High Magic Earth

Chapter 1443: National Father-in-law Magneto

Yi Xiao has never fully believed the information recorded in the hourglass, especially after being pitted a few times, even those little yellow people will remember forever.

According to the hourglass, the Second World is the last base for human resistance and the hope for human re-emergence.

In the battle between magical creatures and humans, humans are losing ground. The two largest numbers of magical creatures, angels and demons, have made it difficult for humans to parry, not to mention that there are many other magical creatures that are also hostile to humans.

There are also human angels in which angels are inserted, the interference and internal response of the new human being.

In the end, humanity's ending is a complete defeat.

Pure technology does not seem to defeat these magical creatures.

After reading this record, Yi Biao wondered why those creatures possessed magic. When human beings were obviously facing a magical world at that time, they did not develop a profession like magician or wizard.

Later, he felt that the concept of magic was obviously only relative.

In the last era of human beings on the technological route, humans may not be unaware of the special power possessed by those magical creatures at that time, but they did not call it magic.

Mutant beasts, mutant creatures, may be such names in line with scientific nomenclature.

Anyway, it's just a name.

So humans at that time did not necessarily have not studied their power, otherwise how did the second world come, although the end of technology seems to be no different from magic, but to say that the second world is all constructed by pure technology , Yi Chou also felt unlikely.

But in the end, humans still awakened their own magical power.


But it was too late, the general trend was gone, and the retreating humans sent the last fire and the magical creatures who were fighting together with humans into the second world.

Then there is the biosphere plan and the source point plan.

The biosphere will only start after the extinction of human beings. Obviously humans at that time still have the last power, and they can drag the enemy to hell, otherwise it is impossible to make a plan that will start after everything is settled.

This plan is to allow the species to show a rapid growth in the state of the Big Bang, and also to quickly return the earth to what it was before.

The Source Project is launched together with the Biosphere Project, which is also the Second World.

Later things have become very clear. The Second World is slowly and slowly training its own power. Although Yi Chou is very suspicious of this speed, don’t say counterattack in his lifetime, can he maintain the Second World without letting it Thorough stalling is a problem.

It's terrible.

Wouldn’t this movie be mapped out by the Second World on the day when the earth stopped, is it already so desperate for its future?

But all of the above are just recorded in the hourglass.

Recording does not necessarily mean true, everything is possible to falsify.

Although it is said that the things that Yi Biao verified, including the undercurrents of the enemies, seem to be confirming this, it cannot be fully believed.

After all, the Second World has a frontier, and it’s absolutely unambiguous to pit you at a critical moment.

But in addition to temporarily believing, there is actually no other good way. No matter what the investigation of Yi Biao points to is no different from the recorded truth, even everything now is supported by the Second World.

If the second world disappears, it is really difficult to doubt whether everything before it is a dream.

Of course, those supernatural forces that appear in this world can well prove that this is not a dream, and Yi Chou also knows that everything is not a bad joke.

But there are more and more mysteries.

Just like the mutant in front, Miss Lorna Dann.

Why does the shadow bring a new human, angelic descendant of the second world, or even the angels of the world, to the fantasy island.

Wizarding world with magic, new human world full of technology and mutation. . And Dream Island. .

Sudden silence also awakened Lorna, and she suddenly realized that the guy in front of him was not a mild and harmless existence.

He is a sorcerer, and it is very likely that in the Disney cartoons, those old orange-skinned, pleated old faces glowed with green light, with a grinning smile, and sloppy waists, and some children would cry and scare Throw strange things into the cauldron, stir it, and the evil wizard with bubbles will pop up in the pot full of green liquid!

"Why is it green." Yi Xiao frowned, and found that things were not that simple.

"I always feel that this color has an inexplicable malice."

Lorna was startled again.

"Can you see what I am thinking?!"

She almost blurted out subconsciously. In fact, she really thought so.

"Oh, sorry, yes, but of course, in general, I don't look at what other people are thinking."

You are looking at me now!

Hearing Yi Biao's answer, Lorna's mind naturally regained her ideas, but before Lorna had spoken, Yi Biao took the next sentence again.

"Because it is not the case now."

There was obvious shame on Lorna's face, but because of the mystery of Yi Chou, she didn't dare to say much. I believe that if she didn't think she could not beat Yi Chou, she would definitely jump up and desperately.

Girls always have a lot of secrets in their hearts, even if they are still little girls.

"Relax, I can't see your secrets hidden in my heart. It's not about reading people's memories and thoughts, it's just feeling the thoughts of your moment of active thinking."

Yi Xao comforted Lorna and explained to her.

But this explanation didn't seem to work too well, but it made Lona more unhappy.


Lorna suddenly contained her thoughts.

"Smart decision." Yi Xuan smiled dangerously.

One can see Lona’s thoughts, one is because the silver tongue greatly enhances Yi Chou’s mind-reading magic. It is no longer the same as the previous one, and all have been upgraded. I don’t know how many levels. I also take the nostalgic equipment and skills. .

Another reason is that Lorna is still young.

Children's hearts are always pure, and likewise, their hearts are more easily peeped into.

Lorna no longer speaks, she decides to empty everything and become a wooden man who can't speak or move. . It is really annoying to say that these psychic abilities, along the way, she encountered several things that could interfere with her thinking and heart, and obviously there was another one who could see through the memory.

If possible, she really wanted to build a helmet to cover herself.


"It should be said that if there is a father, there must be a daughter..."

"Your father really did this."

Yi Xiao saw Lona's thoughts again, and suddenly showed a playful smile.

"You... know my father?"

Lorna's brows were twisted again.

There are very few orphans who are not interested in their biological parents, especially the girl who lacks her father’s shelter from the wind and rain. Even Lorna can hardly resist the topic raised by Yi Chou.

Similarly, Lorna was thinking quickly.

It is not a secret that the offspring of mutants are more prone to mutants. Of course, the descendants of ordinary people may also awaken mutants, which is not a secret.

Lorna’s parents may be mutants or ordinary people.

Before that, Lorna also confirmed, but after Yi Biao finished speaking, she was basically certain that her parents, or her father, were mutants.

Only the special existence of mutants may be remembered.

And Lorna was also aware of the focus of Yi Biao's discourse, the helmet. . Her father wears a helmet, so there are helmet variants. .

Lorna doesn't know much about the older generation of mutants.

The top level of human beings study the secrets of mutants, and they resist the existence of mutants. They don’t want to unite them, lest they can’t be controlled, and it’s impossible to talk about their history and experiences everywhere.

If the X-Men are still there, or Lorna lives in Xavier Talent School, she may still know everything about the mutants.

Unfortunately, the Westchester incident destroyed everything.

Although the Mutant Brotherhood is a bit cruel to humans, it is still very friendly to the mutants, far from the kind of similar fights that are done without a word.

Even if they do not want to join the Mutant Brotherhood, they will not ruin a good mutant seedling.

Although I don't like those guys who claim to be justice to join the X-Men, but it's actually nothing. In fact, there is rarely a real death between them and the X-Men.

The X-Men and Mutant Brotherhood have been fighting for so many years, and actually not many people have died. Naturally, the X-Men need not say that every time they bring people back to stun, or throw it away, it is almost to create an opportunity for the other party to escape. .

Even if the Mutant Brotherhood wins, there are very few times when you actually kill an X-Men.

Neither Professor Charles, the moderate, or Magneto, the main battle group, is willing to see the blood of his compatriots.

Unfortunately, with the end of Magneto, the entire Mutant Brotherhood also disappeared. Although its internal atmosphere is not as good as Xavier Talent School, it is also a good place for a mutant.

but. . They also disappeared.

Lorna's understanding of the stories of the older generation of mutants is mostly through comic stories.

Although the high-level will not report the previous news about the mutants, many things have been exposed at the time, and it is useless to prohibit, so the comics did not prohibit the publication.

Of course, some esoteric news is simply impossible in the comics, and even for artistic effects, the facts of many plots have already been distorted or completely brain-filled.

Lorna had heard of Magneto, and it seemed to be a righteous and evil character, but that's all.

Even Magneto just heard it, not to mention the details to know that he will always wear a helmet that can resist mind control.

Maybe Lorna knew about it, but she didn't realize it for the first time, or thought about it.

"Your father..."

"Maybe you will know later, but now, you should go to rest."

Yi Xuan didn't answer Lorna's question because it would be cumbersome to explain. Now he has no time to do such a role as an intimate brother. It's better to wait to start dealing with Lorna's things and then explain to her.

And having such a problem will also allow Lorna to stay quieter and stay more co-operative during the rest of the time in the Red Castle.

Yi Xiao reached out and tried to pat Lona's head, but she turned away and hid.

Although the height of Lorna is not low in the future, it is about 175 or five without high heels, and at this time Lorna's height advantage has been shown, but it is still worth noting under the body of the perfect pseudo-Krypton star.

It still looks like a child.

Still a stubborn little guy.

Yi Biao can see that Lorna is very quiet and vigilant to herself without magic, and the vigilance has almost reached the highest value of the critical point.

Perhaps there is such a big-hearted guy who is not surprised when he crosses, and he does not change his face when he sees a series of horrible things, but that kind of guy will definitely not be Lorna.

She's a ghost if she's not alert.

"I'm afraid you need to stay here for a long time."

Yi Chou didn't care about Lorna's reaction and said to himself.

He grabbed his right hand in the air, and the entire corridor around it became a kaleidoscope-like dynamic building. The endless corridors began to overlap continuously. The distance between the spaces was stretched and contracted. The two people did not move, but the location of the promenade at the foot was Is changing.

Lorna's eyes widened again, but this time she wasn't too surprised, because she had seen too many things that astounded her, and she was a little numb.

At the next moment, the surrounding situation changed again, the two did not seem to move at all, but in fact they had reached the other end of the castle.

"If something like that happens, your house may not be comfortable."

"I changed you a new room... that's it."

Lorna knew she couldn’t refuse, so she couldn’t find out if the other party didn’t want to tell her about her father.

The gap between the two is too great.

As for controlling the metal knife to attack, why did she do such an idiot thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ today's thing. . It should not happen. "

Lona's mouth twitched slightly, should it?

"Because Athena also rests here, sometimes."

"She is quite normal, there is no bad taste, or it is simply malicious, there will be no one to disturb you when she is there, of course, her only shortcoming may be a little indifference, probably not so easy contact."

"I don't think this is a problem for you, because you are also very indifferent."

This is no problem, Lorna's question mark.

"Because you won't take the initiative to talk, neither will she, you two won't have a few exchanges at all, then naturally there is no problem."

Lorna silently jumped slightly.

"I specially selected some movies, TV series, and comics for you. You can watch it when you are free. By the way, the remaining two women, one is called Shancun Zhenzi, and the other is called Chuan Shang Fujiang."

"About today, you will find the answer in the movie."

"Half a month or a month later, my business is almost over. By then... all your questions will be answered."

"is that OK."

Lorna nodded silently.

Apart from agreeing, she may have no other choice.

Yi Chou also nodded in satisfaction, taking a step forward, the body directly disappeared by half, the cross-section turned into a particle-like mist spreading around.

But just as he was about to disappear his entire body in the air, his movements suddenly took a slight pause, the particle-like richness also condensed into substance, and then Yi Chou turned his head and added again.

"Oh, you may have some neighbors in a while."

"Of course, it may not, depending on their luck."

"that's it."

In the next moment, the mist turned into nothingness, and Yi Chou completely disappeared in place.

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