High Magic Earth

Chapter 1457: See the title again

The smile was still on Yi Chou's face.

There was no stiffness and no falseness of formatting. It seems that this smile is really from the heart, and it is no different from the normal human look.

"Oh, Josephine."

Yi Xiao left his head, "You still don't believe all this, but it's okay, I forgive your ignorance."

Josephine looked indifferent, she always felt that this day was a bit too fantasy.

She has been searching for the whereabouts of the Rubik’s Cube for a long time. It’s not the first time that the Norwegian order has been patronized by Hydera, but Hydera is a research department. She has no intelligence in her hand, and the German army It was really unpopular on the European battlefield at this time.

After several attempts, all failed.

But all the clues point there, and Josephine also has a feeling that this order will change his entire life and the whole world.

She decided to go in person.

And when he found the Rubik's Cube, Josephine felt as if he had seen the truth of the world. . It is a pity that the so-called truth did not last long, and the situation turned sharply.

Josephine thought about many possible accidents, such as interference by Allied forces, interference by spies, and even undercover where the heads had been installed in Hydera. After seeing the universe cube, he decided to grab it.

But she never thought that this so-called Odin's Kui Bao would actually attract the peep of the gods.

Loki, the Nordic **** of mischief, and the legendary wizard.

There really is another power in this world, the unknown supernatural power.

The Hydera created by Josephine was not related to the Hydra. She was born in the Nazis, but she was not an orthodox Hydra person.

Hydera's thought was that Josephine intercepted part of the purpose of Hydra, in order to enable her to better gather people's hearts and better brainwash her subordinates.

She is the same fanatic, the same enthusiasm, and the same as the fan, but the difference is that the head of state is very clear that most of what she said is false, just to gather people's hearts.

but she. . But firmly believe that there is really supernatural power.

Josephine’s Hydera department claimed to be Hydra, but at the beginning of its establishment, it had nothing to do with the Hydra. Until the Red Skull was defeated by Captain America, Hydera was decomposed and eroded by the Scientific Strategy Group. The snake saw a wonderful opportunity.

They cannibalized Hydera, turned it into a real Hydra, then lurked in the scientific strategy group, and restarted the Red House plan and the Winter Soldier plan. Within a few years, they had been hidden in the shadows. The Hydra swelled into a behemoth.

Then they began to sleep for seventy years.

It’s not wrong that Captain America’s lifelong enemy is Hydra, except that the Hydra led by the Red Skull is not orthodox but more aggressive. The Hydra that appeared later is a behemoth lurking in the shadows. Although there is no action at all, but it is waiting for a fatal opportunity.

For example, insight plan.

Of course, the so-called insight plan is still too simple. Although this desperate madness is more intelligent and planned than Josephine, it is also crazy.

It is also the oss style that Yi Huo least likes.

Unsuccessful, he died.

And they still failed.

Even if it is successful, the insight plan may not be as powerful as the Hydra imagined, and it can really create a peaceful world without threats and dangers.

But this is not to blame them. Just like Josephine, Hydra, although it is a behemoth on earth, is still limited by the limitations of this world.

They see too little, not much.

Now Hydera has not formally contacted Hydra, at this time Hydra is also looking for supernatural existence, but they are very purposeful.


In order to bring back the honeycomb of the strange leader on another planet.

Like the mutants, the aliens are the creations of the higher-tech aliens left on the earth, war weapons, and the hive as the leader of the aliens, just like the queen bees and queens, is the entire aliens. Genetic control can distribute and control the entire ethnic group.

Controlling the aliens by controlling the hive, and then controlling the entire world, is indeed feasible in a sense, but. . They still overestimated the power of the aliens.

In other words, the water depth on the earth is underestimated.

Fortunately, there are no mutants in this world, otherwise the Hydra will be reduced to the third-rate organization.

Of course, there must be mutants in the comics world, not only mutants, but also Hydra, and there, Hydra's strength has more than doubled, even Dr. Zola, even ordinary people In the state of the world, they are all world-class first-class combatants.

That is the truly terrible world.

Without contact with Hydra, Josephine would not be exposed to the presence of aliens. At this time, the first supernatural power she was in contact with was the Cube of the Universe.

Well, since Yi Biao kept saying that her vision was narrow, then she. ⊥ Wait and see.

. . .


"Who are you!"

Not everyone in Dolce's office dared to break in, even the guards at Hydera's base, but fortunately Dr. Zola could order them.

There was no stopping at all. At the same time footsteps appeared at the door, the door was kicked severely.

The soldiers rushed in, and Dr. Zola followed her breathlessly.

Just as the head of state flickered out of a huge army, Josephine also formed Hydera with a fanatical speech and his own charm.

Even after the support sent by the head of state, after several passionate speeches and flickers by Josephine, most of them showed loyalty to her.

Although this group of guys in Hydera were not brainwashed, they also felt like fanatics, between brainwashing and normal.

The captain guarding Apricot sank slightly when he saw Josephine, if it was Dr. Zola who wanted to seize power. . Then he is obviously dead.

But then he saw Yi Chou and Athena standing next to him. The atmosphere seemed strange, and he immediately realized that Dr. Zola did not lie to himself.

My heart also dropped.

He first responded to Josephine, then shouted at Yi Chou.

No matter what the situation is now, but after all the guns are aimed at the guy in front of them, they will definitely fight for their superiors but have a greater advantage.

"Call, call."

It was really not easy for Dr. Zola to keep up with the lightly strengthened soldiers. He ran all the way and almost didn't blow up his lungs. He leaned on his legs and gasped.

Finally, he gasped, and he raised his head tremblingly, "... Schmidt, Your Excellency," he said.

Josephine was still indifferent, nodded slightly at the people below, and then moved a few steps to the side. Without much hesitation, "Kill them."

She gave orders to the soldiers below.

And the goal is Yi Chou.


The next moment, a fierce gunshot suddenly sounded.

Although he didn't understand why these two guys stood with the sir, it was more like the relationship between the guests than the hostility, but his sir did not hesitate to issue the attack order.

But their responsibility is to obey orders.

So at the moment Josephine ordered, they attacked without any doubt.

The bullets tore the air in an instant, dense, like a storm, sweeping toward Yi Chou.

At this time, Josephine had not yet used the energy of the Universe Cube to manufacture energy weapons, so the Hydera soldiers were equipped with conventional weapons, but they were more advanced than other armies. Even beyond this era, there is no such thing as the Universe Cube. Black technology-like, too much.

Not even Howard Stark can crack it.

unfortunately. ∮Playing these things is really boring in the eyes of Yi Chou.

The black lightning flashed through Yi Biao's eyes, and the entire world around him suddenly slowed down, as if the time was stopped.

Yi Xiao can clearly see the movement of each bullet, their movement, inertia, and even the vortex shape of the blocking cyclone brought by the air behind.

The sweat beads were slowly rolling off with Dr. Zola's forehead. The scarlet skin exposed around Josephine's eyes was particularly obvious. Yi Chou definitely had time to treat her. . Otherwise, under the enhancement of high-latitude energy, this strange look will be magnified by hundreds of thousands.

Yi Xiao still needs her to stay with ordinary people. It looks too strange, but it can't be integrated.

After looking around, Yi Chou was quite bored.

False God Speed ​​Force has been acquired for a long time. From the beginning, the experience of False God Speed ​​Force is very new, and there is no feeling until now.

He turned his head slightly towards Athena, beckoning her to make a quick decision.

At the next moment, Athena suddenly moved.

Her movements were also very slow, as if the surrounding air had turned into liquid, and she was walking under the deep sea full of water and pressure.

Bowing, the scimitar in the waist touched her, and it fell into her palm.

Every step is very slow, and every step is slow and easy to see. She can see her foothold, but even so, she is also the only thing that can move in this world where time seems to stop.

The sense of drop caused by this extreme movement and silence is far more shocking than just seeing a flash of light passing by.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The flying scimitar shreds the bullets, Athena's speed seems very slow, every foot on the ground is very strenuous, but even so, it is faster than the speed of these bullets.

These bullets seemed to be solidified in the air, as if for a few seconds, they would move forward a little distance.

And this time is enough for Athena to cut most of the warheads.

Soon, Athena shot down most of the warheads stuck in mid-air, but more warheads had already passed her and gradually came to Yi Chou.

The combat qualities of these Hydra guards are also very good. The trajectory almost blocks all the directions that Yi Chou can avoid from the front, back, left, and right.

Athena didn't care about these bullets getting closer and closer, but passed over them and rushed towards the soldiers behind.

The golden scimitar crossed the dazzling bribes in the air and slashed their helmets.


Yi Xuan showed a disgusted expression. He believed that Athena's scimitar could easily shred all the defenses. . But this may seem too disgusting.

"Don't kill people."

Amidst a stagnation, Yi Chou's voice was extremely clear, and it was transmitted extremely coherently.

Athena apparently heard it, because her scimitar immediately changed from chopping to impact, from a sharp blade to a mellow blade, and hit the neck of this group of unlucky eggs fiercely.

Of course, if someone is broken his neck, he can only admit that he is out of luck.

In the rear, the bullet had flown to Yi Biao's front, but Yi Biao did not evade, but reached out gently and used his finger to be in the air in front of the bullet.

Invisible ripples emerged, turned into all warheads, and then dissipated again.

The black lightning flashed through Yi Chou's eyes again.

"Dangdang Dangdang!"

At the next moment, the sound of falling like a raindrop appeared on the table in front of Yi Chou. The surrounding situation seemed to come back to life again, and at this time, the gunshots had completely ended~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because all The guard of Hydera had fallen to the ground.

Josephine's pupils shrank slightly, because she didn't see clearly, or did not see at all, when did the woman who had been following Yi Chou move.

It seemed that at the same time she ordered it, the guy came directly behind Yihou from behind.

And who made this Hydra soldier who fainted all over the place was already clear at a glance.

Even if Josephine didn't see it clearly, Dr. Zola would not even mention it. It seemed that when he was sweating, a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

He instinctively asked the soldiers to protect himself, but the next moment, he saw that there were no more people standing around.

Except him and each other.

Athena looked at Dr. Zola from a condescending position. The height of Athena was not too high. The height of more than one meter and seven was only normal in women. However, for the gnome, it seemed like a mountain. There is pressure.

Dr. Zola swallowed and lowered her head without daring to say a word.

"Forgot to introduce."

Yi Chou was indifferent to the look, but it was still difficult to conceal the surprise in the eyes of Josephine, who snapped her fingers.

"That's another of my subordinates. My current best assistant, um... is also half of my daughter. Her name is Athena."

"It's the one you know well, another god."

"As for me, you can call me, Angomaka."

Josephine turned her eyes, her lips closed tightly, and it seemed that even the last bit of blood had faded. She squinted at Yi Chou, but she didn't know what to say.

"Want one, chocolate."

Yi Xiao reached out again and gently picked up a black candy from the table.

"It tastes good."

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