High Magic Earth

Chapter 1444: Brooklyn 1 flower

There are gray white and deep black fluttering in the block. The two colors of gray and white will render here like old film in the photo gallery, even the pedestrians on the street are made of pixels, blurred. And hurry.

Plain trench coats, domed top hats, blues singing and fluttering echoed, seemingly out of some street corner cafes, adding a touch of vitality to the depressed city enveloped by the haze of war.

Stephanie and Bagill sat opposite a boxy wooden table. The soft sofas under the buttocks were bright dark red and other patterns, with a sense of time, but they had It seems to precipitate the beauty of history.

This bright and distinct appearance is the most popular style nowadays.

A cup of coffee was placed in front of the two, exuding the white heat. The difference is that in a military uniform, Bargill very leisurely stacked two long legs, crossed the legs of Erlang, and there was a match. Looked at a booklet in his hand.

And Stephanie is still the gray trench coat that even the eyes of seventy years ago are still unsuitable.

The thin body was wrapped in a windbreaker. . It's like an umbrella about to be opened.

There is a big difference between internal and external.

Stephanie's eyebrows were tightly locked. She bite a pen to write and write on a small book at hand, and there was a lot of information about joining the army scattered on the table.

For her, it was difficult.

The two of them sat by the window and looked from the inside to the outside. Through the glass, the whole world in front of them seemed to be different, just like the picture called TV.

Similarly, when they look out of the window, people outside the window are looking at them.

Winter Warrior James Buchanan Barnes was known as a flower of Brooklyn.

And now, Bargill can be said to be a flower in Brooklyn in the true sense. Many young people have walked back and forth in front of the coffee shop several times, for reasons. . Of course it is simple.

The war is getting more and more fierce, and a large number of young men are being thrown into the battlefield. As a result, almost all of the native Americans are left-behind young women, children, and elderly people.

But that was the final moment of war.

Although the European war was intensifying at this time, for the United States, it had just joined the battle shortly.

A large number of young men are engaged in war, in addition to patriotism, of course, in order to fight for a future, but the number is not as amazing as in the later period. . There are still many people remaining in the local area.

Bargill had been surprised by this for a long time.

Seeing that his friend was still immersed in the attempt to join the army, Bagir couldn't help but sigh silently in his heart.

Enlisting is actually not that difficult, but for Stephanie, this may be a problem. After all, her body is too thin, and the thin is not even like an adult.

Although Stephanie is female. . But women in the United States are generally taller, and there are not many thin people like Stephanie.

Of course, as a female enlisted, Stephanie will definitely not be a soldier or something. If she cannot be an agent, she will also be assigned to a job like a nurse in the field.

Similar positions have no requirements for height or the like. . But Stephanie is not just about height.

Her body suffers from diseases, and is a lot of congenital diseases, high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease. . It's like a medical dictionary, just like all the innate, unknown diseases that humans can suffer from.

It's even incredible.

These diseases cut off all her possibilities, not to mention being agents, ordinary soldiers, and even becoming medical personnel on the battlefield.

Because it would make her die on the battlefield, not because of the enemy, but only for her own reasons.

Bagill sighed again.

She couldn't figure out why Stephanie wanted to join the army so persistently. . She is a woman, and war is not her business.

As Stephanie’s good girlfriend, Bagill knew she was not trying to prove herself, she was just. . Just want to do something for others.

Very distressed.

Bagill has sighed for the third time.

As for why she joined the Strategic Science Corps herself. . Probably because of fun? Anyway, it was the simplicity of the other party, she thought this matter looked cool, and then agreed.

"Your coffee is getting cold."

Stefanie said without looking up at the three sighs of her friend.

She also knows the reason why Bargill sighed, but it was useless to dissuade. She could not stand when everyone was desperately on the front line, but she could not do anything while shrinking behind.

As always.

Even if she is a woman.

She wants to join the battle, nothing can stop her.

Bargill sniffed.

According to the economic budget of their two poor girls, they couldn't drink such good coffee, and even had free money to sit in the coffee shop for an afternoon.

Of course, if Bargill is willing to sacrifice, she can also catch a lot of Kaizi.

Unfortunately, Bargill's requirements for the other half are quite high. In addition to meeting her taste, the most important thing is that she is still very handsome.

But being handsome is not as good as her taste.

Both are indispensable.

So far, so far, she hasn't encountered anything that suits her.

However, the economics of the two have recently improved, mainly because Bagier received a sum of money after he joined the army, so he only had free money to come and dash around.

Something boringly scratched her hair, and Bargill suddenly saw the corner of the street slowly driving past a red dull van.

She grabbed the coffee on the table and poured it in quickly.


Then she was ruined and rumpled, although it was already a lot colder. . But still breathing the heat, no matter how cold it is, it will not be cold. If you pour it in directly, it will definitely be hot.

But Bargill's character is very carefree and he doesn't care about these little things.

"I will be right back."

She stood up violently, shook the next sentence, and then rushed out.

Stephanie, who was busy, didn't think she was angry with her good girlfriend. She looked away skillfully, saw the red car on the street corner, and then smiled and shook her head.

Ice cream truck. . Bagill must have gone for this.

Stephanie lowered her head again, but at the next moment, she suddenly frowned slightly, raised her head again, and squinted slightly like another street corner.

Three or four people are gathering together.

If you look more closely, you will find that there are exactly four people, three of whom are surrounding the fourth person.

It was still a child.

Of course, the other three guys are not adults, only half-old children, no surprises, this is not a malicious bully, or extortion of money, may even be more serious.

In Brooklyn, anything can happen.

Bullying the weak cannot be ignored.

Stephanie put down what she had in her hand, then stepped out of the door, stepped across the lane of no cars and pedestrians to the other side of the block, and shouted as she walked.

"Hey, guys over there, are you bullying more people than others?"

The Stephanie was thin and small, and his voice was not loud. He even gasped along the trot. The group of guys across the road didn't even hear it.

It wasn't until she ran that these guys stopped in doubt, then turned their heads to look at Stephanie, who looked like an idiot.

Sure enough, they are all half-sized, they are not adults, they are very young, and they look like fifteen or sixteen years old.

As for the one who was bullied by them in the middle, they were twelve or three years old, and they looked very shy, like a nerd.

Now the glasses are crooked and the nose is bleeding, looking miserable.

At first, this group of guys were still puzzled. They didn't understand who stopped them. Then, after seeing Stephanie and seeing that she was the only one. . Becomes more puzzled.

"Hey, dead woman, are you going to do more business?"

The oldest child looked vicious, and spoke to Stephanie with a sharp tone.

If a strong guy came to stop them, they might have to think about it, but only Stephanie was a thin woman. . The little guy of their age is just when they are not afraid of the sky.

Sure enough, everyone else stared at Stephanie with no good intentions, and it looked really fierce.

But Stephanie was not afraid and flinched.

"Let him go, if you want to bully people, I can play with you."

It might be a bit ambiguous to say this to the great beauty of Bargill, but although Stephanie is an adult woman, she is too thin and even so thin that she is so dry that it is difficult for people to treat her as a woman.

Especially in the face of this group of fearless and fearless boys.

"Why, you have to give me money too?"

The oldest child stared at Stephanie with strange eyes, still holding the collar of the little guy in his hand.

"No, I'm going to use your fists to make you look good."

"Also, you put him down first."

After saying that, Stephanie clenched her fists in both hands, making an attacking stance.

The oldest child froze for a moment, and then seemed to hear some funny jokes. Haha laughed as a companion next to him, "Haha, did you hear that, would she teach me?"

This group of children whose thoughts are not yet fully mature, but there is no idea of ​​a gentleman who does not hit a woman, and they do not take Stephanie as a dwarf at all.

"You let me let go of this slug, okay."

After he finished speaking, he pushed the little guy in the hand hard to the other side of the wall. The little guy staggered and fell to the ground.

The little guy's palms and knees seemed to have broken skin, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes, but they didn't fall.

"Oh, little slug is crying again."

This group of nasty guys coaxed beside.

Stephanie frowned slightly, but after hesitating and seeing the tears in the little guy's eyes, she didn't rush forward and then sat him up.

At this point, Stephanie has come to the other side of the corner of the block, blocked by buildings, and it can no longer be directly observed from the street where the coffee shop is located.

There seems to be a depression here, there are no shops open, and there are fewer pedestrians, even so little that nobody pays attention to what is happening now.

Things are in trouble.

It's time to start dragging again.

Stephanie sighed.

In fact, she didn't have the courage to attack the two directly. Can she fight? Stephanie clearly knows that she is a weak chicken and can **** that little guy from this group of people? This is also impossible.

She rushed to deliver food, but even so, Stephanie rushed out, why, in order to give people a head?


Bargill can see here, whether she returns to the coffee shop or after buying ice cream on the corner, she will notice the anomalies here for the first time.

Then she would come over and save herself.

Bargill's skill is very good, but also very talented, otherwise it is impossible for the Strategic Science Corps to take it. She had no problem dealing with one or two adult men before. After joining, her skill will only be more improved.

In Brooklyn, fighting and fighting are commonplace, and even if they are two girls, Bagill’s talents have long been revealed.

Stephanie is not mindless. She only knows the fools of the heroes who have gone so far. She is very good at using power.

Of course, most of the time, she still relied on her own will, and she could no longer be afraid of just relying on her firm will.

And she will not cause any trouble, even dragging Bagir down.

When she came, she was fine with everything. As long as she kept her original position, then Bargill would come over soon, and then the group of bullies who would only bully people would be turned into pig heads.

But when he saw that the child was being pushed and pushed to the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ very helpless and scared, Stephanie gave up her original plan and came to the child's side for the first time.

tell him. . There is nothing terrible.

And now things are obviously in trouble, because this group of gangsters has gathered around, not only blocking her retreat, but also walking away from the original block with the persecution.

According to Stephanie's previous observations, they can't find this angle at a glance now, and Bargill is even looking for it when he realizes that he is gone. . Also look for a while.

It was during this time that she had to survive.

"Hey, hand over all the money, I'm not embarrassed you idiot."

This group of half-big boys is not a mad guy fighting, seeing that the two can no longer run, immediately stepped forward threateningly and viciously.

This is very common in Brooklyn.

Stephanie took a deep breath, opened her hands, and reopened her posture, slowly saying, "...no."

"What an idiot."

The oldest child was obviously a little impatient, he was scolding, and stepped forward to try to push Stephanie against a thin woman, and he didn’t need to wave his fist.

Stephanie is ready, although she also wants to fight back, but the body is like this, no matter how well prepared, will always be overturned to the ground.

This time. . I'm afraid it's the same.

But at this moment, these hands have not been pushed hard.


With a sharp brake sound, when no one responded, a figure savagely separated the crowd, and then grabbed the bastard's wrist.

"It seems that every time I meet you, you are in trouble."

"Stephanie." Yi Huo said.

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