High Magic Earth

Chapter 1566: Mass attack is the mage's belief

"Poop! Slap!"

The surrounding air was filled with glue in an instant, and a sense of stickiness emerged, making any action slow and extremely plunged into slow-motion playback.

However, black lightning flashed around Yi Chou's body, crackling and crackling, with a delightful and boney electric sound.

The black lightning current didn't seem to be affected by the stickiness at all, just like a jumping elf, flickering and jumping around Yi Yi's body.

They are very mysterious, appearing or hiding from time to time, they are not always there, and only occasionally can they be seen flashing on Yi's body surface.

However, as Zila's current sound became clearer, Yi Biao's figure gradually became real, as if everything around him was a static picture scroll. Only Yi Biao was the only person who came out of the picture scroll.

It is also the only living person in this world.

The splattered black current was shining on his body, and the time around him was slowed down, and the world in the lag period could be observed with the naked eye, and in this slow world, the sentinel's attack was frame by frame, as Slow motion focus. . Slowly moved towards Yi Chou.

In the face of this level of attack, Yi Chou was too lazy to resist or even hide.

Not only can Yi Bao leave after the attack, he even ran to the side to take off the horned crown on the head of the second princess and put it on his head, pose, and then return the crown back, I am afraid that the sentinel’s attack will still be Did not hit him.

With a glance, Yu Guang glanced at the sentinel’s almost solid stagnant figure, and a hint of slowly moving arm. Yi Chouruo no one threw a dagger in his hand, looking at where it seemed that it was easier to cut the knife.

After observing for a moment, Yi Chou's eyes fell on the brightest part in front of the sentry, the energy response device, and then nodded in satisfaction.


The hand rises and falls, and the short blade of the dagger is like a butterfly in Yi Xiao's hand, along the gap in front of the sentry's breastplate, almost obliquely inserted into it.

It's like a hot knife for cutting butter.

With a certain sound like the flames being poured out, at the moment when Yi Chou's dagger short blade was completely submerged, the sentry suddenly shook slightly as if it was poor contact.

Visible to the naked eye, the energy response device in front of it began to dim.

Yi Xiao knew that its core had been destroyed. The reason why it had not been completely extinguished was that the pseudo-spirit speed accelerated his thinking, making the world in his eyes slow down tens of thousands of times than usual.

Even if it was slow, the reaction device that should be extinguished in an instant was as slow as a snail in his eyes.

But this sentry has indeed been completely scrapped.

The dagger was pulled out by Yi Chou, tossed gently, and then backhanded, holding it back in his hand. The next moment, he no longer had any memory to the next sentry.

The hand fell.


Precise is like a scalpel. Every time Yibuo's attack is extremely delicate, there is no trace of extra movement and no deviation.

No matter what state or action the sentry is, Yi Biao can always accurately send the daggers into their cores with ease.

Not slow or slow, Yi Chou seemed to be walking, and came to a sentry casually, and the dreaded daggers easily destroyed them completely.

In this way, Yi Biao destroyed four or five sentries in a row, and at this time, the initial sentry slowly moved to the place where Yi Biao stood before.

But of course, Yi Chou has long disappeared.

Even the complete attack itself has lost its strength, because the light in front of the sentry has stopped, its power core is ended, and the entire sentry is naturally completely scrapped.

Yi Biao's movements are slow, can even be said to be effortless, and there is still a lot of free time.

But in the eyes of the outside world, Yi Chou just flickered, and the position of Yi Chou changed as soon as the recent sentry made an attack. . Then the four sentries were completely scrapped.


The dust that rolled up instantly infiltrated the neighborhood as if it were in the center of the desert, although it was abandoned. . But the second princess was still observing seriously, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

She saw the speed of Yi Chou, or, at all, did not see the speed of Yi Chou at all.

He is too fast.

It's too fast to catch, it's more than countless times more than the sentry, and it's faster than everyone on the scene. . Compared with her, it is not a few times the gap.

With this hand alone, the second princess is very clear. . You and Yichao are not at the same level.

In other words, this guy is really a mage, or a special kind of magic.

But the instinct of the second princess and her instinct as a mage told her that Yi Chao's transfer used no magic, but only his speed.

This had to make the second princess deeply puzzled.

The killing of sentries continues.

The sentry only finally caught up with Yi Chou's movements. With the scrapping of four or five sentries, Yi Chou once again flicked the short blade of his dagger in hand, and then, while the sentry attacked again, a black pseudo-magic power flash appeared, The whole world came to a standstill again in an instant.


In fact, in Yi Biao's eyes, this world has never been faster.

The actions of the Sentinel under the blessing of the pseudo-swift force were all slowed down ten thousand times. Of course, slowing does not mean a complete stop, but even if the Sentry can move slowly, their speed is not threatening to Yi Chou. value.

The dagger was gently thrown by Yi Chou, and then he walked slowly towards the next target he was looking for.



Hands up and down, proficient in hundreds of fighting techniques, known as Batman second, and also possesses pseudo-power. . In this static world, Yi Biao's attacks will never fail, nor will there be any deviation.

Even more precise than the most precise killing machine, Yi Chou slaughtered the sentry at an amazing speed. The sharp dagger pierced the core of countless sentries in an instant, leaving only a series of smoke in the rising dust Scrapped sentry.


The core went out, and then the sentry fell. Slowly, everything was going on in a quiet and dull time. The smoke rose but it stagnate in the air for a moment, easy to avoid these dusts and gravel, Then, like a butcher, slowly continue to look for the next target.

The world is slow in Yi Chou's eyes, but in the eyes of others, it is lightning fast.

Often the sentry has just made a move. Yi Chou has instantly changed positions, and then left a series of sentinel corpses in the coming route to reciprocate.


With the passage of time, these sentinels that crawled out like **** goblin gradually recovered most of them. They began to re-lock the position of Yihuo, and moved closer to it. The outer sentinels opened their visors. The laser beam spews out with maximum power turned on.

But these are meaningless.

"too slow."

Yi Xiao threw his dagger to avoid the direct attack of the laser beam. The speed of the laser light was very fast, but in the world of pseudo-power, it was still not enough to see. Yi Xuan could even clearly see these particles condensing and forming in the air. Then they gathered into a beam and shot towards themselves.

Then Yi Xiao gently bypassed this beam of light, watching it with interest with his face, and moved it towards the ground a little bit, passing the dagger into the core of this sentry.

The second half of the laser beam stopped abruptly.


Another sentry was scrapped.

Yi Chou's speed is very fast, and the efficiency is very high, even compared to Daenerys, it is also extremely efficient. Daenerys attacks fiercely, and the scope of the attack is also large. . But after all, the speed is limited, the sentry does not hurt her, and the efficiency between the confrontation is greatly reduced.

And Yi Xiao although the attack range is not as huge as Daenerys, and the attack method is not wild. . But the killing was calm and efficient, with almost no extra movement.

One blow was fatal.

In the eyes of others, the speed of the sentry is even a bit slower than the speed of the easy attack.

But even so, for the huge number of sentinels, there is still a lot of money, at least at the current killing speed. . At least ten minutes.

Daenerys has nothing to say. She has always been less ecstatic. Although her personality has changed a lot now, she has only changed some insignificant and superficial things.

The real she is still used to hiding ideas in her heart.

But Daenerys, Athena, and others can remain calm, and the second princess who always needs to maintain her survival with a sense of existence is very unbearable.

She rolled her eyes in slow-motion playback, then slowly opened her mouth, mocking mercilessly.

"You-difficult -"

. . .

"too slow."

Yi Xiao shook his head, as if cutting vegetables, and cut down several nearby sentries again, then shook his head again.

"It's too slow."


But in the next moment, Yi Chou was slightly startled.

I don’t know if it’s faint or trance, he seems to hear the cry from a guy full of resentment, the black lightning fades from Yi Chou’s eyes temporarily, the next moment, the laser beam hits his invisible shield, then Yi Chou also heard the complaint of the second princess.

"--Skill of group attack."


Shrugging, the black lightning, which represents pseudo-power, appeared again in Yi Chou's eyes, and the world seemed to stop running in a flash.

As if a thief who was careful to avoid infrared rays, Yi Chou tilted his body back, carefully avoided the laser beam in front of him, and then walked out of the laser beam.

. . Group attack.

Well, Yi Huo also realized that he seemed to be a bit slow to do so.

Although the final result is the same, the sentinels will be scrapped and they will not be injured, but the visual effect will be too different.

And cut this one by one. . If you count down, there are nearly ten thousand sentries here, and Yi Chou will feel sour.

Whether it's Athena's dizzying battle dance of ancient Greek gods, Daenerys' wild and frightening fighting style, or even the second half master princess's way of fighting. . Although the results may not be good, at least my personal style is completely highlighted.

Yi Chou like this. .

It seems that few of the people present knew the horror of the Speedster family.

Yi Xiao hangs the dagger at his waist at will, and then looks at the ground.

Yes, it is suitable for the magic circle.

In the next moment, his figure continued to shift, and the ground was lifted by the dust, and a new ditch with deep bones was branded.

It's a weird pattern, complex and full of beauty. Even when people look at it, they will feel mysterious and unknown. It is a kind of existence that only appears in mysticology.

Yi Huo is very satisfied.

It is not so easy to describe the magic circle, even if there is no magic, drawing such a pattern itself is not that simple.

In addition to proficiency, I am afraid that you will need some art cells and art skills.

Fortunately, the silver tongue has fully filled Yi Yao's proficiency in life skills and miscellaneous skills, and don't look at Yi Yao's movements. The magic circle soon appeared only for a moment. . In fact, that's because Yi Chou, with the help of false power, has already revised and repainted on the ground several times before.

But I have to say that super speed. . Indeed a very powerful attribute.

Yi Biao's figure swayed, and the black pseudo-god of lightning flashed all over his body. The whole person instantly turned into a complete lightning, quickly shuttled between the dense formations of sentries.

He had given up his intention to use the dagger in his hand to solve these guys, but began to portray the magic circle constantly.

The black lightning showed between the streamline and the sentinel, and occasionally in a place, like a whirlwind, quickly circled around, stayed for a few seconds, and then went straight out again.

All this may seem slow, but it is still amazingly fast.

It only took a few seconds for the second princess and others to appear, and Yi Biao's figure instantly returned to the position of several people.


"Cough cough cough!"

Unfortunately, at the next moment, Lona choked violently with the dust and smoke.

Yi Xiao's mouth twitched slightly, the magic gloss flashed over, and Lona's head was covered with an invisible cover, just like the principle of a space suit, and she relieved it instantly.

"Group attack?"

Yi Chou said to the second princess.

"This is what magic is good at."

Yi Biao’s movements were so fast that the sentinels didn’t even realize what he had done before. Although they were aware of the suddenness on the ground, they were always pointing at mutants~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for magic I am afraid that his knowledge will be weaker than everyone present.

Countless face shields were opened, countless laser beams slowly converged, and a large number of sentinels rose into the air, changing into the ability forms of various mutants, about to gallop toward Yihuo.

Then the next moment, Yi arrogantly whispered.

"Universal magic."

"Space is ripped."


With a crisp sound, the world seemed to be enveloped by the mirror again, and likewise, it was like a clockwork that stopped time in an instant. Ground.

. . No, not just movement, time seems to be really imprisoned, because those laser beams that are waiting for energy have also stopped accumulating, maintaining the original energy light mass, and slowly burning in the face shield.

At this moment, the space was divided.

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