High Magic Earth

Chapter 1485: Wait, it seems to be friendly

"and many more."

Lola suddenly slowed down.

The surroundings were still very quiet, and the deeper, the more lonely among the ruins.

Even the air is filled with an ancient abandoned sedimentary breath, making people can't help tickling their noses and throats, as if filled with the dust of history.

It seems that this place has been abandoned for a long time.

But Lola still felt something was wrong here.

It is certain that someone here has come, after all, they are chasing down the other party, the other party's actions are light, maybe they have been trained in anti-reconnaissance, anyway, there is no trace along the way.

They are purely relying on the detection ability of C in black, and when they get here, even C is a little uncertain whether he has pursued the mistake, because he has no sense of the other party.

But Lola knew that the other party did not go far.

Because that kind of trembling feeling is getting stronger and stronger, as if her heart is jumping out of the body.

"Be careful!"

Mr. C and Negro d followed Lola's orders and stopped, but did not relax their vigilance. They were looking around with caution, as if at the next moment, a monster would emerge from an unknown corner.

But at this moment, Lola's eyes seemed to catch something, which had already appeared behind d.

So she blurted out without thinking.

At the same time she picked up the firearm, and the dim light beam converged instantly, and in the time of less than microseconds, she penetrated the distance between the two and reached d.

Lola was worried about accidentally injuring d and did not adjust the damage of the energy ammunition to the maximum.

But even the lowest level of energy damage cannot be blocked by any body armor in this era, but it seems that the other party is also dressed as a future warrior, and the defense level should not be too bad.

Even so, Lola is still confident that the shot will go down and directly hurt the other party.

After all, they need intelligence, not killing enemies.

Lola is confident in her marksmanship.

In fact, because of Lola's abilities, almost no matter or energy can touch her, nor can she touch any energy.

Although her stomach pouch can still digest food, she will not feel anything when the food enters her throat, and the same is true of drinking water.

So naturally, her hands could not hold any firearms.

Including the sci-fi futuristic firearm she held in her hand at this time.

This is the obsolete weapon of the Xinghe clan, which is used by humans to fight the Zerg, so it has great power and scale. Even the smallest energy level, among the energy weapons, the power is also on the upper side.

And Lola seemed to hold the gun in both hands, but if you look closely, you will find that she is completely holding the gun so that it will not slip out of her hand.

She had no physical contact with the firearm at all.

This lack of focus felt terrible and left Lola completely unfeeling, let alone aiming.

When receiving shooting training at the academy, Lola was the focus of attention. Because of her special ability, her miss rate was amazing.

There is no good way to solve this problem.

Because of Lola's power.

But fortunately, the quasi-head can be fed with bullets, because Lola’s ability is almost absolute defense. Except for suffocation and poisoning, it can kill her with a single blow, and other conventional dangers have almost nothing to her. effect.

Therefore, when training, Lola also prefers to attack rather than protect herself.

Her design time is at least five times that of others.

The final result is that Lola not only finally caught up with the normal level of others in shooting accuracy, but also greatly overcame the past.

Lola is now the most accurate presence in the entire advance team. . This is also something that was not thought of at first.

She guarantees that she will be able to hit each other unless. .


Under Lola's gaze, the light beam hit the opponent as expected, and it seemed that this blow knocked the opponent out of the blurred shadow.

But soon Lola realized that this was not the case.

Although the opponent appeared, the beam did not hurt her at all.

The scorching light beam broke through the space in an instant, and then hit Tiriva's abdomen armor on the belly. Tiliva's terminal has long locked the flight path of this energy beam, thanks to the physical ability of Tiliva ghost agent , She can easily dodge aside.

But she did not do so, because in her view, such a powerful attack was not even as good as the accident site of the near-Earth airship.

Sure enough, the moment the beam collided with her belly armor, it burst like an air mass, and then quietly dissipated into the air.

Tiliva didn't even feel a shock.

Then at the next moment, her hand flicked quickly to the black human in front of her. The faint green light attached to the armor of her arm, forming the shape of a dagger.


At the same time that Tiliva's arm touched the opponent, it seemed to trigger some kind of armored automatic defense device. A thin layer of inner armor spread and spread instantly, wrapping the deadly part of the opponent's neck.

But the inner armor in this layer is too thin to provide much defense.

At least in Tiliva's eyes, it was thinner than paper.

In the next moment, her arm penetrated this armor without stopping, and then hit the fatal and most vulnerable blood vessel of the opponent's neck.

But the black d only felt a numbness of the entire neck, and his eyes were already shrouded in darkness, and the whole person instantly collapsed to the ground.

He heard the reminder of Captain Lola, and seemed to see the shadow appearing behind him, but it was too late to react, or could not react.

The feeling of being targeted by top predators instantly suppressed his body, slowing his movements, and even the flow of blood seemed to stop. .

Then he passed out.

Yes, this guy is not dead.

The four advance team members who didn't even know what they were facing wanted to capture Tiliva alive and get intelligence, and Tiliva actually stared at them.

Whether it is magic or this group of seemingly mutated humans, ordinary people don’t know much about them. Although Tiliva has invaded almost all intelligence databases, but ordinary people don’t have intelligence, she can’t change from nothing. come out.

In front of them, these little bugs tracking themselves. . Almost the best source of intelligence.

. . .

Lola's face was a bit gloomy.

In fact, her face may be more ugly, but she is forcing herself to calm down.

Now she finally knows why she always has a feeling of panic, that is not her illusion, but here is a very dangerous energy reaction, which is so terrible that it shocked her and even penetrated her. The surface defense of her, vaguely touched her skin.

It is this unusually dangerous energy response that makes Lola seem to be surrounded by a kind of lingering haze.

And now, she finally only knows where this dangerous energy response comes from.

The source of energy is the woman in front of you.

Like them, relying on technology, relying on the existence of a technological direction of equipment.

Whether the other party is that group of heretics or not, whether or not they have been in contact with the group here, Lola can't determine for the time being, but she can be sure that this guy is not in the information entered by the institute.

And this armor alone is a technological direction that the Institute has never been in contact with.

As a member of the best equipped advance team, Lola knows almost any cutting-edge technology from other worlds in the Institute, but none of them are similar to the one in front of you, no matter in style or style.

In fact, there are many technologies that although they are currently unavailable, they can easily know their existence through the plot.

One of the main tasks is to bring back the advance team of technology is naturally no stranger to this.

The technology, important weapons, information, even viruses, and some other specialties in all major technology worlds are summarized and then memorized by each advance team member.

Even if there is no such technology research institute, as long as it appears, Lola will definitely recognize it unless the other party is not from a known source world at all.

Lola's eyes shone slightly. . A new world has emerged?

This is good news, and although the opponent's armor is very simple, it is extremely strong. Lola clearly knows that although the previous beam looks inconspicuous, it is only enough to penetrate a dozen centimeters of steel plate directly.

It is a high-energy laser weapon with great power. Of course, the cost is not small.

Replenishing energy costs a lot of money. . But there is no way.

After all, the humans in the world of the Xinghe team are facing one of the most difficult enemies in the entire Star Age. The Zerg, some Zerg's own carapace is completely several times the hardness of the steel plate, and the slightly weaker firearms, even their shells are playing. Not broken.

So no matter how much it costs, the government of the Galaxy World will have to stick their teeth and stick to it.

But it is this powerful weapon, the moment it touches the opponent's armor. . But it seemed as if a mass of gas did not hurt the other party at all, but spread directly around.

I am afraid that this gap is not more than ten years, and it can be bridged in decades. This is completely suppressed by technology.

but. . Although all this seems beautiful, Lola has to figure out the most important point.

"What world do you come from."

"Are you a werewolf, a companion of the vampire's disgusting monsters?"

Lola asked in a low voice.

Her eyes fell on the black man on the ground, and the armored life detection device told her that he was not dead. This was a good start, good news, wasn't it?

"So, you really are from other worlds."

Tiliva didn't answer Lola's question, but seemed to be thinking about her question casually.

Lola was not angry. She was a good-tempered guy herself, although she seemed apathetic, and the other party clearly showed that they could not resist. . It's just an idiot to anger the other party.

"We are yours... companions."

Agent Ghost’s translator has already entered all the languages ​​here, and Tiliva has also switched to English mode, and there is no problem of incomprehensible communication.

But understanding is understanding, Lola did not understand what Tileva whispered.

She didn't think much, but continued on her own.

"We have the same experience as you, enter the world of the movie, and then come back again. In fact, there are many people who have the same experience as us."

"We've gathered together spontaneously...it's a mutual aid club."

Mutual aid is also a specialty of the United States, and it is not uncommon. Although Lola was curious about the origin of the other party and showed goodwill first, but did not say too much.

Although she is almost certain that the other party should not be a wizard or a free man in magic, because this body of armor that is even higher in science and technology than the research institute can't do fake.

Those who have not heard of the magic side have such high-tech equipment.

But Lola was still a little wary.

Because even if it is inside the institute, it is not a monolithic one. In addition to the advance team and the senior level of the institute, it is the only person who understands their mission as free men. Others still care for themselves.

What's more, it is a completely unfamiliar free man.

Lola was not sure what the other party's attitude would be.

The onlookers c and e stepped back slightly, and left and right to the sides cautiously. They also saw the scene that happened to black d just now. They didn't think they were more powerful than d.

If this strange guy came to himself. . They have no confidence to block each other.

"The world of movies..."

"It is indeed a very strange phenomenon."

Tiliva actually knows a little bit about free people. After all, the senior people of ordinary people have also noticed the existence of these strange guys, and have carried out some explorations, and even launched small-scale cooperation.

But there are some things that Tileva can hardly believe because of the record alone, because in the eyes of the ghost agent Tiliva, these things are also somewhat incredible.

Entering other worlds and then coming back, this is not unusual.

Perhaps there are many unstable space passages on this planet, wormholes and the like, sending humans out through some kind of human-specific position, and then returning again.

Similar special phenomena exist on many planets. As more planets are discovered by the Star Federation, the special phenomena unique to each planet recorded are even more incredible.

But movies. .

Tiliva certainly knows what a movie is, and it also exists in the Star Federation. The human spiritual world never disappears with the advancement of technology~www.wuxiaspot.com~Unless humans have become machines, or injected with emotional suppression Special things like agents, although the entertainment methods of movies and other things in this world look very backward in Tiliva's eyes.

It’s just that. . How could humans enter the so-called movie world.

Tiliva can certainly think that it is not a movie world, but a different space, parallel world, or even alien planets.

But the plot cannot be faked.

Both the similarity and the future development are almost exactly the same. This is not a parallel world, and different spaces can explain and deceive yourself.

Tiliva didn't quite believe it.

But it was not until Lola personally said that she had to make sure that a large part of the intelligence collected by her might be true.

The world of movies. .

This is really a more important discovery than high-latitude organisms.

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