High Magic Earth

Chapter 1535: I think I can 55

Humans cannot be opponents of sentinel robots.

Even counting those mutants.

When the sentry raised the butcher's knife against ordinary people with latent x genes, ordinary people and mutants had spontaneously formed allies.

There is no longer any difference between ordinary people and mutants, they only have one identity, that is, humans.

Mutants began to fight back, and ordinary humans also began to help mutants.

For ordinary people, they are too weak to fight against sentinels, because human weapons are simply useless to sentinels, and sentinels are the pinnacle of human weapons.

It's just that they turned the butcher's knife towards human beings.

And not only that, the Sentinel also copied a large number of mutants' abilities. Although they are not powerful, such as Magneto or Professor X, the simple but practical direct material changes like Iceman and Fireman are also enough for those unarmed. Ordinary people drank a pot.

After all, the human body. . It is too fragile.

Ordinary people are not opponents of mutants. The mutant who has just awakened can cause huge damage to ordinary humans as long as his ability has a slight hidden lethality.

Even if it is not an offensive ability, it can also hurt other people.

The reason is also very simple, the human body is too fragile.

Because of this, ordinary talents are so afraid of mutants.

They are like hidden time bombs, maybe they will burst suddenly when they seem to communicate normally at the last moment, and then the next moment, he awakens the terrible fire department ability and is not controlled Burned up and burned everything around.

In this case, how can ordinary people not be hostile to mutants, and how can they not be frightened.

There are too many incidents of ordinary people accidentally injured or even killed by mutants. True, they are also innocent. They do not want to do this. They just cannot control their own abilities.

It is too difficult for a mutant to be able to control his ability perfectly when he awakens.

But even so, can ordinary people who have died be erased at will.

In any case, death is death.

Of course, not all mutants are awakened for no reason. Many mutants burst out suddenly after being bullied by others.

Such as school*.

In this case, the perpetrators are naturally wrong, but the severe punishment should not be the abilities of the awakened mutants, but the law.

There are so many ordinary people who are bullied. Although the world cannot protect every weak person absolutely, it is for this reason that it abuses its power to retaliate against each other. What is the difference.

It's just that the variants do not use pistols or cars, but their own abilities.

Similarly, for the group of mutants, the number of awakening mutants that are killing is still a small number after all, and most mutants are still harmless.

They did not have the ability to hurt others from the beginning, and they could not later.

But because other variants have repeatedly suffered injuries and homicides, they also have to bear all kinds of discrimination and malicious treatment, which is somewhat unfair.

However, this is from the perspective of the mutant.

From the perspective of ordinary people, they are actually very innocent. Many people live a normal life every day, neither caring for mutants nor participating in the battle between mutants and ordinary people.

But suddenly, disaster struck, and a nearby awakened mutant destroyed their house, killed their loved ones and children, and even destroyed their families.

How innocent these people are.

Just like Helmut Zemo.

He is just a soldier, an ordinary soldier, leading Sokovia’s secret assassination team Echo Scorpion. He does not care about any superheroes or Stark’s lace news. He is only worried about the future of his country.

When the war came, he told his guys that everything was far away from them, everything would be fine, nothing to worry about.

But in the end.

That was his last call with his family.

In fact, whether it is purely from the perspective of a mutant, or purely from the standpoint of ordinary people, to evaluate all this is somewhat biased.

Professor X's dream is good, ordinary people and mutants coexist, but this is very difficult.

Even if ordinary people eliminate their hostility towards mutants, the uncontrollability of the mutants themselves will inevitably push all this to the abyss again.

They are too sudden, and it will inevitably cause casualties, but even if they are just unintentional, the families of the injured and the dead will count them all as mutants.

Whether they are intentional or unintentional, this is indeed caused by them.

And as long as someone hurts, the grievances will continue, and will never disappear, never ending.

Mutants and ordinary people, the conflict between them is not as simple as those caused by the evil scientists arbitrarily grabbing, things are not just as they seem, the conflict between a large number of ordinary people and the underlying mutants is accumulated over time and accumulated The main reason for the contradiction.

But what is certain is that mutants far surpass ordinary humans in the field of killing and destroying. Although there are many capabilities that are beneficial to the world, they are still too few relative to the destructive capabilities.

This is still the case for pure mutants, copying the capabilities of mutants, not to mention the war machine sentinels created purely to kill mutants.

Ordinary humans are like lambs to be slaughtered in front of them. Even the well-trained soldiers can only resist a little bit and then kill them.

In fact, compared to ordinary people, mutants are even more powerful when facing sentinels.

Indeed, the sudden attack of the sentry almost killed most of the mutants, and the remaining mutants were all slaughtered in the subsequent continuous killing.

But those are low-level mutants who are hidden among ordinary people and try to live a normal life.

That is, the Ypsilon class, the Delta class, and even the gamma class are very few. Their characteristics are that the variant ability is very weak, and they can even be hidden completely, which does not affect normal life, but there may be some It is very inconvenient for places with special appearance.

For example, fish bubble eyes, discolored skin, webbed fingers, etc.

Their abilities are weak, and they are not much different from ordinary people when facing the sentinels. They cannot even provide the sentinels with valuable abilities and materials, and naturally have no power to resist.

Even if she was able to escape for the first time, she would soon be slaughtered by sentinels from the encirclement.

But again, this means that those powerful mutants are not killed in the first place. In other words, almost all the remaining mutants at this time are resistant. . It can also be said that the rest are at least some mutants with certain combat effectiveness.

The sentinels almost wiped out all the mutants, but in fact they only eliminated those weak mutants. The really powerful mutants have not been wiped out.

Or flee, or rebel, but they are still alive.

For example, a part of the X-Men, and a small number of mutant brotherhoods.

Of course, there are certainly extremely lucky weak variants who have also escaped. . But there is time for luck. He cannot be lucky forever.

In any case, these mutants who have not been eliminated by the sentinels have a certain combat effectiveness. Although they may not be stronger than the sentinels, they are at least much more powerful than the ordinary people.

It may even be more destructive than firearms.

But even so, they can't confront the sentinels head-on. After all, they can fight the sentinels, and they didn't have to hide from Tibet in the first place.

Even a few mutant abilities can suppress sentinels. . But in the face of a steady stream of sentinel robots, I am afraid there will be only one ending.

Everyone is just living, whether it is a mutant or an ordinary person.

When facing people who can help, whether it is a mutant or an ordinary person, they will lend a helping hand, because only more people can find enough supplies to let them continue to survive.

The sentries held most of their resources, and they could not establish strongholds or restart factories in any place. Fortunately, because the time of the disaster did not come soon, spoiled food can still be found in those ruins.

But this does not include head-on confrontation with the sentry.

In fact, when there is no escape skill with a similar space transfer, or a mutant who resists the sentinel for a moment, ordinary people have only two options after encountering the sentinel.

It was detected that the x gene was killed on the spot, or because it helped the mutant to be killed artificially.

Only a small percentage of chances will be taken away and sent to the sentry protection camp.

Therefore, when someone was discovered by the sentry, in order to avoid being involved in more people, they would generally give up and rescue. Although this pedestrian Yi shou looks like a mutant, and seems to be a mutant with space transfer ability, but the two A young man is still not optimistic about them.

Unless this ability to transfer space can travel across most states in an instant, otherwise. . The sentries will chase them down all the way.

Unfortunately, there is a sentinel protection camp nearby. At the same time, a large number of humans are gathered there. At the same time, it is also a retreat factory for sentries, and a large number of sentinel robots are stored.

Even if they are more powerful than they thought, in the face of the siege of countless sentries, there is only one ending.

Exposing yourself in this situation is simply giving away.

The young man next to him firmly covered his companion's mouth, and after a low growl, he used all his strength to fix him in place. In the end, the two only made a very slight commotion.

The searchlight with a cold air in the sky obviously didn't notice this scene not far away, it focused all the light on Yi Chou and his party.

Yi Chou seemed to be aware of it. His eyes inadvertently glanced in this direction, and fell on the broken ruins of a broken wall. The two young men were hiding under the abandoned cement slab.

But the same, Yi Chou did not care.

Because it doesn't make sense.

This is not the home of ordinary people.

Mutants and sentries, they are the protagonists of this world.

. . .

"what is that."

Sentinel robots found Yi Chao and others, and they naturally realized they were exposed.

It was Rocky who asked aloud that the second acting princess seemed a little nervous, not sure if it was a sudden appearance, or indeed it was.

Yi Xiao felt that it was more likely to be the former. After all, Loki didn't know the power of the sentinel robot, or how terrible the mutants were. She didn't even know what the mutants and sentinels were.

She probably thinks that even if you can't beat it, it should be no problem to use phantom magic to slip away.

The second princess always has a self-confidence.

"What is that, what is that?"

Seeing Yi Chou did not respond, the second princess asked again.

But at the next moment, there is no need to answer it easily.


Accompanied by a low-pitched muffled sound that seemed intimidating, a certain vibration came from the sky, accompanied by a gust of wind, and the whole sky was instantly clouded.

The dark clouds were blown away, revealing the terrible murderous hidden under the clouds.


One of the two young men under the ruins in the rear gave an experience, but was soon covered by the other guy's mouth again, only to make a murmur.

Above the deep sky, there are two iron boxes that look like iron coffins. Their upper end is a rectangular parallelepiped, and the lower end is a trapezoid with a slight curvature.

The width is very thick. In fact, they are thickened coffins. The sentinels have humanoid figures, but they are about twice the height of humans. These coffins can fit them in.


There was another muffled noise.

In the next moment, the bottom of the two coffins instantly opened a huge gap, and a series of sentries dropped instantly, and then entered a flight state within half a second, with a huge impact, whistling and falling under.

"One two three four five..."

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes and counted the number of sentries in the night, then he whispered.


"Well, I knew you would call me."

The Athena in the rear was ready for battle long ago. Hearing the call of Yi Chou, the figure moved slightly, and had appeared in front of several people in an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She held the two sharp and strange looks in her hand The scimitar, the whole **** is ready to go.

"Go try their power."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With a series of ground vibrations, five sentinel robots have crashed to the ground, and the huge force instantly smashed the ground and cracked. Some sentinels were half kneeling, and some sentinels were slightly bent, and they made a fighting posture. But without exception, they have entered the state of combat preparation.

"Of course, father."

Through the night, Athena's pupils also shone with golden luster, her armor became shimmering under the meagre moonlight, her hands were interlaced, and the sharp scimitar crossed a strange arc in her hand. Accompanied by the dance of the whole body, he made incredible and agile movements.

It is Athena's unique fighting technique, her war dance.

"It won't shame you."

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