High Magic Earth

Chapter 1618: Pinching people is actually very simple

Titini was in a panic.

She is not a hero, as recorded under the stone slab, she just saved a few drowning children. . Any Egyptian mother would make such a choice when she saw this scene. She just did what everyone would do at that moment.

Other than that, she is no different from an ordinary Egyptian woman.

She rarely goes out, has little knowledge, few friends, and even few words. Her life is always only a small circle, from the family she once formed with her parents and brothers, to her and her husband and children. Family formed.

This is her whole life.

Titini has never experienced such a strange thing in front of her. Not to mention the experience, she has not even heard it. The most adventurous thing for her is probably the occasional dream when she sleeps at night. What is the picture in the pub.

That's all.

She didn't even walk through the gates of the Holy City.

The scene in front of her made her panicked and confused, and her head was blank. She seemed to think of nothing at this moment and would not do anything.

She looked instinctively and confusedly at the monster in front of her that seemed equally frightened, and she kept retreating back. There was some noise around her, but there was only a buzzing sound left in her head.

Buzzing in her head like an echo. . This feeling is very uncomfortable.

That monster. . Did not attack yourself.

It is also doing the same thing, the same action.

This discovery made Titini calm down a lot, and Titini began to think about it after she calmed down. She had little knowledge and little understanding, but it did not mean stupidity, or she was indeed very clever, just a fool. . But there is still some distance.

She soon discovered, or rather, guessed why the monster opposite was so frightened.

But this guess made her a little unbelievable and unwilling to believe.

She stretched out her hand again, touched it with her finger, and then slowly raised it to her face, looking at the bright and brilliant colors, and fell into deep thought.

Yi Chou turned around for a week, watching the active sculptures activated by him, and even the whole hall was almost empty, then nodded in satisfaction.

There are also four giant Anubis sculptures on both sides, which are more than ten meters high. . I don’t know why they stood in the conqueror Kang’s temple, but it seems that they might want to use Anubis to defend the conqueror Kang’s greatness.

Yi Huo pondered for a while, but still did not activate them.

They are too big. The next thing to do is to improve the interior of the temple and create some assistants. It is not to demolish the temple and rebuild it. It does not need such a large porter at all.

Yi Biao even wondered if they left the original position, if the whole temple would collapse directly.

Although the shrine's fine workmanship may be a combination of the special power of the mutant and the future technology of the conqueror Kang, it still needs to follow basic natural laws.

This kind of sculpture supporting the roof suddenly came to life and then left. . The Bacheng Temple will collapse.

Secondly, there are two gold armor guards of similar size, standing at the door, Yi Chou did not activate them, as well as the sculpture of the conqueror Kang himself. . As well as some sculptures of famous gods, Yi Chou also let go.

Although these sculptures are only a symbol, the ancient Egyptians who sculpted them, whether they are mutants or ordinary people, have certainly not seen these gods.

If this is not a mutant world, Yi Chou cannot guarantee it, but since this is a mutant world. . You have to know that the mutant world is the purest. There is nothing other than mutants.

Then there must be no God here, and no one has seen God.

I am afraid that by virtue of these people's identities, they may not even have the chance to see the conqueror Kang.

These sculptures have nothing to do with the existence they represent, but Yi Chou still has not been resurrected. It is a very simple thing to make these stone sculptures move.

Whether it's the most primitive Transfiguration spell, or the power from the museum's slate, or the silver tongue, you can easily do this.

But I want these stone sculptures not to be puppets, but to have their own souls. . No, at least self-thinking is not that simple.

Of course, it is not difficult, but it is very time-consuming. What Yi Yiao needs are some rapidly formed cannon fodder, assistants, and stone porters. They are naturally too lazy to spend energy and time to carve them.

In the field of magic, nothing is impossible.

In a tricky way, that is, the character of the person originally sculpted in the stone sculpture is directly printed on the stone sculpture.

This sounds an incredible thing.

Even in the field of science, it is completely incomprehensible, because the overall logic before and after is extremely chaotic, not to mention how the character is produced, how the existence of the sculpture is represented, how is it resolved, and how is the sculpture represented? What. . They are all stones in nature.

None of this can be explained.

But in magic, it is just another sentence of Yi Tong's silver tongue.

And it is not a complete imprint of the existence represented by the sculpture, because there are many sculptures that do not exist at all but are conceived.

Including sculptures such as Anubis and La.

Looking for an original template is naturally impossible.

To be precise, what human beings pin on this sculpture, what they think this sculpture should look like, the closer the character created will be.

sculpture. . There are always sustenances, and there are always people who know each other. In this way, there will be no problem that even the prototype is not unattractive.

It is also a very tricky way.

Titini was originally just an ordinary Egyptian woman who saved the child who fell into the water, but for whatever reason, she became a sculpture and was a hero in the eyes of most people.

Then she is now. . It’s a hero.

If not, it will be soon.

This is why Yi Chou didn't activate sculptures that were gods themselves. . Because no one believes in a god, no matter what God believes, God is omnipotent in the minds of believers.

Not surprisingly, those activated gods will also be similar.

What Yi Chou needs is some obedient servants. . Instead of a new group of idiots, he was completely in no mood to correct or fight with it, and simply gave up.

The sculpture of Kang the Conqueror is the same.

. . Anyway, the number of other sculptures is now more than enough.

Yi Biao's eyes found Daenerys and Loki still loitering in the room, Lorna. . Right behind Daenerys.

Daenerys was obviously also interested in these movable sculptures. She pressed the head of a sculpture and imprisoned it firmly, and then touched her stone hair with interest and coldness. And the rough stone skin.

It's just a stone at all.

magic. . It's really magical.

Daenerys sighed in her heart.

Although it is a magic dragon, the mysterious side skills that Daenerys will use are really not much. In addition to the crushing and collision with the strength and the body's behemoth, there is only a few fire flames, freezing into ice, spreading poison, etc. This head seems to be her power flowing in the blood, not related to the mysterious power acquired.

Therefore, she still almost did not deal directly with the mysterious side.

After watching it for a long time, Daenerys didn't understand why this group of stone sculpture people would freeze up.

In addition to her, on the other side, Loki, who is a mage herself, also looked at the active sculpture with great curiosity, but she did not press the head of the sculpture to press it against the wall. This approach is too outrageous. . . She directly used the power of the scepter to freeze a sculpture into ice, and then studied slowly.

Or. . There are more than one ice sculpture.

There are more ice sculptures scattered around, about five or six, all other members of Rocky, all sculptures that have just started.

Although it is frozen. . But they still look lifelike. Rocky is becoming more and more skilled and handy with the power of ice. Not only can they freeze these sculptures without any damage, they can even form an air bubble on his face.

At this moment, the frozen ice sculpture not only turned its eyes, exuded terrified eyes, and even the terrified expression on his face was difficult to hide.

But fortunately, they were intact after all, and with Rocky's skillful freezing magic, at least they got rid of the ending that shattered into pieces after thawing.

Loki also did not understand.

Observing the phenomenon of magic, one can only speculate on the cause and result of this kind of magic. If you want to directly cast the spell, it is really whimsical, not to mention that there are many magics that do not just require the spell.

Even some magic does not require spells at all.

As a mage, Loki sees more than others, and understands the difficulty and horror of this magic, but she still sees something. .

She suspected that this might be some very deep metamorphic spell, and then it was gone.

As for Little Lona. . She doesn't matter.

No matter how mature she is, matured by the former doomsday of the world, it is hard for her to think of the whole world.

She felt that this experience was like a strange journey, but she. . But it seems that he will soon forget what was recorded and happened in front of him.

Anyway, I can't ask anything valuable.

Then immediately, Yi Chou's feet slowly left the ground.

Turning around, it floats naturally, the body is slightly tilted to the ground, and then under the watch of this group of sculptures, Yi Huo slowly flies up to the highest point in the hall.

"be quiet."

Yi Huo whispered.

The sound is not loud, but at this moment, all the stone carvings are quiet, they even feel calm again in their hearts.

It was a calm that seemed to finally settle down after being exhausted for a long time.

"Think carefully, I think the memories I should have are all in your mind."

"...In Stone's head."

Titiny was startled.

She discovered Yi Biao just the first time. Although Yi Biao was standing in the hall not far away, most of these stone sculptures were in chaos and did not notice him.

But Tidini saw it. . It was also the first human she saw, not a monster.

It's a pity that when she was just about to step forward, she saw Yi Chou floating up, and Titini was stunned again. As a person living in the holy city of Kang, the conqueror, naturally all knew the messenger of God, that is, the mutant. .

Seeing that Yihou could fly, Titini was not surprised. The number of mutants who could fly was not much in the Holy City.

On the contrary, she is more concerned about the inner peace.

Even after the emergence of Yi Huo, they seem to be under pressure from the control of the body, as if the body no longer belongs to them.

"I originally made you... using the original materials."

"So there is nothing surprising."

In fact, not only Titi Ni, but most of the stones started to be confused and changed after calming down.

And Yi Chou seems to have expected this already, explaining again.

"You can think of all this as a new life. Although you are made of sculptures, in terms of personality, they are almost ordinary humans."

"Don't get lost yourself, there will be no problems."

These people in the stone sculpture can't speak, but can hear, but in fact, any language communication is not a problem for Yi Huo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The hourglass allows him to understand everything in the world, even now Leaving the wizarding world represented by the hourglass, Yi Biao's magic can also give him countless ways.

Now, Yi arrogant uses direct spiritual communication, and the voice echoes directly in the hearts of these stone sculptures, and they can definitely understand it.

And these sculptures are based on human thoughts of heroes, probably. . Most of the tempers are good, in fact, they are very bully.

Sure enough, although there seemed to be real riots below, there was no more chaos.

"Your job is actually very simple."

Yi Chou continued.

"Carrying stone bricks and knocking the stone bricks off the wall... and then rebuilding according to my requirements, I think this matter is not difficult at all."

Yes, this is the main reason why Yi Chou calls these stone sculptors. Everything can't be done by himself, and the transformation of the laboratory in many places can't be done by ordinary people because of the strange and changeable architectural style.

So Yi Xiao chose the stone man of the sculpture.

Their defense is hard enough, even if they fall from high altitude, they will not be fatal to them, and their strength is strong. Although the movement may be slower, the number can be used to make up for it.

The most important thing is that they are very obedient and are simply the assistants of perfect servants.

Titiny was startled again.

She felt that there was something in her head, and with this information, she quickly calmed down and understood everything.

Obviously. . She became a servant of God.

The servant of the new god.

No one refuted, because the sense of depression in the mind at all times shows that this is actually an undeniable choice. Under the control of Yi Chou, they even have difficulty in regaining control of the stone sculpture body.

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