days for Lorna to live.

There is no hostility and discrimination from anyone, no need to worry about being fed, and no need to carefully search for a place to sleep peacefully.

Not to mention being driven away by a large group of people, clamoring to drive her out here.

But Lorna did not relax her vigilance because of her comfort.

Because she didn't know when the dream-like life would end, besides drawing a lot of knowledge in the library, she was exercising her abilities.

At this moment, two daggers slowly floated in her hand.

She took the dagger from the decoration hanging on the wall of a meeting hall. As a wandering orphan, you can't expect Lorna to have no thief's habits.

And Lorna also found that the house elves didn't seem to mind what they took, as long as it wasn't too important to touch their bottom line.

Those house elves also have a bottom line. For example, there are still many forbidden areas in the castle, which is where Lorna is forbidden to enter.

As for the important things... Lorna didn't find it.

Once she removed the ruby ​​eyes on a sculpture and found the eyes to be repaired the next day. Lona, who was guilty, quietly rummaged through her backpack at night and found that the ruby ​​that was pryed off was still there. They were also packed by the house elves.

Lorna realizes that they are not bad money, or that wizards who can own such a castle are not bad money, and even the values ​​of so-called wizards may be completely different from ordinary people.

The ruby ​​that is enough to make you complete your life in your own eyes may just be an ornament in the other person's eyes.

But even so, Lorna didn't hold a dagger to pick up gems everywhere every day, one piece was enough...She might not really be able to exchange it for money.

The house elves were clearly aware of everything in the castle, and rarely did they hide what they did.

But since this group of house-elves didn't send the daggers back, they actually defaulted to practicing props they used to practice their hands.

So these two daggers never left Lorna's side.

At this time, the two daggers slowly floated from her palm, like two butterflies, flying around each other in the air, crossing and flying at a very fast speed, intersecting each other, but they would not Collide with each other.

Lona, who is too heavy, can't control it. The weight seems to grow by itself over time. Lorna is sure that she can take off several cars after she becomes an adult.

Weight and quantity cannot be exercised, then only precise control can be exercised.

At the beginning, Lorna could only float two daggers, but now she can control them to rotate in mid-air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sure enough, there is no need to think about where to get food, where Find a hiding place, concentrate on it, have a lot of time to practice, and you will make rapid progress.

The two daggers are like twins flying in the air, surround each other, but will not collide with each other, reflecting one after another beautiful arcs and patterns.

Lorna stared at her big eyes and focused on it.

Choosing two daggers is not just because they are small and easier to control. It is suitable for practice now. There are many small things. In addition to the daggers, many beautiful ornaments hang on the walls of the Red Castle.

The choice of the dagger was mainly due to Lorna’s lack of security, and her priority choice was the weapon.

Of course, it is not excluded that the appearance of these two daggers is equally exquisite. The surface of the material does not reflect the moonlight-like coldness and quietness. There are not many modifications on the handles, but they are carved with complex patterns. There is an unspeakable mystery. .

Lorna liked the daggers at first glance.

After controlling them to hover in the air for more than an hour, Lorna finally felt a little lack of energy. "Doo! Doo!" Two daggers were waved into the bedside table by her. Lorna fell backward and fell heavily on the soft Big*.

"Turn off the lights."

The common sense that the house elf told her is that you can use sound to control most things in the room. I don’t know whether it is magic or voice control technology. It is very convenient anyway.

As she whispered, the room suddenly darkened, and Lorna rolled over and fell into a deep sleep.

But at the same moment, a figure in white long hair suddenly appeared in the corner of the room, hiding in the shadow, as if she had always existed, only because the light was too bright to see.

It's like it's too dark late at night, it also makes people unclear.

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