High Magic Earth

Chapter 1461: Daily fall

This is also the main reason why the nobles of the King's Land are dead and wounded, and their vitality is ten, and even the number of city defense troops is barely enough for two hands, but the whole city is still operating in an orderly manner.

Daenerys itself is strength and deterrence.

"Is this yours?"

She quickly looked at the manuscript in her hand. The speed was very fast. In a flash, she had read most of it. Of course, the handwriting itself was not too thick and very thin.

While watching, Daenerys asked Tyrion.

"I'm not a bachelor in the city." Tyrion shrugged.

"I think nobles are proficient in stage play and writing poetry."

"But I don't think you will like poetry."

"And am I a shame of the nobility."

Tyrion's tone didn't care.

Because of the spread of vampires and werewolves, the original plot line was completely torn apart, and Tyrion didn’t have time to get to know Daenerys in Essos. The whole plot seems to have ended.

Daenerys ascended the Iron Throne, the King of the Seven Kingdoms, and the Guardian of the entire territory.

He and Daenerys didn't know each other as early as they did, and they didn't share the same pains, and the relationship was naturally not too close. However, Tyrion still used his ability to speak and speak excellently, so that Daenerys quickly looked at him differently. .

Of course, there is another reason. He and his brother James are probably the only people in Dalin Lisi who are still familiar with the city.

Even from the standpoint that was once an enemy.

All of Daenerys’s well-known people are dead, her knights, maids, and legions of the unclean, and her enemies, such as the Lannister family, the Silabion family, and Varys, who have not yet met. Wait for the heavy minister of the kingdom.

After the **** night of Junlin, all nobles were almost completely slaughtered. Although the current Junlin has gained popularity again, they are all civilians and businessmen, and the number of nobles is still very rare.

The nobles on the Westeros continent are not as much as imagined. Except for those big families, there are indeed many small families occupying a place among the nobility, but they are often sparsely populated, with three or five people in a family.

And it’s just better than the civilians. If it’s not war or kingdom order, very few will leave the city-state where they lived and go to the new station.

At this time, the entire high-level circle of Junlin was still completely blank.

Not to mention the feast of the feast, even when Daenerys opened the council, the number was pitifully small, and the entire Junling did not have much manpower at all, which could only be supported by Tyrion’s excellent management skills.

In peacetime, Daenerys lacks people who can communicate.

She does have a few new maids, but originally they were a little afraid of Daenerys, whether she was tall as the queen of the Seven Kingdoms, or the terrible appearance of the dragon form, most people were discouraged, let alone normal. Exchange.

And moved to the high platform, except for Daenerys who didn't feel the cold or the scorching heat, few ordinary people can endure this cold.

Winter's pace didn't stop. As the entire Oz Eye system was taken away by Yi Chou, the consequences of the out-of-control energy flooded out.

The eye of Oz has been absorbing natural energy, because of its existence, Westeros has been disrupted throughout the season, and the warm spring and cold winter are extended separately.

It’s better when it’s warm. Even if it is extended, it won’t have any effect, but the winter... Both the growth of plants and the activities of the beasts will be affected. Even if it is only extended for a short time, it may become the last one to crush the camel. Root straw, causing large-scale death.

Fortunately, the Eye of Oz is also regulating all this. Although the winter period is long, it will always greet the warmth before the death of a large area.

But now the eye system of Oz has disappeared, and the accumulated out-of-control energy has completely exploded. This winter's advent will last at least a few years.

It is only the beginning of the winter, and Junlin has been able to feel quite cold, and this low temperature is still spreading out, and even has a tendency to spread to Dorn.

It was a winter that swept across Westeros, no doubt.

Junlin has been shrouded in coldness for a long time, and the high platform of Daenerys is still at the top of the entire Junlin Fort. The thin air and the cold cold current have isolated the possibility of other people staying.

Daenerys' daily life is to stay here alone, hanging above the throne, looking down on the kingly city-state below or the horizon and coastline in the distance.

Then a daze is a few hours.

Tyrion was the hand of an excellent king. Daenerys threw most things to him, and he also kept everything organized, and the entire Westeros continent also fell into some rare During the quiet period, no guy with short eyes dare to jump out and make trouble.

At least until they know the details of Daenerys and Junlin, they won't do it easily.

Silabion, Lannister, Stark and other families died, disappeared, missing ghosts were suppressed, vampires and werewolves disappeared, and Varys traveled to Esos, making these monsters almost become an accident. story.

After all, the news in the Middle Ages circulated very slowly. Except for those who have personally experienced the King's Landing, the farther away they are, the less people believe these bizarre things.

Therefore, Daenerys' biggest role is to make a deterrent in the name of the Queen of Dragons. In fact, she stays idle on the high platform every day.

The thin air is with her. Occasionally, there is shallow frost and white snow condensed on the surface of the platform, and merged with the sky, making it look like it is on the top of the cloud.

No one bothered her, whether it was the new maids or the newly selected ministers of the kingdom, only Tyrion would come up occasionally to report to her, or simply chat.

It's just... Seeing Tyrion wearing a thick robe and a jacket, trying to keep as decent as possible, but still wrapped like a ball and still trembling with freezing, she couldn't help but sigh.

It’s too cold here, and ordinary people don’t even say that staying here is even difficult.

She was on the high platform for too long, and forgot to forget it, just like forgetting what she was like when she was an ordinary person.

"Let's go down."

Daenerys said quietly.

Without waiting for Tyrion's refusal or response, she had grabbed Tyrion's back neck, spread her wings, and instantly jumped off the edge of the platform.

Tyrion's mouth twitched in his hand, he closed his mouth tightly, his eyes narrowed, and Daenerys had led him back into a window under the platform.

Here is the corridor leading to the upper platform, the distance at the bottom of the pillar of the platform is only a little higher than the original Junlinbao.

Daenerys’ seven- or eight-meter-long wings must not be able to squeeze in. Before she came in, she converged her wings. The last distance jumped in purely by inertia, thanks to Daenerys’ inhuman physical fitness. , Is not a big problem at all.

Tyrion, with his feet on the ground again, was relieved.

"I see more and more civilians coming to Junlin."

Standing at the open-air window of the cloister, and until Tyrion eased from the cold, Daenerys continued to ask questions calmly.

"Is our food enough?"

Although Daenerys lives on the high platform every day and looks like it doesn't matter, in fact, Dragon's eyesight allows her to clearly see everything below.

Winter came, the crops decreased, and even the beasts became more dangerous and scarce. The caravans stopped flowing, and life in many urban villages outside the Ayutthaya began to become difficult.

Following Tyrion’s suggestion and the order of Daenerys, these towns and villages around Junlin began to move towards Junlin’s interior.

The winter transition has been hundreds of years old, and the Westeros have long been prepared for it, whether it is food reserves or winter clothing... of course, this is for the nobility.

Although many people die every winter, they are all civilians and the most inferior. They starve to death and freeze to death. Although the lives of nobles are more difficult than before, they will not be too difficult after all.

Sometimes Dorn southward is still warm as spring.

But no one knows that this winter is longer than any other time.

There are no more nobles in Junlin, or there are few nobles. They are all permanent residents and knights sent by the surrounding city-states to surround Daenerys.

Vampires and werewolves both exist as humans, so fortunately, although the wine has been spoiled, there is a lot of food left.

After cleaning up the food contaminated by blood, it is no problem to spend the winter with the number of people at this time.

Of course, this is because Daenerys pays more attention to civilians. If they are nobles, they will not waste food distributed to the lower city or slums.

Daenerys is concerned about civilians, and naturally it is impossible to let them die.

Only then was there a command to migrate to Junlin.

According to Daenerys' recent observations on the high platform during this period, Junling's alien population has at least doubled from the original.

She is not sure if this is still within budget.

"Two years."

Tyrion said.

"According to our current reserves, we should be able to easily adhere to two years."

Daenerys still stared at Tyrion calmly.

"What does it mean."

Although the Tangerian family inherited the Westeros, Daenerys was a native of Essos and went to Essos at a very young age.

She didn't know about the winter in Westeros, because Essos had always been very hot.

"Our winter is very long."

"A short time will last for two years, most of them for three years, the longest time... Winter has come for four years, I heard that many people died that time."

Although she had had psychological expectations for this matter long ago, she still couldn't help frowning when she heard Tyrion's report.

Daenerys is not afraid of the cold at this time, but still needs food. Although she can not eat for a long time, it is when she is very full.

Now it seems that there is no time to prepare enough food for her, because now has entered the storage period, Rin Dong is also a big trouble for Daenerys.

"Then the remaining two years, what shall we do."

"Seven Gods bless."

Tyrion shrugged.

"Food can't be stored for so long, two years is already the limit."

"There are some special foods that can be stored longer, but the quantity is scarce, and it is only destiny to survive."

"The nobles may have more reserves, as for others..."

Tyrion didn't say it, but Daenerys was already very clear.

Although Daenerys stood on the civilian side, she would not order the nobles to surrender their reserves. In fact, Daenerys did not stand on that side. She just wanted to be more just and fair.

"Right, Her Majesty, it seems that the North...and survivors."


"Yes, the cable reported that they seem to have seen Jon Snow, the illegitimate son of Ed Stark, Duke of Winter City, and he and a small number of unidentified people once appeared near the sleeping place, and then disappeared soon. ."

The sleeping place, the forest of thorns, the devil's jungle... There are many names there, but they all refer to a place where the forest of thorns is shrouded by the sleeping spell and suppressing the alien ghost.

Countless corpses, debris, and corpses and aliens that are still alive are under the huge bush of thorns. The sleeping spells prevent them from waking up and imprison them in place.

There must be a fish in the northern border, but this thorns imprisoned the ghosts below, but also blocked the northern border's road to the outside world.

It's like the new Great Wall.

Daenerys is not afraid of aliens now, she can fly, but if the aliens recover, it will still be a disaster for everyone on this continent.

"How did you know."

But after thinking about it, Daenerys was suddenly curious about the problem.

"Little bird."

Tyrion said lightly, "Varis left it to me."

"Varris?" Daenerys still has some impressions of this werewolf leader who traveled to Esos~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has trained a lot of little birds, but he can’t use them now, he is afraid of him One day when I was hungry, all my hard work was completely destroyed, so I sent a letter not long ago and gave it to me. "

"I have to say that these people are indeed very useful."

Daenerys shook her head.

The atmosphere paused.

The important things have been finished, Tyrion wants to restart a new topic, but sucking his mouth, he has nothing to say, and he can attract Daenerys.

Fortunately, this time it seemed that he would no longer resign silently as before, because soon, God gave him a thing that attracted Daenerys enough.

"That is……"

In the quietness where the cold wind could only be heard, Tyrion's eyes were suddenly rounded, looking at the end of the sky, the red light that had crossed.

Something like a fireball is falling rapidly in the sky, not far from Junlin City, but not too close.


Tyrion spit out the vocabulary he learned from Yi Chou somewhat uncertainly, and it sounds like the stars in the sky have fallen.

But Daenerys shook her head.

"No..." she said.

The excellent dragon vision allows her to see more clearly and see everything in the fireball clearly.

"Not a meteor."

Daenerys frowned, as if with some dignity.

"That's a metal product..."

She thought of a word in a distant memory, strange and vague, but never forgotten.

That was when she took the Legion of Cleaners across the ocean, trying to cross the strait and crossing Westeros from Esos, halfway from the sky.

"...Rescue cabin."

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