High Magic Earth

Chapter 1560: Why

The second princess felt a little tired.

Also known as the heart is very tired.

She lay quietly in the shallow pit that was smashed from the ground, her hands crossed and placed in front of her abdomen, as if lying in a boat coffin, her eyes empty, staring at the dim sky as if in a daze. . It seems a little godless.

She is thinking quietly, thinking about the meaning of her existence, thinking about her spiritual life.

Why is all this. .

When did it start? .

The second princess felt that she had a selective short-term amnesia, but the pungent smoke and dust around her, and the sense of moisture from the soil. . And the pain in her body made her return to reality again instantly.

Even the slightest opportunity to remember the past and immerse in a dream.

Yes, this **** everything, whether it is these stupid iron lump robots, or the **** wizard! She hated it all!

The second princess felt like she was unlucky, and it was stupid!

Why did she start this **** journey! Why join this wizard's small group of stupid travelers!

Oh yes, it's for Asgard, because of the Rubik's Cube, because of hegemony.

Go to her Asgard!

She should find a place to hide, no matter what, no matter what, and no one should bother her.

Bullying is indeed very strong, but the universe is so big, she is determined to find a place to hide. If it is not to drag home and take a whole country to consider, it can be done.

You shouldn't care about Asgard and the Nine Kingdoms, don't care about their life and death, don't worry about the fool of Timmel, let alone prove anything in front of the father. . In this way, I will not encounter this group of **** robots!

But in the next moment, I remembered the last record and the last image of the civilization that she saw when he was exploring the news, identifying the true and false of the tyrant, and the civilization that was destroyed by the dark sect under his command. . She fell into silence again.

Her combat power is not high, nor is it as long as Princess Timir is able to fight, but it does not mean that she has no power, because she has wisdom, she still has wisdom.

but. . The second princess thought she had wisdom, and even if she was not as capable as Timmel, she had the power, she could get everything she wanted, and she could protect everything she wanted.

She was wrong.

She is weak, still weak, and very weak.

In the same way, she has never hated her weakness like this moment, never like this moment. . Longing for power.

Lying quietly in the shallow pit, the thought roam of the second princess continued.

. . Asgard.

Can she really ignore everything?

The wise father really knows everything, is he fully prepared?

The second princess was not sure, and she continued to empty her eyes. . It's strange that she shook her head in her heart. She wasn't such a person. A person suffering from losses and gains was even less likely to care about small things like now.

She always has everything in her mind and always plans everything, instead of thinking about something trivial like now.

that. . Why?

There was a wry smile in the corner of Loki's mouth, because of Asgard, not because of anything else, or because of other reasons, only Asgard.

Because there is nothing else there, not just the stupid elder sister, nor to prove something in front of the father, nor for the stupid civilians, but. . her. .

The second princess heard heavy footsteps around her. Soon, a sentry appeared in her sight, surrounded by the edge of the shallow pit. She could only see half of her body and its head, and then the next one. Is an. .

The visors were slowly opened, and their faces began to recharge, the hot, terrible, crazy energy and luster flashing in it.

At this time, the second princess standing in the shallow pit gently opened her mouth and spit out a word, which was the first word so far.



At the next moment, with a tremendous impact, the laser beams from the sentry around the shallow pits spewed out instantly, exuding the hot high temperature, slow, but methodical, toward the second in the shallow pit The princess erupted, and it seemed that she would be completely wiped from the world in the next moment.

But the second princess in the shallow pit still remained indifferent, and even while continuing to empty her eyes, there was a smile on her face.


The sentries did not know why the second princess was smiling, and did not doubt, of course, even if they suspected that they could not terminate the attack.

After all, they are just machines, and even if they have the highest intelligence, they cannot escape the essence of machine logic.

But at the next moment, they didn't wait until the second princess was in trouble, nor did they wait until the second princess made some moths. . But in the end he waited for Yi Huo.

With a whisper, a shock.

All the people present, or all creatures, including the sentinel, heard a whisper from Yi Chou.

But of course, Yi Biao never thought of persuading this group of sentinels with just two words. . So after whispering something like a declaration of attack, the whole space is accompanied by shocks.


Like a stream of water, but also like a broken mirror, this crisp sound seemed to suddenly echo around the entire space. The abnormal shape naturally attracted the attention of the sentry. Some sentries who were not on the front line of the attack found that there was some This is a strange phenomenon of light refraction, but there is no strange feeling when waving your hand to touch the past.

Whether it is energy or vision, or even directly touching with the physical body, these strange phenomena that seem to be broken by the mirror seem to be just the refraction of light. . There are no exceptions.

But the sentinels still locked the target that caused this anomaly for the first time, Yi Chou, and then separated a part of the sentinels into the air, and then galloped here.

The reason for locking is actually very simple.

Because from Lona's point of view, it is the idle castle owner who seems to have been in a daze, the sorcerer who can boil the child into soup in that impression. . Finally started.


Like the most gorgeous fireworks under the night.

In the dark night sky, Yi Biao suddenly showed a color in front of him.

It was orange-red gorgeous, with a slightly bright golden color, splashing in the sky like a sparkling spark, and suddenly appeared like a meteor flashing suddenly. . Frightened Lorna jumped, but also reflected the face hidden in the darkness.

Still calm like water, indifferent like a sentry robot.

The splashing Mars jumped in front of Yi Chou's indifferent face. . It added a touch of mystery to him.

These rays are naturally not ordinary rays, because with Lorna's sight, she sees Yi Xiao's hands flying fast, dexterously like the best weavers in the world.

Slender five fingers are playing in the air, and at the end of each finger is connected to some kind of golden light that penetrates into the void. These lights are constantly twisted and deformed in the mouth with Yi Chou's movements, and soon he was made into some. The quirky pattern, with strange beauty and rhythm, is strange.

Then Yi Xiao pushed his hands, and the patterns were pushed out, slowly enlarged during the floating process, and then dissipated in the air as if the morning mist had spread out.

Yi Biao's movements were quick, almost in the blink of an eye, his hands sketched dozens of patterns, and then pushed the patterns into the void.

Even when the fastest one is about to kill him, he is still systematically sketching the light and strange patterns in the air, seriously like an artist.


Flip, twist, overlap, twist, and weave.

The light was flying in Yi Chou's hands, and as his arm twirled in the air, a shield-like pattern was quickly formed, and the middle part was filled with that pattern.

By this time, the galloping sentry had turned into a flaming ball of fire, his hands were sharply together, and it looked like a heavenly justice.

but. . The magic that can be wasted so much time by Yi Xiao is obviously not that simple.

. . .

"The target disappears."

"Third, four, five..."

"... the twenty-seven and twenty-nine teams lost contact."

"Suspected mutants of spatial abilities appear."

"Planning preview."

"Start searching."

. . .

It's like a dead hourglass now.

When I met Gu Yi at the beginning, the hourglass also did not respond at all, and did not suddenly jump out of it, planning to open a new skill tree for Yi Chou.

So learning about the magic of Kama Taj. . Yi Chou can only rely on himself all the way.

But fortunately, with the accumulation of several world magics, and the clamor with silver tongue, it is completely a top-notch wizard.

Even without the convenience of directly opening the talent tree, he can still counteract and interpret some of the principles of Kama Taj's magic.

After careful research for a period of time, with silver tongue as an auxiliary, Yi Xiao's proficiency in the teleportation magic of the Karma Taj series is not even weaker than Gu Yi.

The only thing that may not be better than Gu Yi is probably the mirror space.

After all, Guyi research mirror space has been studied for hundreds of years. With the help of time gems, the time may be longer. Even if Yi Biao figured out the principle of magic, in many proficiency and small skills, it is far from ancient Yi. Than.

But even so, Yi Chou has the advantage that Gu Yi does not have.

That is, almost any magic is unlimited and almost instantaneous.

Gu Yi also needs to consider whether it can absorb the power of the dark dimension, whether it will be assimilated, or cause a chain reaction with Dormam, but Yi Chou does not need it at all, and the powerful magic control power also allows Yi Chou to use the magic of teleportation. After that, it quickly entered the proficient stage.

Under normal circumstances, even without moving your fingers, the portal will open directly in front of Yi Chou, and then connect to any place where he wants to go.

In this case, he even needs so many auxiliary lines. .

That is obviously not a simple magic.


In the next moment, the last moment was still fierce, as if not to break Yi Chou in half, even if it could not be split, it would be necessary to hit Yi Chong with impact force, and the Sentry who burned to death with high temperature would suddenly disappear. .

And it was silent, silent, and disappeared so strangely.

Seemed to be swallowed by something invisible.

And this is just the beginning.

As the sentinel disappeared, those sentinels that came towards Yihuo began to disappear one by one, and they disappeared silently in the air, as if they did not exist at all for a moment.

Even strangely, there was no sound.

There was no struggle or reaction at all.

Dozens of sentinels disappeared completely, and no waves were caused after the disappearance. The calm was frightening.

Daenerys, who was still fighting in the distance, did not notice this scene, nor did Athena, including the second princess, who seemed to be unaware.

If it is not the connection between sentries, it is through some kind of data transmission. . I'm afraid they didn't notice the disappearance of their companions.

All this was so silent that it was chilling in my heart.

but. . The sentry will not.

After realizing this situation, they did not flinch, but mobilized more sentries into the ranks of siege and clamor, and the speed was faster than before.

But at this time they discovered another thing, that is, their companions seem to be less, or rather. . There are no new companions.

. . .

Sentinels want to really attack Yi Chou, I am afraid it will take some distance.

But the laser beam of the sentry around the shallow pit was only half a second away from the second princess.

The second princess was still empty. . It seems that there is no love at all, and the next moment, the laser beam that has filled the whole above seems to explode completely.

But at this moment, a certain sound of freezing and breaking came from the air.

The eyes of the second princess refocused.

Finally started.

As a mage, the second princess is naturally more visible than these mechanical-headed sentinels, and is the domain space she is best at. . Although I couldn't understand it at a glance, I knew what Yi Chou was doing.

He seems to have worked on this space.

Well, this is the only conclusion of the second princess.

But this conclusion is not very useful, and it is not helpful to her current situation, because the next moment, the hot laser beam is instantly mixed, and then penetrated violently.


At this moment, a violent explosion suddenly occurred more than once, the entire shallow pit seemed to be overturned, and in the blink of an eye, nothing could be seen covered by the splashing waves of air.

The laser beams of the sentries are heating up rapidly. . But in the next moment, it suddenly stopped abruptly.

Because they are aware of the anomaly.

Sure enough, after the smoke gradually dispersed, there was nothing under the deep pit, no Rocky, no trace. . It seems that it was originally an open space.

The figure of the second princess gradually appeared not far away.

As a mage who controls the teleportation ability, unless the opponent also has the power of imprisonment, the mage is brought back to the same height to start the battle. . Otherwise, it will be difficult to really hurt this mage.

This is the case for Princess II~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She looks calm, still proud of her deep bones, although she looks pale, she looks at everything indifferently.

Soon a new sentinel appeared behind her.

The second princess turned her back, but she also discovered its existence, showing impatience on her face. The second princess was going to continue to urge the power of the scepter to leave here.

But the next moment, before waiting for her action, a golden portal appeared quietly, swallowing her from the spot instantly.

Then in a blink of an eye, she came to the back of the sentry who tried to attack it.

The second princess responded quickly.

Her wand had been lifted in an instant, and the cold magic was condensing. . At the same time, there was a malicious smile on her face.

Things finally became a little more interesting.

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