High Magic Earth

Chapter 1522: The woman's age is a secret, and the female ghost is the same

Athena is a god, maybe she does not have the inexplicable arrogance of Rocky, but as one of the oldest gods, Olympus' goddess of wisdom and war, Athena still has her own arrogance.

This is inevitable for every god.

In fact, even if it is a mortal, whether it is in a high position or a variety of beings, there are also their own persistence and bottom line.

Even how ridiculous it seems to others.

Not to mention the gods standing on top of most creatures.

Yi Ao created her, or awakened her a second time. To some extent, Athena called Yi Ao a father.

He is the creator of Athena, the Father.

Because of this relationship, Athena can communicate and communicate normally with Yi Chou, both of whom are gods, and Athena was created by Yi Chou. In a sense, Yi Chong, although not Zeus, is also Olin In the Persian **** system, there are only two gods left with Athena.

The only kind in the world.

It can also be called a father-daughter relationship. Athena is close to Yi Biao, and changed to other people. Even if Yi Biao's left and right hands, magic intelligence Lucy, Athena are both ignorant.

This is still in the case of easy orders.

Athena is currently in charge of combat power under her arrogance. In terms of physical strength, she may be weaker than Thor, but as the goddess of war, the rich fighting skills of the thousand years of warfare are far from comparable to the stupid big guy of Thor.

Not to mention the Captain America, known as the freehand and melee master, Marvel World, after all, is a mortal, and Captain America is best at small-scale strategic command, not fighting skills.

The mortal body that raised the fighting to the peak can even be compared with the gods, it should be the cup next door. Even so, I am afraid that it cannot be compared with Athena.

Of course, there is no record that the two have ever fought, this is the data passed by Yi Chou and Lucy. . Comparison and guessing of data in comics and movies.

And this is just talking about combat skills. With the suppression of the spirit body, Captain America must not be the opponent of Athena.

A cup of noodles is theoretically not. . But his opening ability is too strong, and he has actually entered the actual combat state. It is hard to say who wins and who loses.

But most of the battles are straight, the style is reckless, rarely know the flexible Thor, certainly not as good as Athena in combat skills.

This is not to say that Thor does not have any combat skills. As Asgard’s current force serves, in most cases, Thor rarely encounters opponents of considerable strength. In that case, he can win by directly recklessly passing.

If you really meet a tough guy. . His fighting instinct and intuition are not weak either.

But it is still not as good as the Athena that has accumulated experience from the Millennium War.

However, Thor has more than just strength, speed, and strong physique. He also controls Thunderbolt. His priesthood and **** name are Thor. . That is his real power.

Even now, he has not yet realized his full potential, and he is far from truly mastering the power of Thor.

Even so, after Athena's tentative confrontation with Thor Tmel, it is obvious that under the pressure of Thor's power, Athena is not a direct confrontation opponent of Thor.

Without magic, this is a very obvious shortcoming of Athena.

In fact, such an obvious short board, whether it is Yi Chou, Athena, or Lucy, cannot be ignored, but Athena still does not have any magic skills.

When she was unconsciously created by Fulchat using the silver tongue, the template should be based on the God of War, Athena in the movie God of War.

In the settings inside, there are not many magical techniques of Athena, or there is not at all, and it is to use its powerful body to jump directly from Olympus in the sky to the world. . Then battle the dark Titans.

Yi Chou and Lucy can naturally use the silver tongue to reshape Athena.

However, as the main feature of the initial setting, once this non-spell setting is changed. . Does Athena in front of you still know that?

So Yi Biao has not taught Athena to learn magic.

Of course, this does not mean that she has no other power.

As the first reformers of the God Creation Project, even Sadako possessed a very **** ability, how could Athena as a **** have no gains.

It's just that she hasn't had a chance to use it.

You can’t use it when it’s weak. For example, Assassin Assassin and Rebirth, her **** body alone is enough to crush, and facing too strong enemies is too late to use. The chaotic magic of the Scarlet Witch will directly Athena was torn to pieces, not even less than a second. . There are still three seconds.

When fighting Thunder God Timmel, both Athena and Yi Chou, for the purpose of tentative exploration, naturally will not take out the deadly attack.

So at present, Athena seems to be more reckless than Thor, the fighting style is more direct, pure physical attack.

But as the combat power of the plan to create God. . Athena is far from simple.

Then there is Fujiang River.

Whether it is Yi Huo or others, the interest in Chuan Shang Fujiang is not high, because her update speed is too fast.

The characteristics of Fu Jiang doomed that she could not exist forever, any accident may cause the new Fu Jiang to replace the original Fu Jiang.

Although the personality is not very different, it is still different. In this case, there is no need to invest too much emotion.

Fortunately, Yi Chou used the silver tongue to correct Fu Jiang several times. Whether it is memory sharing or splitting speed, it was much weaker than the real Fu Jiang, and was completely suppressed.

Otherwise, it is difficult to solve the problem alone.

After all, her charm power is unparalleled in the world, and she has also become one of the top concentrated forces. Few creatures can resist this charm.

Of course, just as Yi Chou had worried about Athena before, Fu Jiang so suppressed can no longer be called a real Fu Jiang to some extent.

But if she doesn't suppress it, she doesn't say that hurting others hurts herself. It's simply a weapon that completely hurts herself, and has no meaning at all.

In this case, even if it is suppressed, it is always better than useless.

After several times of reshaping the silver tongue, Fu Jiang has long been different from Fu Jiang in the original sense. Although the setting is not unrecognizable, there are many differences.

There are also things that haven't changed. For example, she is still a female high school student. . Ah don't fall in love, the mole of tears under the corner of her eyes is still the same as her beauty, always coexisting with her.

She is not good at fighting. The occasion of fighting is just like an ordinary female high school student. It has no other effect except the panic screaming.

In fact, she is an ordinary female high school student.

And what change the Chuangshen plan has brought to her, Yi Chou is not clear until now.

What kind of increase will appear after accepting the creation of God plan, and even Yi Yi and Lucy cannot know at the beginning.

So far, Fu Jiang has not shown anything special compared with the original, but still can only proliferate and have some inexplicable attraction and charm.

No different from the original.

Yi Chou can be sure that the God of Creation plan has definitely changed what Fujiang has done. . It's just that she hasn't shown it yet.

Because of various special circumstances, Fu Jiang's sense of presence in the Red Castle was quite low, and the battle only relied on Yi Night to give her the mask of the night **** and the mask of Loki to temporarily enhance her strength.

Fu Jiang's character is diverse.

There are about three kinds of characters that appear most often. They are very soft characters. Fu Jiang in this character is very bully, with a lower sense of existence, and basically has no effect.

The second is the dumb, the natural dull cut is black. The destructive power of Fujiang in the dumb state is directly chasing the little yellow man, and often provokes some inexplicable chaos by himself.

The last and most common one is the original Fujiang.

Black belly, bullying and fear, hard jealousy, and vanity.

Most of Fu Jiang was born with this character.

She has the lowest fighting power in the Red Castle, and no one can beat it, so most of the time she is only committed to reducing her sense of existence.

And once Yi Chou or Sadako, or Lucy and Athena disappeared, she immediately ruled the king in the Red Castle, just like a mistress. . It's enough to toss the house elves.

And the fools of the little yellow people actually believed it, and tossed the house elves with Fu Jiang, and then after Yi Xiao came back, they were severely accused by the house elves. Yi Chou shot several Fu Jiang in succession. Only let her rest for a while.

. . Then start and end.

This guy just doesn't remember long, or he doesn't die on his own, and Fu Jiang has no fear!

Fu Jiang is definitely not a normal person.

Even if she looks normal on the surface, it is only the surface, just the appearance, if you throw the North Star to her. . Yi Chou is not sure what will happen in the end, too many accidents.

To sum up, the most normal one is only Sadako Yamamura.

Although she is a ghost. . But it is the ring virus version.

There are many stories of Sadako, but the same thing is that she was a very powerful superpower during her lifetime. Not only is she very clever, she is even more beautiful than Fujiang.

It is a pity that in the environment of Japan, in this quirky and bizarre country, anything crazy and unbelievable can happen. Of course, it is also a kind of special charm and cultural customs.

For example. . Show superpowers to the world.

Only that country will be in the second level to this level.

Sadako was crazy.

It is still difficult to calm down quickly after discovering that you have died and become a ghost, but the long time gradually wiped out the madness of Sadako.

Either it will grow crazier in silence, or it will gradually die in silence.

But Sadako didn't have either, she recovered her own reason.

As a beautiful girl who meets every 400 years, Sadako can say that beauty and wisdom coexist, she gradually discovered the secrets and truth of the world, and the so-called ring and bell virus.

The ghost knows what version of this sadako is, but when she finds Yi Chou herself, she is well organized and her mind is not weaker than Yi Chou.

Although it is a ghost in a ghost state, in fact, Sadako Yamamura is probably the one closest to a normal person.

In addition to being equally cold-blooded and indifferent to life, she has neither the inexplicable arrogance of the gods nor the crazy madness of Fujiang.

She is a pure young girl eager to come back to life, a young girl who possessed superpower, beauty and wisdom in her lifetime.

Carrying Polaris should not be a problem.

Sadako looks like the sister of Polaris, whether young or mature. . Of course, it is still far worse than the true sister of Polaris.

But the above is just Yi Chou's feeling.

The rebellious Polaris would not like someone to follow him all the time. . Even though she is still a young girl now, she has not yet grown into the future, a very independent, polar star with the wind of her father.

"Forget it, which world he is."

Lorna gave up and Sadako to continue arguing about which world is here, and the question of Neverland is still the island of Dreamland. After all, she hasn't won Sadako for two months.

In any case, Sadako is also an old monster who has not lived for many years, and Lorna is gone, she is just a wandering orphan who has not gone to school.

Even if the mutants are gifted differently, it is not different in this place.

It’s not that you don’t understand. Going to school is actually very important.

"Anyway, there should be someone here. This thing is the mark of the carriage..."

Lorna pointed to the marks on the soil under her feet.

As a guest of near-future background, Lorna sees even an old-fashioned car, not to mention an older transportation vehicle such as a horse-drawn carriage.

Of course, some ancient cities must still retain the carriage as a tourist landscape, such as London and Paris, but it must not be seen by an orphan who has no money.

Sadako nodded.

The relationship between the two is pretty good. In fact, in the Red Castle, they are the only ones who can catch up.

Athena ignores no one, she has a clamor.

Due to his close relationship with Yi Chou, Athena will gather around Yi Chou from time to time. In addition to reading books in the large library of the Red Castle, the rest of the world will follow Yi Chou everywhere, and will return when tired Stay in the big library.

Fu Jiang's sense of existence is very low, and she is really bored. She can also split herself and play with herself without being bored.

Then as the only normal person, Sadako. . Only the house elves can communicate. There used to be Lucy, but Lucy was stuck in the original timeline. Yi Chou also ordered to prohibit the direct return to the original timeline through Neverland, in order to avoid various unknown accidents. There are no more objects that Sadako can communicate with.

Domestic elves can be ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it's crazy to communicate with them a few times.

The appearance of Lorna has greatly alleviated this situation. Sadako, as the bell virus, has long been used to loneliness.

But human nature.

Although Lorna seems to have a bad attitude, it is just a habitual quarrel in character, not really malicious.

Although what she does sounds very rude indeed.

"That's good."

Lorna's mouth was ticked, and some green faces showed a somewhat indifferent smile.

"I haven't seen living people for months."

She stared at Sadako, disgustingly and said if he had pointed it.

. . That's it, quite the tough style of her father.

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