High Magic Earth

Chapter 1592: The style seems a bit wrong

As a **** of lies. . Okay, I heard a lot of words, but in any case, Rocky’s basic IQ is still online, and he immediately understood the meaning of Yi Chou.

There is no doubt that power is like a beast. While controlling this beast, it will inevitably hurt yourself. Most of the power is a double-edged sword. There is very little moderate power that can be perfectly mastered. That kind.

Loki had never heard of the power of the Phoenix.

This thing sounds very powerful, but strong often also means danger, stronger power, and higher risk.

But now that there is a person who can perfectly control the beast, then why do they have to try to control the beast directly, just control the person directly.

Unless the coveted beast itself, not just want to control it.

But Loki's greed for power is obviously not.

She is arrogant and crazy, and she can do whatever she wants for the so-called throne, but what she longs for is never strength. What Loki asks for is only her father's positive eyesight, and a partial favor of Thor.

Only at the last moment, the last moment, when she was about to fall under the Rainbow Bridge, the moment Odin still preferred Thor, Loki really felt the last despair.

She chose to let go and completely betrayed everything.

But even so, when Asgard and Thor were faced with the choice of survival and destruction, Loki did not hesitate to save Asgard.

The feelings brought about by thousands of years are not so easy to erase even as an evil spirit.

Of course, this can't be said that Loki is cold outside and hot inside, there is a warm heart hidden under the surface of evil, she just has a deep sense for Asgard, for Thor, for Fritz, and for Odin. The feelings hidden in the bottom of my heart, as for others. .

If Yi Chou is now found by the Chou family and still seems to be unable to beat him, then Rocky must have tried to escape in the first place, rather than staying to help Yi Chou desperately.

This is Loki's usual choice as an evil spirit.

What she longed for was never strength, but affection, family affection.

With the choice of the person who controls the power, Loki would naturally not have to directly control that power, but the only problem now is. . Will the person who controls the power really be so easily controlled by them?

You have to know that power has been restrained by people, and safety has been improved, but it also means that the person who restrained that power has mastered it.

The person who binds power is not important in itself, because even if he is just an ordinary person, he will become completely ordinary after being bound with power.

Want to cheat. . I'm afraid it's not that easy.

Loki narrowed her eyes and said nothing in the throne.

"In addition to that, there are also extremely powerful pure mutants, such as Franklin Richards... His settings have been blown into the sky. Although not as strong as it is, it is really not weak."

Rocky:? ? ?

She felt that Yi Chou seemed to start talking nonsense again.

"For a simple chestnut, he and his sister can resurrect one of the five great gods of the universe. The most popular swallowing star can wipe out the solar system at the top, the one who can be stabbed directly by a fruit knife, and some grams always have A fight."

"By the way, the strengths of the five great gods are uneven, but they are basically up and down with the level of six infinite gems."

"So, you can probably understand the extent of Franklin."

Rocky was expressionless, but Yi Chou could perceive that her heart was rolling, not knowing whether it was unbelievable or surprised or something.

Yi Xiao did not investigate in depth, but continued.

"So far... In fact, through the level of combat power, we can already analyze another thing. The overall combat power of parallel worlds is not equal. A guy who is strong in a parallel world may be just another world. It’s just out of cannon fodder."

"And not only that, the wonder of the parallel world is that there are infinite possibilities... to know that there are countless of you in the parallel world, and these you, their strengths are also different."

Rocky's eyes finally brightened again, and it was obvious to observe that she lifted her spirit instantly and sat up straight from the throne, with long black hair draped over her shoulders, and golden hair accessories jumping crisply around the white neck.

"The strongest me you've ever seen...how strong."

It's better to ask for help. Although Rocky is not a typical fighting mania like Timmel, and she is not very interested in enhancing her own strength, but now this series of things happened, she did indeed see the importance of strength.

In fact, Rocky was born in Asgard, and it was always clear that her fist had the right to speak, only that time she had always been the one with the big fist, even if not.

But now she will face the bully, her fist is more than ten times larger than her.

If, as Yi Chao said, the parallel world has a very powerful, it is better to be able to hang the bully to fight. . That can't be better.

By then all problems will no longer be problems.

Loki didn't believe in the first self he had seen easily. . Although it sounds a bit ridiculous, this is the case.

Seeing Yi Biao's various mastery and understanding of himself, obviously he has seen it more than once even if he is not familiar with himself.

"It's you."

And Yi Biao's answer is very simple, that is to let Rocky a little disappointed.

The strongest self is yourself. . How could this be possible? Rocky didn't believe it. Rocky had confidence in himself. This guy must be fooling himself. This scammer must have met himself very badly and suffered a loss, so I won't say it now.

It may be that the thinking is a bit too active. These ideas of Loki are like jumping out of the brain, which is easily captured by Yi Chou.

In the face of Rocky's honey confidence, Yi Chou can only twitch his lips slightly, "Oh."

Of course, as a stylish second princess, Rocky will definitely not yell at anything I don’t believe, it’s impossible to have such disreputable practices and words.

She was very calm, and then continued to stare at Yi Chou, seeming to condemn, and seemed to be talking. . Your trick has been seen by me!

Yi Chou has nothing to say about this Asgarde drama.

"Your world's tyrant strength is not top, there are many tyrants from other parallel worlds. In fact, there is no infinite gem, and the strength is already close to him in this world with infinite gems."

"And in addition to those Omega-class mutants in the mutant world... oh, it means the powerful mutants, other parallel worlds also have countless existences that can confront, even crush, domineers."

"Karl Al, Seven Lights Corps, Dakside...it must be fun to meet the hegemony, but I think Bacheng 80% can't beat him."

Luo Jinneng felt that these things didn't exist at all, but she also felt that Yi Chou didn't seem to be lying. This tangled feeling made her unable to tell whether Yi Chou's words were true or false.


Loki roughly understood the reason why Yi Chou took her into the multiverse.

But they still couldn't understand why they didn't go looking for the infinite gems, but moved the rescuers instead. . Even if you can find a helper, can it be better that the external help is better than yourself.

"Where are we going to find these people, how to convince them to help us, are you sure they will help us?"

At this time, Rocky had not invaded the earth or been beaten by superheroes. Naturally, he did not know that there are still a group of people in the world who are responsible for maintaining world peace and asking for nothing in return.

It is actually very simple to convince them. . Another world is waiting for you to save! Their eight achievements will agree.

But of course, most of the names that Yi Biao said were not superheroes. After learning about the tyrant's plan to destroy the world, they readily agreed to prepare a lot of hands.

In this way, the fighting power between the heroes and the villains is actually average again.

and so. .

"No, first of all, I'm not sure where to look for them."

Rocky's face was black, and his face was full of unexpected expressions.

It’s okay to say that the mutants are here, but here is the low-end version, which is the world of mutants in the TV series. Even those who are Omega-level mutants, I am afraid they can’t compete with the tyrants after wearing gloves. Useless.

There is really the power of the Phoenix. The scarlet witch evokes the world of mutants of chaotic magic. In fact, Yi Chou doesn't dare to go, or temporarily. . I don't want to go yet.

"Secondly, even if it is found, I am not sure to convince them."

The weak guy Yi Biao can naturally persuade. If he cannot convince him, he can use magic to persuade him, but the weak guy is useless. Even Yi Biao can modify his thinking at will.

Don't think that if the bully is too strong, it must be from the physics department. His energy attack is also full-level, relying on his own sufficient energy. . Even if he can't do magic, Loki's ice attack can't hurt him.

After getting the soul gem, the hegemony has also been magnified many times in the field of thinking. At that time, he will not be much worse than Yi Chou’s mind control magic.

Powerful mutants and other beings are naturally not afraid of tyrants, but they are also not afraid of easy clamor.

Yi Xiao is not a gunner, and he lost the means of persuasion by magic. . Yi Xiao doesn't think that there will be a superhero who can look right at himself.

In the same way, after hearing Yi Chou's words, Loki's face was black again.

"Finally... our purpose is not to ask them for help."

A good face of Loki has become the bottom of the pot.

"So, is it prying eyes?"

"It's not power."

"Most of the power is untransferable and uncontrollable. It belongs to those people themselves. After all, there are not many invincible things like infinite gems."

"Even if there is, it is exclusive to some people, such as a spider, or a tube of potion. When a specific person drinks it, they may instantly get 100 million solar explosions."

"But if you drink it, you may only have an explosion."

There are some things that are messy and messy, and they are not very friendly to understand, but Loki still hears most of them.

So this made her face completely black.

"So, we are wasting time."

Her expression is already a little bad.

"It can't be said like that. After seeing the vastness of the multiverse, you can't just stare at Asgard's one-third of an acre or think about how to fight the tyrants."

"I'm gathering people as a member of... I think you can join in."

"I don't want to use magic to do something to you. That kind of control is not what I want, so I let you see something that you might be interested in."

"A whole world."

"Of course, there seem to be some accidents in this world now, maybe we will have some unexpected gains."

"The beauty of the parallel world... is that you can never know if this parallel world is the world you know, or just a similar world."

Loki was silent for half a second.

"I have to say that your means of soliciting people are really bad."

"do not do that."

Yi Xiao spread his hands.

"Trust me, if it weren't for me, you would be worse than me in more than 70 years."

"Subjugation, or death."

"Listen, you have fewer choices than me."

"But that's at least domineering."

Loki said lightly.

When the words fell, she stood up, and the throne behind her disappeared, reverted to a scepter, and fell into her hands. The dark green cloak cloak was automatic without wind, and hunting sounded floating behind her.

The long hair like black algae also shook slowly in the breeze.

"I don't have the power of Timmel, and you don't seem to despise my wisdom...I don't think you have the sincerity for the reasons you gave."

"But for the sake of this scepter is very handy."

"...I hope we don't stay here to eat sand."

Rocky turned and left.

As for where I went. . Just leave this temple.

Without the conqueror Kang, these mutants alone cannot block the Rocky with this special scepter.

After all, she didn't choose to leave, just complained habitually, because she didn't have too many choices, the gods couldn't avoid it at all, and they didn't have enough power to resist the coming of the tyrant.

The fighting power of the superhero world is high, but there are very few growing heroes. What is the strength of most superheroes when they play? . Basically what strength.

It is unrealistic to want to make a qualitative leap during the seventy years that the Bully has arrived, and because of the purpose of the Bully, it is useless to hide or run. www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no better choice in substance And before there was no time, Loki could only follow Yi Chou.

Watching Loki's departure, Yi Chou also fell silent, then he said suddenly.

"This temple... there is obviously no wind."

Of course, the interior of the temple is very calm. Thick stone bricks are stacked a few meters wide, and it is very difficult for the air to penetrate.

Then the breeze that just blasted the hunting of the Rocky robe. . Probably because of her scepter.

Yi Chou pouted.

At this time, Athena asked softly through her mind.

"I don't understand. Father, it's just a Rocky. As she said, neither power nor wisdom are top notch, and the potential is average."

"Why are we so aggressive?"

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