High Magic Earth

Chapter 1521: Coming soon

The Jianghu people said that the little devil's Tyrion was clever. As soon as he turned his head, he immediately realized that it was the woman next to Yi Huo who couldn't see the woman she was doing, and she was malicious towards herself.

This is the so-called test.

Test whether your luck is really that good.

Tyrion looked at the sharp wood stubble that had been crushed by himself, and his luck did indeed seem to be better. After all, if it was originally that he could not grasp the coincidence of the wood stubble, he just leaned down. If his luck was worse, now He was already pierced.

But silently climbing from the ground, Tyrion did not continue to say anything.

No matter what the relationship between this woman and Yi Chou, the enemy or the friend, Tyrion has no way, or is not qualified to do something.

The other party has power, but he does not, this is the gap that cannot be crossed.

In fact, Tyrion did not feel much angry. After all, he was far more humiliated than this, and it was far more serious than that, so he could bear it, and now these are really nothing.

Most importantly, he saw a kind of indifference in the woman's eyes.

The second princess has never seen Tyrion right, but in fact, this has already proved her arrogance, as well as looking down and disdain for everything.

This arrogance is not aimed at Tyrion, but to everyone present.

In this case, Natilion felt that he didn't need to be angry, that was just to increase his annoyance, but it was the lucky gold coin Yi Yi gave him. . It seems to be more powerful and practical than he thought.

. . and many more.

Tyrion suddenly thought of something.

Although, as Yi Biao said, the sudden situation was caused by man, it’s not that his bad luck was all right. The high-back chair beside him suddenly exploded, and then it happened that he tripped The ground fell.

Since it is artificial, it seems to have nothing to do with luck.

But this does not seem to be the case.

Because luck can affect almost everything, if luck is really good, even if it is artificial, it should not affect Tyrion. For example, the other party may suddenly sneeze while maliciously thinking about themselves, and then the magic will be invalid. ?

Tyrion thought a little badly.

Yi Chao seemed to see Tyrion's thoughts.

"Luck doesn't mean everything."

He explained lightly, to Tyrion, as if to the Second Princess.

"It's not that good luck will help you block all the maliciousness. Of course, it may indeed be able to block those artificial maliciousness."

"But remember, everything has a price."

To reverse bad luck, it seems that everything needs to be paid, the worse, the greater the cost, which is easy to understand.

Tyrion felt that this lucky gold coin was getting hotter, and he could not return it to Yi Chou. After all, it was a matter of losing face in public. Even if Yi Cong no longer values ​​these things, the smooth Tyrion will not do such a stupid thing. .

Fortunately, the guy beside Yi Biao seemed to have stopped staring at himself, and Tyrion didn't feel that his luck would really be so bad that he had to pay a price.

In any case, it is better to have a lucky gold coin that can shelter yourself than nothing.

The second princess stared at everything in front of her with a silent gaze, even if Yi Chou pointed out her hands and feet, she did not show or shake at all.

It's just like Yi Hou said the person is not her.

Her expression seemed a bit impatient, and her eyes flashed impatiently from time to time, but deep inside she was thinking about the coin created by Yi Huo.

With the exception of Princess Asgard, the ingenious drama, the **** of lies, and the meaningless titles of the second in the multiverse class, Loki is also an excellent mage.

Of course, it does not exclude that she likes to deceive people, and the spell can do this better.

And the characteristics of the superhero world make all the magic of the second princess tend to be offensive, more destructive, more efficient and so on.

The masters she knew were all on a similar path.

Intentional power, spiritual power, these seem to be the two most common powers in the universe, and the two most magical powers besides magic.

This is naturally limited to the superhero universe.

But even so, these two forces have been turned into extremely lethal weapons by their owners, smashed, cut, and directly suppressed and destroyed using mental power.

It seems that except for combat, these abilities have no other effect.

The second princess would still have some other magic, such as teleport, phantom and so on. . But that magic is obviously not the same as she envisioned.

Although it is not directly related to combat, in the view of the second princess, it cannot be called real magic. They also exist to assist in better combat.

Even the more ancient beings, gods, and monsters in the universe, the rumors and records heard by the second princess are all about how powerful and destructive they are.

Not other forces.

This is the first time the second princess has seen such magical magic and creation.


"What magic is this?"

The second princess also concealed, she asked with a curious expression in apathy, "Is there any special spell."

Yi Xiao didn't seem to conceal these things deliberately. The second princess felt that she could ask, even if she couldn't use it, the knowledge she knew was priceless.

but. .

"This is talent."

Yi Chou said directly.

He also concealed without delay, and he directly told the truth of the matter, but this so-called truth may deviate from the real fact under the deliberate guidance.

Deviations in understanding.

The second princess didn't move, but there was a little anger in her heart.

She doesn't believe what Yi Biao said, but she also doesn't have any qualifications to blame. After all, this is the magic of the other party. Whether you tell her or not, it is the other party's business.

The second princess felt that Yi Ao was concealing, and he did not intend to tell himself the truth.

Although she observed through observation that Yi Sao said that what she said was true, she did not want to believe it.

"My unique talent..."

"I call it a dream come true."

"A very appropriate analogy."

The second princess gazed slightly.

"A dream comes true, can anything be done?"

"At least most things are fine."

Yi Chou shrugged.

The second princess felt something was wrong.

She thought that the easy alchemy, or the magic that can create items out of thin air, was what he called a talent. He mastered a certain kind of magic and didn't want to tell himself, so he used talent to block it.

But I did not expect that the talent given by Yi Chao turned out to be such a description.

A dream come true. . In other words, the talent he refers to is not just creating a lucky gold coin. As long as he wants, he can create anything?

Otherwise, it is not a dream come true.

The second princess was shaken.

Because the other party does not seem to be fooling himself, but this. . Is it really possible?

Princess II has not seen the fairy tales of the Midgart, but these fairy tales exist even in the so-called Asgard of the Kingdom of Gods.

But most of the people in fairy tales are themselves and those of other countries. . And some fiction.

The dream came true. . That is, all wishes can be fulfilled.

It’s not that the second princess did not see similar descriptions in fairy tales. Sometimes, similar creatures have the same desires. Asgards who are similar to people on earth may not pray to make more money, but for life However, the cravings for exploring the unknown mysteries are similar.

Including elves that can satisfy all wishes.

But when her eldest sister was still holding a fairy tale book and a hammer and ran wildly and shouted to hit all the bad guys in the story, the second princess already knew that all the stories were just deceiving.

It's a kind of extravagant hope for good things, or something you can't do.

A family of elves that can fulfill all their wishes?

They simply cannot exist.

Because if they really exist, it is impossible for them to not know, because they have been known for a long time. . Because they are the king of this universe.

To be able to fulfill all wishes, it is more spiritual than the gods, not the strongest in the entire universe, or something.

It's a pity that Princess II didn't think there was a group of wishing elves still ruling over Asgard's head. . So these guys don't exist.

But now, now she heard something.

A guy actually said that his talent is a dream come true?

The second princess instinctively wanted to refute, but the next moment, she was suspicious of nature and repressed this idea. If this is a lie, then it is completely unnecessary, because such a poor lie will break once a poke.

And if not. . Because as long as a certain proof can be made, that is to say, Yi Chou does have an existence that turns everything into reality.

This is no different from making a wish.

The second princess was a little uncertain.

She originally planned to make a note to Yi Huo, but now she is a little uncertain, because even if it is. . There may not be a chance to revenge in the future.

The gap is too great. If it weren't for life and death, Loki was not stupid enough to provoke such an enemy.

Yi Xuan thought that Loki's expression at this time was quite interesting.

In fact, as the **** of lies, Loki is already the most basic ability to control her emotions. In any case, her face has a spring-like and very fake smile, but Yi Huo can see people’s Inner heart, or shallow thinking.

He could feel that Loki's thinking was quite confused at this time.

Probably the second princess who is accustomed to destructive spells, cannot accept the other side of magic for a while.

Or she has long been aware of the real power of magic, but it is still difficult to accept.

In the superhero universe, there are many more destructive guys than Yi Piao, and even more. Even Iron Man can try weapons and easily destroy more than half of the planet, or even an entire planet.

But in other areas of magic, such as creation, time, and space. . But few people are more proficient than Yi Chou.

Of course, it is not without.

Infinite gems.

This is what Yi Chou wants to get.

It is also what the second princess has been afraid of, tyrant.

. . .

At the same time, Miss Sadako Yamamura is approaching. . Wait, they have arrived.

. . .


The black portal was pulled open, and Sadako Yamamura grabbed a reluctant little boy with dark green hair out of it.

It was the place where it came. . Er, there are some deviations, not in Junlin, but in a carriage lane not far from Junlin.

The two didn't come directly through the shadow portal, and that thing could only be opened by Yi Chou, and even Lucy didn't have direct authority.

Xiang Lucy and Sadako, and Athena and others have lower-level permissions and use shadow energy, but the shuttle may be longer and feel less comfortable.

The advantage is that you can see the world passing by quickly, which feels wonderful.

In fact, portals are of no distinction between authority and authority. The so-called authority is that they cannot control the shadow energy at all. It's just that Yi Chao uses the silver tongue to re-create a certain channel for them.

It has nothing to do with the real shadow of Neverland. . That thing, even Yihuo, can only be controlled, and it cannot do deeper research.

and so. . Sadako and the little girl with green hair appear a little slower.

"Is this outside the castle."

"I thought there were no other humans."

The reluctant little green girl, Polaris Lorna, saw the carriage mark on the ground at a glance, unless Takako Yamamura told her that there was no one in the carriage that could run on her own at the next moment. There are other humans.

Although the life of the castle is good, humans are social animals.

Because of the relationship between time and flow rate, Lorna Dann, who stayed in the Red Castle for more than two months without even seeing a human being, felt for the first time that he missed those unfriendly human beings.

Because it is too long to leave the group, there will always be a sense of loneliness.

Not everyone is like Yi Huo, who can stay for the first time on Liao's uninhabited Neverland, for a stay of eight years, or even nearly ten years.

Even Winnie and Levine accompanied him.

In other words, Winnie seems to have been accompanied by Yi Huo for almost a decade. Although it seems that there is no problem on the surface, it should only be just seemingly, and only stay on the surface.

Perhaps everyone has already had a serious heart twist, but no one noticed it.

The performances of Winnie and Levine are pretty good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or even a little too good.

Yi Biao should have noticed that they were wrong at that time, instead of waiting for the last moment and monitoring the entire Red Castle and Neverland defense systems to go online before analyzing their anomalies.

Fortunately, it's not too late.

"I said it before."

Sadako Yamamura said to Lorna in a normal tone.

"This is outside the castle, but not Fantasy Island, we are going to another world, and it has already arrived."

Athena, Tomikawa Kawakami, and Sadako Yamamura are the three people left behind in the Red Castle. They did not follow Yi Chou's timeline of contacting Captain America, nor were they stuck in the original Marvel future timeline.

But in the end, he chose to accompany him, or the guardian of the North Star Lorna, but it was Sadako Yamamura.

Because compared to the other two, Sadako Yamamura as a female ghost. . Probably the most normal person.

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