High Magic Earth

Chapter 1460: The title is as long as possible

"Your Majesty."

Above the platform, Tyrion leaned over his already short body and hung his head, which made him look more like a tiny black spot.

"Get up, my king's hand."

"My honor, Her Majesty."

Tyrion got up from half-kneeling, slowly stepped back and raised his head.

"What do you want from me."

On the throne above the platform, there was a little floating voice of Daenerys.

The breeze blew Tyrion's hair, and the dense brown hair was entangled, like a male... a dwarf lion.

Here is the high platform, the sky above it, the top of the King's Landing, and the highest place in Westeros. It gathers all the magnificent wonders created by the efforts of all the blacksmiths, stonemen, and carpenters in the whole Kingland and several other nearby cities.

Junlin ushered in its new queen, or the entire Westeros continent, ushered in its new owner, Queen of Dragons Daenerys.

Yi Xiao helped her calm down the King's Landing. Similarly, several other nearby cities that were also threatened by vampires and werewolves also surrendered under Daenerys' dragon wings.

But there must be unyielding.

For example, far away from the King’s Landing, Dorn, a huge peninsula at the southernmost point in the depths, and the mainland Essos, which does not belong to Westeros and is on the other side of the strait.

The people above must not be so easily subject to Daenerys.

Dorn is better, at least superficially obeying, without public opposition, and the Essos continent has never been threatened by vampire werewolves, nor has the alien invasion, so the slave owners would not change who the master of the western barbarian changed, No matter who they are, they don't leave.

But in any case, after Daenerys showed a terrible, even contrary to the common sense of the world, and visited all the cities and families that opposed her at a rate of one night, at least the entire West On the Luo mainland, there is no longer any city-state that dares to oppose her.

At least on the bright side.

Among them, Junlin is the most supportive of Daenerys.

The spread of vampires and werewolves almost turned the entire Junlin into a huge flesh mill. Not only Cersei and the aristocracy are the primary targets and playthings of the werewolves. The excellent blood bank resources that the vampires target, almost all the civilians except for the total destruction. And even more humble slaves are treated equally.

Treat all people equally as food and developable descendants.

The entire population of Junlin does not exist. The number of Daenerys did not even exceed one thousand when they took over. Fortunately, some small towns and villages were also affected. When they heard that Junlin was regained, they simply moved their family.

Fortunately, whether it is to clean up the clogged flesh and blood of the sewers or to vacate large houses, it is urgent to include a large number of new populations.

So these mud legs suddenly became Wang Duren.

After all, Westeros is a backward Middle Ages, even if the magic is recovering, it is slow and pitiful, and the spread of the news is still slow and maddening.

A little further away, let alone those civilians, even the nobility, only heard that King’s Land was recaptured by the dragon queen Daenerys, and she could be turned into nine brave dragons, destroying and burning everything.

But who knows whether it is true or not.

More nobles take this as a joke and listen to it.

Until Daenerys visited them overnight.

The King’s Landing is different. The King’s Land, including the surrounding towns, have had their own experiences with vampires, werewolves, and even more terrifying magical battles.

They know the truth of these things, the ghosts, the magic, and the more terrible existence.

And Daenerys flew around every day, without concealing her existence, almost all Junlin people could see her huge and gritty body.

Magic dragon.

This is her new title, free from the storm birth, non-burners, mother of dragons, Queen Mi Lin, people who break shackles, pea shooters and so on, only one left.

Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of Dragons.

But after hearing of the news, Daenerys was not so happy. She preferred to add an epic after the long list of titles, rather than just this one.

In any case, in the circle of outward diffusion centered on the King's Landing, Daenerys' reign is deeply entrenched.

She is not a tyrant, nor a greedy king. Although people initially feared her gritty appearance, they couldn't stand Daenerys. The human appearance was very good.

People are all visual animals, as well as in the backward Middle Ages.

With the passage of time, people found that Daenerys was not as brutal as they had imagined, so the fear began to gradually transform into worship and respect.

It is a good thing for the king to have great strength, because who knows if the monster like the previous one will appear again.

With the departure of Yi Chou, it seems that the whole world of the song of ice and fire has calmed down again, and it has begun to slowly run again, evolving a normal magical medieval process.

Although the whole plot has been disrupted and even cut off, the result seems to be good. Since the result is no problem then everything should be as if it had not happened.

But unfortunately, the whole world has become different after all.

Under the bush of thorns created by the Sleeping Curse, the aliens seem to be moving back and forth, and the gradually recovering magic has also attracted more and more magical creatures. The fierce nine dragons soar over the Westeros. Although the disaster from the northern border was stopped, the winter's breath is still spreading.

Freeze everything.

In fact, not only has the entire Westeros continent changed, but Daenerys itself has also undergone a very big transformation.

This is inevitable, after all, she has changed from human to some indescribable high-latitude creature.

The leaps and bounds of strength have risen, whether it is the Daenerys in the state of nine dragons or the state of ordinary people, they have directly crossed the ordinary supernatural existence and are growing to a higher degree.

Without fear of cold and heat, blocking the blade is only the most basic defensive performance. Even if the energetic plasma gun hits her, it can only leave a black mark, and it cannot penetrate through the skin.

Daenerys feels that she may be stronger than she thought, but unfortunately, it seems that the entire Westeros continent is her strongest existence. There is no suitable opponent, so she can verify it.

Fortunately, Daenerys has undergone earth-shaking changes throughout her body, and she is not even human anymore, but her mentality has not shown much distortion and transformation.

It is important to know that there are not too many people who are suddenly demented because of gaining extraordinary power, and Daenerys is more than that, it has become a monster.

Fortunately, she still looks like a human.

The indifferent, expressionless mask seems to have finally become her standing camouflage, and she has lost her previous jerky. She sitting on the throne is full of majesty, not the kind that she deliberately maintained, but the natural queen's majesty. Disguise and imitation.

Upholding fairness and justice, it does not favor good or evil.

She was still the original Daenerys... at least when she was on the throne.

But in the same way, Tyrion can also feel the confusion and loneliness hidden deep by her, hidden under all surfaces.


This is inevitable, because she has almost lost everything.

Her fleet, her Legionless Army, her aides, including her maid, and even Yi Chou, had already left her.

All the people she knew, who she knew, were gone.

Tyrion is a good prime minister, but not a good friend.

If the civilians who weren’t the King’s Landing were still supporting her, I’m afraid Daenerys would really not be able to support it. In fact, this is not an exaggeration.

There are too many people's hopes on her body, the most important thing is to restore the country.

Now that she succeeded, Tangerian's bloodline recaptured the Iron Throne, and the kind that no one could take away anymore, Daenerys lost her goal to move on.

Fortunately, while in Milin, she found another direction in life, the cause of slave liberation.

At that time, Daenerys needed soldiers, people, money, and everything, so she could only choose to stand in line with the slaves.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. Another reason is that Daenerys really desires justice and fairness.

Now that her biggest wish has been fulfilled, she is on the Iron Throne, and the rest, and the only thing Daenerys cares about, is how to make people in her territory live better.

The cultural environment of Westeros is obviously different from that of Esos, where there are few slaves, no slave owners, and more of those blood-sucking nobles.

So how to do all this, Daenerys is still groping.

This is what currently supports her.

"My queen."

Tyrion licked the corner of his mouth, as if organizing the language. His eyes fell on the top of Daelise, who was fearful and respectful, but also obsessed with nostalgia. In short, it was complicated.

The cold wind was blowing, and the heat that Tyrion exhaled seemed to condense a layer of frost.

Here is a high distance from the ground, and a platform has been rebuilt at the top of the tower in Junlin Castle.

It was purposely built for Daenerys.

There is no Hulk in this world, so there is no pants suitable for Daenerys to wear, which can make her into a clothing that is still unbreakable after nine dragons.

Junlin looks very big, but the place in the city that can accommodate the huge volume of the nine dragons of Daenerys is only the central square of Junlin, or Daenerys will land outside the city, otherwise... every time you land, the total Will destroy some buildings.

The more important issue is that Daenerys, who has returned to the human form, does not have a dragon scale as a cover. Although no one dares to do anything to her, it looks strange after all.

Gathering all the carpenters, stoneworkers and blacksmiths of Junlin and nearby city-states, they rebuilt the top floor of Junlin Castle, a platform dedicated to the residence of Daenerys.

And she can see that she likes it very much.

Even the appearance of human beings still can't hide her essence is a dragon. The coldness and the thin air in the heights have no effect on Daenerys. Tyrion has been frozen and trembling, but she is still only Covered with a layer of tulle.

"The manuscript you requested... has been written."

With that said, Tyrion pulled out a stack of paper that was not very thick from under the thick clothes, and they were bound together as a slightly thin booklet.

Naturally, Daenerys was not too satisfied.

"Only so much?"

Daenerys on the throne suddenly spread her wings, and the wings of seven or eight meters long protruded from behind her, leaping down, and the distance of ten meters between breathing was fleeting and gliding to Tyrion.

The wings disappeared silently again, and she took the manuscript and looked in her hands.

Daenerys is the most perfect carrier that Yi Biao has seen so far to accommodate high-latitude energy. She is very special. Not only does her ability leap for the first time, she is also constantly evolving and climbing.

Otherwise, Yi Chou could not be so determined to carry out the plan to create God.

Because he saw great potential in Daenerys.

Later, whether it was Athena, Sadako, or Fujiang, Yi Ao always felt that they did not reach the level of Daenerys, although Athena might not be weaker than Daenerys if she looked purely at combat power.

But... Daenerys is very special. This kind of speciality is not only because of her relative importance in the world of the song of ice and fire. It may be related to Daenerys and those dragons. They may also Occupies a very important part.

At this time, Daenerys has not only integrated into nine dragons, but she can selectively change her shape, for example, only showing her wings, or spitting dragon breath in a human state.

Tyrion was not surprised by Daenerys' flight, and apparently it was not the first time.

Daenerys was also very excited when she first discovered this...because this might solve a big problem for her, but later found out that using wings as a human body could not support long-distance flight.

So the platform was finally built up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tyrion was helpless after hearing the complaints of Daenerys.

"What you want is an exquisite story...not garbage that doesn't understand."

"There are not many people who can write such things. There are very few nobles of the king's land, and there are no big city-states nearby. These are letters from Xuecheng."

"And they seem to complain about your disregard for your country, only knowing that you have a lot of complaints about playing."

"Just know how to play?"

Daenerys read the meal.

"...An interesting story."

Tyrion shrugged at the thin booklet in her hand, his expression irrefutable.

This is not what Daenerys wants to see. As a person who grew up in Essos, she has no habit of watching stage plays. She prefers to learn knowledge that she has not been exposed to. No matter what knowledge, it will make her feel a moment. peaceful.

Focus will make her forget everything.

These things are her former... the current chief wizard wants, but the people in the King's Land have a very weak impression of the wizard, and Daenerys has not mentioned it deliberately.

Things about the werewolf vampires and the battle of the King’s Landing have always been a mystery. No one except the person concerned knew it, but even the survivors at the time of the King’s Landing only looked around and escaped, and did not know what happened.

Therefore, Xuecheng doesn't know how to record this history.

In their view, these manuscripts are of course required by Daenerys, but only know that hedonism ignores the king of the country, and is always much better than the tyrant of the crazy king.

Of course, Tyrion is also clear about these things, but he could not reply to the people in Xuecheng to explain it, and he defaulted. It is not a big deal anyway.

Because Daenerys can now sit firmly on the throne, not because of prestige or surname, but real, absolute power.

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