High Magic Earth

Chapter 1507: True take flight

Gu Mo and Kai Neng and others have been walking behind Yi Chou, and even the second princess with an impatient expression on her face silently followed at the end of the team.

Obviously, although she was still suspicious of everything Yi Biao said, she was also curious about this strange place and strange spaceship.

They looked at the whole process of Yihou search.

Although Yi Biao's representative power is magic, and he always calls himself a sorcerer, almost everyone knows that he is not the kind of weird old guy holding a crystal ball. . Of course, maybe Daenerys doesn't think so, after all, in her view, the wizard is sitting behind the crystal ball and can't even see her face.

Kai Neng and Gu Mo once suspected that Yi Chou also came from a technologically advanced planet, and magic was only a unique technological force.

Legends about magic are everywhere, because it is only when humans try to achieve things that cannot be done with technology and existing power, fantasy existences such as magic and gods appear.

Perhaps magic on other planets is not called magic, but it just changed its name, but the essence is still the same.

Kaineng and Gu Mo have also heard about magic in Yunxing, but because Yunxing's technological level is too advanced, humans who have entered the interstellar age have already invested all their energy in the universe. Books such as magic and virtual Video stories have become a very niche hobby.

So the two have just heard it.

But in any case, watching Yi Piao use various magic methods to pry open the metal plate of the spacecraft, and then use magic tricks to lay countless cables in the air and observe carefully. . There is still a weird feeling that is very difficult to explain.

This is not a style of painting in terms of their understanding of the mysterious power.

The second princess from Asgard seems to be accustomed to his face. After all, for Asgard, riding a war horse, eating barbecue, drinking wine and driving a spaceship, this is their daily life.

Magic and technology do not conflict.

They were originally prosperous civilizations where magic and technology coexist.

But for Kai Neng several people, this experience is obviously much newer.

Remove the circuit board and use magic to flatten various lines and optical cables in the air. Although this method is magic, it is still scientific and technological knowledge to detect various lines.

Science is a logical subject. Unlike magic, many principles, even if they are different, are mostly figured out, because they have evolved from the same kind of foundation.

Although Kaineng and others have not been exposed to the technology on this spacecraft, at least the most basic good or bad can still be distinguished.

When Yi Xiao was inspecting, they were watching. Naturally, they also saw that the inspection in this circle was still the same as before, and there was no gain at all.

Hearing Yi Biao's inquiry, Gu Mo was stunned.

"Um... disassemble..."

She gazed at Kai Neng and Daenerys next to her. This spaceship wasn't the only one she could do. In fact, she didn't know that it was worth opening.

It's just an unknown spaceship. .

After all, Gu Mo did not know what the original force meant.

"Not necessary..."

Kai Neng said a little hesitantly.

He didn't think there was anything they needed in this spaceship. They didn't want to repair the spaceship, and then re-launched back to the cloud. At the beginning, there were many relatively intact miniature spaceships and signal transmitters in the colonial ship.

Nor is it interested in the technology or weapons on the spaceship. In the current world, the two people's existing technology and weapons are enough to solve most problems and be used to climb the technology tree.

It is simply curious and interested in this spaceship, but dismantles the spaceship. . This is obviously a big project.

Neither Daenerys nor the second princess commented.

The second princess is purely uninterested, and Daenerys is not sure what interest she should have. She generally understands the role of these spaceships. . It's like a ship that can fly in the air, as huge as a dragon, but that's all.

If it was said that before, Daenerys may still find a way to repair it, because she needs strength, but now. .

She is power.

Seeing this, Gu Mo can only open his hand to Yi arrogant.

"... Then I will take this thing away."

Yi Chaoling was not polite. Although it seemed that the spacecraft did not find anything, it was only a rough search, and the energy pool was refilled. How can you get some valuable information from the spacecraft's records.

It is not difficult for Yi to be full of energy. Perhaps for technological means, the conversion between different ways of energy is like a world of difference, but for the silver tongue, this is actually no difference. . The magic is as simple as a universal charging head.

And he is also very interested in the principle. Although the silver tongue can also simulate this power, the simulation is ultimately the existence of simulation, not the original and the real.

Yi Chou is more curious about the origin of this spaceship.

Involving the Force, but never appeared in Star Wars, this situation is obviously rare.

Perhaps what valuable information can be obtained from the spacecraft's records.

Regarding Yihou's plan, neither Daenerys nor Kai Neng had any objections, because for them, this spaceship was nothing more than optional.

Perhaps the spacecraft is not as technologically advanced as Yunxing.


But this matter reminded Kai Neng, he hesitated and said slowly.

"There are several automatic production lines on the colonial ship..."

Thinking that Yi Biao could easily take the entire spaceship away, Kai felt that his previous guess was correct.

Although the blood-blooded spaceships and colonial ships were not easily taken away in front of them. . After all, they are too big, but in fact Kaineng and Gu Mo can also guess.

Kaineng was searching for a colonial ship because of his wife and daughter. Gu Mo followed Kaineng because Kaineng and her were the only **** frigates.

So Yi Chou is nothing more than an interest in the technology in the spacecraft.

In this regard, Kai Neng asked Yi Chou about the weapons and equipment stored on the colonial ship, as well as some production machinery.

He needs some equipment and equipment. In addition to the equipment and weapons that he did not have time to take away when he left the colonial ship a few months ago, and the equipment he did not remember for a while, the main thing is several automatic production lines and energy conversion devices on the colonial ship.

Although the world of science and technology is behind the Song of Ice and Fire, the energy available on Westeros Road is pitiful, but after all, Yunxing is an interstellar civilization.

The energy conversion device it produces is very efficient, and whether it is wind energy or solar energy, it can be efficiently converted into the universal energy and electricity of the cloud.

With these things, the production line can operate independently.

There are not many production lines, only three. In addition to the configurable production lines for weapons and daily necessities, the most important one is the template equipment for manufacturing production lines.

Yi Xiao has seen this thing, because it is placed in the core part of the spaceship, even if it crashes so violently, it remains almost intact.

This kind of machine similar to the production of the mother machine is obviously very important for the spaceship. Even the entire huge colonial ship is only equipped with two.

Moreover, Yi Biao even suspected that this thing was not equipped for the colonial ship, but was placed on the colonial ship and transported to the core of the new planet to help the rapid development of mankind in the early days.

It's just like. . Base car.

But Yi Xiao did not reject this, anyway, there are two, one of them left his own machine, the other was originally a spare mother machine to put it in Junlin.

Anyway, it is always a spare.

This thing sounds amazing, it seems very important, it is the core of the entire production line of Yunxing, but it is not essential for Yi Biao's magic, and it is far less precious.

Even with a specific template, he can completely recreate one with a silver tongue. Although the story may be a little difficult to write, it is not a difficult problem that cannot be solved.

Creating a production machine is much simpler than shaping a pseudo-steel body and fitting itself.

After all, it is not to create a source of fire.

What's more, the entire Kadella colonial ship was originally the property of the Yunxing relics Kai Neng and Gu Mo. . Yi Chou didn't seem to care about this.

I believe that with these production lines and energy conversion devices, not only can the Winter King's Landing City be safely passed through, but I am afraid that the technological civilization of the entire Westeros continent will also advance rapidly in the near future.

. . If the raw materials are sufficient.

This is also a good thing for Yi Chou.

"I know.."

After listening to Kai Neng's description in detail, Yi Chou already had a general understanding and influence on what he needed.

Yi Xiao wondered if this guy would do the logistics in the frigate squadron. It has been so long since he still remembers everything clearly.

But it would not be so strange to want to have relevant data recorded in their personal terminal.

"About three hours, all of these things can be removed."

Yi Xiao estimated it, and then gave a roughly accurate time.

Thanks to the increase in the number of little yellow people in Neverland. . Otherwise, dismantling these things, don't even think about ending in three or five days.

After all, the little yellow man is notoriously unreliable. It is normal to work for a while and then suddenly blow up the entire laboratory because of play.

So they are never allowed to enter important laboratories, and they always make some moves. .

The little yellow people were not lost, but instead were very happy because they had both work and regular time to play.

After all, they are such a creature, followed by a master who does not seem to be a good person, and then daily life is a little bit more fulfilling. . That's it.

Of course, it would be better if you could spend more time playing.

They are such a group of easily satisfied creatures.

"That's not anxious."

Kai Neng's face reappeared with a low, seemingly hard-won smile.

He is very serious himself. As a star face, he should be considered a natural fit to act as an agent, a killer, or an officer and soldier. . This type of character looks unsmiling and doesn't need much talking.

But such a guy looks okay in the movie. If it is placed in the real world, it is obviously a bit cold.

Kai Neng rarely showed a smile, so it seemed that his smile was somewhat surprising, even surprising.

"It's okay to deliver it any time..."

"Junlin's food has no problem at least for a year."

Yi Chou's mouth twitched slightly for a year. . I'm afraid that the superhero's side has become a mess. At that time, Yi Chou didn't have time to return to the world of the song of ice and fire, or solve the problem this time.

He had passed the news back, and if nothing unexpected happened, the group of little yellow men had begun to jingle and knocked on it, which could be completed in about three hours.

of course. . Maybe they were holding wrenches and pliers instead of knocking on the spaceship and the machine, but on the other person's head.

And this is what Yi Chou called the accident.

"Oh, how long will you stay this time..."

Gu Mo asked curiously beside him.

"not long time."

Yi Chou replied.

"If all goes well, it will go soon, after all, I now take guests."

The second princess next to her raised her eyes to the sky, while her face was raised higher than her eyes, and she almost didn't sneer.

"I have to take her to other worlds... after all, she looks a bit impatient."

The second princess continued to pose.

Kai Neng nodded to show that she understood, but Daenerys, who hadn't talked much, had eyes in her eyes and seemed to be thinking about something.

After a few brief exchanges in the control room, a group of people began to withdraw from the spacecraft. When everyone left, the dark shadow appeared silently on the ground below the spacecraft wreckage.


The ground seemed to tremble slightly, but it was like an illusion.

However, it can be truly determined that the spacecraft is sinking and slowly being swallowed by the ground, just like the bottom of the spacecraft has turned into a bottomless mud swamp, which is about to swallow everything on the surface.

The sinking lasted about a few minutes.

Silver Tongue has upgraded most of the energy of Yi Huo. It can be said that the entire version has undergone an innovation, but Yi Huo still has something to touch, such as the shadow itself of Neverland.

This is something that he did not know. . So Yi Biao did not try to touch fields and taboos that he didn't even understand, like most arrogant idiots.

So the transmission of the shadow is still the same as before.

"No matter how many times I watch it."

Kai Neng said in a deep voice.

"...All so incredible."

Yi arrogant is undeniable, although the second princess stared at this scene with wide eyes, but when Kai Neng said this, it immediately turned into a kind of disdain. This is nothing to exaggerate. I have my eyes on me. .

And Yi Biao already has a certain immunity to this Asgardian elite who is still restless despite being a woman.

Ignored her little actions completely~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Another of my guests will appear in Junlin. "

Yi Xiao looked around and said.

"And it doesn't seem like a good place to talk."

of course.

Kai Neng's combat suit seemed to be activated with some kind of light, and the energy lines like blood vessels on the surface instantly disappeared and then the whole person was slightly suspended in the air, Gu Mo followed.

Yi Yi's eyes turned instinctively and looked at Daenerys. . But the queen, who was so good-tempered, came back immediately.

"I can't fly you."

Daenerys squinted her eyes, her tone was unhurried and unquestionable.

"You die this heart."

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