High Magic Earth

Chapter 1469: Youneng is a good thing

"Danger! Agent Agent 012 will return immediately."

"Danger! According to special regulations, this information has priority over everything. Agent No. 012 should return immediately."

The alarm from the terminal is still going on. This alarm like a life-changing alarm makes Tileva's heart become more anxious. She looks at the deep black hole, gritted her teeth, and then jumped forward.


At the moment when Tiliva jumped, some ruins a hundred meters away from the blocked area, several guys were shrouded under the black trench coat, and the wide trench coat almost covered their entire head to toe. Here, a thin figure suddenly shook slightly, and asked a questioning low.

"Did you find something, c."

It was the man in black in the outermost voice, who turned her back to everyone, but discovered the thin silhouette, the movement of c, even before c made a suspicious voice.

"I feel something I can't feel..." c said hesitantly.

Hearing this answer, someone immediately snorted disdainfully.

"What makes you feel that you can't feel it, are you sure there is nothing wrong with your head." The man sneered low, "I can't feel how you feel it."

"Because I can't feel it, I found something there that I can't feel. Everything around me is in my perception. Only there seems to be a mist and a blank."

Ignoring the non-nutritive nonsense in the mouths of these guys, the man in black on the outermost side, that is, the woman in black, said with care.

"It won't be our people. No one but us is involved in this operation."

"It won't be those idle free people, they can't get in."

"It's the enemy."

Everyone knows who this enemy is.

Werewolves, vampires, those more bizarre monsters, or wizards and magicians, it is not that their world is not a free man along with them.

Are enemies.

These people seem to be eager to try.


But obviously, the talking black woman, a, is the leader of this group of people. The guy who initially disproved c, asked a in a tone of inquiry.

The hood of the trench coat concealed his expression, but he could still feel the look he asked of a.

"Grab it."

And a did not disappoint him, he did not hesitate at all, a made a decisive decision.

"No matter what it is."

"Now, immediately."

. . .

Tiliva vaguely felt a certain kind of hostility, which made her very strange. Youneng had many functions, including even a hunch before the danger came.

It's like a sixth sense.

The Star Federation also has research on the sixth sense, which seems to be a special electromagnetic field, and it is also like one of the universe's positions. Everything has this power.

Stir together like a gear.

This cosmic position exists in the invisible waveband, which may affect something, but it certainly cannot directly affect the material world.

And this position is faster than the information transfer in the material world.

In other words, its time is faster.

But time is originally a relative concept. The definition of time by human beings is based on human beings. For other creatures, perhaps the understanding of the concept of time is different.

For example, this position.

Its information transmission is much faster than the material world, so often when things in the material world have not happened, the gears in the stand have begun to stir, or even end.

At this time, if this kind of creature with a relatively high electromagnetic field can vaguely feel the existence of this position, then there is a vague premonition of what may happen.

This is the origin of the sixth sense.

The research of the Star Federation has ended here, because this kind of electromagnetic field cannot continue to be analyzed. The electromagnetic field seems to be a very simple thing, which has been fully used as early as thousands of years.

But when researchers of the Star Federation took the technology thousands of years later to reinterpret the electromagnetic field, they found that it contained a lot of small positions, energy, and even special phenomena.

These things are too subtle, so subtle, that even the technology of Star Federation can only be observed, not actually studied.

Although Youneng is not such a pure electromagnetic field, because of its particularity, it can also have a certain degree of perception of that cosmic position.

In other words, Tiliva's sixth sense is accurate. . Not very accurate.

During the mission, this kind of feeling is not very useful, because it is almost always dangerous, and the long-term panic has even made Tiliva accustomed to it.

Only during the exit of the mission, this extraordinary sixth sense can make Tileva avoid many dangers.

For example. . just now.

This is not the first time Tiliva has such a hunch. She has avoided at least four hundred ultra-distance snipers, nearly a thousand ambushes, and uncountable assassinations because of the dangers brought by the quiet.

But she is strange that no one in this world should theoretically know that they all exist.

So where does the danger come from?

Is it. . Below?

Tiliva secretly raised her vigilance. When she didn't understand the reason for a while, Tiliva stopped thinking about it and turned to concentrate on falling, guarding against possible crises.

She is still in the process of falling.

Giant high-latitude creatures cannot naturally appear out of thin air. According to Tiliva's detection, it should appear in the underground, at a space gap of more than thirty meters deep.

But with the disappearance of this high-latitude creature, Tiliva did not look like she continued to grow branches outside the festival, so she didn't check it in depth.

For agents, this is obviously unqualified, but for ghost agents. . Although they are the treasures of the Star Federation, they will also greatly reduce their welfare due to negative tasks.

It's just that there is no space at all from the Star Federation, and Tiliva doesn't feel that she can go back for a while.

Even if she can return, the record of all the encounters she has experienced will be the top priority. Small details like these will never be held accountable.

But now, she had to investigate deeply.


At the next moment, after directly jumping nearly 30 meters away, Tiliva landed gently.

Kneel down on one knee, a circle of invisible energy waves spread out along her landing point, silent and invisible, it will not affect the material world at all, and Youneng covers the surrounding into an invisible position, just like a soft cotton candy Similarly, Tiliva could not even feel the shock.


And after landing, the dark underground depths in Tiliva's eyes were no different from the daytime, which is why, when she saw the surroundings, she made a whisper again.

It wasn't actually a bare deep pit that she expected. Near the end of the deep pit, there might still be traces and fluctuations of certain energy.

It is an entire complex.

This building complex is very weird, it is clearly underground, but the crowd above has not been found.

Tiliva has investigated that although the technology of this world looks backward in her eyes, some technologies are also mature. It is easy to use sound waves or other means to detect the underlying soil and bury a building complex.

But this group of people did not find out.

Tiliva can be sure they didn't notice it.

Otherwise, by virtue of the fearlessness of this group of ignorant people, they will surely know nothing, don't care about anything, and a brain stormed down to find out.

Human beings are such creatures, whether they are people here or the fools of the Star Federation.

They are always self-centered, and what they say is completely inconsistent with what they really do.

In Tiliva's impression, the Star Federation once discovered a planet full of toxins. At that time, all the technologies of the Star Federation have matured, and even the genetic conflict has almost reached the end of being resolved.

And under the premise that research has shown that this planet is not just a chemical toxin, there are still people who want to develop it.

Only because there are many rare minerals.

Facts have proved that there are indeed many minerals, but it is simply a trap, the planet itself is a trap, it is alive.

High latitude creatures, ranked eighth, live stars.

The final outcome ended with the destruction of the entire fleet, and mankind once again paid a tuition fee for his ignorance and arrogance.

Tiliva thinks the backward indigenous people in this world are similar.

But they didn't find this huge underground complex. In fact, let alone them, if it wasn't for the sudden decision to investigate further, Tiliva didn't even notice a huge complex underneath.

Really. . Incredible.

You know, the technology in her hands has exceeded the time of this world for nearly a thousand years. The technology brought by these technologies is even exaggerated in the eyes of the indigenous people of this era.

But it turned out that there was something she could not detect.

While Tiliva was surprised, she also felt a bit of pressure and worry.

Both security and self-confidence come from the known. Tiliva believes that her equipment and strength can crush the world, so when she finds that there is still a place for her, the cage of security is naturally broken instantly.

Fortunately, as an excellent ghost agent, she has never been good at the beginning of the downwind, and the headwind situation is also difficult for her.

"Enhanced mode starts."

Tiliva whispered.

In the next moment, a faint green luster flashed in her eyes, and an invisible faint green halo enveloped the whole body. The ghost suit was activated again and entered the second stage.

The scale-like surface of the ghostly uniform began to bulge outward, as if inflated, with a new streamlined shape full of power and beauty, as if Tiliva's body was full of muscles.

Bodybuilding muscles.

The mask on her face has also been re-covered with some small devices. If she was like a spy who was wearing a tights and sneaking into the enemy, then now she is a typical killing machine.

When the battle dress changes ended, the light appeared between her hands. While the light was interleaved, countless chemistry and strange reactions collided with each other.

Finally, weaved a large, strange-shaped gun in her hands.

The Phantom War Gun can enter the concealed state together with Tiliva. The launched Phantom Energy can penetrate all matter, hit the enemy in an invisible state, and then control the enemy, or kill it directly.

It can be said to be one of the highest-spec weapons of Agent Nun.

The only drawback is that it can only be used by the owner of the Youneng, and it is completely scrapped by others, so it cannot be promoted at all.

After the weapon fell into Tiliva's hands, the surface of her uniform changed again, the bulging muscles were fixed, and even seemed to be frozen, like plastic, shimmering with metallic luster.

At the next moment, the dull metal boots stepped on the ground, and Tiliva ran forward.

Like a power armor, her speed of advance instantly became at least twice as fast as before, but still strangely without making a slight noise, it seemed that there was no heavy metal.

The most important thing for ghost agents is to sneak in. You can even sacrifice a certain amount of attack and defense for this purpose.

Tiliva drove in the underground tunnel.

In fact, she is not only fast, but her brain and matching speed can also keep up. This is not the reason for the development of her own brain, but the terminal brings her powerful analysis functions.

Between Tiliva's runs, countless data streams crossed in front of her eyes, the terminal matched her thinking, and used her as a sub-brain instead of thinking. When unnecessary, these thinking were shielded, and Can not affect the main brain.

Symbols, text, architectural style. . Search, match, and compare. .

As Tiliva went deeper, more things were observed in the deputy brain.

"Light ring? Black light?"

Tiliva in the gallop was a little stunned~www.wuxiaspot.com~Because the deputy brain gave her a feedback, she approached a symbol, and the symbolic deputy brain was seen in a series of comics in this indigenous world Ever.

But comics. . Shouldn't it be like the artificial virtual world of the Star Federation?

Why. .

But in the next moment, Tiliva had a sudden meal.

The world is quiet.

It seems that at this moment, Tiliva can only hear her heartbeat for a few minutes.

The power armor is extremely fast, but the pause is also extremely smooth. From Tiliva's thoughts to actions, there seems to be no time pause.

As if time had suddenly been frozen, Tiliva had already stood in place.

around. . Nothing happened.

But Tiliva didn't feel much.

The terminal detected that there was a danger in front, and Youneng also felt something seemed to be in front.

Stretching out his fingers, the armor in front of the index finger spread out a small mechanical maintenance arm, about a few centimeters long, and then Tiliva lightly touched the air in front of her.


Like water waves, the air in front of Tiliva suddenly appeared invisible waves. With the appearance of such waves, the channel in front of Tiliva also began to appear distorted.

The passage disappeared and was replaced by the sobriety behind Tiliva, including Tiliva itself, changing as the waves spread.

Like mercury, and like a mirror.

You can actually see yourself in a state where Youneng sneaks. .

Tiliva's thoughts were not over yet, and there was a huge attraction among the waves. Following the mechanical arm of the finger she touched, she was instantly sucked into it.

. . .

At the same time, the deep pit where Tiliva had fallen was followed by several figures shrouded in black.

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