High Magic Earth

Chapter 1445: Magneto living in the background

"Mr. Angomaka."

Stephanie froze for a moment, and immediately recognized that it was a half-year room payment, but after living for more than a week, she was missing the unscrupulous tenant for more than half a month.

After all, Stephanie was still a little dwarf in this period. She had to look and look, she had no body, and she had no temperament. She had a small circle of friends and had few friends. She only knew so few people. Of course, Stephanie immediately recognized it.

#Colson said how could Captain America’s friends be so few#

And it is very strange that even if the super soldier serum enhances her physique and changes her figure greatly, even if the temperament is also following the whole aura of the person. . It is not surprising that it changes accordingly.

But why fake Captain America Steve looks so handsome.

Does the super soldier serum also come with plastic surgery?


A white light flashed.

"Mr. Angomaka..."

Stephanie called again, but this time she changed her tone. . It sounds rather helpless.

Yi Biao ignored Stephanie's helplessness, ignoring this group of half-sized mixed boys, indifferently tucked the camera into his clothes, and in a blink of an eye, the camera, which was bigger than the bricks, disappeared cleanly, without any bulging under the collar.

No way, the camera of this era is so big, Yi Biao can't always take out his phone.

Since realizing the gap between Stephanie's two major transformations, Yi Biao feels that there should be some record left. Of course, it cannot be for the idiot of Coulson, but for other reasons.

He has a hunch. . This trip to the Marvel World may not only encounter the SHIELD, Iron Man, and Captain America guys.

In other words, it's not just women.

So Yi Xiao also kindly classified Stephanie's photos and tagged them.

First World War II, Captain America Stephanie Rogers, Super Soldier Serum.

The first world, World War II, the winter warrior Bagir Buchanan Barnes, before the cliff jump.

First World, normal time, Iron Man, to be added.

First world. .

That's right, there are also Winter Soldiers, and of course there will be Iron Man Thor and the like, but they are still waiting to be made up.

In order to complement the black widow Natasha, Yi Biao deliberately took more than half an hour to run back to the Soviet Union, and traced back to the black widow who had not yet become a black widow according to his own magic traces.

Then, under the condition that the young Natasha screamed with excitement that he was him, he clicked two photos, and then cleared the memory of the people present again.

Believe that Natasha will suffer another period of time.

After all, when Yi Chou found her, her situation was not very good.

The Red House was directly attacked by unknown people, and even the power of half of the army was completely destroyed. Even if the fighting on the front line of the Soviet Union was so fierce that the dog’s brain could not be defeated, it could not be ignored.

Fortunately, with the exception of the dozen or so unlucky eggs beaten into cakes by Athena, there were no more casualties. The casualties were not large, which allowed the Soviet high level to still calm down.

When they want to come, the enemy's power should not be too large. In a small-scale conflict, they can destroy a well-trained combat team, but in the face of a large number of enemies, they can only choose to avoid it.

Of course, the kind of evasion that is easy to run away.

But even so, there are still many problems that have not been solved, such as why everyone has lost their memories and more important than that. . What is that huge energy response.

Although the technology of World War II lags far behind that of seventy years later, this is the Marvel world, and the science and technology tree cannot be inferred from common sense. Rainbow Bridge is such a big target. . No one can ignore it at all.

So can you spare the surviving soldiers and agents?

The trial must be reviewed!

Of course, after all, it’s his own soldiers, and he certainly won’t do much, but the endless repeated rounds of questions and attempts to wake up some valuable little clues deep in the memory are very uncomfortable.

Not even different from hypnosis.

In this era, the study of human psychology and thinking has not been so deep, and everyone is busy fighting, so hypnosis is simply rude.

Fortunately, it was not a real interrogation, but even so, when Yi Chou saw Natasha again, she was taken aback by her refugees.

And suddenly a group of people lost their memories. . I'm afraid it was another flying jump.

As for Thor, Yi Biao doesn't want to be associated with Asgard anymore, without photos.

Yi Biao’s camera has been taken out a few times, otherwise there will be no photos of Bagir, but at that time it was purely because Bargill lamented that it would be nice if there was a camera. .

They can't afford a camera. You know that most photo studios are still old-fashioned cameras with flashing pictures.

So Yi Chou took out one.

Of course, it was created on the spot.

Although it is not clear why a photo was taken at this time, the gentle personality of Stephanie will certainly not blame Yi Huo, but just sighed in his heart. After half a month's absence, Mr. Angomaka became out of touch.

It's like Bagir, who is leaving in a few days.

"Long time no see, Miss landlord."

Yi Xiao put away the camera and gestured slightly to Stephanie.

then. . The interaction between the two completely annoyed this group of half-big boys.

As mentioned before, their age is when they are not afraid of the earth, and their thoughts are very immature, and they are very impulsive. They do not consider the consequences of their work, and they only rely on blood.

Of course, impulsiveness does not mean that there is no brain. If an adult macho standing two meters tall and two meters wide and two meters wide and standing here, they would not dare to squeak.

The biggest possibility is to put two harsh words, and then turn around and run.

This is not a big hatred, they just grab two small money on the street, there is no need to fight, when they encounter soft persimmon, they must pinch, why do they still want to die if they encounter hard stubble.

unfortunately. . Yi Biao doesn't look like a macho.

It has long been known that the faces of Asians are sometimes not convenient in Western countries. Especially during the Second World War, Yi Chou certainly will not find the boring ones to use the original faces.

A very simple magic can blur his face or change the appearance of his face in the minds of other people.

Freshly baked mixed-race children are easily created.

Qifenmeimei, although he is also an adult, Yi Yi's body looks very thin, with this face, like a thin rich son.

One punch can knock you down.

"Don't ignore me, bastard!"

Shouting in the mouth not to let him ignore him, but the stupid boy instinctively ignored how Yi Chou appeared here in a blink of an eye, and even simply separated them savagely and slammed his wrist, Just like pliers.

The next moment, his little brothers responded,

The silver-white light appeared in their hands, spurting from all the hidden corners. Although the movement was completely non-standard, the angle was very vicious.

All go to the deadly parts, the heart, lungs, and even the kidneys.

Two bullets, the rest are fists.

This group of gangsters is obviously experienced in fighting. Seeing that the boss is being restrained, two people immediately rushed over, one holding Yi Xiao's waist to fix him, and the other caught Yi Xiao's face. By the time of the attack, he always dodges instinctively, and the response is several shots slow.

As for the remaining two people. . Then took out the murder weapon directly.

"Hey, your style of painting has collapsed. This is not a day."

Even if their movements are ten times slower, they are useless in Yi Biao's eyes, slow like snails.

Seeing these sharp knives showing no mercy, Yi Biao blinked, and his eyes were as cold as ice. Could Yi Biao be a good person? Will he keep his hands when he wants to kill himself?

The answer is of course. . meeting.

While talking about useless nonsense in his mouth, Yi Chou closed his hand and raised his knees at an incredible speed, slamming it into the hapless chin of the thump.


He uttered an ambiguous scream, his mouth full of teeth and blood.

This guy's tactics are very good, but unfortunately Yi Huo is no longer a human being. His speed is too fast to exceed everyone's imagination, so he can hit his chin at an unexpected angle.

Otherwise, even if the normal person resists, neither the air resistance nor its own dynamic factors, it will be impossible to reach.

Yi Chou's palm was slightly clenched in mid-air, then slowly loosened, and then was slightly clenched again, slowly loosened, and after a few back and forth, he recovered his strength.


"My teeth!"

How many knickers do Kryptonians deal with? Don't even think about this answer.

Almost in a flash, Yi Chou's slap instantly drove the remaining three people off. They had just released their hands, and the boss who tried to do something hadn't waited for the reaction, and Yi Chou's gaze fell to his three friends. Against the background of flying out, it turned slowly again.


At that time he was shocked.


Then, no surprise, Yi Chou slapped his face fiercely again, this guy turned directly 360 degrees in situ and then thumped heavily on the street.


He spit out blood and spit out several teeth.

Yi Chou still converged his strength, otherwise it would not only be as simple as a few teeth, but the entire head would be gone.

In fact, there is no exaggeration to fly as far as five or six meters. . Based on Stephanie's sake, Yi Chou could not kill on the street, and did not want to expose his special power. This group of guys was just fanned by Yi Chou directly.

Everyone covered his face and spouted blood, looking miserable, as if he would die next moment.

"Are they all right?"

Stephanie frowned slightly, very worried about the group of guys in front of her.

She can face the enemy bravely and take the life of the Nazis mercilessly, but now it appears in front of her. . Is a resident of the United States and is still some children.

"It's okay, the gums are bleeding."

Yi Biao's power is very clear to himself. This group of guys looks miserable, but at most a few teeth are lost. The vomiting blood is also because the mouth is broken, and it is not an internal injury at all.

"That's good."

Stephanie's expression relaxed slightly.

Although she has not injected super soldier serum, the future captain is not just a serum. At this time, she has gradually begun to show extraordinary strategic vision and fighting talent. Of course, it is just a seedling, and it needs to be countless. Exercise in the war.

Stephanie seemed to think that Yi Chou just slapped them. . Probably will not fan people.

"Wow, it seems that I missed something."

When a group of people wailed all over the place, Stephanie was slightly worried, and the little guy who was rescued was bored. When the little guy rescued looked dull, there was a sound of heels in the distance, and then accompanied by the voice of Bagir, she 'S figure appeared at the corner of the block.

He also holds two ice cream cones in his hand.

"Don't worry, just right."

Yi Chou bypassed the group of guys on the ground and walked towards Bagir, very naturally reached out to one of the large cones.

But Bagill even reacted.

"This is Stephanie's." She glared at Yi Chou and caught off guard from Yi Chou's paw.

"That's Stephanie's." Yi Xuan pointed to the ice cream in her other hand.

"That's mine!" The heel of Bagir's feet rubbed slightly, looking like he was planning to give Yi Chou a foot or a knee, but in the end he just gave Yi Chou a fierce glance. .

She walked past Yi Huo quickly, walked to Stephanie's side, and handed her the cone.

"let's go."

Bagill said she didn't even have to ask www.wuxiaspot.com to know what Stephanie did.

#See the captain saving the world every day#

The little guy behind him was ignored by her, but it didn’t matter. Anyway, the little bullies who bullied him were overturned by Yi Xiao. He could keep his poor pocket money.

I hope this group of gangsters who have been hollowed out by medical expenses will not intensify in the future.

While taking Stephanie past this group of unlucky eggs, Bargill seemed to intend to give Stephanie out of breath, but looking at their miserable appearance, hesitated a few times, and just found one of them and then ruthlessly .


He curled up and screamed again.

Looking at the part of Bargill's feet, Yi Chou suspected that she was killing chickens and monkeys. She was the monkey himself.

"How did you come back?"

The three returned to the coffee shop, and Yi Biao signaled the waiter to make it up again, while Bargill sat on the same side of the sofa with Stephanie, dissatisfied with the tone, and even disgusted to speak slowly.

At the beginning, she also felt good about Yihou who saw Stephanie to save Stephanie, but when Yihuo licked her face and stayed at Stephanie, this feeling became good.

Then gradually developed into two daily sentences, and then changed to every time you meet.

"I thought you wouldn't come back." Bagir said badly. "For example... It was taken by a foreign corps."

"You little white face..."


Stephanie pushed Bagir aside.

"Okay." Bagill pouted a bit boringly.

Yi Xiao smiled, naturally, he would not be angry because of this little thing. . He decided to have the opportunity to introduce the Winter Soldier to the Wolverine, and then meet with Magneto, and they will definitely have a common language by then.

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