High Magic Earth

Chapter 1458: Willy Wonka Willy Wonka


Josephine was slightly numb and sluggish following the clues, and turned her eyes away. There was a pile of chocolate on the table, which was round and round, like black pearls... where did it come from.

Cocoa beans have a long history, but the chocolate bar was born in World War I, and was distributed to soldiers at that time as wartime supplies.

Now that it is World War II, Josephine is naturally no stranger.

But this is my own office, desk, where the chocolate comes from.

Josephine stared at the chocolate ball in Yi Chou's hand. The candy was very close to her. She was almost stuffed into her mouth. The chocolate looked round and black... bullet.

Some kind of enlightenment suddenly appeared in her heart.


Yi Xiao also seemed to see through her thoughts, and still kept smiling. In fact, since he came here, the smile on his face has not diminished from beginning to end. I can see that he is in a very good mood now. Not bad.

For the right assistant who is about to collect again, the red skull.

The Red Skull, as Captain America's enemy, is not much of a drama. Most of the plot is concentrated only seventy years ago.

In the end of World War I, the red skull with a big villain style grabbed the universe cube freehand, and then took himself away with a wave of death. I don't know if it was missing or completely dead.

But according to the style of Marvel World, the red skull is likely to return again, whether as a protagonist or supporting role.

In other words, the role of the Red Skull is still very heavy, even if he will disappear after the war, but if Yi Chou abducted her in advance, even if he keeps Captain America asleep, it may still destroy the entire timeline.

The plot of the comics world is okay to say, at least there are traces to follow, but the movie world... does not directly indicate whether the red skull is dead or whether it can return in the future.

In fact, if there is no established future as a reference, the correctness and completeness of the so-called timeline will be meaningless. It is precisely because of knowing the established future that Yi Chou will try his best to maintain everything and maintain the original appearance to obtain the prophecy. The advantages.

Therefore, when Yi Chou is uncertain about the future trend, there is no need to continue to maintain the correctness of the timeline, because there is no correct timeline at all.

Without the advantages of prophecy, Yi Chou does not need to care whether he has disrupted anything. On the contrary, by forcibly reversing the future of the red skull, he will control a certain trend in his own hands, and he can make up for the lost prophecy.

Since it is impossible to determine what the future of the Red Skull will be, Yi Chou has nothing to worry about at this time. He didn't know what the Red Skull will be in the future. It doesn't matter whether it is worse or better.

But... the red skull in the movie looks a little weak, really weak.

Although the new type of weapon was developed using the energy of the universe cube, at least half of the credit is due to Dr. Zola, and this is probably the only achievement.

Later, in addition to being able to rely on the Super Soldier Serum and Captain America’s wrist on the heads-up, the big strategic direction was almost retreating.

No wonder Dr. Zola.

The red skull in the movie itself is the position of the researcher. Hydera is also a research and development department of new weapons. In fact, it only knows a little about the war, and can gain an advantage in the early days, all with the new weapons in its hands.

Regardless of whether it is an Allied soldier or a tank, any shot by a Hydra soldier is basically scrapped.

Not to mention that Hydera is also equipped with tanks and anti-aircraft guns for new energy weapons. The suppression of technology level is very obvious.

Unfortunately, they soon encountered Captain America, and their excellent individual combat capabilities gave Hydera's new weapons no room to play.

Captain America’s dazzling operations were unfavorable in small-scale conflicts. Soldiers could not effectively counterattack. Even if the rifle hit his opponent, Captain America still had a shield to protect his signature skills.

Not to mention the tank, it is completely impossible to treat Captain America, a human-sized target, and you can’t use anti-aircraft guns to deal with him.

And Captain America still implemented a beheading battle plan, rushed into it with a small group of elites, and destroyed the entire base, and the follow-up troops were on a large scale.

Hydera’s combat literacy can only be average, so it’s easy for Captain America to break through, and then destroy one after another stronghold.

In fact, if it is replaced by those elite personnel equipped with Hydera’s new weapons, it is indeed a question whether Captain America can be so powerful.

"A vision, a vision."

Yi Chou shook his head.

"It's too narrow."

"But don't blame you, after all you are just an indigenous."


She didn't know why she suddenly looked at Yi Chang, who shook her head suddenly. She didn't know what the other side was doing. Indigenous... Are you talking about yourself? Although I don't understand the reason, this word sounds really annoying. what.

Hydera's failure was unexpected but reasonable.

The Hydera department and the Hydra in the comics are obviously not so weak, but again, it is not easy for Yi Chou to get involved.

The comic version of the Marvel World story line is very confusing, and a red skull is moved. It does not need seventy years at all. I am afraid that a series of chaos will be triggered in an instant.

But in any case, this guy is also the highest boss of Hydera, and is also the strongest supporting actor, or one of the protagonists, which Yi Yi currently has, but is a negative character.

Although this film is biased towards scientific research, it is also very simple. Josephine IQ is online. Although the vision is lower, whether it is wrist or heart, it is still a kind of fierce, it is easy to re-cultivate and reverse .

And as Yi Chao said, although the Marvel Universe does not really have an infinite number of parallel worlds, they are also numerous.

There will always be success.

The existence of a parallel world is also one of the important factors of Yishou Chuangshen's plan. Otherwise, when there are three or five people in a world, when will there be enough numbers?

Yi Xiao's face showed a smile again, with more human emotions in it than ever, and that was...greed.

But it made Josephine feel some kind of creepy.

Her eyes were scarlet, and she wanted to frown, but her skin, which had already fallen from her skull, could not do this at all, and she could only continue to stare at Yi Chou with a blank expression.

"You guessed it."

Yi Chou pinched the chocolate at his fingertips, and as soon as his wrist turned, the chocolate was held in the palm of his hand. The next moment, when he reopened his palm, the chocolate had disappeared.

Instead, it was a crow, flapping its wings flapping, landing on Josephine's shoulder.


It grabbed Josephine's badge with small claws.

"The magician... Naturally, there are tricks with two hands, they are all bullets, but they are really edible, even if they are eaten in the stomach."

"And it's Willy Wonka, it's delicious, you should try it."

Yi Chou said to Josephine.

"So, do you still need me to be a frog prince?"

"If it were you, I would love to see it."

Josephine's tone was indifferent, but she was no longer stiff and cold.

It was not that she had surrendered, but that she was forced to express cooperation by the pressure of Yi Chou.

Yi Huo shrugged.

"So, what is your choice now."

"What do you think."

Josephine glanced at the faint soldier and Athena, who was interested in reading while holding Dr. Zola's experimental materials.


She said...

Between silence, Hydera completed a handover of power, in fact, it was much smoother than Yi Chou had expected.

Hydera is Josephine's words. She only needs one sentence. From now on, his orders will be equivalent to my orders. Those fanatic Hydera soldiers will carry out without hesitation.

The only thing that might be sensible is Dr. Zola.

This Dr. Zola may not have the physique of an athlete or the evil thoughts of his brain, but he is greedy for life and fears death, and in a sense, it is even better controlled.

In fact, the supreme leader on the surface is still not Yi Chou. It is Josephine who is on the bright side. If Josephine suddenly let Yi Chou control the entire Hydera, there might still be a lot of chaos.

Although Yi Chao can use magic to turn the thoughts of those unreliable guys one by one, it is too much trouble, and the situation is very good now.

Enough to use easily.

Because even Josephine did not show surrender wholeheartedly, it was just that Yi Chou showed far greater strength than her at this time.

As a villain, Josephine is obviously not the kind of person who will be loyal and loyal. When Yi is strong, she will choose cooperation and surrender for a short time, but Yi is exposed to weakness, and when she has the opportunity, she is absolutely Will not be honest, even counterattack on the spot.

"So, she is really that important."

Late at night, Yi Chou still remained in this branch base in Hydera.

The Cube of the Universe was brought back, and Yi Biao successfully made a threat to Josephine by force, but what he planned to change was that seventy years later, in the final battle with Captain America, Josephine contacted the Cube of the Universe and disappeared unexpectedly. after that.

Prior to this, Yi Chou did not intend to change too much, and would even choose to ensure the accuracy of the timeline.

So Yi Xiao decisively threw back the cube of the universe, and Dr. Zola immediately started researching as a treasure, and worked with Josephine on the development of new energy weapons.

Yi Chou did not choose to leave immediately.

Josephine is still very important, even not less important than Stephanie. There are many things that need to be arranged in Hydera one by one.

Athena naturally did not return to Neverland.

There is one more person in the big library, which should have been a little popular, but Athena doesn't seem to like Lorna, and has spent a lot less time in the library recently.

"I'm not clear."

Athena said.

"There are a lot of cannon fodder, and even if you are not looking for it in this world, there are many other worlds. Why are you always attached to this."

As the **** Athena, the starting point is higher than everyone else. As a arrogant confidant and right and left hand, she also understands the essence of the plan to create God.

The God of Creation plan will bring a qualitative leap to people, but it will also cause people to mutate. Like those unnamed creatures close together, collecting these supporting characters is the reason why high latitude energy is more easily received by these people.

As for why it has nothing to do with strength, whether it is an important or a secondary role, the factors in it are still unclear.

The number of characters in each world is certainly limited, but there will always be more in a few more worlds. There is no need to concentrate on here, even if the number of these characters is very small.

Yi Xao turned his back to Athena, and there was no sound for a while. He didn't say until his fingertips turned over again.

"Do you remember that sentence?"

"Which sentence?"

"I think it is very correct."

"What!" Athena was a little crazy.

"How to defeat a huge empire."

Yi Xiaoduan sat on a chair, turning an ancient book in his hand, reading the title, like a story book, and he answered without looking up.

"If an empire is overthrown by the enemy, then it will rise again and become even stronger."

"But if it disintegrates from within."

"That would be...forever."

Athena was silent.

With a long life span, seeing the rise and fall of Athena in countless empires, in fact, I have a deeper understanding of this sentence than Yi Chou.

The Sokovia Intelligence Agency, the secret assassination organization, the head of the Red Scorpion department, Colonel Helmut Moser, used to split the entire Avengers directly in this way.

For his revenge.

Seventy years later, the Hydra is lurking inside the SHIELD. The situation is somewhat similar, but not exactly the same. It is certainly no problem to run it a little bit.

The Hydra's desperation is really too risky. UU reads www.uukanshu.com and is too stupid.

If they are involved, things will really become very different.

As Yi Chou said, the external enemies are often not so terrible. When the dilemma comes, even the dying people will explode with greater power.

Only the enemies hiding inside are desperate.

"Aegis Bureau?"

Athena frowned, still a little puzzled, because it was not just SHIELD's words that it was not worth paying attention to.

But this time, Yi Xuan did not continue to answer, but turned the page of a thin storybook with his fingertips again, and said softly without lifting his head.

"Late at night, you should go to bed."

"Gods don't need to rest."

Athena pretended to go back as if she didn't understand.

"I need to think alone."

Unfortunately, Yi Chou didn't know how to euphemism.

"OK then."

Athena can't continue to ignore the arrogance, she can only shrug helplessly, turned around rather unwillingly, and even the sub-base of Hydera has enough space and strategic resources in it.

And the ghost knows how many such strongholds they have.

"You can enjoy your long night alone..." Athena turned her back to Yi Chou, and came along with her voice, "...Father."

"Don't call me father."

Still reading Yihuo in a calm and low voice, he replied, "That sounds weird and makes me feel at least a thousand years old."

"But you will always live that long, don't you."

Athena's voice passed on again, but the person was gone.

At the same time, Yi Xiao's movement to turn the book slowly stopped and said to himself.

"At least not now."

"...It is far from that simple."

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