High Magic Earth

Chapter 1486: The story that Agent Ghost had to tell

Tiliva didn't pay attention to these guys.

The enhancement that You Neng brought to her has made her whole body exceed the limits of humanity, whether it is physical strength, strength, bounce or even anti-shock.

This improvement also includes life.

Ghost agents generally have a long life span. . Even for dangerous jobs like agents, ghost agents can live longer than others.

At least one or two hundred years or even longer.

Of course Tiliva is definitely not that kind of old lady. She is still young, but she has accumulated at least 40 years of experience as an agent.

The richness of this experience is terrible.

It should be known that the agents in the world can only accumulate more than ten years of experience, and then may retire due to pain or die directly in the task.

Those who can have a secret agent career for decades, even when they are still in their 50s or 60s, are definitely legends in the secret agents, or simply Bond in the movies.

The same is true even in the Star Federation.

Only ghost agents, their powerful fighting ability makes their survival rate much higher than those of ordinary agents. Youneng also has the effect of strengthening the life extension of the body, so that they will not slide downhill when they are about one hundred years old. Lively staying on the front line.

The most important point is that their identity is also very special.

In fact, instead of calling them agents, it is better to describe them as idols or mascots.

Star Federation is very precious to them. These ghost agents, after decades of accumulation, the number of ghost agents can only maintain about ten floating up and down, each one is the treasure of Star Federation.

Needless to say, infiltrating the mission, with the skill of ghost agents, there will be no accidents at all. Even if there is an accident, no one will dare to deal with them. Star Federation will directly come to protect them.

In fact, there are not many similar tasks.

The Star Federation is huge. After digesting the old Federation, in addition to the original genetic conflict, there are still many other problems. I haven't figured it out within myself, and I have no energy to pay attention to other things.

Several other regimes split from the old federation, or the hostile regimes that existed when the old federation existed, such as the Fourth Human Empire, the Galactic Republic, the Sith Empire, etc. are also in a similar situation. Humans are particularly good at infighting The race, even in the future, even if you change a world, this has never changed.

Even years of internal chaos have long disconnected several regimes. Of course, this is only for ordinary people. For those in power, there is still contact between them.

But it is also limited to, "Oh, you are still alive." This level of dialogue.

As for more secret information, such as the discovery of non-human intelligent creatures and the like. . They have concealed themselves, how can they share with others, selfishness and greed are also common characteristics that humans have never changed.

always like this.

For ordinary people, the Galactic Republic, the fourth empire of mankind, I have only heard of it in the records of virtual learning machines and instilled chips.

They have almost become legends.

It is almost like the Europa in the medieval period of the earth.

"I heard that the far east is full of gold, and they are wearing silky clothes that are more milk than milk and eating the most delicious food in the world."

The stupid Europa said so.

But if these bitter peasants who were oppressed by the knight lords really went to the sea to find the distant gold in the east, they would definitely shake their heads faster than the paddles.

Gold everywhere, clothes slippery than milk, the most beautiful food? No need to look for it, I know where there is, in my dream.

This is more like a sustenance of a dream, but if someone really tells them that all of this is true, they will definitely not believe it.

Even if there is, it is only in the kingdom of God.

The situation of the Star Federation is similar. Whether it is the Fourth Empire of Mankind or the Galactic Republic, it has not communicated with the Star Federation for at least hundreds of years or even thousands of years, and ordinary people have long regarded them as legends. . Even wrong records in some remote small planets.

This is not surprising. The universe is nothing strange. Even now, there are still countless unheard of things and unsolvable secrets of countless star federations.

As the territory of the Star Federation grows larger and larger, it is inevitable that there will be some remote small planets that cannot be scrupulous, where everything can happen.

The upper level cut off contact with the Star Federation, or lied about the attack, and transferred some people to other planets where the environment was harsher, but still able to live.

After a few generations, ordinary people who could not receive enough education were immediately beaten back to the primitive era, while the upper level still retains science and technology that looks similar to magic.

In this case, they can completely treat themselves as gods. . Do whatever you want.

A phenomenon similar to **** worship is only one of the most common. In addition, there are many brutal gladiatorial fields, slave auctions, and even darker, disgusting, venting the most primitive places and places of mankind.

Most of the upper layer single line cut off the connection with the Star Federation. For various reasons, the Star Federation lost the information record of the planet.

This is nothing surprising.

Even a country on a planet cannot take care of every corner, not to mention the star federation regime whose star domain is countless times larger.

The ordinary people at the bottom who have lost contact with the Star Federation network can only gradually fall to the most primitive environment, but the upper layer still retains almost irresistible technological weapons, forming an absolute suppression of force.

This planet is definitely not a minority in the Star Federation. The huge benefits and absolute authority magnify the evil thoughts in the human heart. The demons in the human heart were originally even more terrible.

Tiliva has cleared many of these planets, and these places are very unfriendly even for ghost agents.

Obviously, the upper-level controllers will not so easily put down their authority to surrender, not to mention that the sins they have committed are enough to apply for the life delay plan, and then squat to the Al prison for hundreds of years.

Most of the time they choose to stubbornly resist. . Even for centuries of doing whatever they want, they have forgotten the terrible power of the Star Federation, thinking that the emperor is far away, and they have not been able to do anything in their territory.

Most people will choose to fight with the ghost agent. After all, the ghost agent is also a very rare commodity, even a commodity that has never been available before.

But these idiots are probably not clear. Ghost Agents are the treasures of the Star Federation. Each ghost agent has its own liaison and locator. When the Ghost Agents reach their lone stars that are behind and out of the Star Federation, they no longer Then there are the lone star and the black star with no recorded information. Even if the ghost agent fails, there will be at least an entire star team behind him.

It’s not a big deal. The ghost fighter’s combat power is still one of the best in the Star Federation. Unless the enemy overturns the boat in the gutter, the enemy who can defeat the ghost agent is also worth paying attention to.

And an entire Star Team is not an exaggeration.

In any case, the time of the millennium is too long, whether it is for humans before the interstellar era or after the interstellar era.

Before the Star Age, both the recording methods and the inheritance methods were very backward. The time of a thousand years was enough to wipe out most of the traces, and only the remains of the building can still make people feel the customs of that era.

After entering the interstellar age, the millennium has become longer.

The records will not be lost and the information is complete, but the rapid development of technology will make people feel that this world has not been recognized by themselves for almost ten years.

Not to mention. . millennium.

The Republic of the Galaxy, the Fourth Empire of Mankind has long become a legend. The universe is very large. Even if the Star Federation continues to expand, it will not hit the borders of other regimes, so there are no even intersecting zones.

They have completely become the nouns recorded in the infusion chip.

Most people think that these are just some historical countries that have been fabricated or exaggerated.

Even Tiliva, who is a ghost agent, does not have much information in this regard. In this case, the Star Federation can have any external missions.

What Tiliva did most was some missions to explore the wild planet. Although the settled planet has been cleaned more than once before the colonial ship arrived, there are still some omissions, even if there are **** teams As a ghost agent, Tiliva needs to do some things to check for gaps.

In addition, there are some internal cleansing, factional struggles, business leaks, and competition. But because they are all contradictions within the Star Federation, even if they catch ghost agents, no one dares to do anything to them.

Honestly, the consequences may be better, but if the ghost agent is really hurt. . The ending is definitely worse than entering Al prison.

In fact, if you really encounter ghost agents, it is definitely not a good thing for those who absolutely encounter them.

This means that Star Federation directly intervenes. Ghost Agent is the direct ace of Star Federation and their signature. The tasks that Ghost Agent participates in represent the determination of Star Federation.

Inside the Star Federation anyway, the entire Star Federation? Unless there is a large-scale factional struggle, there is no hope.

Of course, Ghost Agents are not just doing these meaningless tasks, otherwise they are just flowers in the greenhouse.

In addition, there are many very dangerous places that only ghost agents can go to, such as the lone stars before, or the place where high-latitude creatures came when they arrived. .

But if it is because of these reasons, the ghost agent is particularly precious in the Star Federation, but Tiliva himself is not quite convinced.

Indeed, ghost agents are dozens of times more powerful than ordinary agents, but after all, the number is scarce. Ordinary agents can complete some ghost agent's work on a large scale, which can be compensated with funds and personnel.

And for a star federation with a vast star range. . The most important thing is money and people.

Just because of these things, the status of the ghost agent should not be so high, and even the high is unbelievable.

What is it for? . Tiliva was not clear anyway.

Simply did not continue to delve into this issue.

Perhaps it is related to the ghost energy. After all, the special place of the ghost agent is only the ghost energy.

Tiliva pondered secretly. Although he didn't put the guys in front of him in his eyes, he didn't completely relax his vigilance. It looks very relaxed, but the terminal is always on with the panoramic scanner.

However, according to the data feedback from the terminal, the hostility index of these guys is declining rapidly, and this is for some reason. . Oh, maybe it's because I think of myself as someone.

In fact, Lola is indeed waiting. She believes that Tiliva is a free man on the side of the new man, coming from a new world that has not yet been discovered.

It is very likely that Tiliva was the first free man to return from that world.

Although the attitude of the other party is still questionable, in any case, it is impossible to be magic heretics and monsters, because those heretics do not have such a high-end technology source world.

As for those heretics stolen from research institutes or campuses. . This is even more unrealistic.

The Institute and the campus itself have two such high-end equipment. It is also said that as the captain of this advance team with the highest combat strength, Lola used to be the most cutting-edge equipment, even she had not heard of it.

Although in the source world of many technological directions, valuable things have been listed, but those are classic items that have been particularly prominently expressed in the plot, iconic things.

And some similar items, they can not know.

For example, the memory eraser in the world of the black man is well known, but who knows what brand of toilet is made by black k in the world of black man, it is impossible for anyone to know.

Unless going in person.

This may be the case with Tiliva's suit. Some of the worlds in which suit technology is not prominent, but because of the future background of the big environment, these suits will also be pulled up in a moment that is in line with common sense.

Of course, if it was really the other advance teams of the Academy who got a new suit for the future of a certain world, then it happened to be stolen by that group of heretics, and then it happened to be hit by themselves underground, and there was no information here. No news. . Narola also recognized.

I believe that bad luck.

But there are so many coincidences in the world.

The biggest possibility is that the other party is also their companion.

After seeing what happened in New York, the other party came over curiously and then explored deeply, and then they were encountered by them. This is not impossible.

This possibility is the greatest.

Thinking of this, Lola's face was better again. Of course, there were also reasons why the three of them together couldn't beat each other.

Lola continued to whisper, "I think... there might be a misunderstanding between us."

"If you are willing to calm down, then I can explain everything to you in detail."

Tiliva was silent for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~I really want to hear your explanation. "

A standard English pronunciation came under her mask. "But I think it might be a waste of time, so I decided to do it myself."

"And I think you misunderstood something."

After a pause, Tiliva continued.

"It's about whether I am your companion."

"Like you said, I do come from a future world that you don't know yet, but the difference is that you leave from here, enter other worlds, and then return again."

"For me, there is one less step, and only the other half."

"I came from other worlds and then came here."


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