High Magic Earth

Chapter 1567: And fell into the trouble of not having the right title

The mirror is shattering, and the world seems to be divided into several parts. Daenerys and others are in a mirror, and Yi Chou owns a single mirror. This group of sentinel regiments also occupy several mirrors.

It's like a Rubik's cube.

The edges of the mirror world began to move around. These mirrors could not be flipped, floating slowly, and exchanged irregularly, but there was no collision, like swimming fish in the sea, staggered and parallel, without disturbing each other.

Except for the world of sentinels.

The mirror is cracking.



The Sentinel’s laser beams have spewed out again. In addition to the laser beams, there are various flames, ice, shock waves, even energy waves, sound waves, and countless strange mutant abilities. . But this time, their attack was simply unable to rush out of the mirror surface.

Unlike the previous ones, the light shining around directly destroyed the mirror world into a sieve.

It was cut directly and blocked.

This time it is true.

The second princess at the back stared.

She envisioned many possible attacks that could easily be used, such as a snowstorm or the burning of flames. . These two methods are basically the favorite of the mage.

It may also be some kind of energy impact magic, just like the second princess's own good show. Of course, it is not a pure magic anymore. It is more like using energy directly to carry out energy strikes.

But in Asgard's battle-based system. . The direct use of energy to attack the enemy will also be classified as magic.

It's no surprise that the Second Princess thinks so.

Because such things as imagination rely on cognition, only the more you know, the more abundant your imagination and associativity will be.

It’s very simple. Ordinary earth people may think of only the deep space of the universe, the infinite parallel world and the multiverse, but for some things that have really come into contact with the truth of the universe and are more essential, those parallel worlds, such as Asgard People, their association, is probably a more real and deep existence.

For example, the origin of the universe, the creator of the universe, the core secret, and so on.

Thinking is diverging, but there must always be a starting point and a place to rely on.

Cognition, memory, the degree of civilization, is the starting point of all this, the birthplace of everything.

As a master of Asgard's combat-oriented system, all the magic that the second princess can associate is highly destructive, which is not surprising at all.

Even if she is very smart, some things are far from being wise to solve, more experience and accumulation.

Therefore, in the view of the second princess, Yi Chao's magic of space division seems to be very powerful. . At least she can't use it, but the destructive power doesn't seem to be more powerful than a frozen one.

Of course, with the ice attack made by the second princess now, freezing sporadic individual sentinels is already the limit. It is completely impossible to trap countless dense sentinels like Yi Chou.

But it is only a matter of time.

Magic and science can always be improved, and the second princess is also very confident that she can raise herself to the level of the current arrogance, at that time. . It is not difficult to freeze these numbers of sentries at will.

From the perspective of the second princess, Yihou's space attack is indeed very clever, but destructively speaking, her ice attack can also be done.

This made the second princess who prayed to see some strange magic seem disappointed.

In addition to Asgard and the Nine Kingdoms, there are also many powerful individuals or races in the universe. The second princess also heard and collected a few when she asked about the news of the tyrants.

It may be that the superhero world has the same characteristics.

Even in the context of the universe, mages who use so-called magic power, magic is mostly based on destroying battles, just like the current clamor.

There are indeed a lot of strong men, but they are still not enough to watch the game.

The magic before Yi Chou really surprised the second princess, but now it seems to be back to the old road. . This caused the second princess to doubt again whether her group could find a way to fight the tyrants.

But in any case, this guy is much better than himself.

As a female, Loki has the same arrogance and annoying arrogance, but she also has certain natural attributes and passive hearts of women, such as dependence.

So she decided to continue reading.

Some things are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

Perhaps as time goes by, more and more things are displayed, and you can find the answer you want. .

It has to be said that no matter how bad Rocky's other personalities are, at least she is much better than the male version of herself, at least on the point of humility.

. . .

On the top of the high mountain, the storm is still roaring, even because it has been in a place where the air is thin for many years, and the common snowflakes quickly float in the air.

But none of them were ordinary people. . Ordinary human.

None of the X-Men minded this little snowflake.

Because almost everyone is immersed in Magneto actually has a child. . And it was still the daughter, when was this guy. .

Even Professor X, the old friend of Magneto, was surprised.

Professor X had just glanced at Lorna's memory. She wanted to determine where she came from, what ability she had, and what was happening around her now.

But unexpectedly, a big news broke out.

This newly emerged mutant turned out to be the daughter of Magneto.

At least in her memory.

But there are also many things that Professor X can't understand completely, for example. . Lorna knew that she might be the daughter of Magneto, from the comic.


Or the comics of the mutants, which is the comics of the X-Men side and the evil villain Magneto, the mutant brotherhood?

How is this possible and when is this happening.

Professor x instinctively feels wrong, or that it may involve some kind of secret, a big secret.

. . It can even make Professor X make an exception.

In fact. . Well, Professor X has made a number of exceptions so far, and even has no bottom line, because the number of mutants is getting scarcer, and even humans are kept in captivity and almost perished.

In this case, Professor X has long been not limited to those pedantic ideas.

Not to mention reading the memory, if you can really control the sentinel, I'm afraid Professor X has already done this, unfortunately. .

But just when Professor X tried to go deep into Lorna's memory and saw more valuable news, Lorna disappeared abruptly.

With the desperate number of sentries around.

It seems to have completely disappeared in this world. At the same moment, Professor X's brain control range spread to most cities and was not found again.

It is not a teleport, at least it is not a short-distance teleport. . Even Professor X didn't know where these disappeared people had gone.

Three minutes after Yi Xiao and others disappeared, all the mutants were communicating in secret, discussing the matter about the daughter of Magneto, Professor X was still tirelessly nodding his forehead with his fingers, looking for these people’s trace.

Unfortunately, still nothing.

However, as the leader of the X-Men, Professor X is obviously not a person who gave up lightly, so when Professor X was looking for one after another. . He missed the slightly puzzled expression on Kitty's face.

Katie, who has developed a new way to use her own abilities and made her abilities more powerful, can even make people cross the timeline. At this time, she obviously has a new feeling for the changes in space.

She was directly aware of the anomaly of the fluctuations in the world space.

. . The same as Professor X's brain control range. Katie's feeling range is also very large, but the two are essentially different.

Professor X can only cover the whole world because he is a top mutant and has the help of brain wave amplification equipment.

But Phantom Cat Kitty. . Even if the ability is redeveloped and evolved, the gap with Professor x is still not a star.

She can feel the space fluctuations of more than half of the earth, not because it is as strong as Professor x, but because of the characteristics of the space fluctuation itself.

Ignoring the distance in space, most of the distance between the earth does not exist in space.

So even across a Pacific Ocean, Phantom Cat Kitty can still feel it.

But it's just feeling.

Because Katie didn't know what this fluctuation meant. . Perhaps if Professor X paid attention to her, she might be aware of certain abnormalities and then determine what she was thinking.

But unfortunately, Professor X is busy looking for these people now, and he didn't notice Katie's expression.

In the same way, just as everyone on the scene did not perceive the distant sky, there seemed to have appeared some faint black spots.

They are even smaller than flies, floating at the end of the sky, shaking, as if they will fall down from the sky in the next moment.

But still. . Straight forward to continue here.

This is the sentry's transportation device.

. . .

Yi Xiao also did not know that his group of people had been stared at by the professor of the protagonist x-men who was the most powerful mutant in the world and the most powerful mutant.

If Professor X’s brain is Yi Huo, perhaps Yi Huo will be able to find it in the first place. Unfortunately, Yi Huo, who does not have the x gene, is not a mutant in nature, and Professor X didn’t even notice him at all.

Professor X's brain is Lorna. . This made Yi Chou unaware.

After all, he could not pay attention to Lorna's brain and memory, which is meaningless.

Even if she is the North Star of the future, she is now just a little girl who has just reached the age of hormonal hair. I am afraid that her mind will soon be occupied by some strange ideas.

In fact, even if she is Polaris, her memory and thinking are of little value.

Even Magneto's ability is not unsolvable for Yi Chao. . Of course, if it is a manga that completely controls the electromagnetic force, one of the four basic forces of the universe, and subverts the magnetic pole of the earth in a wave, even Magneto, which can be grasped even by the magnetic field of the universe, is another matter.

But the instinct from the mage, or the slight prophecy that comes with the shadow energy, made Yi Xao realize that he seemed to be staring at someone who was extremely powerful.

A little thought. . I can think of it as Professor X.

There is nothing strange about this, nor does Yi Yiling care.

There is no doubt that Professor X is powerful, no matter which version of Professor X is. . Powerfulness is basically a consensus, because the field of thinking and mind is also the most vulnerable place for human beings.

No one knows where Professor X's limit lies.

Reversing the future world, the mutants and humans are almost completely destroyed. It is a normal thing for Professor x to pay attention to this world all the time.

But whether to contact Professor X. . Yi Chou was hesitating.

It's not that Professor X is exposed to his memory, sees something unacceptable, and goes crazy on the spot.

This is not without precedent.

In the version of the story where the Deadpool guy slaughtered all the superheroes, Professor x couldn't sit still and watch all the superheroes killed by the Deadpool, ruptured and ready to die directly.

Of course, the death of the brain does not matter.

The problem is that the moment Professor X touched the head of Deadpool, he saw the whole content of the memory that could break the fourth front, touch the world outside the comics, and even talk to the editor.

Professor X knew that all this was just a comic, a story.

Professor X couldn't accept it, so he was crazy.

Yi Xiaoding doesn't worry much about reading memory. After all, his mental defense is not given in vain. If even a weakened version of Professor X can't resist it. . Yi Xuan felt that he didn't need to prepare for any battle.

But what is really uncertain is the timeline of the entire world.

This doomsday world that reverses the future is in a very weak and fragile link because it can restart the entire mutant universe at any time.

Time is very fragile. . It's also full of variables, and Yi Chou is not sure if he ventures to these mutants and will give the entire timeline chaos.

You know that the real destination of Yi Chao is not this era, not even this world that has not yet restarted.

Once the timeline is disrupted. . But it will cause trouble for his next trip.

Thinking a bit, Yi Xuan decided to ignore Professor X as a spoiler for the time being. After all, the world of mirrors he opened was not only as simple as the space division of ancient Yi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It almost divided everything. . It also prevents the entry of soul peeping.

Maybe someone can break this blockade, but it is definitely not Professor X who is reversing the future world.

What's more, by virtue of being Professor X, Lorna will not suffer any harm at all. . Because Lorna is a mutant.

So, let's continue to think about how to solve the group of sentinels that are always full of vitality.

Seeing that the sentries are still tirelessly attacking, all kinds of energy are sprayed outward as if they are not wanting money, trying to break the invisible barrier in front of them. . Yi Xiao raised his hand slowly, as if grabbing one of the mirrors floating in the air.

Then he gripped it hard.

"Kaka! Kaka Kaka!"

In the next moment, the mirror that had been crumbling, and the sound of cracking sounds, was instantly crumpled into a ball like waste paper, and countless subtle mirrors reflected various strange angles. . It also seems to completely twist and discard the bodies of the sentries.

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