High Magic Earth

Chapter 1593: Act in my eyes

At the same time, deep in the desert.

Some kind of figure emerged slowly in the blur and distortion of the light, like a phantom produced by the burning of the sun too hot, but the gradually sinking gravel is showing that it is not false, but some kind of reality 'S existence seems to be squeezed out of the void.


Then the next moment, the distortion of this space suddenly became serious, as if the flame was instantly increased, and the air was evacuated by the hot moment.

Immediately afterwards, with a muffled sound, a figure condensed from virtual to solid, and then fell heavily onto the thick gravel ground.

It happened to be the place where the gravel was sunk in advance, and it fell almost exactly. . Fill the gravel of depression exactly.

This is a man in black.

It is not correct to say that it is pure black, it is more like a sacrificial robe with a black tone, and it is embellished with silky golden lines. It can be seen at a glance that it contains a rich ancient Egyptian style.

It seems to belong to this era.

He was very young, with strange patterns painted on his eyes, like thick eyebrows, and gently stroked over the eyes, and another stroke like a thread, around a small circle under the eyes.

That is the mark of the eye of Horus.



It was not long before Dalstein landed, a dagger that was crystal clear, but refracted in the sun with a golden luster was also swirling in the air, making a brittle sound of Ding Dong, and fell into Dalstein. In the gravel.

Straight into the height of half a dagger.

Blade of Time.

It seems that although Dalstein broke through Strange's block and caught up with the last train of time, his own condition is not good.

Otherwise, you will not be comatose, and even your most important weapons are out of control.


Dustan lay quietly among the gravel, his chest seemed to have gone up and down. . But this does not mean that he is already dead.

After the creation plan, and it is likely to be mature, the upgraded version, and even the complete version of the reformed Dastan has naturally been out of the human category, and even reborn, becoming a high-altitude creature that is more like a high-latitude creature than Daenerys. Latitude creature.

He has long lost his human character.

The only thing that remains is the appearance of human beings.

Dastan is very quiet. At the moment of falling and appearing, it seems to have merged with this desert, quiet and silent, like a dead sand sea, always staying in the long river of time.

There didn't seem to be any changes around him because of his arrival.

but. .


Some kind of instability came suddenly, it was the sound from Daztan's side, the sound of the dagger that had not been caught in the gravel.


Obviously, this was not done by Dastan in a coma, he might not even know what was happening around him.

The sizzling sound from the dagger became louder and stronger, and with a beam that was so intense that it was a little dazzling, a sharp blue arc suddenly erupted around the dagger. . The light rushed in all directions along the gravel on the ground, and instantly filled the range of 100 meters around.


The sizzling sound continued, but this time it was no longer a slight squeal, but like a sharp electric current, with a burst of popping sound.

Everything within a hundred meters of the square was enveloped by it, including Dalstein on the ground, but this arc did not seem to be dangerous, just surrounded the surrounding. . It did not cause any anomalies.

But in fact, this is just the beginning.


It seemed that there was a short pause after the arc spread to 100 meters, but then, in the next moment, it came out again.

Like a long snake running on the ground, countless arcs and electric capers leaped, and then spewed out in an instant, spreading out in all directions at a speed that could not be caught by the naked eye. It seems that it has already fled the desert in a moment. , To the end of the world.

Because if you look up into the sky, you will find that the spread of arc light is no longer limited to a small range of hundreds of meters. The arc light spreads out from this area at a very fast speed and reaches a distant place. Pyramid, and then passed through an unknown abandoned temple, and finally flew out of the sand sea. . Disappeared on the edge of the desert horizon.

There is no way to know where it is going, nor how far it will go.

At the same time, enveloped by the arc, it was originally very calm, and there was some kind of restlessness around Dastan without any strangeness.

As if gravity had lost its effect, some gravel gradually lifted up with a strange anti-gravity suspension, trembling and floating around Dastan.

Dastan still didn't move, just like if the whole sand sea was suspended, it would not affect him waiting quietly.

But Dalstein was not affected, which does not mean that he was definitely safe.

The blue arc that has spread to the end of the horizon has long disappeared, but as the time blade of all arc light sources, the azure blue arc continues to emerge in the vicinity of Dastan.

And more and more arcs. . It's like it's too late to spread.

The accumulation of quantity quickly caused a qualitative change. After removing the surrounding gravel, it began to rise slowly as if weightless. The arc-like current formed by the seemingly illusory current also had the effect of real current.

An electric snake like a roaming dragon crackles on the ground, constantly blowing up the gravel, and even directly shaking the whole piece of heavy gravel directly, bulging a lot of cracks on the ground.

This natural earthquake-like ground shock quickly formed quicksands around it, and Dastan, who was lying in the middle, was still unconscious. . It seemed that he would be the first to encounter danger.

but. .


Another strong current sound crossed.

The next moment, the area around the gravel became blurred.

This is a very magical change. It is like being cut out of the world in an instant. Although the naked eye can still observe and see it stay in this world, it can clearly realize that it is indeed Does not belong here.

The sandy ground around Dastan can still be seen, but it is like the difference between a plane and a three-dimensional, it seems to be suspended on the surface of this world.

Unreachable, only observable.

At the same time, the gravel around Dastan instantly stopped, the crackling currents no longer flashed, they were solidified in the air, and even Mars splashed by each current and the bloom of each spark could be easily seen The raised gravel is also solidified in the air, and even the subtle grains of black that they are subdivided can be easily captured.

Time is frozen.

Perhaps time has been slowed down to a point where humans cannot perceive how fast time is flowing.

But in any case, the time within the blurred range stopped.

Whether it was the blue light arc that was leaping before, or the gravel that was blown up, this small piece of sand was suspended above the ground quietly, and the sight could be seen, but it could not be touched.

Soon, a small sand scorpion drilled out of the gravel not far away, it seems that the previous vibration interfered with its life.

It shook its tail, then. . It disappeared in an instant.

It's not accurate to say that. Rather, it's speed reached the extreme instantaneously, even beyond what human sight can capture. It passed through the desert at an extremely fast speed and disappeared.

And when it disappeared in less than two seconds, a team of camel caravans appeared on the edge of the horizon. Similarly, their speed was completely abnormal.

Just like everyone, including the camel, became the Flash.

They flew in the middle of the desert without passing through the desolate sand, without seeing a pause, as if they didn't see the rising sky and gravel and Daztan still lying.

The whole process lasted for less than a few seconds, and they appeared and disappeared again.

Then there was another caravan. . The other caravans were followed by the army, caravans, and horse thieves. . Such reciprocation is like endless reincarnation.

In just a few minutes, there have been hundreds or even thousands of Flashes approaching here.

. . Time was accelerated.

To be precise, the blurred space time is slowed down. Relatively, the external time is greatly accelerated, but only this piece of space time that covers Dastan is unchanged.

It floats quietly on the surface like the world without any interference.

It seems like. . Amber that had been frozen for a while.

. . .


Egypt’s desert and soil coexist, and the area is not a very large area. There are actually many pyramids. It is impossible to determine whether there are so many pyramids in ancient Egypt in this world. But here, large and small pyramids are scattered and detailed. There have been hundreds of them down.

Perhaps even the magnificent and miraculous building like the pyramid could not withstand the erosion of time, gradually swallowed by wind and sand and collapsed in the long river, and finally only the most magnificent and huge famous pyramids remained. .

It may be other reasons, but in any case, the number of pyramids at this time is definitely far beyond the imagination of future generations.

And near a humble pyramid in a remote area, some kind of strange energy fluctuations are slowly gathering.

powerful. . And clear.

In a world where magical civilization is not developed, the energy so close to the existence of magical energy gathers like a firefly in the night. .

Well, its existence cannot be hidden, but it is not so easy to find.

After all, the night is vast and the glow of a firefly is too small. Unless someone just passes by here, otherwise, even if it is easy, it will not be noticed that this pyramid is different from other pyramids.

or. .

It is no longer just a firefly.

The energy is still converging, and soon evolved from only a small part to a very amazing degree, but the spread distance and area of ​​the energy have not increased, and still just stay near the pyramid, or the center of the pyramid.

But the richness has reached an extremely amazing level.

And if Yi Chou is here, it will be found that this is not a pure energy, it seems to mix a very abstract energy such as space and time mind or thinking.

The essence and core of this energy are very complicated, as if it covers everything in the world, and nothing is found in it.

It's just like. . A whole world.

. . .

Faced with Athena's doubts, Yi Biao made an abstract tilting head movement in his heart.

"Did I not say that."

In the conversation of the soul, Yi Huo's tone still sounded innocent.


Athena's expression was cold.

"Uh... then okay."

"I thought you could understand."

Yi Chou shrugged inwardly.

"I just think... we seem to be relying too much on external forces, for example, silver tongue."

Yi Ao interrupted Athena's attempt to refute the words in her heart.

"Ah, I admit that the silver tongue is an indispensable aid for us now. It can even be said that without the silver tongue we will lose everything in an instant... being beaten back to the level of several worlds before."

"But since the dependence of the silver tongue is inevitable, then we must reduce our dependence on other foreign objects, such as using the silver tongue for brainwashing."

"Although this is convenient and fast, the hidden dangers are also great."

"For example, brainwashing suddenly fails one day, so I don't need to say more."

Athena cannot be denied.

"Although I don't think your worries are necessary at all, I have to remind you that the mind and thinking magic you are good at now comes from the silver tongue."

"Your own spiritual magic is just a skill to use."

Even in Yi Min's communication, the tone is still plain and abnormal.

"I know."

"So I only need some preparations now."

Athena certainly understands the meaning of Yi Huo.

Because if you don’t use the silver tongue to force brainwashing, this subtle brainwashing may take a long time to guide and deceive.

Just like Yi Chou does now.

He first needs a little bit of Loki's trust before he can gradually brand his mind.

"But... I am afraid it will take a lot of time. We have traveled through three worlds, just one Rocky."

"I think your precautions... it seems a bit overdone."

"Wizards rarely do meaningless things."

Yi Chou said in a deep voice in his mind.

"This is definitely not my first thought, even if it is, there must be a reason."

"This journey... will not stop, after all, except Rocky, we have encountered Conqueror Kang and other interesting things here."

"How about the future, let's look at this effect first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But at this time, the silent Daenerys said abruptly.

"I think the two of you seem to be talking to me behind your back."

"It feels bad because I think our relationship is better than that guy."

Not because of time, although there are many dialogues in the exchange of mind, but it is only a few seconds. This short-term eye contact is normal. . Nor should there be any doubts.

Perhaps it's because of Daenerys' special sense of mind.

Although she does not have real psychic abilities, she also has a head about mind and thinking, and is particularly proficient at defense and detection at the mind level.

"No need to guess."

Daenerys said quietly.

"Your eye contact is too frequent."

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