High Magic Earth

Chapter 1621: Reach a consensus.jpg

"Um... almost."

Yi Chou shrugged.

What is the flower card? . Yi Biao did not know that he had never played this kind of thing. There are definitely a lot of famous card games, but it does not include flower cards.

This thing is probably not popular even in the world of the song of ice and fire*, it may just be a low-level game between slaves such as Missandi and the scaleless.

"It's quite interesting."

Daenerys added again.

But it may be that she remembered her little maid, Missandei, and Daenerys's tone paused, though. . It was only for a moment.

"rest assured."

"My game will definitely be more interesting than it."

Yi Chou perverted Daenerys without sincerity.

Rocky next to him squinted at him, a game. . After wasting so much energy, he even decided to stop and continue the world shuttle journey and stay here temporarily.

Even if Yi Huo doesn't say it, she knows that the game is much more interesting.

But after all, it's just a game.

Rocky couldn't help but want to laugh at two sentences, but as a mage, she still knew the magic of magic. Once things involved magic, she couldn't continue to look at it with common sense many times.

Perhaps what is special about this game?

Don't be like a life-saving game anyway.

"Oh, yes."

"Can I trust you."

But in the next moment, Yi Chou turned his head, and the words turned, and his eyes fell on Neferhot.

Nefihot was stunned for a moment. He probably didn't expect Yi Chou to suddenly name himself, but still almost instinctively faster than thinking. . Answer without thinking.

"of course."

"I will always be God's most loyal servant."

The art of language. .

From this sentence, it can be seen that Nephihut is an old and sly guy who answers very cleverly.

He is a servant of God. . This sounds no different from Yi arrogant servant, but it is completely different. Yi arrogant is the current god, then he is Yi arrogant servant, but if Yi arrogant is not, he will only loyal to the next god.

This will not offend the predecessor Kang, the conqueror of the gods, as for the current gods. . Certainly there will be dissatisfaction, but according to Neferhot observation, Yi Chou does not seem to be stingy.

In order not to conquer Kang, the former deity, he risked some offense. . Neferhot felt this risk was still tolerable.

It seems that the conqueror Kang is still deeply rooted in people's hearts, or puts a lot of pressure on Nefihot, even if he has disappeared or died, Nefihot still maintains a high degree of respect.

Demon-type variants have red skin and long, slender, strong tails. They can not only hang people around their necks, they can even puncture a person’s heart directly, and they have the ability to teleport. Although there is no direct blood relationship, they are very similar and consistent in personality.

Just like meeting old friends for many years. . This similarity makes most of them have the same personality, and the choices they make are very similar.

All are loyal, cunning, and. . Choose wood and live.

The red devil's cunning and wall-grass are well known, but even he, after Conqueror Kang disappears, will still be forced to do not know whether it is pressure or true personality charm and choose to continue to maintain their god, Conqueror Kang, and more Not to mention other messengers of God.

Their fanaticism will only be more, not less.

They will not be attenuated by the sudden disappearance of the conqueror Kang. If they do not use magic, they will only treat the new gods as enemies, or they will go crazy and try to find clues about the disappearance of God.

To appease them will waste a lot of time.

Thanks to Yi Chou, he was not prepared to conquer them, and did not even plan to contact them. . The next experiment is completely spread out. To see the effect, what is needed is not the quality of the experiment participants, but the quantity.

So these so-called messenger variants of God may be powerful, but they have little meaning to Yi Chou.

Even because of their extraordinary mutant power beyond the scale, they may have unpleasant consequences for Yi Chao's experiments.

But these are things that need to be changed during the experiment, now. . Not in a hurry.

Yi Biao naturally can hear the cleverness in Neferhot's words, no matter what era, there is no lack of conspiracy and mutual calculation between people. . But for the sake of the times, Neferhot's words are still too immature.

But as Neferhot thought, Yi Chou did not care about this trivial matter.

It's just that these little things don't care, but what about Neferhot's answer? .

"But a pity."

"I do not believe."

Yi Chou responded very simply and decisively, which also stunned Neferhot.

What kind of ghost is this? As a god, since the believers below have expressed their loyalty, they should not laugh very generously, and then choose to believe the same.

This is a god, so he cannot be generous.

Mutant. . Although all the messengers of the gods are mutants, they themselves do not know this, so it is not difficult to understand, because this is an era in which technology has not developed.

Ancient Egypt has splendid art, philosophy, and even the emergence of science, but it is still far from the real science.

They didn't even figure out the definition of people, let alone mutants.

This is an era when technology is just beginning to enlighten. All wars and battles rely on cold weapons. Without hot weapons and firearms, how can ordinary people with cold weapons be opponents of mutants.

In particular, although this era is not the golden age of mutants, the number of mutants is also very large. The wilderness is often very dangerous. Undeveloped land and forests, as well as a variety of dangerous beasts, so whether it is a mutant or a Ordinary people are gathered together to form communities and city-states.

This has caused mutants to be no strangers to ordinary people, and because mutants have extraordinary mutant capabilities that far exceed ordinary people, it often happens that mutants rule ordinary people.

Similarly, the master of this world is not ordinary people, but mutants.

So even though the mutants are still a minority relative to the number of ordinary people, they are not ruled out, but ruled.

In the eyes of ordinary people and mutants, mutants are not aliens, but are the darlings of heaven, and are given extraordinary powers by the gods.

Ordinary people do not think that mutants are derived from ordinary people, but think that their abilities are gifted from heaven, lucky, and a symbol of the authority of the gods.

They are inherently rulers.

Even the mutants think so.

Because in this era, there is no research on humans and genetics, and they naturally have no idea of ​​the difference between mutants and ordinary people.

This is the only explanation that God authorized the handle.

Without science, faith is the mainstream of this era.

And the gods. . The later Spiritual Apocalypse was just a powerful mutant, even if he was the original mutant, he could not get rid of his essence as a mutant.

The conqueror Kang is not even a mutant, but a future person, and some are only beyond the power of this era and the world.

But these ancient Egyptians did not know that, in their eyes, whether they were mutants or future men, they were as powerful as the apocalypse, then he was a god.

Yi clamor. . Naturally the same.

Neferhot knew Yi Yihuo was not a god, Anubis, Horus, La, Osiris, Saite. . None of these ancient deities can match Yi Chou, either in image or name.

He is just like the lucky ones who have been given magical abilities by God, only. . He is more powerful, and to such a degree, he is no doubt with the gods.

In the face of Yi Chou's doubts, Neferhot didn't know how to answer for a while, but as a follower of Conqueror Kang, after all, he was proficient in slipping and beating the horse, and soon knelt down on one knee, firmly said.

"At any time, I will be by your side and never waver."

"you sure?"

Yi Chou stopped.

This time, Neferhot said that he was standing beside Yi Chou, not God. . It can be seen that he is also a decisive person.

Although the original conqueror Kang disappeared, Yu Wei was still there, so Neferhot didn't want to make a quick makeover, but Yi Chou directly pointed this out.

Keeping up with the new owner, there is no problem, but if you continue not to let go of the old owner, you may be suffering now.

How to choose is clear at a glance.

Neferhot decisively expressed his loyalty to Yi Chou.

"Neffihot does not lie."

Neferhot bowed his head.

"stand up."

Hearing Yi Chou's voice, Neferhot stood up, still bowing his head slightly, stopped motionlessly in front of Yi Chou, and then he saw Yi Chou extending his hand.

His right hand.

Neferhot was startled, but this guy was very clever. Although he didn't recognize this gesture, he quickly extended his right hand, and then at the next moment, Yi Chou shook it up.

"I ask you."

Yi Chou's voice, with a kind of condescending indifference, made Nephihot's instinct tight.

"Can I believe you."

Neferhot did not answer immediately.

Because the invisible pressure from all around and the instinct from the bottom of my heart are telling him that this question may not be as simple as it sounds, nor as easy as the previous inquiry.

The gut feeling tells him that his answer should be cautious.

But in fact, Neferhot didn't have much time to consider. After only a pause of half a second, he said firmly.

"Of course, I am your most loyal servant."


Yi Xiao gripped Neferhot's hand slightly.

"Contract reached."

As Yi Huo's words fell, a flame-like pattern instantly burned from the palms of the two, and then spread out in a flash, spreading to Neferhot's arm in the blink of an eye, and then his whole body.

At the same time, something like a magic circle also appeared at his feet. The edge of the circular magic circle burned a faint purple flame. The flame was like a phantom, there was no temperature, and it could not even determine whether it really existed.

The flame lines shone with luster, just like the war lines in the ancient tribal civilization, which lasted for about three or four seconds, before slowly fading away.

But on the other hand, there is nothing unusual about Yi Huo. It seems that all the visions appear on Neferhot.

Neferhot did not understand what was happening, but there was a vague guess in his heart, which was nothing more than some kind of restraint, whether he opposed it or not. . Actually, there is no point in opposing.

"Now...I can believe it."

Yi Xiao let go of Neferhot and said lightly, with a smile on his face.

Neferhot is different from other people. In the face of the hands-on club leader Yoshioka Nobuko, the purple man Jebdia, and even the non-influential agents of the Red House, Yi Huo has the intention to slowly play hypnosis with them, subtle To change their thinking, even their hearts.

Because they will be the main beaters of Yi arrogance in the future.

But Neferhot. .

He will not even follow Yi Chou in the future.

Yi Chao will indeed pick some variants to take away, but to those who have potential, only important or unimportant supporting actors have potential.

There are a lot of mutants, even if those protagonists may not be so good, there is a lot of room for Yi Chou to choose, and there is no need to choose the red devil in front of him. .

His qualifications are not good, not even the Alpha level.

So Yi Chou treated him. . There is no need to be so gentle, and the more subtle hypnosis does not need to be signed directly and hard.

On the basis of the brave faithful mantra, the magic after the improvement with the silver tongue, the unilateral mandatory contract, although the content of the mandatory may not be as terrible as imagined, but it is enough to make Nefihot unable to betray the clamor.

"Give you a piece of advice."

Yi Xiao said.

"Don't easily make an oath in front of a wizard."

wizard. . What is that, Nefihot still does not know.

But he responded quickly.

"I see, great god."

Yi Huo once again.

"My name is Angomaka."

"You can call me Master Wizard."

"God or something... Sounds strange."

"The wizard sounds strange."

Daenerys said beside her, she paused and nodded, as if she thought what she said made sense. . In fact, she had long felt that this sounded strange.

It's a wizard again. .

Neferhot still did not know what this was, but it did not prevent him from doing well.

"I see, Master Wizard."

Sure enough ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can become the trust of Kang the conqueror. . There is always a reason.

"My first mission."

Yi Chou said to Neferhot.

"Go to the mutants in the city that you think are still useful... Well, that is, the messenger of the gods, they should still be in the dream, they just need to bring them directly without their consent."

"Not much, what I need is to guarantee value."

"Okay, Master Wizard."

Neferhot kneeled down on one knee, and in a moment of whispering, the whole person burst into a red smoke, and then disappeared instantly.

"Really convenient ability."

This time, the nearby Rocky saw clearly, and rarely gave a positive comment.

This is the first time she has given a positive evaluation of the mutant ability.

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