High Magic Earth

Chapter 1451: It is also traditional to put an x ​​in front of the 9-headed snake

"Red skull."

Yi arrogantly looked at Josephine in front of him.

Josephine calmed down again. She took two steps back slightly, distanced herself from Yi Huo, and then stood on the gravel ruins, staring at Yi Huo with death.

The roaring gunfire of the tank has begun to weaken, crying, and the gunfire has gradually stopped, because this originally beautiful town has been almost destroyed by the war.

The ground stopped shaking, and the rest of the war could always give people a strange feeling. In this rare tranquility, Josephine clasped her right hand with long leather gloves slightly, and then gently released it. .

Because it really hurts.

She did not dare to act rashly.

Josephine’s greatest reliance is the extraordinary power, speed, and strength from the serum. She is far beyond the limits of ordinary people. Even at a short distance, she can evade the threat of firearms. Even if she hits her, she may not be able to kill Die her.

So even if Yi Chou came close, she was not afraid of Yi Chou at all.

Only now, Yi Xuan has shown no weaker than her strength, even better than her in defense, which makes Josephine a little uncertain.

She did not allow the soldiers to shoot. The opponent was not weaker than herself. She knew that her serum was strong. At this distance, the firearm might not kill the opponent, but it would definitely anger him completely.

And the best way to interrupt the shooting is to get entangled with yourself. At that time, the soldiers will not dare to shoot again because of scruples.

To do that is to force the other party to start.

Josephine is not sure whether she can defeat her opponent, but putting herself in danger is obviously an extremely stupid way.

She is the leader of the Hydra, not just a soldier who is watching the super soldier's serum, it is a stupid way to fight brute force.

Besides, she has found the hypercube, as long as she knows the secrets inside. .

Thinking of this, Josephine's eyes fell on the small wooden box in Yi's hands, flashing slightly, looking hazy.

On the other hand, Yi Xiao was also looking at this little wooden box.

Of course, there is nothing to see, he is not unfamiliar with the Rubik's Cube, he was not pitted by the imitation Rubik's Cube fragments.

The memory is particularly deep.

In fact, Josephine's little serum is not worth mentioning in Yi Biao's eyes. Serum can directly lift humans to the limit of their potential, but even to the extreme, mortals are still mortals.

It can't even be called extraordinary.

In Yi Biao's eyes, it is still one. . Familiar species, strong ants.

Josephine's fist hit Yi Biao's face, no more than a bite of being bitten by a mosquito. Of course, even if she was hit with that kick.

But for various reasons, Yi Chou did not want to be hit.

Because it always feels weird.

Of course, Yi Chou is not playing with Josephine.

She was supposed to be a Nazi officer who was almost middle-aged and evil, cruel, and arrogant, but now this is not at all in front of Yi Chou.

Not only did she become a woman, she also looked a lot younger, approaching thirty at twenty-nine or ninety, or in her early thirties.

Of course, the characteristics of evil, cruelty, arrogance, and Nazi officers were still preserved.

The serum has greatly prolonged her aging and age, far beyond ordinary people, she can't see middle-aged aging at all, and the whole person is still full of vitality.

Except for her skin.

Because the serum of Dr. Erkins was not perfect at the time, Josephine was injected with unfinished serum. After the injection, the effect should be regarded as the most successful.

But there are still serious side effects.

Her face fell off.

In a real sense, the skin of the face.

Now her face, even the entire head, was just covered with the original skin. This skin was pulled off, and the bright red skull was exposed.

This is also the origin of the title of red skull.

What a woman values ​​most.

It is undoubtedly her appearance, even higher than her youth, body and maintenance, because if there is no appearance, then everything behind is meaningless.

Josephine is the leader of Hydra, but she is also a woman.

She can't ignore her appearance, of course, perhaps not as important as her career, her power, and love for supernatural powers.

Hydra's technological strength is high, so artificial skin technology is also very good.

After all, her original skin just fell off, and she still has reservations. Processing on the basis of the original, it will look more natural.

But even so, flaws still exist.

The processed skin has become more and more imperfect with her face, even shrinking, deforming, and small-scale deviations.

Women's love for their looks has reached the point where one more eyelash can be seen. Of course, this change of red skull can't be unnoticed.

But she has no way. This is a sequelae of serum, which cannot be reversed, and there is no technology to re-grow the skin to her head.

Maybe there will be, but after she rules the world.

After all, there are all kinds of scientists who rule the world. This small problem should still be solved.

So the face of the red skull looks very strange at this time.

It's like wearing a mask. Whether she speaks or makes an expression, she always seems to be slow in the first half of the shot. This is not a visual illusion, but artificial skin is impossible to be the same as the real one.

And her eyes are also extremely scarlet, which is because the skin is often misplaced, so that the color of the scarlet skull under the skin is exposed around the eyes.

This intrepid and terrible exuded, but let her have higher majesty in the Hydra.

Although the Hydra belong to her now, it is just like this fanaticism.

Yi Xiao joked with her cheeks that she had touched Josephine's bottom line. She couldn't bear it anymore, so she was going to mutilate the other party directly to make him suffer.

But when Yi Chou's strength was not weaker than her, Josephine calmed down again.

She is an owl, and she doesn’t mind enduring for a while, because as long as she regains sovereignty, or is completely sure, everything will be recovered.

She is going to skin this nasty guy in front of her.

Calm Josephine made several gestures to her adjutant in the back, and said to Yi Chou at the same time.

"Yes... Hypercube, it's Odin's treasure, something that belongs to the gods, it's beautiful, isn't it."

Yi Xiao has opened the small wooden box, and the lustrous blue luster blooms in an instant, even making Yi Chao's whole person look blue.

The shrine is also shrouded in blue light, and the faint luster dyes the shrine under the night mysteriously, with a moving and mysterious atmosphere.

At the moment when Yi Xiao opened the wooden box, Josephine's hand moved a little, she wanted to order a sneak attack, but she finally endured it.

She was worried that the hypercube was damaged by the other party.

Although not sure if this thing could be damaged, she did not want to take risks.

Yi Xiao looked at the universe cube.

He could feel the majestic energy in it. . It can't even be described as majestic. This ability seems to be completely endless and incalculable, even with his current vision.

But beyond that, Yi Chou won't get more information.

Seriously, the energy system of the Marvel Universe is not the same way as him. He has not studied and studied systematically. He originally planned to visit Kama Taj after those of Jessica settled down. . But obviously Supreme Master is more anxious than Yi Chao.

Of course, the silver tongue is another way of saying that the silver tongue can roughly resolve the secret of the universe cube, but that requires a lot of time and experimentation.

The Universe Rubik's Cube has a beautiful luster, and the faint blue light has a strange rhythm. The majestic energy contained makes Yi Chou feel shocked, but also feels a trace of greed.

Yi Chou is not sure whether the silver tongue can create infinite gems. . But so far, all the stories about creating infinite gems have not been successful.

Cosmic Rubik's Cube is a good thing, but Yi Chou knows its key.

The key to the future.


Re-closing the lid of the wooden box, Yi Xiao raised his head slightly upwards. He looked at the ceiling of the temple, as if he were looking at the humble reliefs and murals, but it seemed that his eyes had no focus at all.

"You only got one thing right."

After a moment, Yi Xuan suddenly spoke to Josephine.

"it is very beautiful."

Josephine's eyes became scarlet.

When she squinted her eyes, the surrounding skin contracted, revealing a part of the scarlet skull color, and her eyes were scary.

As the old opponent of Captain America, he established Hydera’s big ambitions in one hand. In addition to the power brought by cruel arrogance and super soldier serum, Josephine also has the matching wisdom.

There are more cruel idiots, more arrogant idiots, and there are a lot of deformed Hercules in the world, but I have never seen that guy create such a behemoth like Hydera.

She immediately realized two key points in Yi Huo's discourse.

This thing is not called a hypercube, or, he knows hypercube, not from the kind of cognition seen in the legendary epic of ancient books, but a deeper one.

And another point is more important. . Hypercube, or Odin's treasure, is not a **** at all.

Josephine had no way of knowing how Yi Bao knew these things, and she had no evidence, but she decided to believe temporarily because she collected all the information about the hypercube.

"You know this?"

She asked in a low voice.

Yi Xuan did not nod or look at her. Instead, he raised his hand, took out the Universe Rubik's Cube, and raised it in his palm.

The bright blue luster scattered in all directions, just like the first light of God's creation. This beautiful situation intoxicated Josephine, but she soon realized there was an unknown guy here, she had to solve it first In front of this nasty guy.

"It's called the Rubik's Cube. Of course, this is what people call it wrong. Its true identity is an infinite gem, an infinite gem."

"And...this is another piece."

After Yi Biao finished speaking, he took out the eye of Agomomoto with his backhand. The eye of Agomomoto flashed quickly in his hands. The green luster of the gem of time bloomed in an instant, condensed into a ray of light and pierced the whole temple, and then Disappears quickly.

"Another piece."

Josephine's breath was suddenly rapid, thanks to her skin that had come off, otherwise she might flush.

"What is an infinite gem."

She immediately asked.

"The Rubik's Cube is not a god's item."

"Odin put it on the earth...and then for so many years, never managed."

Josephine didn't get the answer to the question, but she didn't interrupt Yi Chou. It's good to ask something. Details can be asked later and caught.

"It was put here, and Odin forgot it, but it still belongs to the gods."

Josephine knew Odin, the **** of the Nordics, but she didn't think it existed, it was just a metaphor.

"Not put."

Yi Xiao suddenly turned his head to face Josephine, and the light enveloped his figure, making Josephine unclear and very vague.

"It's not hidden."

"Instead of giving up."

"give up.."

Josephine repeated slowly.

"Yes, Odin abandoned it. He didn’t put it in his collection and put it in Asgard’s treasure, because he didn’t dare~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he was afraid to bring Asgard Go to trouble and bring disaster."

"I can not understand."

Josephine's eyes grew scarlet.

Reason tells her that the weird man with powerful power is a theologian who is crazy about theology. He is talking nonsense here, and the so-called gods cannot exist.

Hypercube is not a treasure of gods, it is just a technology that humans still can not understand, perhaps aliens left a long time ago.

But instinct and intuition are telling Josephine that what the other person is saying is true.


"Unable to understand, I can understand."

"Because most ants cannot understand the great shore of the universe, the mystery of the world."

Josephine's eyes almost seemed to be on fire. She stared at Yi Chou, and since she created Hydera, how long has no one dared to talk to her like that.


There are people who dare to stand tall in front of themselves.

"You just gave me a suitable reason."

But Josephine still did not rush on the spot, but she had secretly asked her adjutant to call for reinforcements, her main force, so after a while, she said almost coldly.

"Oh, sorry."

Yi Biao seemed to have noticed Josephine's anger and said with no sincerity, "It's not a ants, it's a mortal, and it almost made a great one."

"Great, great."

The last two sentences are said in a very strange tone, which sounds like people want to hit people.

Josephine Scarlet Eye +1.

"Actually, it's easy to understand that the Rubik's Cube is not a treasure of gods, it is a rare gem in the entire universe, beauty. No, the gem is only for the strong. Odin wants to get the Rubik's Cube, which is not enough."

"The people who target it are far more powerful than Odin."

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