High Magic Earth

Chapter 1470: Women don't need reason

The mirror is shaking, and soon this kind of vibration is transmitted like a wave of water, to the whole world.

It was like a drop of water, breaking the calm of the entire lake, the vibration spreading out with the air, which passed through the promenade to the distance, and through the labyrinth of the underground hall to the entire magical congress The most central location of the complex.

The invisible waves layered on top of each other, carrying a complex message to the witch in the Congress Center.

Imogen suddenly opened his eyes.

"someone is coming."

She whispered.

In the deepest part of the Magic Congress, the six witches were seated in line with the position of the pentagram, and a magic array on the ground seemed to be soaked in blood.

Three candles were placed on the edge of the magic circle, which compared with the pentacled witches, showed a perfect shape of an inverted triangle.

The six witches each occupy a corner of the pentagram, and the sixth person, Imokin, who is some kind of default speaker of the Witch and Sisters Mutual Aid Association, occupies the most central position of the magic circle.

There are no special needs and things to do in this position, but it can provide better early warning.

So when Tiliva touched the defensive magic of the Magic Congress, Imogen got the first response.

"Whether it was accidental or intentional."

Joanna asked in a low voice.

After the battle of the evil gods, Joanna is obviously more calm than before, and poverty and war will ripen a person, and Joanna obviously belongs to the latter.


Imogen closed his eyes and felt everything through magic, and he soon got the answer.

"She may not have come to us intentionally, but she explored the bottom purposefully."

"she was?"

"Yes, one... future soldier?"

Imogen saw Tiliva, she didn't know Tiliva's identity, but she saw her dress that was clearly beyond this era, this technology can not exist in the real world.

Then there is only one answer.

The opponent comes from the source world, another source world, and a free person in another world.

Although the other party has not found himself waiting for the time being, the person who came is not good.

Joanna also frowned.

Future soldiers, knowing Imogen’s description, knew where the other party came from. Everyone exposed to the underground congress complex was expected, otherwise it would not be possible to appear here to remedy it, but it was unexpected. . It would have been exposed so quickly.

The six witches below are sister clubs of witches headed by Imogen, including Joanna, Madison, Delia, and the returning Marcotel.

During the battle of Evil God, the witches and sisters suffered heavy losses. Finally, when they fled to the ground, several witches were crystallized by the instantaneously spreading crystals. After all the dust settled, they returned and found only the bodies of these witches.

And still showing a crystalline state.

However, there are still many members of the Witch Sisters Association, and because of the disaster that swept across New York, many witch members who lived at home or still in school, and for various reasons worries about their lives, also consciously gathered Over here.

In this crisis, only the same kind can be trusted.

Witches, or wizards, mostly have some kind of extraordinary intuition, perception, witch as a woman, even more so, it seems that everyone has a feeling that something is wrong.

Although it's not as serious as the disaster, it's also shocking.

The Sisters of Witches held a temporary meeting, and the meeting even lasted for several days. During this period, almost all the witches in New York were illusioned, and if they did not, they also contacted by phone to let those who came over, and The phantom-skilled witch went directly to pick someone up.

Later, the members of the entire Sisters of Witches even reached an unprecedented number of eighteen, which was more than double the usual number.

At the time of the crisis, the witches regrouped, just like the witches of hundreds of years ago, like the overlap of fate.

With such a number of witches, there should be no problem in trying to get a few people to do something.

However, the maintenance of the magic circle requires a high level of magic power. Even if you want to make up the number, the average witch is completely unqualified, and can only be maintained by Imokin and others.

Maintain a huge hidden magic circle.

. . .

Time to call back.

Five days ago.


Watching Claydens turn into black mist, with the weapon and the huge blue monster disappearing together, Joanna made a painful cry.

She is not a Virgin, but she is also not indifferent.

Few people can watch other people sacrifice in front of themselves without being indifferent, at least for most normal people.

Especially when I was personally involved.

"Everyone is gone."

"You can't hear him no matter what you call."

"In other words...you care so much about this guy, do you need me to introduce Ezra Miller to you?"

"I'm not sure if I know the guy, but how can I say that I'm a Hollywood star, Hollywood's celebrity circle is not big, maybe...I should know."


Madison was talking coolly.

Her indifferent tone and attitude made Joanna very angry. The two were originally like natural enemies with narrow paths, and this time Madison seemed to completely ignite Joanna's anger.

Joanna turned sharply, facing Madison with her wand, her face full of anger.

Madison was not surprised.

She had already expected this.

Not only because of Joanna's temper, but also many factors.

For example, his concealment and deception of his identity, the other party's temptation of his identity, of course, and his own bad temper.

Madison is also very clear, I am afraid that few people can bear themselves.

In the original world, her friends are not many. In addition to the strength and identity of being a supreme witch, it is more of this bad attitude, tone, and bad temper.

The only good friend is probably Zoe.

And in most cases, Zoe played the role of accommodating big sister.

It must be said that after the pursuit of the British Ministry of Magic, the baptism of time, the resurrection of the world, and several dying struggles of the Holy See, Zoe has become a lot.

She became more calm than ever, just like a little girl who was full of romance and love from her brain, and grew up to be a wise woman.

This shift made Madison almost incomprehensible.

It is impossible. . Is it also a mysterious power of some kind of witch?

But in any case, this change is good, because it makes Zoe more tolerant of himself, rather than as if the two first met, although the relationship is equally close, but there are still quarrels from time to time.

That's not good, and no matter how close your girlfriends are, you won't be able to maintain them in that situation.

Fortunately, Zoe has become more and more mature and more and more like a big sister, so he can continue to make troubles and continue to be naive.

Madison is very satisfied with this.

And Zoe's witch talent made her destined to find no boyfriend, which even prevented other men from robbing Zoe with herself.

Simply perfect.

and so. . Joanna talked to herself badly, and Madison was fully able to understand, after all, she also had a deep understanding of her own evil.

She even couldn't stand her bad character sometimes.

But understanding does not mean that Madison will accept it.

"You better put the wand down the little one."

"...I think I can beat you two."

Madison thought about it and came to this conclusion.

She felt that she was telling the truth, because after killing Emma Roberts, whether she was magic, mental, or even physical strength, Madison felt a lot.

This increase. . It seems to be more than double the original.

Joanna's strength is good, she was born in the British magic world, and she is more proficient in the use of magic. If she does not have the power blessing of the Supreme Witch, it is probably not her opponent.

But with the power of the Supreme Witch and the knowledge of the British magic world, Madison felt that the two would fight and the final victory would be themselves.

One-on-one can win, so now his power has doubled and he can fight two Joanna.

There is nothing wrong with this logic.

But this sounded to Joanna, more like an invitation to fight.

"I fainted!"

Joanna groaned.

The red light flashed, and the spell flew to Madison's face in an instant.

But this low-level spell does not even require a wand for Madison, and it can be resisted by the silent anti-curse.

The wand was not pulled out. Madison just waved his hand, and the spell was flew out of the air, deflected to the ground aside, the coma spell was impacted by the anti-curse and qualitatively changed into a burst spell, which blasted the ground out of a Pit.


Gravel splash.

Then immediately, Madison's wand fell into his hands.

"Except your weapon!"

Seeing Madison's weapon started, Joanna no longer hesitated, silent, and a very subtle light flew towards Madison's hand.

Madison didn't even notice it for a while.


Then immediately, Madison's wand just started and flew off, spinning straight in the air, falling in the direction of Joanna.

Joanna's silent weapon has taken effect.

"Give me back!"

But for Madison, who has the power of witches, this is just a small accident.

When she waved her hand backwards, the witch's mental power stopped the wand in the air, and then rolled backwards, returning to Madison's direction again.

But the speed is much slower than Madison expected.

Her eyes fell on Joanna's body, and she realized that Joanna's eyes were also paying attention to the wand. Madison thought that this guy might be reading a spell.

For example, what is flying.

This sinister little bitch.


Another two red magical flashes flashed, and Madison waved them away again, unconsciously curling his palms up.

Her movements looked very chic, but Madison knew she was not comfortable at all.

The reason why the wizards use the magic wand is precisely because the body cannot bear the power of the spell, or the power of the spell. Madison relies on the powerful magic and the anti-curse wand to force the spell to fly. Although she can do this, but with The palm part touched by the spell is also painful.

Fortunately, because Joanna is distracted by magic, the competition for the wand is much smaller.

The witch's mental power instantly dragged Madison's wand back, and the wand re-started, which also relieved her of the dilemma of needing to hit the other party's attack with the palm of her hand.

"Then I should come to me next."

Passive beating is not Madison's style.

As soon as the voice fell, her wand moved forward, and the whole person took a step forward. In an instant, an invisible air wave rolled forward along the ground, as if there were some monsters rolling under the ground, like the waves, toward Not far from Joanna's feet spreading over.


Joanna did not dodge the next moment, she had disappeared in place.


Another loud noise appeared directly behind Madison. Before Joanna was reached, the tip of the wand had spread out countless golden thin lines, forming a dense fishing net in the air like a spindle, and she was thrown towards Madison by her hand. .

"Quack! quack!"

And at the moment when these seemingly sharp silk threads touched Madison, she turned into a mass of crows flying out in all directions, flying black feathers scattered, and the sound of quacks.

The quarrel was disturbing and captivated Joanna's eyes.

Crows are like a cloud of clouds, converging on Joanna’s head. Most crows have no wits. They look like a demented bird. They only know that their wings are squawking, but there are a few crows that seem to have wisdom and quietly. Dived towards Joanna.

"Torn apart!"

Madison may not be in it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other party can't be an idiot to directly hit herself. She may also become a crow, but she must be hidden, such as the invisibility curse.

So Joanna threw the spell out without hesitation.

Sure enough, when these crows were very close to them, they were directly blown into pieces by the spell, leaving only the falling feathers slowly drifting.

At the same time, Joanna's detection of evil spells told her that a scarlet mark was galloping behind, and there was nothing in her vision after turning around.

"Blazing fire."

It doesn’t matter if you don’t see it, you don’t need to find a target for magic.

Glancing at where Madison might be invisible, Joanna waved her wand, her arms and slender waist twisted, and as the arms slid, a flame resembling a fire spewed out, forming a fire wall on the ground, and constantly Push forward.

Come on a large area. .

Before Joanna's abacus was over, she found herself sinking, as if countless chains of steel imprisoned her in place, nailing her to the ground.

"Dang! Dangdang Dangdang!"

While still able to move, Joanna turned her head quickly, and saw that the scattered feathers became heavy ropes when they touched her. When they wrapped themselves, both ends fell heavily on the ground, and some of them were waiting for opportunities. The crow immediately flew over, turned into a fist big nail halfway, and then nailed the rope to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, Joanna was completely imprisoned. She knelt on the ground halfway, and the heavy catenary rope even made Joanna unable to breathe, not to mention raising her wand, perhaps condensing the spell.

Soon, the fire began to extinguish, the wall of fire separated to the two ends, and then, in the flames that fluttered, Madison slowly walked here.

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