High Magic Earth

Chapter 1622: Real Chamber of Secrets

Rocky has already seen the abilities of many mutants, of course. . There must be not as many Athena being fighting.

The most powerful of these is undoubtedly Professor X's brain control ability.

Even if the powerful mind attack is not its primary target, it is only affected, it also has a suffocating feeling, as if the soul is no longer your own soul, and your thinking is no longer your own thinking, even The body is no longer controlled by itself.

Nearly vast impact. . It makes people feel hopeless and deeply powerless.

But because it is so powerful, it seems to have become almost magical. . The pure and ultimate spiritual magic did not make Loki feel much of the ability characteristics of the mutant.

Although Loki didn't get the soul gem at this time, he was master of mind magic, and she, who is proficient in mind magic, naturally felt that the huge spiritual power was magic. . It really looks like magic, not the power of mutants.

As for the other, whether it is toxins, sound waves, fire flames, frozen air-conditioning, or even energy rays, the power of these mutants is not worth mentioning in Loki's eyes.

Her magic can also be done and is more powerful.

Rocky naturally looked down on the Midgart. . Even if this group of guys have some strange abilities, can it make Rocky look at each other? Obviously impossible.

The Midgart has the most destructive power, it is still a stupid Midgart.

The main reason is that, even the so-called variant mutants, most of them are biased toward destruction, that is, they can be used for combat, and have the ability of mutants with creativity and other abilities. . Not much.

Even magic is the same.

It seems that everything in the world is born for fighting. . Or after being discovered by human beings, they always think of how to fight in the first place.

Destructive magic is nothing rare or unusual. Although it also makes people feel very powerful, it seems to be nothing more than that, with little respect.

For example, Yi Biao, no matter how much destructive power he shows, Rocky always feels the same. No matter how strong the personal destructive power is, can Asgard’s Rainbow Bridge be as destructive as high-star weapons? .

So unless it is strong enough to reach the absolute limit, such as a very powerful demonstration of the power of punching the planet, it is difficult to be intuitively convincing.

After all, many civilized scientific and technological weapons are mostly at the opponent level.

Destructive magic can only make Rocky feel that Yi Xiao is stronger than himself, and that's all, but after Yi Xiao showed that kind of magical magic that was almost creating miracles, it immediately aroused Rocky's new attention and new interest. .

And has a new estimate of Yi Chou's strength.

The ability of mutants is naturally the same.

Destructive power does not mean anything. . Special abilities like Neferhot are worth looking at differently. Nefihot is also the first valuable special variant ability that Rocky observes up close.

Very practical teleportation, even more practical than Rocky's magic. Although not in his mouth, Rocky's heart is also very clear. Without the scepter, she has no teleportation ability yet.

Although you can use the ability of illusion and stealth to cause the effect of visual deception, then take the opportunity to sneak away.

But that's far from the real teleport.

For a moment, some kind of greed rose in Loki's heart. . If it weren't for her that she had no clue about the power of the mutant.

Yi Xiao's face also showed a smile.

He knew that Rocky looked down on the Midgart, and Yi Chou was not upset because of this. . But the main reason for taking Rocky to travel around many worlds this time is to let her see the vast parallel world outside the shallow and narrow universe.

Look down on the Midgart, because in the world where Rocky is, the earth people are very fragile. Except for those super heroes who are exceptional, all the atrium are weak in the eyes of Asgard.

But leave that world. . But maybe.

The atrium is the center of the universe. The big brothers are everywhere. The most representative ones are the mutants. Of course, they are no longer in the strict sense of the earth, but are the transformation products of the Tenjin group.

But this setting appears in comics, and it is not the same setting used in movies.

It looks exactly like a human on earth, and looks exactly like the human on earth. It may even be a human on earth in the first ten years or so.

But after suddenly awakening the power, he even had the potential to hang Thor.

Could it be more convincing than this, can prove that the Midgart, and also let Rocky know the power and strangeness of the multiverse.

But unfortunately, the mutants I met one after another were not very helpful. . You know, there are many powerful guys in the mutants. The typical scene is Magneto, Professor X, Laser Eye, Black Phoenix, Storm Girl, Kuaiyin and so on. .

They may not have strong fighting power, but each one is taken out individually, and their abilities are very strange, even reaching the extreme in a single field.

But none of them came across.

The encounters were all slightly destructive mutants. . That level almost discredits and humiliates the group of mutants.

It was also very uncomfortable to let Yi Ji intend to let Rocky see the world.

just now. . Finally there is a mutant who can be seen.

In fact, if it were not for Loki to make this point, Yi Chou had forgotten that the ability of Neferhot, a red devil mutant, was special enough.

It becomes instantaneously moving into red fog, and it can even move without limit to the number of people. It can appear in any corner of the world without distance.

If it does not seem to be limited to the surface of the earth for teleportation, it cannot be moved directly to Asgard. . I don’t know if it’s because of the distance in space, or if Asgard’s external defense is blocking it. This ability is simply the ultimate expression of space ability.

Even if it is an instantaneous teleportation, I am afraid it cannot be better than this.

But even so, the red devil, which is limited to the teleportation of the earth's surface, definitely belongs to the top of the list of mutants' abilities.

Yi Chou's mood is very good, he said.

"In fact, the mutants have many abilities, and what we see now is only..."

"You are more nagging than Schiff."

Loki said with a listless look.

"Even Timmel's guy doesn't talk as much as you..."

Yi Xuan shut his mouth.

Sure enough, Loki's disgusting personality is the same. . No matter which she is.

What he said was so great that Yi Chou didn't feel it at all. He felt that his words were too few, and he even reached a level of silence.

Rocky was just looking for something.

Yi Xiao decided to be too lazy to take care of her.

But Loki was obviously not ready to be quiet. She once again put on a tone that seemed to be a child's candy, and said lazily and listlessly.

"What about the experiment you said."

"Maybe I have to wait a few months?"


Yi Xiao said.

Then the next moment, the surrounding world suddenly changed, and countless pieces of glass-like fragments appeared, reflecting a colorful luster, accompanied by a loud noise. . Reflecting innumerable blurry and incomplete pictures.

"Where did I seem to have seen..."

Loki saw at a glance that this was some kind of space spell.

She didn't feel any discomfort. She didn't have a pretty look like Daenerys. She wasn't like Little Lona. She almost fell over with the changing visual effects around her.

Loki stood steadily, feeling that the scene before him seemed somewhat familiar.

Very distant memory. . When did she see it, as if she was a child, and also on Midgart.

Loki glanced at Yi Chou and did not continue to pursue the issue.

She seemed to remember something.

Then in the next moment, mirror-like phantoms burst, and when everything around them regroups into a normal real world, their surroundings have completely changed a place.

"Where is this?"

Daenerys felt a little depressed. . It feels like being bound, this is because. .


Yi arrogantly replied.

Under the temple, can there be no hidden space.

Digging up a secret place seems to be everyone's hobby, regardless of country, time or civilization, even if it is possible to dig out a lot of underground space under the pyramid, such difficult projects can be done, There must be hidden space under the shrine.

Yi Biao can even find it without using magic to investigate.

And this hidden space is no longer a secret space. The meaning of the secret space is secret, and it is not known.

No matter where it exists, or whether it exists itself.

but now. . There must be other spaces hidden under each building, which has almost become a well-known and public thing.

The only thing that is still uncertain is that the entrance is not the same everywhere.

In this case, how can a secret space be called a secret? It is nothing more than a more concealed room or ordinary room.

Secret rooms, hidden in ordinary rooms and walls, are the real secrets of these buildings.

Sure enough, although the surrounding space was narrower and more suppressed than the temple hall above, it still exudes a burning light, because the nearby wall hangs a burning torch, which burns cracklingly, exuding a warm light and temperature , Light up the scope of this small piece.

There is no suffocation, because Lorna's expression is normal. . Perhaps she didn't realize that she has become an object of observation.

Obviously, the air below is circulated, otherwise the torch cannot burn for a long time at all. Although it is not known how the flowing air project is made, it must not be a difficult matter with the superb construction technology of ancient Egypt.

In addition to the burning torches, the surroundings were also cleaned very cleanly, and even traces of stone bricks and walls that were frequently wiped can be seen. Obviously, people often clean them.

. . Sure enough, it is not a real secret room.

Standing inside the secret room, Yi Biao looked around, and soon understood the internal structure of the secret room. Its entrance and exit are on the north side. Based on this, it can be inferred from where to enter the secret room, not Use unconventional means like now.

The construction diagram of the entire temple flashed through Yi Biao's mind. He quickly locked several rooms that may have a secret room entrance, but the real secret room opening switch, I am afraid that I still need to look for it at that time.

Standing outside and pushing back outside looks very simple. . But it is actually very difficult. After all, not everyone can easily remember the structure of the whole temple like Yi Chao.

But it is also much simpler than finding out where the secret room is without clues.

Infer the process from the result, and infer the result from the process. . These are two completely different levels of difficulty.

For the time being, the problem of the Chamber of Secrets is ignored. Yi Xuan has chosen the location of his laboratory. It is here, this natural hideout.

"That's it."

Yi Xiao said that at the same time, his right hand made an arc in the air and turned a circle, and suddenly, a certain black shadow filled the wall not far away.

The laboratory does not need to be too secretive, all it needs is not to be disturbed by others, this secret room perfectly meets all the requirements.

Not disturbed, but not completely unknown.

After all, there are still people cleaning, but not many people know.

The only drawback is that the area is a bit small, but it doesn't matter. Yi Biao is already preparing to transform this place. . Of course, it was still not his own hands.

"Underground makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

Taking a deep breath, Daenerys felt more and more depressed.

Although she is not unable to survive underground, she still prefers the sky to the underground. . This seems to be the impact of the dragon's nature on her.

"You don't need to follow me to experiment."

Yi Huo shrugged.

"I don't need it."

Daenerys was puzzled. . It seems that this sense of depression has also wiped out her IQ.

But at this time, the shadows on the wall not far away had squirmed, and then turned into a black portal.

Shadow Portal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not the magic of silver tongue and Yi Chou, but the shadow from Neverland.

It is the easiest way to enter and exit Neverland, and she can’t see the difference from the real magic. Just like the current Rocky, she is completely unaware that this portal is composed of a special shadow. , Still thought it was the magic that Yi Chou often uses.

So even now, Yi Chao has not given up using it, or sealed it up.

of course. . A more important reason is that the shadow is controlled by Neverland. When the ghost knows when, it will pick up some strange guys and come back.

Then the next moment, the shadow portal swayed, and the black energy wriggled, as if there was something to push and crowd out.

Then, on the surface of Loki, he was still listless, but secretly raised his vigilant eyes, a small orange-yellow head suddenly came out of the shadows.

Yellow paint, and shiny. . A head.


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