High Magic Earth

Chapter 1619: This is different from what I thought

"Dang! Dangdang!"

Waving hard with a small stone hammer in his hand, Tittini felt very depressed.


Large pieces of wall skin and brick fragments, scraps fell down, lumps scattered all over the ground, and even most of them directly hit her head and shoulders.

But her stone head and shoulders, and arms and wrists not only bring great strength, but also a strong shell and tough defense.

The rubble fell to her head with a crunching sound. . The structure didn't even smash a small pit, and Titini didn't care about these small problems at all.

but. . This is not the life she wants!

Cough, this description seems a bit exaggerated, but it is also true. Originally, she was just an ordinary Egyptian mother. She took her children with her at home, went to the river to wash clothes, and then she did housework. The cozy little home is well organized.

She may yearn for a life full of adventurism, follow the caravan to more distant places, and even reach out to the incredible messengers of God.

But the yearning for longing for her to truly let her into such another life is a completely different situation.

In fact, these things are just to think about, really let Titi Ni do this. . First of all, she doesn't feel that she possesses the courage to go out and take risks, the courage that only the protagonists often have in the legendary stories, and the courage to change the existing life.

Secondly, she does not feel that she has such a talent. Like most ordinary people, she yearns for a magnificent life and believes that she will succeed, but in the next instant, she will continue to live her ordinary life. Life has left everything behind.

Titini thinks it's good to be an ordinary Egyptian mother. Ordinary housewives, those dreamy lives still exist in illusions.

Relative to those magnificent futures, she still prefers to be an ordinary Egyptian mother, and she doesn’t have that kind of talent. Maybe, it’s like the people in the story who only have one sentence to play, quietly in the first adventure The silent sacrifice was gone. .

"Dang! Dang! Dangdang Dang!"


Another large wall fell off, the dust was flying, and the rustling sand and fine particles fell straight in a burst of noise. . Titi Ni faced.

Titi: . .

She closed her eyes and closed her mouth until she felt like she was quiet again, the wall skin no longer fell off, and the gravel particles no longer fell like rain, and the dust was almost gone. Then she opened her eyes again. .

Rao is so, she also choked several times while opening her eyes.

That's right! Just to be an ordinary Egyptian woman and mother, she also did not plan to be a craftsman! mason!

Titiny held a small hammer with a small stone hammer angrily, while instinctively avoiding these scattered and falling gravel particles, including large dust.

Although she is a stone person herself, there is not much pain when the gravel falls and hits her face. The stone eyelids and eyes will not be fascinated by dust at all, but the personality that is shaped remains Human instincts, these things can't be changed and destroyed for a while.

But although Titini was not satisfied, she could not resist Yi Chou's order.

Although they have their own personalities, they are not like ordinary puppets, but Yi Chou's order still has absolute control over them and they can't resist.

What Yi Chou needs is a group of absolutely obedient craftsmen and grocers. Although they retain some of their personalities, they must still have absolute control.

As for the human rights of stone sculptures. . That was a joke.

And the so-called personality is nothing more than to be able to use the brain and use their thinking and ambiguous memories to accomplish things more cleverly when they complete the tasks of Yi Noo, which is what Yi Noo needs.

For example, put an end to a wall in front. . The result was blocked in front of the wall for three or four days. Of course, it may be that things got worse, just like Tittini was knocking on a small stone with resentment.

And the hammer in her hand is still a change from her original dagger.

After the order was issued, Yi Chou fell again, and as he floated over these stone-carved men, there were more things like hammers and chisels in their hands.

And under their eyes, they watched the hammers, awls, and chisels turned into short swords or short spears in their hands, or weapons such as round shields.

The weapon of the stone is melting, like a scorched candle, and the white stone becomes white wax oil, which slowly drips from the tip of the short spear. . Then, instead of landing, he slid slowly along his arm, and began to solidify and gather again after falling less than half the distance.

Soon, some brand new hammers and awls were shaped in these white paraffin wax oils.

This is the one held by Titi Ni. Fortunately, she originally had two weapons, in addition to her short sword, and a stone whip hanging around her waist.

Most sculptures have more than two weapons. The most basic configuration is also the classic combination of short sword shield or short spear shield. After all, the sculpture needs beauty, all have been artistically processed and beautified. As for these heroes during their lifetime Will these weapons be used? . that's not important.

Those with two weapons can be lucky. Whether the weapon is melted or the shield is melted and turned into a hammer, there is one piece left.

But some sculptors originally had only one weapon in their hands, such as a spear or a long sword. . And now there is only one big hammer or big chisel left in his hand, and he just wants to cry without tears.

You know, not every sculpture represents the existence of amateurs like Titi Ni, and many of them are true heroes in history or legends, such as Menis and so on. .

They are good at fighting, they are also eager to fight, and losing their weapons is a very uncomfortable thing for them, but no matter how unhappy, they can not make the slightest resistance.

"Dangdang Dang!"

Titini seemed to accept her fate and picked up a small stone hammer to knock hard. She certainly wouldn't know how to do stonework, but she didn't need it either. What Yi Yao needed her to do was already engraved like the deepest memory. In her mind. This body instinct knows how to modify the large stone brick in front of him.

"Dangdang Dang!"

Titiny worked harder, as if the big relief stone wall in front of her was regarded as the most annoying thing.

The arm was swayed by her quickly, the stone sculpture was very powerful, and there was no traditional skeletal muscle group, and the source of power was completely different from the human body. It used more unexplainable and unscientific magic. There is almost no gap time.

This kind of weird force and weird speed made full digging, and the large slabs of cracks soon appeared, and more and more debris and particles fell along the gap.

Although his neck was not sore, and he didn't even feel tired at all, after a moment of digging frantically, Titini stopped, seeming to be slowing down.

But at this moment, her pupils were suddenly fierce. . Well, in fact, as a stone sculpture, she does not have such a pupil at all.

The entire eyelid, eyes, including the inside of the eyes, are muddy stone carvings, stone eyes, only under the mysterious power of magic, she can see things through this pair of stone eyes.

But still almost observable to the naked eye, a very frightened expression appeared on her eye position, just like it was. . I saw something terrible.

The stone wall is about to break.

Yes, the stone wall is about to shatter, to be precise it is about to fall.

I don’t know whether it’s because Titty is too hard or the arm is waving too fast. She has already regarded her hand as a new fulcrum. As soon as her hand stopped and left under the stone, the entire stone wall began to change immediately. Have to shake up.

Large cracks appeared on the stone wall after being hammered. At this time, the whole stone wall began to slide slowly, as if it would crash down in the next moment.

Titini's movements suddenly stopped.

If she had breathing and heartbeat, she would also be still at this moment at the same time, because even the surrounding time seemed to be still at this moment.

Sure enough, in the next second, just under Titini's gaze, the stone wall suddenly broke free from the roof and fell down with great strength and volume.

At this moment, Titini could even see the fine sand and stone particles that slipped between the gaps when the stone wall broke away from the wall, and the gap between the gaps that was gradually opened and increased.

She knew very well that the stone wall was not big, but its weight was quite amazing, because its thickness was more than half that of a person. When Titini had excavated, she knew how amazing it was.

If such a large stone wall falls, she will definitely be crushed and killed on the spot.

Ok. . At this moment, Titini's thinking has not yet changed from human beings, thinking that he is just a fragile human being.

Human beings can't bear this kind of boulder, and being crushed is the only ending, but she is not a human being now, but a sculptor of the same stone. . Well, even sculptors can't bear the impact of this weight and volume.

It is estimated that it will inevitably be smashed and nearly smashed.

No one can help her.

The falling speed of the stone wall seems slow, but in fact it is very rapid, almost completely off the top of the hall in a blink of an eye, with the whizzing wind pressure.

At this moment, the surrounding time seems to have slowed down a bit again.

Did Titini want to die? She naturally didn't want to die. No one wanted to die. What's more, she experienced a death. The suffocation before death came to her despair and helplessness.

Even every time I recall it, it looks like an indelible shadow. . With the haze in the abyss.

How to do. .

If it was the original Titi Ni, now she can only wait to die, whether she is a human or a sculptor, but. . Now she is not the original one.


Although Titi has already panicked and does not know what to do, it seems that there is no second way other than waiting for death, but at this moment she is very calm.

He even wanted to look around, as if looking for the right opportunity.

opportunity. . what chance.

The next moment, Titi Ni knew the answer to the question, because at this moment, her actions and instincts were even faster than her thinking.


Almost between the electro-optical stone fires, Tidini suddenly pulled out the long whip hanging from the waist. The long whip is obviously a stone material. The outside is far from the softness that the whip should have, but it is extremely hard, but it is strangely thrown by her The crackling of the movement made a beautiful curve in the air.

The arc is like a thunder breaking through the sky, and a trace of explosion is made in the air, and then the end of the long whip is accurately wound onto a high cantilever beam about three meters away.

That is a load-bearing column. . Although major changes are required, the load-bearing columns cannot be disturbed, so the surroundings are still the same as before, without any changes.

Then, in the next second, Titini hardly hesitated, pulled the whip violently, kicked the ladder under one foot, and the whole person rushed out instantly.

The load-bearing column can support the structure of the entire temple, and it is more than enough to have one more Titini. The stone whip in her hand is a bit strange, but the quality seems to be good.

The long whip did not break, nor did she fall instantaneously, but it was like a Tarzan, swinging in the air, Titini could almost see the falling stone wall rubbing past her face, Sliding past the load-bearing column.


At the next moment, a huge stone wall fell to the ground, smashed into the ground and cracked, revealing cracked fine lines, and also sinking into shallow pits.

Titini, at this time, was holding the tail of the stone whip and hanging it firmly under the load-bearing column. . There was a distance of four and five meters from the ground. Without the ladder, she dared not jump down casually.

Although they don't sound loud on the ground, the weight is still there. Yi Chao's magic only shields part of the sound at a distance of four or five meters. . She didn't dare to jump casually.

Titini was honestly hung on the end of the long whip, but unexpectedly, it seemed that the silence around the silence due to the blast of the huge stone wall fell suddenly after a moment of silence, a burst of cheering sound suddenly burst out~www. wuxiaspot.com~Wato! Vato! (Amazing!)"

"Tu An Zuo! Tu An Zuo! (Good job!)"

Many other sculptors have seen that scene. After all, the moment is not long or short. For the ancient Egyptian heroes who dared to fight the most fierce beast crocodile, it was too late to react, just It's too late to rescue.

At this moment, seeing Titini hooked onto the load-bearing column in the distance very beautifully, and then shyly avoided the boulder that nearly smashed her, almost cheering.

Cheers for the only female hero.

In fact, this is also one of the reasons why Titini feels depressed. Although she thinks that she is an ordinary Egyptian mother, her personality is produced by people. Who can be sure that the personality cannot in turn affect people.

These stone sculptures are set to become heroes, and countless people want to be heroes. . So in fact, even if it used to be not a hero, now it will soon be.

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