High Magic Earth

Chapter 1537: It’s so happy to have one skin

"what is that."

Loki asked again.

The same words, the same problem, but this time, the cynical disposition has been put away on the second princess's face, the rest is only cautious and solemn, and a little nervous.

The battle between Athena and the sentry was only instantaneous, and the attack was not successful, and then was sent back directly by the sentry.

But none of the people present were ordinary people, and there was no simple one. Even a flash of light was enough for them to see what was happening.

Including self-proclaimed mage, look down on the elder sister's brutal second princess, her physical strength can also withstand Hulk's brutal beating and just dizzy.

Because of the clear view, the fighting power of this group of robots is far beyond her expectations.

It's not that Princess II hasn't seen robots. Asgard seems to be backward in technology and advocates force, but in fact, research in technology has long been thrown out of the earth for many years.

Regardless of the ultimate weapon, Rainbow Bridge, after all, it involves a certain amount of magic. Asgard takes out a defensive battleship casually, it is not comparable to humans who have not yet flown out of the atmosphere.

Human guns and weapons seem to be dazzling, but Asgard has long been replaced by more powerful energy weapons.

Everything in Midgart is backward and old in their eyes. No wonder Princess II always regards humans as a group of ants.

If it weren’t for superheroes and other aliens, I am afraid that apart from the ultimate means of nuclear bombs, they really have no way to resist the Cheryta star group, which has already entered the interstellar age, and is even a famous terrible war corps in the universe. The Gads came to resist and clean up the mess.

How can Midgart's robots possess such fighting power unless. .

The second princess stepped back slightly and retreated to a relatively safe distance, or the place closest to Yi Chou, with a low voice, "This is not Midgart?"

Yi Xao knew the pride of the second princess, and also knew what was in her little head, glancing at her, Yi Xiao's tone was lazy.

"This is Midgart."

"I said that, I will take you to meet a completely different Midgart. Although there is a slight deviation from the location I expected, it is also Midgart."

"Midgart from another world..."

Yi Biao's tone tickled Rocky's teeth. Generally speaking, this was the proud and lazy attitude that she only showed after she successfully pranked others, especially her elder sister.

And now. . It was his turn to be talked like this by others. .

The second princess didn't move, and her heart made a note in her little book again, but she was indeed a little uneasy in the depths of her heart.

Parallel world and parallel universe, Rocky is no stranger, but these things do not matter, because if it is indeed Midgart, then the fighting power of these robots is somewhat amazing.

Athena is a god. Although she is not an opponent of her elder sister, Thor, as Princess Asgard's princess Thor, has few opponents in the nine nations. Athena can't beat her.

Even so, Athena should not be defeated so easily.

How many times did she fight the sentry? Once or twice, and then violently hit back directly, whether it is the terrible self-healing, super speed shown by these robots, or the instantaneous response to the battle, makes Rocky frown secretly.

Enemies of this level, I am afraid that her elder sister will come, and it will be very difficult to win, even difficult to win.

Even in the nine great nations there are few such terrible things.

At least in the constant battles over the years, their sisters have never encountered such a difficult enemy.

Loki's vision is not bad. She can fully see what these robots have, and the ability to continuously change the way of combat is entirely for combat.

All of them seem to have been born for killing and war,

Why did Midgart in this world have such a terrible existence.

Although Athena is not Timmy's opponent, Loki's heart is very clear, Athena's fighting power must be higher than her.

Of course, this means that in the case of head-on combat, if it is not head-on combat, Loki's magic is enough to allow her to evacuate safely, even playing with each other, so that Athena can't even catch her side.

But these terrible robots can easily repel Athena, so if you switch to Rocky personally, the result may be no different. She still has self-knowledge, although she doesn’t want to admit it. .

Rocky's gaze was very restless and he wandered around.

She is looking for a way out.

In the case of taking advantage, Loki did not mind to show his force, and then proudly showed off to the enemy everywhere.

However, in a situation where they are at a disadvantage, or if they know they are invincible, but just say nothing, Loki will re-identify himself as a mage. How can he stupidly compete with the enemy for muscles?

But in fact, rather than telling others, it is better to persuade yourself.

For example now.

She believed in this weird wizard, the father and the like. . Has the ability to defeat the enemy, or at least has the ability to escape.

But she was suspicious by nature and never put all her hopes on other people. . Even if she fell into the most complete despair, she would play a little cleverly in secret.

Yi arrogantly watched the eyes of the second princess Asgard flutter around. This guy was unreliable. It seemed that his plan was still necessary.

While Loki was watching the way out, he did not forget to observe their enemies, sentries.

These tall robots are slender, with slender limbs and torso, presenting a streamlined beauty, and the surface is a layer of fish-scale mechanical scale armor, like a small pinion that bites together, and the whole body exudes coldness. Metallic luster.

The sentinel robot is almost twice as tall as humans, and its head resembles a snake, showing an uncomfortable inverted triangle.

Its entire body composition looks seamless, there is no trace of stitching at all, and there are no obvious weaknesses. Only the part in front of it that seems to be the energy core exudes orange-yellow gloss, but the inner core is also hidden, it is difficult Destruction and penetration from the outside.

A perfect war weapon.

Loki didn't understand that the sentinel could replicate and absorb the power of the mutants, nor did it know where it was truly terrible, but it was already able to analyze a lot of things from the outside.

Suddenly, the second princess thought of the destroyer of Asgard, her father's left arm and right arm, the guard of the fairy palace.

The dreaded robot was also made of unknown metal, blessed by her father Odin personally, and was more durable than the Ulu metal used to build the Timmel hammer.

The Destroyer can also emit shattered beams from his face, and according to Loki's knowledge, there is currently no substance that can block this beam. . In fact, seventy years later Loki will know what material can resist the destroyer's beam of destruction.

That substance is called Thor.

Like the big guys in front of you, the Destroyer can also transform its own form, solid, liquid and gas, it can rearrange and modify the density of the material for super regeneration, and it can hardly be destroyed.

Energy rays, teleports, and super powers with unknown limits, even Timmel, are not opponents of the Destroyer in Loki's view.

The entire Asgard can suppress and control the destroyers, only their father, Odin.

The guys in front of him reminded Loki of the Destroyer.

She shouldn't be allowed to think so. The same way of attacking the laser beam from the face, the same super regenerative power, it seems that even the shape is similar, slender and seamless, and the surface is like a mosaic of countless identical nail pieces. .

Prometheus stole the fire.

This sentence appeared naturally in Loki's head.

It is rumored that there was no fire in the world at first. Humans can only spend long nights in the endless darkness. The king of the gods Zeus agreed to give fire to humans, but he had to sacrifice a cow and discuss how to allocate it to God. And the human part.

Prometheus divided the cow into two parts, one part is the good meat wrapped in the internal organs, and the other part is the whole cow with only empty skin.

Zeus chose the latter, and then found that he was cheated with anger and refused the fire for humans, and then there was the story of Prometheus stealing fire for humans.

No matter what it means to divide this bull, Prometheus wants to humiliate Zeus, or Pi would be very happy with it. Anyway, this matter is very similar to what Loki sees.

Perhaps it is human beings who have stolen Asgard's power in this world and stolen powers and authorities that do not belong to them. This is the way to imitate the Destroyer and create these terrible robots in front of them.

Surrounded by devastation, the second princess and the princess fought against the nine great nations. Seeing the ruins after such wars and destruction, the world is over.

Obviously, the stupid Midgart couldn't control the power that didn't belong to them, and was eventually repulsed. Seriously, the second princess was not surprised at all.

The Yi Xiao next to him has evolved from facial twitching and corner twitching to the whole person's distortion.

. . Despair separated him.

This second princess's brain hole is really big. Yi Chou discovered for the first time that Loki was not only a talent for drama, but also a talent for becoming a good director.

In such a short time, she even thought of Prometheus.

Yi Xiao certainly knows Loki’s thinking. Although he does not easily explore the thoughts of others and avoid too much useless information to invade himself, it is still necessary to peep into the shallow thinking of this second princess at this time. .

In order to avoid another moment when Loki asked whether he had punished such a stupid question as a guy named Prometheus, Yi Xuan decided to explain it a little.

"These things are called sentinels."

"Sentinel robot."


Not far away, Athena and the sentinel who had chased it had already set off a war again, and Yi Chou explained it with a lukewarm tone and Loki.

"Sentinel was created by humans to fight an irresistible enemy."

"They themselves."

"A special kind of Midgart called a mutant."

"The sentry won."

Although it seems like a question, but it can be heard, Loki is very sure.

"Yes, both mutants and humans have lost. The only winner is the sentry."

"It's not strange."

The sentinel’s power is so strong that even she and Timmel are not rivals, not to mention the Midgarts, even if there are a group of Midgarts called mutants, in the eyes of the second princess, there is no What is the difference. . It is a group of ants.


Yi Chou then said.

"The mutants have been almost wiped out."

"The first-generation sentinels were not powerful, only loaded with ordinary human weapons, but in the second-generation sentinels, they incorporated the genes of a special mutant, which allowed them to start replicating various abilities of the mutants."

"And it happens that their maker also stored a mutant gene that can absorb the energy of other mutants. This makes the sentinel robots almost complete at the initial stage of completion."

"No mutants are their opponents."

"In fact, I don't think anyone in this world can overcome enemies who ignore their own strength and can absorb their own strength for their own use."

Hearing this, the second princess frowned slightly.

She wasn't her elder sister's reckless husband, and just after Yi Chou's words fell, she had grabbed some incredible focus from Yi Chou's explanation.

"...You mean, the ability of these robots comes from copying those guys called mutants?"


Yi Chou slightly jaw.

The second princess is incredible.

At present, these sentinel robots do not show much power. In addition to being freely deformable and autonomously regenerating, they only have super speed and laser beams.

But if it is like Yi Chao said, then. . Are these abilities copied?

"Are we talking about those stupid Midgarts." The second princess was very suspicious.

"I said, they are called mutants."

Yi Xiao spread his hands.

"But it is indeed the Midgart."

The second princess has no expression, but no longer speaks.

But Yi Chou continued.

"Every ordinary Midgart has the potential to become a mutant. They carry a special gene called the x gene."

"At first, the sentry only targeted the humans who had become mutants, but later, any hidden carrier was their target."

"That's all the Midgarts."

"As you can see, this world has fallen into flames of war."

"So far, the war between the Midgarts and Sentinel. For the time being, the former is slightly inferior."


The second princess raised her eyebrows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ temporarily. "

Yi Xiao said.

"The mutants will still lead the human race and win the final victory...even in the face of such a powerful enemy."

"So, as I said, don't underestimate any Midgart."

The second princess did not refute, but it did not seem to believe completely.

"It's ok.."

Don't mind if it's easy.

"Because you will see it with your own eyes sooner or later."

. . .

On the other hand, the battle between Athena and the Sentinels continues, which is just fierce.

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