High Magic Earth

Chapter 1534: The style of the title Jun is still clear

The black sky, but with a suffocating depression, the thick clouds covered the entire sky, and it seemed that even the moonlight was cut off.

Not far away, the only light source here is vaguely uncomfortable dark purple. It looks like an outline, it is a large building, but it seems to be like a prison.

It seems that the entire world has been shrouded in black.

The only color is the disturbing deep purple light not far away, and the searchlights that sometimes look down from above the deep sky.

"Here reminds me of Heim Underworld."

The second princess who kept high cold said a rare word, and the environment here made her very uncomfortable, but unfortunately, she did not answer her.

But here is really depressing. She is obviously not wise to jump out and die first, but keeps a low profile and silence wisely.


The sound of the collapse of the portal came from behind, and it also fell gently with some heavy objects.

This sound awakened Yi Chou, and he also recovered from the wondering thoughts without turning his head. The transmission and induction between the hearts had already told him who he was.

"I thought you couldn't catch the last bus."

Yi Xiao said.

Athena didn't answer, just looked around, and also seemed to wonder about the strange situation around her.

"It looks like you succeeded."

She paused, then hesitated, "...or not."

The second princess next to him was casually glanced at Athena, she had seen her, after all, Athena had only dealt with her elder sister not long ago.

Although he didn't lose, he obviously couldn't win.

Princess II always looked down on her elder sister's brutal style, thinking that her magic and head were much stronger than her. . But the vision is still there.

It doesn't even need any vision. From boxing to flesh fighting, it is easy to draw conclusions on who will win and who will lose.

In the opinion of the second princess, Athena may be very strong, but it is not an opponent of Timmel, perhaps for herself. . The second princess almost feels that she can open every five or five.

After all, it was just a barbarian.

With this idea in mind, the second princess paid a little attention and didn't care too much.

In the same way, Athena's attention did not focus on Asgard, the second princess, because the surrounding environment surprised her, and her communication with Yi Chou continued.

"I remember... Mutants don't have such a world."

"Are you sure we didn't get into a world of the walking dead type?"

It is strange that the mutants should be considered the darkest existence in the Marvel series, there is discrimination everywhere, darkness and despair everywhere.

The hostility between humans and mutants has never disappeared, and it is getting more intense.

Conflict, struggle, death and persecution, revenge and counter-retaliation.

The hatred between mutants and humans is far less simple than it seems. Focusing the lens on Xavier School of Genius and Magneto does not represent anything, because that is just a small part of the mutants.

They are strong, so they look good.

But their number, whether it is the Mutant Brotherhood or the Xavier School of Genius, their number has not even broken a thousand.

Compared with the huge base of the mutants, it is really a very small part.

Even so, their lives are still not so peaceful.

This is still true of these powerful mutants. Those who are far weaker than them, persecution, death, and even death are just their best endings.

It is more likely that they will be caught by William Stryker, or a guy such as Ajax, and then the experimental mouse will lie on the cold operating table and be experimented.

There is no right to resist.

The reason why ordinary people feel safe is because of the existence of laws that restrict the strong and protect the weak, but this does not include mutants.

No one will shout for the mutant, and no one will even care about the life and death of a mutant. When people know that this guy is a mutant, the original smile will immediately become indifferent, and the original care will also become fear and suspicion.

But these are not the most desperate.

The most desperate thing is that when darkness falls and falls completely into the abyss, no one will lend a helping hand, even friends and loved ones and family members, these most intimate existences will be abandoned and determined without hesitation.

Because it is a mutant.

Lying on the icy operating table, no one in the whole world cares about him, just like a non-existent person, no matter whether it is dead or alive, no one will know.

Normal life is long gone, and the only thing left is to be strapped to the operating table, suffering the most painful torture in the world.

Blood drawing, cutting, extracting bone marrow, brain fluid, and even testing high temperature reaction, freezing reaction, suffocation environment, toxin resistance, etc. etc. .

The person who has become a mutant is no longer a person, but an animal, an experimental material.

Why do mutants advocate power?

Are they primitive people, knowledge is power, and normal life and enjoyment is the life that should be, and advocating power to fight, kill, and kill can only fail in the end.

Don't they know.

No, they are very clear, but they no longer have a normal life. Everything normal has gone away from them. In order to survive, they can only continue to fight and fight.

Because only one breath stops, death will come, or waiting for them is a cold operating table.

This is the life of the mutant.

But they lay on the cold operating table, no one cared, and even when it was forgotten by the world, the cold and sharp scalpel cut the surface of the skin, blood emerged and struggled, but the hands and feet were covered. When the strap is tightly imprisoned.

It will be longing, longing to be able to save their power, their own power.

This is the real situation for most variants.

As for the X-Men and Mutant Brotherhood. . They are more like heroes of mutant people, yearning, but only a few exist.

Just like Magneto said, every time, the fellows of the mutants are dying, they are dying in unknown corners, unknown operating tables.

No one even knew that they had ever died.

The world of mutants is undoubtedly dark, but the pictures shown in the movie are still bright and colorful, even colorful.

People only saw powerful variants. People used cool methods to hit evil enemies, protecting the earth and protecting themselves.

But he didn't see the series of cold data hidden behind the operating table.

It is strange and ridiculous. In a desperate world, the bright colors have become its main theme. It seems to want to show the good side and hide all the bad.

In fact, this is also the style of most Marvel movies.

If this is the world of dc, then Yi Biao may also doubt whether it has broken into the simple folk city of Gotham, but the Marvel world. .

Even if the bully strikes, the Galaxy Dance Company never forgets to open the dj, there is really no dark place.

That's why Athena wondered if it was a failed lock. This is not a Marvel world at all. Seeing it as desolate and desperate, maybe it is a wasteland world. . Walking Dead, Resident Evil?

"Do not."

Yi Xiao's expression is also silent, and is becoming more and more ugly, but hearing Athena's doubts, he still insisted on his own views.

There should be no error in phase locking. The effect of this universal magic is to relate to a lot of worlds related to her through one's memory.

Probably only Yi Xuan can use it, the effect is powerful, but there are many limitations, so the relative balance is not difficult when it is created. . There should be no surprises.

Then only the last one is possible. .

Shaking his head, Yi Chou said slowly.

"There is still a world..."

As soon as the words fell, Yi Biao suddenly looked up if he felt something. His eyes were fixed on the top, as if to pierce the dark, dark clouds.

Over the sky, the clouds rolled, as if calm, nothing happened, but if you listen carefully, you will find that there is some kind of faint sound of breaking the sky is quickly coming, also accompanied by rumbling buzz and clicks Mechanical winch.

At the next moment, a huge searchlight line hit suddenly, and the vertical ground from top to bottom covered all the people below.

"Discover mutants."

"Target locked."

"X sentry third patrol echelon."

"Enter the battle sequence."

. . .

"Hey! Hmm."

Not far away, two young men hiding under the rubble saw the sudden emergence of Yi Chou and his party. They escaped from the sentry protection camp.

Without the protection of the sentinels, there would naturally be no food, not even the most basic mushy nutritional meal three times a day.

There is simply no water, other living materials, all of which need to rely on them to find out.

But even so, they are unwilling to stay in the sentry protection camp.

Because instead of waiting for the next moment, I was identified as a potential carrier of the x gene by the sentinel machine, or the next generation was born with the x gene, and was dragged into the mutant concentration camp and died. They would rather escape and die by themselves. .

Sentinel robot, a terrible machine made by Dr. Teslak.

The original first-generation sentinel robots only used ordinary organic synthetic materials, loaded with weapons, and could fly ordinary robots.

Although Magneto cannot directly control it, it is not a threat to Iceman, Fireman, or other powerful mutants. It is just a little trouble. In the end, these sentinel robots will be turned into ashes.

But it was 1973 that changed all this.

Due to the reason why the magic woman was captured, Dr. Teslak solved the magic woman and obtained her brain fluid, a large number of special x genes.

Even among the mutants, the witch-shaped girl is a special one.

She can look like anyone.

And her genes are in the hands of Dr. Teslak, and after being integrated into the sentinel robot, it has become the most core and critical step of the entire sentinel plan.

Because at this point, the sentinel robot can copy the abilities of some other mutants.

The first thing they copied was the ability of Dr. Teslak's son Larry to predict the future, which allowed the sentinel robot to anticipate the actions of the mutants one step in advance and then target it.

The second is the mischievous energy absorption, which makes most of the mutants' abilities ineffective for them, as well as many of the mutant genes previously collected by Dr. Teslak, and the abilities of other mutants.

The capabilities between sentinel robots can be shared, which also allows them to fully target the ability of a mutant.

For example, use the high temperature and the ice man to control the ice, or in turn use the power of the ice man to deal with the fire man.

More importantly, they are numerous, intelligent, and cooperate with each other in fighting. Perhaps there are mutants who can still fight these sentinel robots, but how much can they fight.

Ten, twenty, or thirty?

The number of sentinel robots has already exceeded one million.

The mutants were first nearly extinct. After all, Professor X’s X-Men and Mutant Brotherhood were only a few, and more mutants had little power to resist violence.

They were locked in genes by the sentinels and then easily killed.

Almost overnight, most of the global mutants were wiped out, and within a month, the mutants were almost destroyed.

But this is not the end.

Sentinel locks mutants because of the existence of the x gene, but in fact, the x gene was born in humans and is an uncertain genetic gene.

In other words, every human being, and every birth of the next generation, may carry the x gene.

All humans are potential mutants.

When the Sentinel wiped out almost all the mutants, leaving only the X-Men at large, they quickly locked their eyes on the ordinary people.

They keep ordinary people in captivity for protection, but they are also waiting for the moment of x gene awakening. . Kill.

Nowadays, sentinels rule the world, and the separation between mutants and humans has long since disappeared, because they no longer have different identities of mutants and humans, they are just. . survivor.

Not only have humans not discriminated against mutants, many humans are willing to help mutants, because compared to unarmed humans who can only rely on firearms, mutants that have their own power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are sentinels Opponent.

But unfortunately, even the most powerful group of mutants, the X-Men are not opponents of the sentinels. Ordinary mutants have only one dead end against the sentinels.

At the same time the sentry will also kill ordinary people who help the mutants.

The dreams of Magneto Wang and Professor X have come true, the dream of peaceful coexistence between ordinary people and mutants. . Unfortunately, this dream cannot last long.

At the moment when Yi Biao and his party appeared suddenly, the two young people knew that this was a group of mutants, but unfortunately the Sentinel had locked it before they could say hello.

Because not far away is a sentinel protection camp, and there are sentinel patrols everywhere.

The man next to him tried to greet Yi Huo and others to escape together, but he was pulled by his companion and covered his mouth.

"To shut up!"

"They have been discovered by the sentry! Do you want to kill us!"

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