High Magic Earth

Chapter 1480: Save the countless headlines

For humans, the two monsters ravaging New York are disasters.

But relatively speaking, the initial miserable green, like a giant monster like gummies, does not seem to have no possibility of confrontation.

It and the innumerable army of ghosts that appeared together ruined everything around it, but this kind of destruction only stayed at the physical level. Its terrible thing is the huge volume and the dense number of small ghosts nearby.

And they are sneak attacks.

It appears directly inside New York City, surrounded by defenseless civilians. If it is surrounded by the elite army that is waiting for it, it is still unknown who wins or loses.

Although these ghosts float around ignoring physical rules and weight, they have a translucent and quirky appearance, and they look almost like classic supernatural creatures. The typical image of ghosts are all creatures that humans have never seen, but they are still not incomprehensible. .

But in the face of these creatures, humans can still understand them as alien creatures. Anyway, no one knows what is behind the portal, **** or alien planets. Anything can be guessed before it is confirmed.

But the latter. .

The huge monster that appeared immediately after the green ghost has turned into a completely incomprehensible existence for human beings, in a true sense.

Its appearance did not have the earth-shattering momentum of the green ghost, nor did it spoil everything it saw in front of it, but it declared its sovereignty in a way that no one could ignore.

Crystallization of all corrosion, indescribable properties that cannot be looked directly at.

This made everyone aware of the danger from outside the earth, a threat that humans simply cannot confront.

Many people have seen its appearance, but few people can really look directly at its face. Its existence is beyond the reach of human beings. Even if it is a fluke, it will be touched by the eye at the moment because of the contact. Inexplicable inexplicable existence, and fell into hysterical madness.

It is not one of the known old dominators, but it is also an incomprehensible human existence.

For intelligent creatures, fatal existence.

The live broadcast accidentally spread the existence of this terrible creature, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people around the world in almost an instant.

In fact, one of the main reasons for such huge casualties is also because all the staff in the TV station, including the host, the director, etc., also lost their reason at the moment when they saw the live broadcast.

Otherwise, cutting off the signal will certainly not affect so many people.

However, they lost their senses and were unable to communicate. Naturally, they could not receive orders from superiors, nor could they receive countless calls and orders from the outside world, and they were even less likely to cut off the retransmitted channel signals.

In the end, an assault squad made an emergency landing to the broadcast center of this TV station, forcibly cut off the backup power by force, and used technical means to block the broadcast signal. This ended the broadcast.

Otherwise, the casualties caused are likely to be even greater.

And not only that, the monitoring departments of the military, fbi, and cia also suffered heavy losses at this moment. All the personnel involved in monitoring and analysis all fell into hysterical madness in an instant. No one knew what happened because of the moment when the cause was understood. The investigators were also crazy.

The dispatcher, to find out the reason, forcibly supported the last moment of sanity trying to report and fell into madness.

Then the superior angered, and continued to send personnel to find out the reason, and braced the last moment of reason to try to report, and fell into madness again. . In the end, the superior went out in person and stepped in the same way.

Repeat this.

There may be soldiers with a slightly higher willpower or a firm heart, but it only supports one or two more seconds, and cannot play a greater role.

In the end, fbi, cia, etc. chose to give up, and blocked all relevant information.

There are too many people in their madness. Even the enemy has not seen them, and they have fallen to dozens of companions fighting side by side. The number has been comparable to the number of casualties in field teams in the past six months.

Such huge casualties, they simply can't bear it. .

Of course, the death of these intelligence personnel is not without gain. Through the fragmented information returned before dying, a part of valuable information is finally integrated.

In the place where the green ghost disappeared, a huge monster reappeared. The surveillance camera and the front detector recorded this picture faithfully, but humans cannot seem to see this scary unknown creature with their eyes, even Observation through screen rebroadcasting and recording will not work.

if not. .

Look at those companions who have fallen into a frenzy, and they have given the answer to the problem in the end.

But fortunately, when everyone is at a loss as to how to deal with this more terrifying creature. . After all, humans can't even put their eyes on it, and how easy it is to fight against it, it has disappeared bizarrely again.

Yes, it disappeared.

This is the latest information from the front.

Although human beings cannot directly look at this terrible weird creature, any way of eye contact will not work, but the technological means now available is not only a way to broadcast the picture, but soon, a batch of multi-energy detection devices were delivered The forefront of the place of origin.

Through the detection of energy, it is possible to roughly estimate the appearance of the monster, even its body shape and actions made.

Of course, similar energy detection, infrared analysis and other methods can obtain certain information vaguely and lock the general trend of the monster, but if you want more detailed content, it is completely impossible.

The detailed image was taken, but no one can dare to see it, or nobody can see it, and anyone who has seen these pictures. . They have all fallen into hysterical madness.

These influences have been strictly sealed by various departments.

Unable to understand now, does not mean that technology cannot be explained in the future. It will not be taken out again until the future technology is enough to analyze the secrets, and then analyzed again.

But since no one can see the recorded video records at this time, then naturally no one knows exactly what happened on the scene.

The fib and the * party only knew that a more difficult monster appeared on the scene, but how did it come, whether it was suddenly sent or jumped out of the ground, no one knew.

But by the time the monsters disappeared, and they were performing remote observation and detection, Marcotel and others had already used magic to close the biggest loophole.

It is precisely because of this time difference that these people have not realized that there is still a huge space underground.

But it was only a matter of time.

Until then, the witches will have to come up with a better solution, instead of leaving the magic parliament in the ground without paying attention.

but. . These ordinary people did not realize that there was still a space hidden under the ground, but Tiliva knew everything about these things.

The magic is indeed magical, it even conceals Tiliva's regular investigations, but how could it be that the ghost agent in the interstellar age has no intelligent assistance.

Artificial intelligence can infer anomalies below the ground at a glance.

The energy fluctuation of the portal is biased and remains under the ground. No matter how this spatial fluctuation is formed, the ground cannot be as smooth as it is now.

It's just that Tiliva itself has one more thing than one less, and is ready to enjoy a rare holiday on the earth.

But with the signal that high-latitude creatures may continue to come, whether it is the mission of the Star Federation or to save his life, Tiliva has to take a closer look.

But without any surprise, the mud constructed by these witches can stop ordinary people, and it is not enough to look at a ghost agent.

The Youneng gun lightly pulled the trigger several times, and the ground was easily penetrated into a deep hole that was just one person wide. The refilled soil layer did not stop Tiliva for a second, and she jumped directly to underground.

Fortunately, she didn't want the anomaly here to be discovered by nearby indigenous researchers. . That will attract a group of nasty flies.

So Tiliva did not enlarge the hole, but kept the size of only one person. The hole opened under a slab of rubble. Tiliva chose a good position. It is also an agent. Stand in front, otherwise it is impossible to observe from a distance.

In either direction, it was blocked by ruins and raised rubble.

In theory, no one will find here unless. . Someone followed her.

. . .

"A, there is a pit here..."

"We all saw it, idiot."

"Okay d, don't always aim at c."

A group of guys shrouded in black trench coats soon came to this place with Tiliva's appearance. They stood around the deep hole where Tilva disappeared.

They have a total of five people, in addition to the black woman in a fraction is called a, and there is a c who is responsible for investigation.

In fact, the relationship between c and d is much better than it seems on the surface. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life and death. The two actually come from the same source world. When they first crossed, the two already knew each other. Too.

It's just that the surface always seems to be arguing, otherwise a team can't accommodate two players with obvious conflicts.

"Are we going down?"

After habitually blocking c and d from the daily quarrel e, the tone of the question asked a.

Surprisingly, even they did not realize that there seemed to be room under the ground, and the unknown person who was obviously using the technology side equipment before, easily cut in.

You know, the advance team equipment is the most advanced.

The advance team is affiliated with the Academy and is a security company under the name of Seth Technology. Of course, there are two teams on the bright side, but in fact there are three.

The third team has been active in the dark and never showed up. The team in front of it is the team with the highest fighting power, coded by the first five letters of the alphabet.

The equipment used by the advance team has always been the most cutting-edge technology in the entire world.

After all, it is possible to freely enter the source point plane of many technologies, whether it is a free person in the research institute, or the research team under the seth company, all have advanced technologies that are higher than the real world for decades.

Some planes are proficient in cloning technology, and the technology of cloning technology is almost unimaginable, such as biohazard and black orphans.

Some worlds are proficient in the transmission of virtual thoughts, such as Avatar, which can even successfully invade a fabricated body in the end.

Of course, that is not entirely the power of technology.

But it can still be used for reference.

Science is more logical than magic in that they are all the same and can be integrated into each other. Unless two scientific fields are too far apart, in most cases, technology will start to advance by leaps and bounds.

However, the world dominated by technology also has some disadvantages, because most of them are difficult for outsiders to integrate smoothly.

Even normal life is difficult, not to mention getting valuable things.

Many technology planes have a high level of technology, but even a free man with abilities can hardly get any benefits in the face of the force of future technology.

Fortunately, there are also many worlds on the verge of breaking, and opportunities to acquire high-end technology.

For example, Resident Evil, Super Hero Series and so on. .

Seth's technology is obtained in this way. The pictures shown in the movie were originally things that were difficult to achieve in the real world for more than ten years. After becoming real, the technological faults naturally exceeded decades, even nearly a hundred years. .

Although seth is affiliated with the research institute, those ordinary free people who are nominally classified as research institutes rarely have access to this company.

It's even difficult to get a salary as a part-time worker.

This is also inevitable.

Every free person is special to ordinary people, and can even be called the protagonist, but not every free person has a kind and peaceful heart.

Some people think that they are more special, more special than ordinary people, and more special than other free people.

In this case, conflicts have also occurred.

When there is conflict, there will be order, restrictions on the strong, and protection against the weak, but sometimes it is completely reversed.

However, there is no confusion within the free man of the new human race to this extent, but it is not much better.

Almost all new human free people have joined the academy or campus, because of a radical and conservative reason, the two organizations are more like the real version of Magneto’s Brotherhood and Professor Xavier’s Xavier School of Genius.

But the difference is that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Whether it is a free person who joins the academy or the campus, almost no orders will be obeyed.

This is also an inevitable thing. Realistic people have long been used to freedom. Unless their nature makes them so, or they are soldiers, it is difficult for one person to listen to another person wholeheartedly.

Especially after getting this. . After the power of adventure.

So although they joined, they just kept warm in a circle and kept themselves out of the crowd.

The Institute cannot naturally fail to notice this phenomenon, but it seems that it has no intention of strict integration. After collecting a group of free people who obey the order with money and various means, they seem to be satisfied. They are ready to do this first. The ambition to continue to expand.

But in the same way, any welfare that belongs to the research institute can not be free, and it will only be provided to the free people directly under them.

For example, advance team.

After all, these technologies were taken back in advance by the advance team.

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