High Magic Earth

Chapter 1430: 1 interplanetary journey

The night grew darker.

Lorna's eyes were slightly closed, and she fell into a sleepy state like a sleep. The light in the room was very dim, and the loss of light made everything in the room look a little deformed and blurred, and there was a sense of distortion in the old photos.

Then the shadow in the corner moved.

Slowly, but also extremely fast, he crawled over at a super high speed instant, almost in the blink of an eye, he was close to Lorna's bedside and came to her.

The figure in white looks like a young woman from afar, but it's a pity that the rapid movement of the joints of the limbs like a spider breaks all her beautiful fantasy.

Weird, strange.

This is how I felt when I saw this scene.

In less than half a second, the white shadow reached the head of Lorna's bed. The soft moonlight sparsely swayed down the gap of the curtain. Through this thin moonlight, the true appearance of the white shadow gradually revealed.

It was a pale woman's face.

Pale skin can't see a trace of blood, no ruddy, no blood vessels, not even the texture of the muscles, just like a cold cold skin without vitality is put on the head.

There is no distorted weirdness, nor disgusting abstract hunting. It is so pale, like a dead body that has been soaked in the sea for a night, it is a dead person who has fallen into eternal sleep.

The distinction between life and death is very clear at this moment.

Then she quietly, quietly, slowly leaned back towards Lorna's head...

In the dark, Lona in her sleep suddenly opened her eyes.

She didn't fall into a deep sleep, but stayed in a false sleep, naturally waking up as soon as she realized something was wrong.

Lorna's vigilance is very high, she alone needs to pay attention to potential dangers at all times, of course, she will not sleep completely without guard.

After coming to the Red Castle, her tense nerves did get a rare rest period. The environment of the Red Castle was very peaceful, and even calmed down slowly.

There is no malicious expulsion, nor no malicious peeping, Lona seems to be relieved here.

But today is different.

When entering the room, Lorna clearly felt a strange coldness that was different from the past, which made her once again vigilant. After all...be careful, there is always no fault.

Sure enough, just before she lay down for less than a few minutes, a cold breath came straight at her, without any hesitation.

In the darkness, Lorna's eyes widened suddenly, and the dagger inserted in the hardwood was pulled by the invisible force, and collapsed like a slingshot. The dagger flew through the air and even made a sharp whistle. Around.

There was also no hesitation. With two daggers to protect her, Lorna turned directly over and turned her head. She wanted to see who was fooling... Then her movements froze.

Ghosts are indeed ghosts.

The coldness sat on Lona's heart in an instant, making her froze as a whole, her eyes widened greatly, the arc of her beautiful eyes protruding more clearly, the enlarged white eyes even occupied most of her eyes.

The pale face was still a bit ruddy, but at this moment, the blood color had completely disappeared, and the rest was only abnormally pale after being frightened.

It looked as if he had seen a ghost.

In fact, it is really a ghost, a real ghost.

The same pale face looks like a corpse fished out of ice water, with long black hair sticking down on pale skin. This face looked at Lona with no expression, no abstraction and distortion, no pain. And screaming, but it seems that there is always a cold smile.

Lorna stared at this grimace, and then saw that the mouth of this face slowly turned into a black hole, followed by one eye, another eye...

The black hole began to expand slowly outwards, and gradually became larger and larger, as if even the surrounding light could be absorbed, Lorna felt herself involuntarily sinking in.

Her eyes, and soul.

This darkness is deeply malicious, as if to assimilate people.

Lorna felt that her soul was going to fly out.

She had thought that she might encounter ghosts in the castle. As a supernatural creature that often appears in the magic and fantasy world, it seems strange that there is no such thing.

But she never thought that she would encounter such a thing in front of her!

Although it is also pale, even his face is white, this guy is obviously different from those cute ghosts who are white and fat, even with a little pearly color.

This guy is a goblin!

I have to say that the styling is very important. The pearl white, the cartoon ghost with baby fat and the evil ghost in front of Lorna are not at the same level.

The former will only make people feel a little cute when they are startled, while the latter...

Thick death air pours into the face, and the deep darkness seems to be able to absorb the soul of human beings, and the deep maliciousness makes people have the cold bones from the heart.


Lorna exploded in a slur.

Forgive her for her gaffe. After all, Lorna is only a young girl, not even an adult. Even if her many years of wandering career make her more mature and strong than other young girls...but she is still a girl.

It's not easy to meet such a ghost called a female nemesis without screaming on the spot.

The heroine in most movies encounters this kind of thing only to be scared.

When Lorna saw it, the pale creature naturally also saw Lorna, or rather, the eyes of the black hole were aware of Lorna's existence.

Dark and thick things like blood plasma flowed slowly down its eyes, mouth, and sticky, oily drops to Lorna's arms and back of his hands.

Then it started to deform.

Like a spider, the slender body twisted into an unbelievable arc, the knee joint turned back in a strange way, and then firmly hovered above Lorna, watching it from the top.

And the twist is far from over.

It seems to have no bones, or no pain, all the bones seem to be broken and generally twisted into different shapes, this shape is even almost crazy.

Lorna couldn't help but feel terrified after only a few glances.

But the strange thing is that... the other party seems to have no intention of attacking Lorna, just constantly frightening her, posing in a variety of different hunting styles.

Then Lorna saw that the unknown creature posed in an 8 shape in front of her, and twisted into a 6 shape in a moment.


Lona's mouth twitched, and she couldn't bear it anymore!

At the next moment, Lorna made a short and sharp exclamation, as if suddenly reacting, and the whole person fell backwards and slammed down from the bed, while waving both hands forward, the two sharp daggers looked like bullets. Like, ejected instantly.


I thought it was unsuccessful, but the dagger hit the opponent with precision and directly fell into its head. Unfortunately, the hit was indeed a hit, but after the two muffled noises, nothing changed.

The corner of Lorna's mouth flicked again.

This is the normal response.

Without hesitation, her right hand made a pull back movement. The ejected dagger stayed in the air and immediately turned back again, even faster than before.


Just like a tennis ball on a fierce battlefield, the two daggers staggered towards each other, and they were worn in pairs in a flash, which was enough to penetrate the other side.

Unfortunately, this weird and horrifying creature seems to strictly follow the fact that ghosts have no entities, and pure physical attacks have absolutely no effect on it.

No matter how many times the dagger penetrates, it has no reaction.

The rich black burst at the position where it was hit by the dagger, just like a large ball of ink. The dagger seemed to break its head, but did not cause any substantial damage to it.

At the next moment, the thick black ink gathered again, and then changed back intact.

Lorna took a deep breath.

At the same time, she lifted the other hand. Her ability did not come from both hands, but just made similar movements, which made it easier for her to concentrate.

The dagger moved faster and faster in mid-air, and even pulled out afterimages.

The vague phantom is entangled with the ghost image of Hunting Qi. Even because the speed is too fast, the sharp dagger can hardly control it and almost hit Lona's face.

Fortunately, the dagger stopped at the last moment. Lorna gently blocked the dagger with her hand, carefully keeping it from touching her hands.

Although the other party seemed to have no entity and the dagger had not even touched the other party, even seeing the dagger pierce the other party like a sieve, Lona still felt uncomfortable in her heart.

After all, the shape of the other party was too surprising, Lorna didn't even have a touch of touch, even if it was just a touch between the daggers.

The crazy dagger is getting faster and faster, so fast that Lorna herself can't even control it.

She feels that she is definitely playing at a super level now... but for enemies who do not suffer any physical damage at all, even a high level does not make any sense.

Lorna's attack didn't make any sense, the other party was still twisting very cheerfully.

The shape of the limbs turned back like a spider, and the ball was like a puppet with its limbs cut off. The appearance of various hunting games was rotated in front of Lorna.

At the same time, the thick and sticky black blood was constantly sprayed outward.

And... more and more, bigger and bigger.

Yes, this guy is getting bigger.

If the shape of the other party is terrible at the beginning... but it is still only the size of a normal person, then it has more than doubled.

The height, width, and more terrible breath of two people.

Humans are a kind of visual animals, and the existence of both large and small can easily cause panic in the human heart. Seeing that the other party is getting bigger and bigger, and it seems to intend to grow madly endlessly, in order to avoid the other party breaking through the room, even After breaking through the entire castle, Lorna decided it was time to retreat decisively.


The two daggers were pulled back by her in an instant, slowly encircling her like a spirit snake, and then she ran towards the gate in a few steps, pulling it outwards violently, fine, and still able to open.

The next moment, Lorna shouted.


It’s not a home game, but a group of house-elves. It’s strange to find them.

This was also Lorna's final hole card, so she didn't panic.

But in the next moment, she was stunned.

Although the door of the room was opened, there was no situation where the door handle could not be twisted like the routine in the classic horror film, but the other side of the door was not the expected promenade, but still... Her room.

It was like she was in the hallway outside the room, trying to open the door back to the room.

Things don't seem to be good, Lorna feels the cold around... feels that things are bad

She turned her head, not surprisingly finding out that she was not in the hallway and was still in the room, but she turned her head back to the perspective, but again it became the perspective outside the room.

This situation is beyond the scope of Lorna's understanding and handling.

"I hate magic."

Taking a deep breath, Lorna looked calm.

Instead of trying to continue to escape, she closed the door calmly, turned around, held two daggers in her hands, and stared at the horrible monster that was half the size of the room not far away.

Distortion, abstraction, a series of words that can be used to describe the most terrible nightmare can be used on it.

And very apt.

The thick black smoke gradually spread out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seems that it no longer satisfies the degree of frightening Lorna, but begins to stretch out an inexplicable limb, strange and strange.

Lorna took a deep breath again, and said nothing, but the dark green color in her eyes became more intense.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Lorna felt that since she was a guest, there shouldn't be any danger before the owner came here.

After all, this castle is full of magic... Maybe this time was just an accident, maybe, she could be rescued before the last moment came, without real problems.

Of course, this is the best way. Lorna can only use these guesses to add courage to herself.

The next moment, the huge monster entrenched in the room suddenly swelled again. The area of ​​the room was already insufficient, so no surprise, it surged towards Lorna in an instant.

Lorna didn't know what to do, her dagger couldn't hurt the other party at all, so at this moment, she instinctively closed her eyes and thrust the dagger forward.

But at the same time, the coldness in the room seemed to be suddenly frozen, and a slightly helpless female voice suddenly appeared in the room.

"Don't fool around Sadako Yamamura, you scared our guests."...

While having a friendly meeting on Neverland.

Unknown latitude, unknown planet surface, quietly floating a spaceship, the surface of the spacecraft has been very worn and mottled, a large number of cracks and cracks appear on its armor, and some places even show huge holes, There are constantly objects floating in.

This spaceship seems to have been here for many years, but if it is an acquaintance, it can be quickly identified. It is not an ancient missing spaceship, but it appeared not long ago during World War II... .

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