High Magic Earth

Chapter 1479: Eat goods regardless of latitude

Tiliva felt like she was stuck in something, as if she was stuck in colloidal water. It was a unique snack in the city of Candopol, a planet very close to the strong barrier Hana Fort, Nako Star On the prosperous business city.

Candopol is a huge commercial capital. Even this city is the only one on that star. The rest are scattered outside and are used for trading berths.

The entire planet is based on Candopol, and its popularity is much higher than that of Nako.

Candopol is the most prosperous metropolis among hundreds of nearby planets, and an entire planet’s area is enough to explain its prosperity.

Hundreds of millions of humans have gathered here, making the entire city of Candopol more complicated than anyone imagines, and it is like a universe that has shrunk in size one.

Even if a ghost agent enters, there is no such thing as in the past.

The structure of Candopol is complex and has a long history.

As far back as the old federation, Candopol already existed, but at that time it was not as prosperous as it is now, but as a transit planet.

As the genetic conflict in the old federation became more and more serious, many remote planets began to seek ways to get rid of the despair caused by the genetic conflict.

Candopol was one of them, and it was also the rebel army at the time, which is now one of the gathering places of the Star Federation.

Because a batch of genetic medicines were shipped here and continued to be transferred to the old federal center, the rebels at that time directly intercepted the goods and guarded according to Candopol. Since then, Candopol has been in In the hands of the rebels.

As the rebels gradually rose, Candopol began to become more and more prosperous, and even the surrounding economy also prospered.

Outside of the rebels, there are more and more influxes of outsiders, and even enemies, lurking spies, regular merchants, and cheap mercenaries, criminals robbing the fire and so on.

Later, the Star Federation was established. After accepting the power of the old Federation, because Candopol was too remote, the political center was gradually moved back to the original giant planets.

Candopol is no longer as important as before.

But prosperity has not faded, and as the political center has been moved, it has become a very prosperous complex business city.

Or. . Very chaotic and prosperous planet.

Even here you can still see the existence of the faint old federation.

It is precisely because of multiple intertwined factors that Candopol becomes so special.

Here you can see the epitome of the old federation, you can find traces of the war, the spies who have lost their superiors, and even the ancient primitive genetic conflict.

But you can also find the most prosperous commercial spacecraft, the latest entertainment products, and some special industries.

Mercenaries, criminals, robbed, there are all kinds of fish and dragons here, businessmen and entrepreneurs, big capitalists exist on the surface, and the whole Candopol is very bright and bright, and these deep darkness can also be rich. It was terrifying, and only after going deep, we could explore the terrible world on the other side of Candopol.

This special cultural environment has made Candopol prosperity and abnormality, and it is particularly fascinating.

While exploring the data of the earth, Tiliva found that Candopol was very similar to the place where the earth once existed, that is, before being demolished, a place called Jiulongzhai.

But it is the chaotic Jiulongzhai of the commercial boom version.

As a commercial center of nearly a hundred planets nearby, Candopol is very rich in materials and commodities, and there are few things that can not be bought or found.

But again, as a planet supported purely by commerce, it does not have any rare resources worth mining and technology that can be easily obtained.

The colloidal water is one of Candopol's famous specialties.

The collection of colloidal water comes from the forest on Nako, Candopol occupies most of Nako's area, but the rest of Nako is definitely not scorched.

Even if there are countless planets in the universe that can be used to ingest resources, almost inexhaustible, but that still does not really have unlimited resources.

The renewable utilization of resources is always one of the most important directions of Star Federation.

In addition to the city of Candopol and other mooring ports, Nakostar is a large area of ​​virgin forest. Even if humans move over, it will rarely cause damage to it.

After all, humanity has already passed the era of directly relying on natural resources to maintain food and survival.

The colloidal water is found in the bottom of the mountain valleys of these forests, and not only that, but also in some high-altitude peaks, streams of colloidal water can be seen.

In other words, this colloidal water seems to be everywhere on that star.

Viscous, non-flowing crystal material interweaves on the surface, through the forest, dividing the blue sky and the earth into countless unequal fragments. The green is interwoven with countless blue veins around Candopol, making the whole That Kexing looks like a map woven together,

This strange beautiful and magnificent spectacle can only be seen in that Kexing.

It sounds like this kind of colloidal water is not something very strange. After all, it has the amount of an entire planet. Even if it is only unique to that Kexing, it should be produced in large amounts every year under good protection and careful care. . Used to make special commodities for sale.

But the rare thing is. . It can hardly be preserved for long.

Even Star Federation’s transportation and storage technology will not work.

The storage and storage technology of Star Federation is roughly divided into three categories. One is the micro-freezing technology of special dangerous goods. It reduces the temperature to the freezing point in an instant. Some of them can give the feeling of freezing even for time, but this technology It is costly and requires a lot of rare material resources. It will definitely not be used during commercial transportation.

The remaining two types are conventional solid-state transport and mimic transport.

The former is similar to the micro-freezing technology, which also places the transported material in an absolutely static field, but it is much worse than the micro-freezing technology and the cost is much lower.

Of course, this kind of storage is definitely not just storing the substance. The ambient temperature gas and even the energy index of the substance when it is stored will be packaged and packaged together, resulting in a field similar to absolute stillness.

The second is mimic transportation.

This is the lowest cost of transportation. The general technique is to simulate the surroundings as an environment suitable for the transportation of substances or organisms and then transport them.

Because the cost is lower. . It also has a wide range of applications and is the most used technology.

However, no matter which of the latter two technologies, it is impossible to store colloidal water for a long time. It can only be kept for about half an hour at most. After many failures, Candopol, who does not lack money, is cruel and uses it directly. Microfreeze attempts to store colloidal water. . But the maintenance time is even shorter than the latter two.

In desperation, Candopol can only choose to give up.

Half an hour is enough for a conventional spacecraft to cross three or four planets. The fast speed, it is not a problem to leap more than a dozen directly.

But gelatinous water often deteriorates in ten minutes, and the taste becomes extremely poor, ten minutes. . No matter how fast the spaceship is, it can only reach the nearest dozen planets.

Simply, Nakostar no longer considers the issue of large-scale foreign sales, and the gelatinous water has become a unique snack for the Metropolitan Candopol.

Scientists on these planets near Candopol have many speculations about its formation and characteristics.

Its formation should be based on certain unique minerals, trace elements, or trace minerals, or even trace radioactive elements of Nakostar.

The essence of colloidal water is still water, and it is precisely because of this that all researchers will be wondering why only the surface of that star would become gelatinous.

Different from the two conventional forms of solid and gas. . It is a special gel.

No obvious anomalous composition was detected in the colloidal water. All that was indicated was that it was water, and in the surrounding environment where it formed, mountains, canyons, and peaks, nothing valuable was detected.

But everyone believes that there must be something they don’t know, and the substance that has not been discovered has affected it, perhaps a very simple effect, otherwise it is impossible to have gelatinous water alone here.

There must be a reason.

And as the colloidal water quickly depletes and deteriorates after leaving that Kexin, it will even quickly become regular water again, and it will quickly generate some fungal bacteria, which will infect the water and become very smelly. These researchers It is suspected that the source of energy for trace emissions may come from that star.

Most likely, that Kexing itself is an unknown substance that is very similar to the discovered substance, or some substance is hidden deep.

This is not impossible, whether it is the appearance of high-latitude creatures or a planet formed entirely of dead bacterial dust and fungi, which all shows that the universe is far more strange and magnificent than humans imagine.

If you encounter something very similar to the existing substance, but it is completely different, it is entirely possible to be misrecognized or mistaken.

just. . Until Tiliva came here by accident, I had not heard of any researcher who had unlocked the secret of colloidal water.

Colloidal water has always been a specialty of Candopol.

If it is only because of the formation of relatively strange, it is not so well-known. After all, there are more strange substances in the universe. It is just water. Although it is gelatinous, it is still water.

The real problem is that it is very delicious.

Although it is water, after becoming gelatin, it becomes more delicious than pure water. It is more than one hundred times. This is one of Tiliva's favorite foods. Every time I go to Candopol to hang out, it will be Eat non-stop.

Anyway, with the treatment of spooky agents, spoils, and private work, Tiliva will not have no money for hundreds of years.

It is strange that although the essence is water, the taste of colloidal water can still be ranked the highest even in all jurisdictions under the entire Star Federation.

It was an almost extremely cold ice sensation, accompanied by the clearest sweetness in the world, because it was completely liquid, so it felt very thirsty.

Whenever he enters his mouth, he will bring the feeling brought to the extreme in an instant.

It's like bringing the most comfortable cold refreshment when the water is the most scarce but hot.

Normally, colloidal water is colloidal. After entering the mouth, the temperature gradually rises within a few seconds, and the entire colloidal water will instantly become liquid.

But it is not a normal liquid, but like a whole water mass, it can be bitten off, but more often swallowed in one bite.

It seems that only the temperature of the human oral cavity can achieve this effect, and some researchers have manually increased the temperature. . But it was found that the normal water still seemed to be very bad.

And it melts in the mouth, there is no such odor.

It's like a food that is born to humans.

This is also Tiliva's favorite food.

She tried to find alternatives on the earth, but unfortunately it was not successful. The only thing similar in concept is probably something called jelly.

But it is a pity that they are only similar. The essence of the two is too far apart, but the taste. . Even one thousandth of the colloidal water did not arrive.

The viscous material around him reminded Tiliva of colloidal water.

The entrance of gelatinous water melts, and even those researchers have not analyzed the reason. As a ghost agent, Tiliva has a certain level of skill, but it is still incomparable with them.

Of course, I have never seen the warming state of colloidal water in a non-oral environment, what it should look like when it is correct.

But Tiliva felt that the unknown substance surrounding the matter was very much like colloidal water, or rather. . She felt like gel water should look like this.


Suddenly entered a strange environment, surrounded by unknown substances, even difficult to move, but Tiliva did not have any panic, even the emotion of surprise.

As a ghost agent, she has been through hundreds of battles, and it has been difficult for anything to touch her nerves. It is normal to take risks to encounter dangerous and strange unknown situations.

If not, then Tiliva must be vigilant and secretly raise the cordon.

"Perform material analysis."

Tiliva's lips moved slightly and there was no sound, but her personal terminal had derived what she wanted to say from the vibrations of the air and bones.

"Substance analysis is in progress."

"Substance analysis is in progress."

Two prompts will soon pop up in the personal terminal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Depending on the complexity of the substance, the analysis time will definitely be different, but the terminal of the ghost agent is almost integrated with the most advanced technology of the Star Federation, even if it cannot be connected To the total console, but the degree of power is still beyond doubt.

The slowest, it only takes three or two minutes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tiliva began to use vision to observe the surroundings.

It was white and fuzzy, and seemed to be invisible.

Strange feeling, is this magic?

In fact, as early as on the surface, Tiliva discovered something unexplored in the underground. She did not realize that there was such a huge building complex underground. . But the terminal also told her that there was something unusual below.

This is not based on detection, but based on the analysis of existing clues, like it is. . Locking and judgment similar to artificial intelligence.

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