High Magic Earth

Chapter 1559: Loki's passive skills


The top of the scepter is accumulating, and a clear blue light mass forms rapidly. . Then she was thrown away by the second princess.

The light burst exploded at the foot of a sentry, and spread and condensed into a thick layer of ice in the blink of an eye, but the second princess clearly saw that the sentry also transformed itself into ice at the moment of contact with her magic, It exudes a faint cold and extreme low temperature, and even turns into that kind of translucent ice.

Although the temperature is still much worse than the magic thrown by the second princess, it is enough to offset some of the damage.

The sentry just stumbled and continued to chase after the second princess.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

In the process of running, the scepter seemed to be filled with a certain golden luster. This light gradually spread to Luo's whole body, strengthening her various physical qualities without her own awareness, although not many, but It also made her more sensitive than before.


The sound of bursting continued to sound, and at the same time bursts of flames, ground gravel splashes, and mud cracked, there were laser beams from the sentry and various strange variants, and there was also the second princess's counterattack.

The second princess was jumping on the ruins, and the white big ao violently bounced behind her as she jumped, like a flexible elf in the snowy field, while avoiding the energy attacks from the sentries.

At the same time, she still has the energy to fight back.

Various energy light clusters are gathered by the scepter, and then thrown out by the second princess like a gopher, regardless of whether it can accurately hit the sentry. . Anyway, a series of explosions appeared on the ground, the waves rolled, mixed with the impact of various magical energies, and a brain patted the sentries.

More of them are pure energy shocks. . Because it is more convenient to use, and the magic of the ice attribute.

I don't know why, the second princess always feels that she has mastered the magic of the ice attribute more skillfully, no matter how powerful it is or how much it consumes.

She didn't know the reason. Now this situation, there is no time for her to study slowly, it can only be attributed to the magic that the scepter itself is more inclined to the ice attribute.

As a magic weapon. . It's normal to have a certain attribute of being biased and good at it.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

During the jump, a lot of magic was thrown out by the second princess. The huge impact and explosion made the gravel splash everywhere, but the attacks from the sentries also became more and more violent, and more and more quickly.

Even the second princess completely fell into the wind soon, and her counterattack changed from causing damage to the sentry to becoming only a delay.

Because more sentinels are enclosing here, in all directions, and endlessly.

Most of them are showing the image of a flame burning all over, or they exude a white chill, and the whole body is translucent ice.

The flame can suppress the low temperature, and the ice cube can counteract the low temperature. . In any case, it can effectively resist the magic attack of the second princess.

As for pure energy shock. . That has no effect on the sentinel. After all, there are many variants that can send out energy shocks. The sentinels have already prepared for this, not to mention, one of the two most primitive abilities of the sentry, the gene of the naughty Raksha girl. It can greatly absorb the energy impact.

There was almost no harm caused, the only one affected. . Probably the momentary stagnation and trance caused by the impact of energy hitting some vulnerable parts that affect the action.

In addition, it is almost impossible to hurt the sentry by energy shock.

And the magical magic of the second princess was also easily dissected by the sentry, and could not play the role of deception at all. The brand-new short transient ability was very practical. . However, the second princess is not skilled yet. Not only does the landing often cause unexpected deviations, but it also becomes more difficult to use.

Especially when it is used continuously, the mental and physical consumption is exponentially increased. As an Asgardian mage, the second princess's recognition of magic is not a set of energy doctrines, but it is also a self-conscious Into a system.

She knew very well that this happened because she used some unbearable power.

Obviously, one or two teleports doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter, but with continuous and frequent rapid use, she becomes a bit unsustainable.

And the second princess feels that unless it is teleported for a long distance, it is only used for this short teleport to avoid attacks, but it should be difficult to escape the encirclement of the sentry.

Rocky can easily slip out of Asgard again and again. In addition to being very familiar with Asgard, because Asgard has many gaps, she uses the gap to freely travel through Asgard. Yes, and Asgard's mages are few, it seems that the second princess seems to be proficient in teleportation magic.

But in fact, this mastery is also relative. For the second princess, illusion and space magic should be the two methods she is most good at, but it is only compared with Yi Chou. . Perhaps only the illusion is left.

After leaving Asgard, the second princess immediately lost her original strength, and she had no means to get out of this group of sentries immediately. . At least not in the movie version.

The second princess in the comic has also been enhanced, and may not be able to win against the same enhanced sentry, but it is definitely easy to escape.

just. . This second princess is obviously not good.

As a result, the Sentinel lost an overwhelming first-mover advantage, and the Sentinels no longer placed orders, but gathered together.

There are two masters of magic, illusion and teleportation can not achieve the desired effect, ordinary magic attacks are gradually formed by the sentinels to resist the situation, the situation of the second princess naturally began to get worse.

The sentinels are still increasing.

This is also the usual tactic of sentinels.

In the face of weak mutants, ordinary sentries are enough. . Because even the ordinary sentinel, for most of the mutants, is also the **** of death from hell.

And once faced with sufficiently powerful mutants, the sentinels began to swarm, usually in this case, unless there is any special escape means, or itself and its difficult to kill mutants, most of them are considered powerful Mutants will also not be able to sustain for a long time under the siege of the sentry.

After all, the sentinel is not weak, and the strength is relatively speaking.

Although the sentries have not detected the presence of the x gene from several people except Lorna, the power shown by Daenerys, Athena, or the second princess is enough to allow They faced them with the attitude of facing the top group of mutants.

Daenerys and Athena are under siege.

However, Daenerys has a thick skin and is hard to be seriously injured for a while. Athena has a half-artifact protection, and will not be injured unless it is completely scrapped.

Then there is no half-artifact protection, nor thick skinned second princess. . Naturally became the main target of the sentry.


With a crunch, the second princess moved.

While her teleportation stopped, a sentry came down from the sky, and her two arms slammed into the second princess. Although the two princesses immediately used both arms, the scepter pushed it to the side, but it was also blocked.

The second princess looked somber.

"Bang, bang."

Sure enough, at the moment she paused, more sentries had already arrived.

Although her face was ugly, the second princess was not too surprised. After all, she had already been psychologically prepared for this in the process of running away.

Scolding his lips, the second princess was just about to habitually pick up two harsh words. . Seeing that the sentry in front of him said nothing, his arms pierced again.

Rolling his eyes, the second princess fled to avoid.


But her brow furrowed. . Because she found that there were too many sentinels around, she had just moved, and another sentinel had appeared next to her. Her dangerous arms turned into sharp blades, and she bluntly blocked her retreat.


In desperation, the second princess can only block again.

But because of her hasty movements, this time she was stepped back by the sentry, staggering two steps, and seemed to be unable to stabilize her body.

At this time, Yu Guang of the second princess suddenly saw that there seemed to be some cool luster flashing beside her.

That is. . sentinel.


The scepter waved, and the energy shock spewed out instantly. The second princess did not see where the enemy was, but just cast a magic in that direction by virtue of instinct and feeling.

It is unclear whether the huge impact hit the enemy. . But Loki can be sure that it has affected himself.

Because this is her intention.

With a crackling sound and a splash of gravel, a huge blast of magical energy appeared not far from the second princess, but as a magical releaser, she had already defended her first step.

The air wave was rolling, and the original Rocky, who was ready to take advantage of the situation, was instantly flew by the air wave, and once again looked a little embarrassed, but he was not injured.

Instead, by this impulsive force, they moved a distance of several meters.


In the next moment, through the gradually dispersed dust, the second princess saw a cold arm hit the ground where she was, and was stabbed fiercely for a small distance.

But the sneer of the second princess's mouth was not fully revealed, and she suddenly felt a coolness appearing behind her again.


not good.

She realized something in her heart, but at this time it was too late to dodge, and even the flash on the scepter was temporarily unusable due to overuse.

The thought flashed in her heart. . The next moment, a huge force hit her back, making her fly back to the spot instantly.


The second princess landed heavily under the distance, making a loud noise, and even set off a large area of ​​dust. The momentum was no less than the previous energy impact.

At the next moment, at the position where the second princess flew, a figure of a sentry slowly appeared.

Its appearance merges with the ground, showing a dull gray, which can't be found without a closer look. Now as it stands up, its surface returns to its normal color.

Seeing that the second princess was hit hard, these sentinel robots did not hesitate at all, and several nearby sentinels came together indifferently, standing around the second princess, facing the shallow pit, the mask was slowly opened, and the laser beam was ready to wait .

Seeing this, the black lightning flashed in the eyes of Yi Biao not far away.

He was going to make the second princess suffer, but did not intend to let her die.

This number of sentinels continued to attack, and the second princess might not be able to resist, but was preparing to shoot Yi Chou as if he realized something again, his movements, and then the black lightning disappeared from his eyes again.


Because in the next moment, it wasn't the sentinels around but the second princess surrounded by the center.

The cold air spewing out was like some kind of low-temperature bomb, shaking the ground up and shaking in an instant. . Or this is Loki deliberately.

At the moment when the ground was shaking, the second princess jumped up immediately while the surrounding sentinel laser beam lost its sight.

At this time, she didn't care about any image problems, but she recognized one direction and rushed out.


"Dangdang Dang!"


Along the way, there were constantly sentinels blocking, laser beams, energy shocks, flames, ice, lightning, and even pure body block and attack.

The longer the second princess escaped, the more these sentries seemed to care less about accidental injuries, and by the end they had even included other sentries into the attack.

The second princess on the run is constantly using the scepter to block, occasionally releasing magic shock to delay the sentry, or create a powerful opportunity for herself.

But as more and more sentinels, she moved slower and slower, and resisted the offense, and became more and more difficult.


Finally, after being surrounded by three sentry regiments at a certain time, Loki didn't notice that the sentry from the rear was attacked, and was hit by a beam of laser beam coming out.

The turbulent energy exploded on her back, instantly turning the entire white squirrel into ashes, and also struck her out a distance of more than ten meters, as if it were a rag doll, and even bounced twice when it landed.

Sentinel descended more. . Then slowly walked there.

Loki was not dead, she had the right to protect her. Although she was injured, she was not seriously injured.

About ten seconds later, the ruin slowly shivered, and then Loki's trembling figure stood up again.

She shook a little and seemed to be weak, but the anger on her face had made her look a little daunting.

Taking a deep breath, she burst out drinking.

"Enough! You fools, I am God..."

Before her words fell, a sentry who didn't know when to lurk behind her suddenly grabbed her ankle, and then instantly lifted her up. . Smash it hard to the left, then lift it up again and smash it to the right, left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ right, left. .

. . .

Not far away, looking at getting a new weapon, but the second princess who was very happy and sad, Yi Chou felt much more comfortable.

Sure enough, Loki, still holding the scepter, looked more pleasing to the eye, regardless of whether she was being beaten.

However, Yi Xao also felt that she was almost at the limit and continued to fight like this. . It is estimated that she may really be unable to carry it.

The bitterness also ate, Yi Chou felt. . it's time.

In the next moment, Yi Chou, who had not been moving between them, suddenly raised his hands, swept a few strange arcs in front of him, and then gently pushed forward.

Suddenly, the small space in front of him seemed to be broken like a mirror, showing countless folded marks, and then spreading out.

At the same time, Yi Chou said softly.

"It's enough."

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