High Magic Earth

Chapter 1462: Kai Neng's daily fish touching

Junlin, somewhere in a tavern in Shangcheng District.

Although it was approaching evening, there were still only a few guests in the tavern. In the past, the lively tavern was full of rude drunks, brutal soldiers, and *women who were constantly in the crowd.

But now, in addition to a few spooky guys who bow their heads and drink alone, the tavern is even quieter than the queen's palace.

Junlin was looted by the **** night. Although the monsters rarely eat human food, they are not exclusive of wine. They have no concept of saving. In a short time, whether it is a tavern or a private reserve of nobles in the city The wine is consumed.

However, the remaining storage in some corners and corners, together with the wine goods re-shipped by the caravan, are actually enough to support a period of time.

The reason for the sparse number of guests is that after the **** night, the original residents of the entire Junlin did not save one, and the popularity was naturally not as strong as before.

In addition, the advent of the winter is also letting people not have so much time to do nothing.

So most of the guests in the tavern have complex identities, at least not to worry about the coming winter and food.

For example...who is drinking alone by a small wooden table...


The wooden door of the tavern was pushed open, and Gu Mo, dressed in a golden robe, strode in.

"I knew you were here."

She said.

Kai Neng and Gu Mo, as the remnants of the Yunxing spacecraft falling in the world of the song of ice and fire, did not choose to leave with Yi Chou, but stayed in this sad place.

Even though Kai Neng could no longer return to the north, the thorns created by the Sleeping Curse blocked the roads going north and south, but he still chose to stay here.

His wife is always sleeping in the ice and snow field, just as a memory and nostalgia.

The colonial ship has been taken away by Yi Bao, but the rescue cabin where Kai Neng's family lives and the related life room are left by Yi Bao.

It even protects and hides it with magic...like a steel cemetery. The bond of bloodline magic can only see this steel mausoleum by others, and no one can even find it.

Gu Mo is still as smart as ever, as if he will always be a soldier.

She is a typical interstellar warrior. She is alone and has a strong adaptability. It seems that she will never know what is called fear, and she can also be regarded as a heartless.

The colonial ship crashed, and the frigate almost disappeared under the Maowen monster, and was trapped in a backward planet, but this did not seem to have any effect on her.

Following Kai Neng came to a wife-seeking journey, and he didn't care about the danger, nor did he care about the strange world where magic and aliens coexist.

She seemed to have only battle in her heart, find a mission, find a target, and then fight.

Gu Mo doesn't seem to have much demands on the outside world. Such a person can live well no matter where she is, so she is a very qualified interstellar soldier.

In other words, pure soldiers are also the people most suitable for military life.

Kai Neng ignored Gu Mo.

He comes here every day to drink, and similarly, Gu Mo comes here every day to find him.

The two people did not follow Yi Xuan to leave, but stayed here with Daenerys. Except for Yi Xiao, Stark, and Barry, they belonged to Daenerys for the longest time.

Earlier, Daenerys followed the Legionless Legion, such as Legion Chief Grey Worm, her knight, maid, etc., but they were all dead on the night when the alien attacked.

Whether it is this experience, the identity of their visitors from outside the world, and their excellent fighting qualities, it is destined that Kai Neng and Gu Mo will not be mixed here.

For example, Kai Neng is now commanding an army where Daenerys doesn't have much strength at all, and Gu Mo is the captain of the city defense army's golden robe.

As two interstellar soldiers, they are proficient in all kinds of tactics for fighting in harsh planetary environments, fighting infiltration, firearms and even small spaceships.

Of course, fighting and tactics refer to the combat skills of the interstellar era, the combat methods of the interstellar soldiers, the medieval swordsmanship and the riding of the song of ice and fire here, they all do not know.

Even if the interstellar soldiers are fully trained, they rarely train these things.

One of the reasons is that the martial arts they selected must be more useful, standard, and more lethal than those backward swordsmanship. The second is... if the interstellar soldiers lose the most equipped weapons, they fall into The degree of fighting with bare hands, then a greater chance is not saved.

The interstellar environment is very bad. Losing equipment means death in most cases.

But... the interstellar soldiers who can be selected into the frigate are undoubtedly the better ones.

Kaineng and Gu Mo cannot always fight with plasma guns and miniature plasma guns, not only the problem of inconsistent painting styles, but also the inability to integrate with people in this world.

But after looking for a few veterans to train and learn, the two quickly mastered the fighting skills of the Middle Ages. Although they were still unskilled, they were enough. Anyway, they did not want to fully integrate into the world.

Because they still have a lot of weapons from Yunxing, they will not be exhausted for a long time.

When he left from the colonial ship, Yi Biao found that the two could not carry too many things at all, so he used magic to help them sort them out, including weapons, life support devices, and therapeutic equipment and charging equipment.

It also comes with a pocket for a seamless stretch spell.

The colonial ship is very huge, there are hundreds of similar things on it, and the number of weapons is more, even if the two of them use more, they can’t even count the odds and ends.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of two people with complete equipment is very, very impressive.

Of course, the army led by Kai Neng did not have many people at all, and even weaving failed. The number of people had just broken through a hundred, which was similar to the number of urban defense forces.

It is hard to imagine that this would be the army owned by the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.

In fact, it is already very difficult for the existing population base to make up an army of so many people, and no one really expects them to fight.

Battle depends on Daenerys.

"A cup."

Gu Mo didn't care about Kai Neng's indifference. He made a cup gesture to the pub owner and sat directly on the stool opposite Kai Neng.

Both of them are regular customers of the tavern, even if they don't say it, the boss knows it.

Because no one was there, only the owner was busy in the entire pub, not even a waiter.

The army has fewer than a hundred people, and Kaineng is nothing to be busy. His biggest thing every day is sitting in a daze in a tavern, and then not knowing what he should do.

On the contrary, Gu Mo's Jinpaozi City Defense Army was very busy. The whole Junlin was a waste of life, and it was inevitable that there were many guys who stole dogs and dogs.

Tyrion is an expert in politics, but to implement it, he still has to rely on the Jinpaozi City Defense Army.

Sitting on the Iron Throne is Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion’s elder brother James remains in King’s Landing, and to some extent has admitted her rule.

But for Daenerys' allegiance, James hasn't had this idea yet.

Although the main members of the Lannister family, such as Cersei, died, the Lannister family did not die. Their roots are not in the King’s Landing. If they wish, James can still leave here and return to Lannister’s city-state, Kaiyan City.

James did not go back, but also did not work for Daenerys, Tyrion could only help Gu Mo.

Although Jinpaozi's task is very busy, Junlin's population is not large, Gu Mo's time is also very easy, and her biggest thing every day is to come to the tavern to accompany her.

Gu Mo is very adaptable, she can quickly integrate into the world, and it is even difficult to distinguish the difference from the indigenous people...

Of course, there are differences.

For example, although she was wearing a gold robe city defense armor and the iconic golden cloak robe, she was still wearing a star soldier's standard defense suit, a plasma gun was hung around her waist, and her legs had a single unit like a power component. Bing electromagnetic suspension device.

As a planet with high-variable electrical energy as the main development, Yunxing cannot be unskilled in the use of electromagnetics. The single-arm suspension device is not a rare thing, except that when the two of them fall urgently, most of the equipment is not on the body. Nothing to bring.

The colonial ship has hundreds of standard equipment for interstellar warriors, mainly for the purpose of colonizing and developing a new planet after the colonial ship has landed, and guarding against potential threats.

When the colony Kadella was found, the equipment of the two was basically in place. Among the things taken away from the package, there was more than one set of individual combat equipment, and even the broken ones, there were also machines for maintenance.

This dress and dress makes Gu Mo look like a mechanical warrior under steampunk, with a strange beauty and balance in the strange.

But even if Gu Mo is more adaptable, she is not so sturdy enough to casually find a local indigenous people to marry, or even just a relationship between a boyfriend and a boyfriend.

Not even the more sparsely artillery*.

In any case, Kai Neng and Gu Mo came from a higher civilization that entered the interstellar age. Even if they try to treat them equally, they still have a hidden sense of superiority in their hearts.

What's more, the lack of a common language is a very big problem.

Interest is only for a short period of time. If you want to maintain the relationship between the two for a long time, at least there must be a certain common language.

Gu Motian ran to this tavern, in fact, the meaning she had expressed was very clear.

Kai Neng is not unclear. After all, it is a person who has been married. Even if he has a dull emotional relationship, he has enough experience. Even Gu Mo knows clearly that Kai Neng can understand his meaning.

But... neither of them seems to be able to take the next step anymore, as if because...too familiar.

The boss put a large glass of wine in front of Gu Mo, then turned and walked back.

The wine levels around Junlin City are very low, most famous for the wines in the middle of the river. Fortunately, the disasters of vampires and werewolves have not spread, so you can still drink this so-called fine wine.

Although the two did not find it delicious.

Gu Mo took a big swallow, and his face didn't change.

She opened her mouth and tried to say something, but she didn't know what to say, did she ask...you haven't forgotten her? This is entirely to expose others' wounds.

Gu Mo felt a little nerve-wracking.

She is a good enough soldier, and all the soldier needs to do is obey the order and complete all the tasks in the order without having to use his own mind.

This is indeed a hassle.

So she seemed to have a daily routine, accompanied Kai Kai to sit here for a few hours, and then they could not say a few words at all.

And because the degree of wine is too low, the two of them don’t say they haven’t been drunk, even if they are slightly intoxicated, which makes Gu Mo less opportunities.

But think about it... The two of them sat silently in the tavern and looked at each other silently. After time passed, on this strange and backward planet, only the two of them.

It seems very good.

But this thought only circulated in Gu Mo's mind for a moment, and it was replaced by one of the contents in the soldier's manual. When the unknown planet is on the road, don't act rashly and send a signal to wait for the command ship to respond.

She smiled helplessly.

Destiny-like, once again bowed his head and took a sip of wine.

Today, she is not going to drink here for a few hours. After taking out this cup, go to the back lanes yesterday to see if the guys with short eyes are still there. If they haven’t gone yet...then There is something to vent today.

But sometimes, fate is so interesting.

Gu Mo seems to have thought that nothing will happen again, but the energy detection device behind her ears does not know how long it has been quiet ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it suddenly rang.

"Warning! Warning! Unknown energy is approaching."

"The target is out of control!"


Gu Mo was shocked.

"Meteor doesn't... spaceship!" she exclaimed.

At the same time, Kaineng also received an alarm from the energy detection device.

Even he, who had been speechless and expressionless for a long time, couldn't help but change his face. The two looked at each other, put down the wine glasses in their hands, and then rushed out,

Stepping out of the wooden door of the tavern, the two found the goal of the energy source in the first time.

Because the goal is very obvious, and there is no cover at all.

Towards the evening, the night has come. Under the slightly dim night, a fiery meteor is dragging its long tail, like a blazing fireball that pierces the sky, with a fiery flame, not far away from the city of Junlin Whistling down.

This is a spaceship, or another spaceship.

With the energy detection device as a reminder, the two of them will not admit their mistakes. They will treat this meteor as an ordinary meteorite and glance at each other again.

But in the next moment, someone has already stepped forward to explore them first.

Because just a few seconds after the meteor hit the ground and made a huge roar, Junlin went deep above the high platform of the cloud and suddenly rushed out a huge shadow, sliding towards the distance with a very fast speed.

It was Daenerys.

"Let's take a look too."

Seeing that his new boss was dispatched, the two could not continue to stay in the city. After a slight meal, Kai Neng said without hesitation.

The magnetic field of the suspension device intervenes in the geomagnetism, and the two have disappeared in the next moment.

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