High Magic Earth

Chapter 1500: Let's go for another game. .

What the other party said is true or false, the second princess could not judge at all, maybe it is true, after all, as a lie, there is no need to be so exaggerated.

It may also be fake, for example, if the other party happens to be accurate.

But this was a meaningless entanglement. The second princess didn't want to waste more time on this question, so she asked it outright.

Of course, the method may not be so friendly. . It's the more subtle way of satire.

"If you still have the last bit of brain, and can move your barren brain to think about it, you will realize how stupid you are..."

Yi Xiao raised a hand, the beautiful young woman. . Er, or the second princess who is very close in temperament to the beautiful young woman, instinctively closed her mouth.

Even she didn't know why.

This is not any kind of magic, because she didn't even notice the signs of magic.

Although the second princess may be far worse than the arrogance in the attainment of magic, she is also the most outstanding master of magic in Asgard after all. There is very little that can hide her completely.

But whether it was magic or something, after a moment of stunned reaction, the second princess's heart immediately burst into anger.

It was really anger that grew from the heart, and evil grew to the courage, because at that moment, she seemed to feel a tremor from the depths of the soul, it was like the whole person became the humblest dust.

At this moment, the position of the boot and the ant were reversed.

How could not let the second princess out of anger.

Although she has always been very humble, low-key, and even somewhat easy-going, she is still the arrogant, self-proclaimed god, and even the second princess who despise any creature, the **** of lies in Asgard , The night god, is also the **** of fire. . Rocky.

Now she looks humble and gentle, that is because she is not sure about the pits, and the tyrants and the gods are obviously more important. At least until she has enough information, she will not easily reveal the kind of hate. Itchy teeth.

But she still has a bottom line.

Asgard’s deity is not her arrogant self-proclaim, but a true deity. Asgard has a deity, although this kind of deity may be different from most Western fantasy stories circulating in the atrium. But Loki did indeed inherit a certain **** from Asgard.

It is likely that this is why she is stronger than other ordinary Asgards. The blood line of the Frost Giant must have a part of the relationship, but the title and **** position of the gods must also have a great reason.

Because there is also her sister who can prove it.

Thormel, the long princess, does not have the blood of the Frost Giant, but because it is called Thor, it is thousands of times more powerful than other ordinary Asgards. . Or perhaps, there are also unknown secrets in Odin's lineage.

The dignity of the gods cannot be trampled.

This is Rocky's bottom line.


The noble second princess's eyes filled with intense anger, the white fur of the big ao seemed to be windless and automatic, and the long black hair like algae quivered.

Her breath became more and more dangerous, as if she couldn't help it in the next moment.

But before she completely blown hair, Yi Xao raised her hand again.

"You are the body."

Yi Chou asked indifferently.

"what are you going to do."

The second princess was really pretending, she seemed very alive and dead, very angry, as if she would blow up like a pufferfish at the next moment, but when she heard Yi Chou's words, she immediately retreated back very carefully, as if facing What a monster that eats people.

"Don't be so nervous."

Yi Xiao said something that made the second princess put down her vigilance. . Then he reached out at the same time, at a speed that was too fast to cover his ears, at least the second princess couldn't react, and suddenly grabbed the end of her shoulder.

"Since you can't believe it, come and see for yourself."

. . .

Princess II feels terrible.

Also sad.

Isn’t this guy opposite a mage? Why do her hands and feet look sharper than herself? The second princess doesn’t know that she has the frost giant bloodline at this time, but this does not prevent her from knowing her strength.

For example, although Loki in the comics is a mage, the bloodline of the Frost Giant still gives her extraordinary physique and strength. She can lift more than fifty tons of heavy objects, not only living longer than humans, but even resisting conventional properties Her injuries, earth’s diseases, poison injuries, she can quickly recover, and she can even reconnect the severed body parts, including her head

Of course, this Rocky may not be as powerful as in the comics, and may not be able to lift more than fifty tons of heavy objects, but it is still not comparable to an ordinary human.

Putting aside the magic, Loki alone can still suppress all the earthlings.

After all, not everyone can pierce Thor's armor with a knife, and it's a kidney blow. Nor can anyone be stricken by the Hulk after a violent thump, even if they are embarrassed, they haven't even spit out blood.

But in this way, she was an ordinary Midgart. . Well, at least the guy who looks indistinguishable from the ordinary atrium is completely suppressed.

The speed that the guy just moved towards her, she did not respond.

Fortunately, the other party just grabbed her for teleportation, as if to take her somewhere, but if it wasn't just teleportation, it was a more lethal sneak attack.

Isn't she dead now?

This feeling is very bad, very bad, the feeling of being threatened at all times in her life is that she has always had a hole card, only she played others and no one else cheated her second princess never felt it.

This made her eyes increasingly hazy.

In addition to this most intuitive threat, this extremely bad teleportation magic also made the second princess uncomfortable.

The second princess is already very proficient in teleportation magic. In addition to the teleportation teleport in a short distance, she can even create a dimensional crack in the comics, directly traveling between the fairy palace and other countries.

In terms of transmission capacity, it is more practical than Rainbow Bridge.

The second princess must not be able to tear the space directly from the fairy palace to the earth, and can only sneak out through the gaps of the fairy palace defense system, but still extremely proficient in teleportation magic.

There must be no feeling of dizziness as if you were a roller coaster.

And she did not expect that this wizard, who seemed to be more powerful than herself in the magic field, had such a strange feeling of transmitting magic.

The second princess feels like she is in some kind of control magic, and the dizziness can even make her lose her combat power directly!

Maybe, this guy is not as powerful as he thinks. It's just a matter of fact. The second princess thought maliciously.


Then at the next moment, the second princess decided to say something, one was that she refused to let go of any chance to ridicule, and the other was that she felt that if she didn’t need to speak to divert her attention, she might vomit the next second come out.

Even if she is a god.

It is a pity that the poor second princess still only spoke one word, and the hand holding Yi shoulder suddenly loosened, and the surrounding world reversed instantly, showing countless scenery and world wonders like a horse lantern, and then the picture was frozen. The two also suspended in a wilderness.

"It's bad.."

Half of the words were suddenly choked back by a sudden stop. Fortunately, the surroundings were calm. The second princess took a deep breath and said with a smile.

"Do I need help when I go back."

Obviously, the second princess is saying that she is totally inattentive to Yi Nao's terrible teleportation magic.

Looking around the earth at and around her feet, the second princess saw a desolation, hills and plains that she saw in her eyes, and there were large lush forests on the horizon at the end of her sight.

Although this may only be a corner of the world, the natural breath from the surroundings still clearly made the second princess realize at the first time that this is not an atrium, because there does not seem to be those stupid Midgart here. Invented by people in recent years, called the creation of science and technology.

"Where is this?"

The second princess and Yi Xiao were suspended in mid-air, and her hands were hugged in front of her, with a strong disdain in her eyes, looking down at the world below.

"Alheim is still Nifurheim."

The second princess did not realize that they were far away from the atrium, even far away from Jiujie. She still thought that Yi Chou only took her to teleport in Jiujie.

In the Nine Realms, there is a large wilderness plain, and it is a country that is unfamiliar with the terrain and terrain, only the white elven country and the country of fog.

Yi Chou's transmission in the Nine Realms was so difficult, and the second princess inexplicably recovered her confidence.

With self-confidence, it is natural to talk a little bit hard.

Even brought back disdain.

And Yi Xiao was very calm, and even asked a little curiously.

"Oh? You can also directly break the latitude and enter another cosmic space?"

The second princess froze slightly.

She was clever and she couldn't hear the meaning of Yi Chou's words. She was half cold in her heart, and then said dryly.

"This is not within the Nine Realms?"

"Where is this and how do you prove it."

Up to now, the second princess still does not quite believe that there are other latitudes, parallel worlds, and even a wider world outside the universe.

Because Asgard's footsteps have only reached the exploration of the universe, if that is the case, does it mean that Asgard is also watching the sky from the well.

Just as the Asgards were proud of other worlds and residents of other countries, they mocked them for not knowing the vastness and hugeness of the universe, only knowing the one-third of an acre of land staring at their own planet.

But this time, the ignorant people replaced Asgard himself.

"Don't worry."

Yi Chou's hands waved quickly in mid-air, and then pulled out countless golden threads.

"I brought you here, not to prove these problems."

These golden light silk threads were woven by Yi Chou, and quickly formed the magic models most used by the Karma Taj one-line mage.

As the golden aperture of Yi Chou's hands slowly turned clockwise and counterclockwise, the surrounding scene immediately began to flow again like a sun and moon shuttle.

The world is turned upside down, and many canyons and mountains seem to be highlighted in a three-dimensional version, but none of this can affect the second princess and Yi Chou who occupy the center position, just like they are the real ones, and everything around them is nothing but illusions and illusions.

It's like mirror space.

However, Yi Chou was used for short-distance transmission.

Adding some effects to the teleportation can make the magic look more dazzling, although Yi Chou wraps himself with shadow energy, borrowing the shadow or the portal of Fantasy Island can achieve this. . But obviously this method is not applicable sometimes, for example, when you take Loki.

And the cool effect is also easier to bluff, at least for now, the effect on Rocky is very good.


Yi Huo said with no sincerity.

"Some deviations occurred during positioning."

The second princess snorted coldly and decided not to make any remarks or opinions. In order to avoid hitting a nail like before, the second princess decided not to make any announcements until she was completely sure and clear.

The surrounding situation is still rotating rapidly.

They quickly passed the plains, the mountains, and then the large forests, and then Loki saw the world's first wise group. . Some nomads running on horses.

The second princess frowned slightly, and she didn't think there was any place other than Midgart in the Nine Realms to survive humanity. . So it is very likely that here is not the Nine Realms.

The picture continued to rotate, and soon these nomads were skimmed, and then appeared under the two of them a castle that had not been built long before.

The second princess is good at observing, and her eyes are sharp. She immediately found out that it is not human beings, but a kind of human life, or it is more appropriate to call them werewolves.

. . Strange races are not common.

Immediately afterwards, the pictures flashing around became faster and faster, so fast that they could no longer be captured with eyes, even the **** of Loki.

Simply, the second princess gave up the plan to continue to observe.

Time seems to be passing slowly, but it seems to be very fast, as if passing away is like a moment of stop. The surrounding scenes suddenly stop, and the two reappeared above a city, and freeze here.

"Welcome to Junlin."

At the next moment, Yi Chou's voice appeared slowly.

"To be honest, I haven't been back in a long time."


The second princess was silent for a while.

"Junlin, where is this?" she asked with some doubt.

Yi Chou shrugged his shoulders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have said that this is not the Nine Realms, nor within the Nine Realms. "

"You haven't heard of this place at all, this is normal."

"You don't even know what I said."

The second princess squinted her long and narrow eyes, and was obviously not satisfied with this answer, but based on her opponent who was not Yi Chou, she decided to keep the question temporarily.

One day. . The Midgart has an old proverb, which is difficult for a villain and a woman to support. She did not feel that there was anything wrong with this sentence on herself, and as a goddess, she wanted to avenge her, and it was never too late.

"Okay, you always plan to stand in the sky with me."

"Since you don't believe it, see it for yourself."

"But this is just a transfer station to pick someone up, and the next journey is where we really want to arrive."

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