High Magic Earth

Chapter 1452: Princess arrived

"Are you right, Loki..."

"..your Highness."

Yi Chou, holding the Universe Rubik's Cube, spoke slowly in a tone as if singing a poem, but unexpectedly, the next moment he suddenly turned his head and ignored Josephine in front of him, but turned around and looked at his head to the other side. Side.

The position on the left of the two.

There was an unlucky soldier there, who happened to be caught by Yi Chou's line of sight, or by the side of the line of sight. Yi Chou looked there like he was looking at him.

The guy was shocked.

Josephine has been following Yi Chou's thoughts, looking for a large amount of literature, history, mythology, or epic stories in the Rubik's Cube. She is no stranger to the name of Rocky.

The **** of mischief in Nordic mythology. . It may also be Vulcan. There are many versions of the myth, and the records are vague. She cannot determine which is true and which is false.

After all, it was written by humans, or it might be all fake, but maybe. . and many more.

What does this guy say?

He called the name of a god, and it was still in the form of asking questions. What does it mean, what does it stand for, and there is a god, is Loki here?

Josephine turned her cold eyes.

The unlucky guy shuddered, and he wasn't yet able to bear the attention of the two big brothers.

Josephine stared at the soldier suspiciously. After all, she only saw him in her line of sight. Combined with Yi Huo's words, if Yi Huo was telling the truth, then this soldier was changed by Loki, a **** changed?

Wait, what should be concerned now is that the gods actually exist.

Josephine thought about it.

The next moment, the air next to the unlucky egg suddenly showed a twist and surge.

The blue luster of the Universe Rubik's Cube bloomed throughout the temple, dyeing everything inside blue, but the appearance of this twist cut off this luster, only the shadow of the twist was not enveloped by azure blue, There is nothing.

This distortion presents a vague human figure.

Immediately afterwards, the unlucky soldier widened his eyes and watched his side walk out of a tall, tall person who exuded awe-inspiring breath.


"Da da da."

The flat shoes just made her feel like wearing high heels. Yi Xiao narrowed her eyes and looked at Loki. Before he hurried back to Thor, he didn't communicate with Loki carefully.

And Loki came down with a very simple illusion, which can only distinguish her identity and communicate, and it looks very real. If you look closely, you will find that it is actually very vague and you can't see anything.

Loki is a typical mage. She can actually fight twice, but it is based on the natural advantages and talents brought by the blood of the Frost Giant. It is much stronger than the ordinary people, but it is also limited.

And in any case, she exists in the name of God.

The dc world has a clear classification of new gods and old gods, etc. The Marvel world is relatively vague. Although it is uncertain how Asgard determines their priesthood, Odin, Thor, Loki, and ordinary Asgar Germans are different.

The difference is like Kryptonians and Earthlings.

Although he doesn't know his life history yet, as an arrogant and elegant existence, Loki obviously disdains to use his advantages to fight against the barbarians of other indigenous peoples in the Nine Realms.

The magic path she has been taking is also more talented in this regard.

A kind of leather boots made of unknown leather, with a golden luster, firmly attached to her feet and calves, the cuffs folded slightly from under the knees, the front of the leather boots outlined a complex pattern, easy to clamor Can feel that there is a certain magic on it, and this cortex itself seems to have some magic.

The dress style of gold and dark green is actually her usual tone. Even if it is normal logic, it is also a gold-green master's clothing.

The difference is that her green cloak is no longer behind her, but a kind of pure white beast fur, which seems to be wrapped around her like fur, hanging long on the ground.

Make her look like an elegant lady.

There are also two horns on her head. . In other words, the exaggerated helmet is not the same as the original half-face helmet. Now the helmet is only attached to her forehead. It seems to be fixed by magic and will not fall.

But the same remains the two horns that can poke the dead, with a hook, protruding from the forehead and turning to the top of the head.

Like two horns.

Her long black hair was scattered casually on her shoulders. Her long hair was not pliable, as if it had been soaked in water, as if strands of small strands had condensed, but with a certain kind of charm.

And there is a kind of golden pendant mixed in the long hair. There are many ornaments. It seems that each gold coin is entangled in the lowest point of her hair, embellished with pure white fur and dark green wizard robe. . Like the night sky and the stars.

Naturally, her appearance needless to say, even if it is a male version, her appearance is one of the best, and she may even be mistaken for a woman, and now. . Very good, no need to misunderstand.

These are not the most important. The most important thing is that she is tall and slender. Although it may not be comparable to the barbarian of Thor Thor, it is definitely not a small scorpion.

Although her figure is long and slender, she is very magnificent somewhere, very, very, magnificent. .

You know, Yi Biao has not always paid much attention to these things, but at the first sight of her, it is difficult not to pay attention to this.

This is really not easy.

The noble spirit, divinity, and some unspeakable temperament intertwined, so that Josephine, who had the same pupil suddenly contracted, could not speak.

unfortunately. . The next moment, after she opened her mouth, all this was destroyed.

"Mortal, your little toy has pierced my eyes."

She said Yi Yi with her chin.

Josephine: . .

Very good, this is a god.

This high tone seemed to let Josephine see herself. She usually treated her subordinates in the same way. After all, for these subordinates, wasn't she also a god.

There is nothing wrong with gods defying humans.

But Josephine's heart burst into inexplicable anger and humiliation.

Yi Chou was very obedient. He silently closed the lid of the small box of the Universe Rubik's Cube, and put away the Rubik's Cube. In an instant, the blue luster covering the whole temple disappeared. At this time, the war had stopped, and the surroundings were exceptionally quiet. . It's as if this temple is isolated from the world.

Loki was satisfied, but before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw Yi Chou suddenly open the lid of the small wooden box.


The luster of the Universe Rubik's Cube reappeared in an instant, but because Yi Chou only opened a small mouth, the light did not envelope the entire temple, but only rayed out one of them.

This ray of angle. . It was aimed at Loki, or to her face, her eyes.

Rocky: . .

As an illusion, nature cannot be hurt, pain, and visual interference do not exist, but the Rubik's Cube is obviously different. This is a space gem, which contains huge space energy, even if it is separated by the entire Nine Realms, as far away as As Gadloki could also feel the ray of light touching his illusion, as if squinting directly at his eyes.

Instinctively, she closed her eyes.


But at the same time, Yi Chou also closed the lid again.

The light disappeared, and Loki looked at Yi Chou immediately and fiercely.

Then the lid was opened, "Bum-"

Close, "click." Open, close, open, close, open. .


Accompanied by an angry soprano, Loki's illusion suddenly disappeared and appeared directly behind Yi Biao. She originally wanted to have a kidney blow, but unfortunately it was just an illusion and nothing could be done.

While Yi Xiao was still having a good time there, he noticed that Loki was close to himself, and he also slightly opened the lid of the wooden box.

"I said enough!"

Loki blocked his eyes with his arms and snarled angrily at Yi Chou.

Angry Rocky simply wanted to tear the nasty mage in front of him into pieces, and then take the firewood as the eternal fire. If not, there are many doubts. . She has long shook her hands and left!

Of course, there is another point, that is, this mage may not be so easy to deal with casually.

At the next moment, Yi Xuan finally closed the lid of the wooden box, and then spoke slowly with his back to Loki in an unhurried tone.

"Oh... sorry, I didn't expect the gods to be blind."

"Enough! You clearly know what that is..."

Loki swallowed back the last half of the speech, and her slender neck moved slightly, because she saw Yi Xiao put her hand back on the lid of the universe's cube.

Universe cube. .

She had heard of it, and the father once had this, but it seemed to be left in Midgart because it was so powerful that it was too strong to control, but now. . It seems that there is something hidden in it.

There is nothing more exciting than knowing a secret. She can't wait to know it all.

but. . The wizard in front of him is a trouble.

Loki stared at the Midgart wizard in front of her eyes, and had to admit that this guy was more powerful than the other ants, but the ants were still ants, even if they were a strong one, they always thought of it. The way to deal with him may be that it takes more time. . probably. . ?

Rocky pulled his little abacus in his heart.

In fact, she knew that the guy in front of her was not as simple as it seemed, and that the proud Loki could recognize this unless it hurt her. . Or maybe he was warned by his parents.

Just as Yi Chou guessed, Odin could not turn a blind eye to an uncontrollable and powerful wizard suddenly appearing in the atrium.

It is not surprising that a wizard appears. The atrium has its own magical power. The existence of Karma Taj has a long history, and it is not uncommon to master the existence of all kinds of magic.

But the key problem is that it is so powerful that even Odin is not sure to win the opponent.

Heimdall reported it to Odin as soon as he discovered Yi Huo, and Heimdall is still following Yi Huo all the time.

Of course, Yi Biao will not like transparent surveillance 24 hours a day, no one will like it, and Heimdall who has received the order not to cause trouble to Odin will not do such a stupid thing, he just occasionally glances.

However, when Yi Biao did something out of the ordinary, he could feel it for the first time. For example, when Yi Biao just raised the universe cube, he immediately felt Heimdall's sight.

Including now too.

This feeling of observing the Nine Realms is actually similar to human sight. Humans have a wide viewing distance, and they can put many things into their field of vision, but the human brain cannot process all the things they have seen at the same time. . Only the focus point can be prioritized.

But if something nearby explodes suddenly, attention will definitely be diverted in the first place, and Heimdall is similar.

Yi Heo lifted the Universe Rubik's Cube, even when he approached the Universe Rubik's Cube, in Heimdall's eyes, as if he jumped and gave him a punch.

He is watching here.

But he didn't seem to see Loki. . The magic level of the second princess is still very good with two brushes.

And Rocky knew that the guy in front of him wasn't easy to mess with because of Odin.

Odin, as the **** king, has fought for many years, and may not be a strong character in the universe, but in the Nine Realms, it is definitely a first-class one.

A mysterious wizard suddenly appeared, and Odin was completely true, because he was not fighting alone, and behind him stood the entire Asgard, standing Thor, Loki, and Valkyrie warriors.

But one thing is very important. . He is old, and the gods are approaching at dusk.

After hesitating again and again, Odin decided not to provoke an inexplicable enemy before dusk. After dawn, the dawn will eventually come, and Asgard will be glorious again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when the entire Causeway Bay will be. . Ah no, Jiujie is still theirs.

Although it doesn't mean that, it's almost the same.

But Odin did not completely ignore Yi Chou. He asked Heimdall to look here instead of his own eyes. Once Yi Chou was found to be related to the goddess of death, Dudin, then Odin struggled with his old fate, and he also wanted Yi Chou This unstable factor is completely eliminated.

The dusk of the gods is a fixed number, there is no need for a variable.

Simply arrogant now seems to have done nothing out of the ordinary, the universe cube is very important. . But it is not as important as the gods at dusk.

Of course, it is impossible to tell all of your two daughters about these things, but Odin also said a lot, generally speaking, you don’t want to mess with me, I tell you something like that. .

Timmel was very confused, she was full of war, and after receiving the order that Odin should not randomly invite the other party, she turned around with a rare brain, thinking that it should be because the other party's strength is not weak, so she first, The biggest idea is to fight hard, but she will not cross the Rainbow Bridge against Odin's order.

Rocky. . It's hard to say.

Odin knew that Rocky would definitely not obey his orders, or completely obey, but he could not directly lock up Rocky, and things did not reach this level.

Fortunately, Rocky is a smart person, she is too smart, so she won't do stupid things.

Odin knew nothing wrong with his two daughters, and Timmeld quickly forgot about this matter, sipping wine and eating meat, wrestling with his siblings for exercise every day, and looking forward to the next battle.

And Rocky was not surprised. Not long after bidding farewell to Odin, he could not restrain his curiosity that had burst into the air. From a gap in Asgard’s defensive circle, he did not pass the Rainbow Bridge and sent one Doppelganger. . Sneak into Midgart.

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