High Magic Earth

Chapter 1506: Is an empty bag

"long time no see."

Yi Xiao hung a gentle smile and said flatly, and returned the first sentence of Kai Neng to Daenerys intact.

On the side of the cool wooden face, there was a smile of good drama.

At this moment, Yi Xuan felt that there was no difference between himself and the foolish appearance he had just opened.

"long time no see?"

Daenerys stepped forward again, her eyes a little dangerous.

"So... are you just going to say this to me."

Yi Chou scratched his hair again.

Not seen for a few months, everyone has changed a lot, not just him, whether it’s Gu Mo, Kai Neng, or even Daenerys has changed.

Probably because their original life trajectory has changed.

Kai Neng was supposed to be alone, the frigate survived by himself alone, and the location of the fall was certainly not the Westero continent of the world of the song of ice and fire, but Norway in 700 AD.

It may not be called alone, because the terrible monster on the frigate also followed, Mao Wen.

Unsurprisingly, Kai Neng turned into a lone hero, and after Mao Wen almost wiped out the Norwegian tribe that had taken him, he finally took the daughter of the Norwegian tribe leader to hack Mao Wen, and then took the beauty back.

He did not choose to send the signal back to the original planet, but stayed. . Probably will be better than now.

So now Kaineng has gone out of the shadow of his wife and daughter disappearing, but because there is no nourishment of new love, the whole person still looks very decadent and gloomy.

But in Gu Mo's view this is called male charm.

The origin of Gu Mo is not clear. I think it should be a person whose life path is flapped by butterfly wings.

For example, because the rotation of the planet of the Song of Ice and Fire world is different from that of the earth, the angle of the frigate may be slightly deflected when it crashes. . Originally, when the spacecraft crashed and lost weight, Gu Mo, who was pierced by steel bars in the chest, had a chance to survive.

Although it may not be the steel piercing the chest. . But probably the same.

So as an original history. . That is to say, the person who does not exist in the plot, naturally knows little about her.

And from the current point of view, it seems that her personality has not changed from before, probably because of the trajectory of life.

Daenerys is the undoubted one.

No matter what her original ending should be, there can be no sudden fusion of the three-headed dragon, and then turned into nine monsters under the reverse of high-latitude power, the only king of Westeros, the strongest song of ice and fire The possibility of the person.

. . Unless it is external interference, the emergence of this possibility is entirely the collapse of the whole history.

What comes with power is always the imbalance of the mind.

Power will only change a person's mindset. The more powerful the power, the more serious this change may even cause irreversible results.

Fortunately, Daenerys was very strong. After the only family member was put on a gold helmet, she was able to stand up to the throne of Queen Milin by herself and counterattack Westeros in the end.

Although in some ways she may be a little bit young, but it is undeniable that she is a strong fighter.

Be firm in your heart.

This kind of person is the most reassuring guy. After gaining power, he will not mess up, but he is also very stubborn. For example, if you want to avenge something, I am afraid that no one can stop it.

Of course, once blackened, it will be very troublesome.

After all, blackening is five times stronger than just talking.

If Daenerys is just a queen, then she will be unsmiling, even if she does not want this in her heart, in order to maintain majesty and maintain her status, she must also put on a cold face.

Fairness and justice are not only the means by which she controls people's hearts, but also her faith.

But now, Daenerys, who has the power, is obviously more relaxed than before. One of the reasons for maintaining her majesty is because everything from her subordinates, the knights who support her, and those who respect her.

Once all this is lost, no matter what identity she was, she will fall to the bottom again.

Because she is just an unarmed weak woman.

Of course, you might be able to pick up the sword and wield it twice, but it doesn't make much sense.

And now, Daenerys's power comes from her own. She is the power, with powerful power as a backing, and many things will naturally be more relaxed than before.

Facing the more aggressive Daenerys before, he talked aloud.

"Uh... maybe you are also interested in Essos?"

"After all, you have lived there for many years... With the backing of Essos, Westeros may be better in winter."

The temperature in the world of the song of ice and fire is strange.

The two continents of Esos and Westeros are not far apart, but when the winter in Westeros can last for three to five years or even longer, Esos still remains relatively warm, although the temperature is also similar The sudden drop, but can only be called less hot.

The temperature of Essos is already very high, and the lower temperature will make the climate there more pleasant. For the bad things in Westeros, it is a good thing for them.

As the winter came, the transaction between Esos and Westero’s sea-state city states would still not be blocked. In fact, thanks to a large amount of food purchased from Essos, the Westeros were able to Keep the spirit in the winter.

Of course, the price of food is much higher than before, but it is still within an acceptable range. After all, the Esos are not fools, and they also understand the reason for the dog's rush to jump the wall.

At present, the main human activities in the world of Song of Ice and Fire are these two continents. As for whether other places are more civilized, Yi Chou is unclear.

If he has time, maybe he will explore it.


Without mastering the skills of marking people, Daenerys continued to stare at Yi Chou.

It wasn't until Yi Huo's mouth twitched slightly that Daenerys suddenly relaxed, and then seemed to shake her head helplessly.

"Sure enough, you still don't comfort people."

The gentle smile resembling a mask hung on her face again, with arrogance and scrutiny, and gentleness with a light comb.

"Just come back smoothly."

"My chief mage."

At this moment, Daenerys re-emerges her temperament as a queen, not just as a terrible beast.

In the face of Yi Chou, she is more like a human being.

Yi Chou also laughed a little.

"Your changes really surprised me."

He shook his head and said.

It seems that Daenerys hasn't communicated with people so relaxed for a long time, the status is almost the same, the identity is familiar, and even the strength is at a similar level.

In fact, only the exchanges with similar items will make people feel relaxed.

But obviously in the whole world of the song of ice and fire, no second existence can be found on par with Daenerys.

"People are going to change."

Danielle smiled with a faint smile.

"I have seen a wider world, and naturally I will not be the one I was before."

Yi Xiao felt that there was something in Daenerys' words, but at the next moment, the second princess next to him had already exposed an obvious contempt that could not be ignored.

It seems to be impatient with wasting their time.

"Let's take a look at the spaceship first."

Gu Mo also said at this time.

"What's the matter, go inside the spacecraft and talk about it."

In the snow and ice, although a few people are not afraid of cold, as a biological instinct, they still like to hide in warmer corners.

Undeniably, the four walked in along the gate of the spaceship, or rather. . Because it was forcibly broken by Kai Neng and others, it was used as a hole in the gate.

"What can you see?"

As soon as he stepped inside the spaceship, Gu Mo asked a little.

Daenerys and Kai Neng don't care much about the spaceship. Although Kai Neng has got rid of the state of being in love, he is not an adventurous person himself. He prefers the ordinary life with his family. , To join the interstellar soldiers scruples is also to make a living.

Now that his family is gone, he is naturally even more uneasy.

Although Daenerys has become a high-latitude creature, there are still a lot of things that I don’t know. What does the Force mean that she doesn’t know, even Kaineng and Gu Mo are probably unclear.

Probably only those who are outside of this box know what meaning the original force represents.

Can see what. .

Yi Xiao looked at the interior of the spacecraft. Obviously, the surroundings have been processed, and the circuits in some places have been reconnected externally. At least the normal lighting is guaranteed, so at least at first glance, it is very clear, but Quietly see what you can see. .

Okay, there are really some things.

Yi Biao's memory is outstanding, but it is not huge enough to restore all the details of every picture in every frame of every movie I have seen.

The person with this ability is called Sherlock Holmes, and it is absolutely impossible to be the nameless guy on earth.

Fortunately, he still has magic, and magic can make up for it all.

Lucy packed all the valuable movies, TV series, comics and other works into Yi Biao's head with the silver tongue. It was not the kind of rough filling, but it was organized into volumes. . It is similar to reading through others' memories.

Although it exists in Yi Biao's mind, it is usually not loaded at all, and it can only be read when needed.

And because it is a memory that belongs to Yi Huo, whether it is searching or reading it, it is very fast.

In half a minute, Yi Biao went through all the movies that could be related to the spaceship, from the alien contract Prometheus, to the man in black and the galaxy roaming guide.

It is a pity that no spaceship of the same model as this spaceship appeared. There are many of them with the same style. However, the style is very certain. It is said that the style is the same.


Yi Chou shook his head.

Although not, Yi Clue did not find any clues, which obviously already represents the problem. The biggest possibility is the new movie that has not been included.

It is not the emergence of movies that creates the world, but the world maps itself out and projects it to human beings, who then create a variety of works full of art.

Even so, if there were no movies, even if those worlds existed for a long time, it would be like a lone star floating in the depths of the universe.

Without a movie as an introduction, those worlds just don't exist.

But for now, this possibility is not high, because this is the original force, derived from Star Wars, even if Yi Chou left the world during the Star Wars series, a new movie was released, but the style should also be inherited. of.

At least it can be seen.

It's just that Yi Chou didn't find similar models in this series. . Very strange.

Then it can only be the second possibility. This spaceship comes from the Star Wars world, but it is not the main area of ​​plot focus.

Just like the cloud star that has always played as a background, if it was not the energetic spacecraft that fell to Westeros, the ghost could know that this world of song of ice and fire, even connected to the plot of the Warcraft battlefield. .

Yi arrogant will not be bored to build a spaceship in a typical Western fantasy world and then fly out of the universe. Even if you fly out, you don’t necessarily encounter Yunxing. Even if you encounter Yunxing, you can’t be sure if you can’t see Kaineng. It is a plot world based on which protagonist is the prototype.

Like Yunxing, if it only spreads and fills as a background board, then Yi Chou can't find a similar existence to this spaceship.

Because the plot did not appear on the way.

This also makes it more difficult to lock the world unless there are more clues. . It is estimated to be stuck here.

"It's about the Force...I understand a little bit."

Unfortunately, whether it is Kai Neng or Daenerys, there is a lack of interest in the performance of the original force. Kai Neng does not require strength, and it is useless for strength. Daenerys may have been interested in strength. . But after the high latitude force distorted everything, she also had no need.

As for Gu Mo and the second princess, I have heard Yi Chou say it not long ago.

The most important thing is that although this spaceship has thought of the Force, it is just a sentence. May the Force be with you, just like saying the cross and praying to God in front of you.

This seems to be just a blessing for communication. It does not mean that God will really take care of you, and there is no Force Skill Book stored on this spaceship. .

Before this sentence was finished, the entire spacecraft was in a dead state, and the energy was exhausted. During this time, Kaineng and Gu Mo flipped through the spaceship, and almost dismantled the wall steel plate, and found nothing valuable. .

In addition to some standard nutrients on the spaceship ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ rapid refrigerant, retarder, protective clothing and so on. . It is estimated that the most valuable are several exquisitely shaped energy pistols.

Yi Xiao turned over and looked at it. The level of technology is not low, but it is not high. He also paid special attention to it. He did not find the second classic symbol of Star Wars, the lightsaber.

It seems that this spaceship does not belong to a Jedi.

After several searches and no results, it happened that Yi Chou returned, so I wanted to let Yi Chou come over and see if he could find any other clues that had not been discovered.

It is a pity that after Yi Biao turned over, he also found that the falling spaceship was an unexpected joy. . But the entire spaceship is like an empty shell, and there is no valuable place.

After a few laps again, several people returned to the control room, and Yi Chou opened his hand to Kai Neng and others.


"If you want to get a deeper understanding... it's probably the only way to take the spacecraft apart, but I don't think it's necessary at all."

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