High Magic Earth

Chapter 1536: Stand up to 1 good flag


As the little daughter Loki who wants to get fatherly love and crazy, she is particularly sensitive to the word father. In this chaos, under the pressure of several sentries, she also caught the word very accurately.

Her father?

The second princess's gaze lingered slightly on Yi Xiao.

She knew Athena, a god, a goddess, and the strange and familiar Olympian system.

But seriously, before Athena appeared, she always thought that the Olympus system was just a story, another naive delusion of those stupid Midgarts.

However, as a god, although Loki is far from reaching the level of the multiverse powerhouse, she cannot detect the existence and mysteries of other Marvel universes, but she does not have the appearance of Athena, or the present life of the Olympian system. How surprised.

Anyway, what is certain is that the Olympus system is definitely not in the Nine Kingdoms, otherwise they would have known for a long time.

But no matter what Olympus is, Athena is a god.

What is the father of a god.

Father God.

Rocky has always speculated about Yi Biao's identity, but she is still an Asgard young girl who really has no insight.

According to the original timeline, the late Thor brothers clearly knew the existence of tyrants and the terrible power of infinite gems.

But it was estimated that their dad could not hold on, fearing that no one would be deterred after death, and Asgard would not be able to hold on to the scene, so it was intentionally or unintentionally to disclose these news to the two, probably during this time, Switching to Meadgart timing is the ten years after World War II when Captain America slept until he woke up.

It's still early, and even Rocky has no heart of rebellion, nor does he plan to seize the throne unscrupulously.

She is just a good girl who wants to compete in front of her father, let Odin see that she is stronger than Timmy, and let Odin personally pass the throne to her.

She didn't know these things.

So when Yi Chou came with the news of the stormy blood, and even threatened her by using all kinds of real means to exaggerate her, the young second princess made a decisive move.

Of course, she didn’t go to verify it in person, but the news of Yi Chou was half-truth, even if she lost the verification, she could find the evidence completely, and the authenticity after personally making up her brain is far more effective than Yi Chou’s continuous lobbying. A hundred times better.

Rocky apparently fell into the pit in this way, followed Yi Chou, and hurriedly set foot on a strange world.

Out of fear of tyranny, and determination to save Asgard, of course, there is no need to do something big here, let his father see who she and Timmel are for Asgar. Heir to German this idea.

In this case, she is naturally curious about Yi's identity.

Athena's words made Loki think a lot in a moment, a father god, the father **** of the Olympus, is also the king Zeus.

Not long ago, Rocky made up for the mythological story circulated by Midgart. For her ingenuity, it is not difficult to memorize a few books quickly, and naturally knows the existence of the **** Zeus.

but. . Just him?

Rocky's gaze toward Yi Chou revealed obvious unbelief because. .


I saw Yi Chou over there was originally good, but suddenly covered his face with one hand, his expression seemed quite weak.

How does it look like it is not a **** king, even though he may not be as powerful as Odin, but it should be similar in majesty.

The majesty of the gods is not something that the ants can offend.

At least Rocky thinks so.

On the other hand, Yi Chou is talking to himself.

"You really inserted a good flag."

Hearing Athena's self-confidence, Yi Huo couldn't help covering her face.

Seriously, let Athena go up and try the power of the sentry. It's really just a try. Yi Chou doesn't think Athena can beat the sentry.

Athena's power is greater than that of Steel Lux, but it is no more than Hulk, and its defense and regeneration are far superior to Captain America, but not as strong as Wolverine.

As the goddess of war, she has the fighting skills accumulated in ancient Greece for thousands of years, and even has her own ancient Greek **** dance, but in the face of robots that can continue to evolve, I am afraid there is not much advantage.

Steel Lux was divided into corpses, Wolverine happily escaped by holding the beautiful legs of the phantom cat, otherwise it would only be the end of death.

Sentinel is the war machine that was born to slaughter them. The original version has to hate it. Athena is proficient in everything, but all weakened spirits can be the opponents of the sentry.

And still five.

After this flag was inserted, Yi Chou only hoped that she would not lose so badly.

Yi Xao remembered that she was not like this before.

Although as a goddess of war, she is naturally close to war, because war can bring her fun. . But she is not a pure fighting freak, and even seems to be getting into trouble now.

When did this start.

. . It seems that this kind of performance has appeared after playing against Thor Teemer, and there have also been signs before. Is it possible that the stupidity of Thor is contagious?

probably not. . Right. .

In Yi Biao's secret thought, the battle belonging to Athena over there had already begun.

"I am Athena, goddess of wisdom and war, for the glory of Western gods!"

Hearing a roar from Athena, he instantly withdrew and jumped more than three meters in height. In Yibiao's face, he only jumped again and jumped directly to the five sentries below.


Yi Xiao covered his eyes with his hands, he no longer wanted to look at it.


The second princess who witnessed the entire facial expression change cycle of Yi Xiao was also pouting, just such a guy. . Can it be a **** king of the same order as her father?

Since it is not. . Why should he be called his father?

It is impossible. . What particular tone does this goddess like?

The second princess in a white robe embraced the magnificent grandeur and scraped her chin with her slender fingers.

After all, the chaotic and messy family chores of the Olympus system are also famous. .

On the side of the second princess, she slandered others irresponsibly and maliciously. Here she pulled out her cloak and pulled out two daggers that were only one foot long from her waist.

Skillfully pulling out a few daggers in his hand, the second princess seemed to be using it to deal with the sentry. . probably. .

At the same time, Daenerys seemed to be behind a clamor like a ghost.

"Her title..."

Daenerys' voice was faint, and Yi Chou, who was covering her eyes, was almost trembling.

"..not bad."

"But not as long as I..."

Like a living ghost, Daenerys took a deep breath, and then slowly spit out the second half of the sentence, but the content immediately made Yi Chou's eyes and face start to jump together.

So where is your concern?

You title demon!

Yi Xao couldn't help but want to vomit, but it was not a good time, he swallowed back violently.

Think of it this way, and not optimistically, it seems that there are no normal people around him, all are monsters. . Or freaks.

Bringing her dry grain mountain village Sadako, the style of Athena is abrupt, her schizophrenia is rich in rivers, and she is named Daenerys. .

Among them are the symptoms of the fall of the God of Creation plan, the reasons of their own personality, and the fact that Daenerys does not understand anything. .

Thinking carefully, it seems that only Princess Xijing II is slightly normal. .

Fortunately, we have Rocky.

With this idea in mind, Yi Chou turned his head to look at Loki, the second princess was dressed up, and the golden horned crown seemed to be able to reflect the flash of light under the deep night clouds, made of unknown Warcraft fur. Her snow-white cloak rippled behind her.

The center of the second princess moved slightly forward, and the whole person was clearly alert and ready to fight, although in the original plot she was always beaten miserably, beaten by his elder brother, beaten by Hulk, and even Iron Man. Can be beaten a few punches as required by the plan, but as one of Asgard's princesses, there should be some. . some. .

Then Yi Biao's eyes fell on her hands, saw the pair of small broken daggers no bigger than the horns on her forehead, and the last hope was broken.

"Are you kidding me, right?"

Yi Huo couldn't help but blurted out.

An Asgard mage, with a dagger? Against the sentry?

Looking at the second princess's questioning eyes, Yi Chou shook his head.

Sure enough, there is no normal person here.

. . .

The only normal person, Lona, was shaking.

. . .


Athena retreated at a faster rate than she rushed up, or, as expected, was beaten back.

The sentinel is obviously different from any enemy that Athena encountered before. They are robots, and they are robots that are born to kill.

They are fearless, and in the face of continuous evolution of battles, no victory can defeat them, but can only become their accumulated experience for defeat and victory.

Facing the Athena who came from mid-air, none of the five sentries evaded. They instantly locked Athena's attack line, and their slender arms became sharp in the blink of an eye, turning into a deadly spear, facing Athena fiercely. All parts hit.

They were well coordinated, and five spears locked Athena from any direction to avoid any possible route, and sealed her in the air.

If Athena continues to fall, she will definitely be skewered unless she can fly.

Athena doesn't fly, at least it doesn't fly, but as a part-time God of War, being photographed from midair is also somewhat weak.

For ordinary people, there will be at least one hundred flaws when their feet are off the ground, but for Athena. . She has at least one hundred solutions to make up.

"Dang! Dangdang!"

Athena in the air was very calm, and her scimitars staggered in her hand, slashing towards the nearest sentry arm, and the next moment, the scimitar did not cut off this arm, or even left a mark on it, but Athena as a whole already seemed to be able to take advantage of pole vaulting again, as if ignoring gravity, flying lightly past these sharp spears and jumping to the nearest sentry.

"Ability performance: abnormal weight."

"Machine damage: none."

"A preview of the response plan..."

At the moment of Athena's landing, all the data screens inside the sentries brushed out a rolling data stream, and then they finally converged into these instructions.

Sentinel's actions seem to be more flexible and more targeted.

But Athena didn't care about this. She ignored the dangers around her and only had the option of attacking.


The machete rushed in mid-air at a terrifying speed, as if a touch of golden meteor, cut directly towards the sentinel in front of Athena, as if to split it in two.

The sentinel is very tall, at least half of her body taller than Athena. Even if the height of Athena is not low among women, she barely reaches the waist of the sentry. . It's still a bit down.

This knife was slanting downwards, which was enough to cut the Sentinel in half.

This is indeed the case.


The sharp machete hit the metal shell of the sentry, making a muffled sound, but paused a bit, then cut the cake like a hot knife, and cut it straight like nothing, half of the waist of the sentry had been cut in half a second. , And even let its upper body obliquely fall sideways.

"Ability performance: Abnormal strength."

"Machine damage: serious."

"A preview of the response plan..."

Athena's wrist strength is also a few tons, which is impossible for ordinary people to achieve, even among the mutants,

The sentinel body seemed impossible to stop Athena's attack.

but. .


The next moment, Athena suddenly froze.

Because the sentiment from her hand changed.

Even if Athena's power is great, the sentinel is also made of special organic polymers, and there must be some resistance in the future.

But in the last moment, the resistance disappeared, and the remaining half of the sentry body was cut by Athena. Her scimitar did not receive any resistance at all, and the speed was so fast that even inertia almost shook Athena.

After all, Athena was the goddess of war, and her intuitive response to combat was extremely quick.

Seeing that the situation was not good, she did not hesitate at all. She stepped on her right foot violently. Between the ground cracks, she jumped backwards with a backflip, and she jumped three times in succession. The whole person had already retreated Go out a dozen meters away.

But at the same time that Athena had a movement, the body of a sentinel on the edge suddenly shrank, suddenly approaching here at a speed that was light and not weaker than Athena. Seeing the speed, it seemed that it was only a line worse than her. distance.

At the next moment, Athena had settled down again.

Her eyes were instantly locked on the sentinel she first attacked, and she wanted to know why her attack failed. .


Then Athena saw that the sentinel was liquefied, and the entire metal body seemed to be made of flowing mercury, and this liquid was obviously not at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so it made Athena's second half of the attack instantly fell through.

Not only that, it seems to be extremely repairable, because in just half a second, most of the original sentinels that had been cut open have been restored. . What is restored is like new.

But none of this is more important than the pursuit of Athena.

The sentinel, which also changed form, but not liquid metal, apparently strengthened its speed. It arrived almost at the same time as Athena, and stopped and stood still.

And just half a second after Athena paused and observed, it had already started to attack on the side, its face was spread like a gear, the orange laser gun slowly converged, and then there was almost no pause, suddenly Turned into a beam of light, sprayed heavily towards Athena in front.


Athena only had time to block the sword in front of her, and the whole person had been hit by the laser beam and flew backwards uncontrollably.

The speed is even faster than when I went.

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