High Magic Earth

Chapter 1501: Walk with god


The second princess just wanted to ask, who still needs the great **** Lord Loki to wait in person, but the sudden weightlessness at the next moment makes her shut her mouth again.

The sense of imbalance is not new to Princess Two. Teleportation magic is also her special skill, but it is still uncomfortable to infuse the wind into her mouth, and it makes her uncomfortable, obviously not in line with her distinguished status.

In the next moment, the two appeared directly in the alley of Junlin.

"Anthracite, the latest anthracite, protects you from the threat of breathing difficulties..."

"Let's take a quick look, this is a real shadow lynx, not those who deceive people with dyes."

"Magic, mysterious magic books..."

"Sir, this is a good weapon made of Valeria steel, look at this sharp blade..."

The second princess from Asgard looked at this strange city called Junlin with a casual attitude, overlooking the streets of the alleys.

They appear in the daytime, and the surroundings are naturally filled with the atmosphere of the medieval merchants and city-states.

This is a good phenomenon. After all, when Yi Chou left last time, Junlin still did not completely walk out of the events of the werewolf blood night, and still looked like a dead city on the verge of extinction.

But now, it is obviously much more energetic than before, listen.

"This is a talking bird, this is magic."

"Hush, this is Dragon Tooth, that's right, that girl..."

Although the atmosphere may be a little too energetic, or even alive with deviations, it is always better than dead.

Yi Xiao's eyes also looked around. He found that although Junlin had been injected with fresh blood, there were still big problems.

For example, the most intuitive, because of the real dragon recovery, the winter, and even the disappearance of the big energy user such as the eye of Dornting Oz, the magic of the world of Song of Ice and Fire is recovering.

Magic has never disappeared, but like oxygen, it used to be very weak, but now it is gradually becoming stronger.

So almost all of them are merchants talking about magic. As magic becomes more and more active, some magical existences, or small creatures, gradually emerge in the world. The place may be right beside humans.

Ordinary people in the world of Songs of Ice and Fire certainly don't know that magic is recovering. They just feel lucky to find many creatures that only exist in stories and legends, and then feel that they will make a lot of money.

They didn't know that these creatures would be more and more, and even more humans who mastered the supernatural powers that once existed only in epic poems.

Of course, even among these lucky people, there are also many cunning merchants who sell their parrots as magic birds and are indiscriminate.

Profiteers exist at all times.

In addition to the magic that is gradually recovering, Daenerys will certainly not stay in the old medieval because of the two future warriors from the interstellar age.

Technology and natural science are also growing rapidly.

Although Kaineng and Gu Mo are not professional scientists, as a super fighter from the interstellar age, how can they remember some common sense knowledge, and even the most basic theory, the song of ice and fire is completely behind the medieval As far as the world is concerned, it is also across the ages.

Now, even anthracite coal is coming out.

Yi Xiao felt that Daenerys should be very crooked on the technology tree. . But at least it is progress.

The double recovery of technology and magic has made the entire city of Junlin move towards a punk magic. Yi Xiao looked around and felt like he was in the post-modern Western fantasy setting. Black magic and technology coexisted, or Develop the world of magical energy technology.

Even faintly, Yi Chou thought of the Oz kingdom where technology and magic once stood at the apex.

Invisible magic shrouds Yi Chao and the second princess, allowing people around them to avoid and skip them unconsciously, otherwise they will be hit by these dirty people. . Even if the second princess could endure, she might explode on the spot.

After all, although magic is recovering, many hygiene concepts are not reversible in a short time.

And now the second princess not only has the original arrogance, but also a goddess, how can he tolerate these dirty guys.

Yi Xiao did not plan to provoke her limits, so she wisely hid them.

"This is a candle that will never burn out."

"Come and have a look..."

There seem to be many novelty gadgets nearby, but Yi Biao's eyes glanced over and found that most of them were fake.

Nothing will burn out the candle. . It's just ordinary candles plus some basic magic tricks.

And the surroundings seemed to be lively, but Yi Chou soon realized that Junlin did not really regain its vitality, because most of the nearby merchants were selling these deceptive, expensive, and magical gadgets with no actual value or meaning at all.

However, food, meat, fruits, daily necessities and other necessities of human life are still very few. The people who travel around are businessmen, except for those who look like nobles.

There are almost no civilians.

This means that Junlin is still in a state of serious injury, and has not even restored a complete inner city life cycle chain.

It just doesn't make sense to attract outside businessmen to trade these things.

Yi Xiao shook his head.

At this time, the second princess next to him was a little impatient.

The change of King's Landing may be very gratifying in Yi Biao's eyes. After all, this is the wizard's own world. It is a good thing that a magical world is recovering, and this seems to be the first typical magical world.

Although there is still some bias towards the development of civilization where technology and magic coexist.

But in the eyes of the well-informed Princess Asgard, what is bad here can't be worse, and those who are behind can't be left behind anymore. There is really nothing new.

In the Nine Realms, the vast majority of countries are actually like this. It can even be said that in the Nine Realms, except Midgart embarked on the path of pure technology, other countries are all coexistence of technology and magic. civilization.

Probably because of the admiration of Asgard, most of the countries still retain the civilized style of the Vikings before the world in the earth.

There are countless similar city-states, not only more prosperous than Junlin, but also cleaner and tidy.

The Nine Kingdoms are truly high-level civilizations, not the magical world of ice and fire, which is just starting out. It can be compared. There is a big reason why the song of ice and fire is classified as a magical civilization. It was the presence of Daenerys, who raised the magic level of Westeros.

After all, she is a high-altitude creature.

It is very difficult for the distinguished second princess to see such a city state that is everywhere in the Nine Realms, even inconspicuous.

After all, although this is not one of the nine realms that Rocky is familiar with, there are more than only nine kingdoms in the universe.

Perhaps there are similar civilizations on other planets. Although they are rare, they are not impossible.

Even if the second princess's heart is eager to believe that this is a parallel universe, or even another world, everything she sees in front of her cannot be confirmed.

"If you just want to show me these things."

The second princess still said impatiently.

"Then you succeeded."

"You succeeded in letting me know that you don't even have the last mind."

With both hands in front of you, even in a chaotic Junlin market, the second princess still maintains a natural, proud atmosphere.

And this gorgeous and retro court dress seems to be especially matched with the same ancient city-states around.

"Don't worry."

Yi Chou is still that kind of indifferent smile.

"She is coming."

"But before that, let me go and see the master of this kingdom."

On this point, the second princess is undeniable.

In her view, Yi Chou might barely be on an equal footing with her because of her strength, but is the master of this country? Regardless of whether it is the Nine Kingdoms or the vast sky beyond the Nine Kingdoms, even if it is really beyond the latitude, it is still impossible to deny that she is a god.

When the host of the kingdom saw her, she could only bow down and claim her title, just like the nine great kingdoms.

Asgard is able to become the guardian of the Nine Realms, not for other reasons, but because of strong force.

Of course, the above is the best situation. The second princess’s head is very clear. Asgard’s strong combat power does not mean that she has a strong combat power.

It is normal for some unknown powerhouses to be hidden in the universe.

For example, this one in front.

This is not the place where Midgart's Rocky knows the truth, and she did not come to conquer. She would not be so stupid that when she saw the master of the kingdom, she let the other party kneel.

at least. . After figuring out the comparison of the combat effectiveness of the two sides.


So the second princess said very generously.

Yi Ao removed the magic, and the next moment, there was a lot of noise around the crowd, accompanied by the noise, and a bunch of slightly messy footsteps.


Soon, as the crowd was separated, a team of golden robes ran over again in a hurry, and it was one of the future warriors from the interstellar age that strode the meteor at the forefront.

Gu Mo, who has the super soldier status of the Yunxing version.

Jinpaozi is not a guard of a certain family, but as a traditional guard of the city guard team, Daenerys originally wanted to replace herself. . But it is a pity that the Legion-Free Legion does not save one thing, and as she became a high-latitude creature, her thoughts in this area gradually became thinner, and she eventually continued to use the existence of the golden robe.

But in any case, Jin Paozi is now honestly managed by Gu Mo, without the previous scumbag scum, and the near-zero combat power.

After all, Gu Mo is a future warrior from the interstellar age. In this regard, there are countless means to make the medieval villains in this community obedient.

Not far away in front of Yi Chou, Gu Mo stopped and his voice was hesitant.

As soon as he came to Junlin, Yi Biao communicated with Gu Mo through magic and told him that he and the second princess were coming, so after removing the magic disguise, Gu Mo found it directly.

"It's me." Yi Huo nodded slightly.

The second princess next to her looked slightly, but soon turned her head again.

Maxim, it sounds like a pseudonym, and countless deceitful Rockies can tell the smell of this lie even without magic.

Soon Gu Mo's terminal also analyzed the data, and analyzed that the possibility of Yi Huo in front of him is more than 90%. The next moment, Gu Mo finally said a little surprise.

"You're back."

Gu Mo, who fell on this strange planet as well as Kai Neng, stayed alone at the beginning. Kai Neng also carried his wife and family, but Gu Mo itself is a very adaptable and can fight for many years. Interstellar soldier.

She has a kind of wildness that is easy to live with. It is a kind of life that can be lived wherever it is. It may seem tired to live in the eyes of others. It seems that she can never enjoy the tranquility that has settled down. In fact, she enjoys this life herself. Did not feel any tired people.

During the time when Yi Biao left, Gu Mo was not only better able to integrate into the world than Kai, even if she was still wearing that Yunxing soldier combat suit, she had completely spoken and coexisted with the indigenous people of this world. What's the difference?

"long time no see."

In the face of Gu Mo, who was slightly excited, Yi Chou also greeted him rarely.

The journey in the Song of Ice and Fire is not a pleasant journey. Even Yi Nio lost Wenni, but it is still a journey that is always unforgettable.

Even for Yi Chou.

This was the first time Yi Biao had officially returned here after leaving. The previous time, it only took less than ten minutes to find Daenerys, and then asked her to help write a book.

It is not a return.

"Kai Neng and Daenerys will also be very happy to see you."

Gu Mo didn't seem to think so much, but was simply happy to see an old friend whom he hadn't seen in a long time.

She stepped forward two steps and gave Yi Huo a hug.

This is not the etiquette of Yunxing, nor the nobility of the Westeros, but belongs to Yi Chou alone. . And those two superheroes.

Gu Mo, a typical soldier-like rough man, will certainly not remember these things, but there are records on her terminal. Although Yunxing is not biased towards intelligent technology, it has entered the interstellar age. How can there be personal auxiliary equipment.

With the help of such auxiliary equipment, there will certainly not be such low-level errors.

The second princess was still watching.

Her eyesight is not so bad, she clearly realizes that the gold content of Gu Mo's technical equipment has at least entered the universe.

I thought it was just a ruined kingdom of magic. . But such technology warriors coexist.

This made the second princess slightly surprised, but whether it is the Kiritas or the Crees, there are too many races in the universe. Entering the universe is really not a big deal, and it can only be regarded as a novice.

So after paying a little attention, the second princess continued to return to the state where I did not speak and I was a wooden man.

"Kai Neng will be very happy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As for Daenerys..."

Yi Xiao shrugged, "I'm not sure."

"rest assured."

Gu Mo smiled, "Daenerys has not been worried recently, so she will be happy for your arrival."

"I have to say that you did come in time."

"We are in trouble."


Yi Chou stunned, but he did not expect this.

"We found a spaceship."

Gu Mo looked slightly suspicious.


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