High Magic Earth

Chapter 1623: True mascot

Rocky's mouth twitched, and she suddenly had a very bad hunch. She always felt that there were some people trying to hurt her eyes, so she turned her head silently.

The little guy inside the portal obviously didn't know it hadn't appeared yet, so he hurt a weak and helpless. . It’s a very cheap mind, which is not common. After all, it looks so cute. Several people can resist its cute appearance.

Yuanyuan's head seemed to be preparing to observe in secret before coming out of the portal, but the companions behind it seemed to be unable to wait. The probe's face suddenly changed, and his small face was full of serious grasping the transmission At the wall on the edge of the door, the body protruded forward, as if there was a huge force pushing behind it.

. . I don't know how it just grasped the wall surface with two small hands, how to support its body and resist such a large force.

The elongated body looks slightly deformed.

But unfortunately, after all, it was still weak, and after three or four seconds of widening its eyes, its hands were finally unable to support it and left the walls on both sides. It turned like a windmill, turning round and round, and then The power behind. . boom! He kicked out with a sharp kick.

Unsteady standing, it rolled over several heels on the ground like a hoist, before stopping at a distance of about half a meter in front.

Face lying on the ground, it was paralyzed in large letters. . But he still stretched out a hand firmly, clenched his fist tightly, and then suddenly raised a middle finger.


The unlucky egg gave an angry cry.

Unfortunately. . Its companions did not eat this set.

"Chuck! Chuck!"



Along with a loud noise, the next moment, a large number of little yellow people poured out of the portal.

At first, when the unlucky egg was about to get up from the ground, he noticed the noise from behind him. He realized that it was not good, but he hadn't waited to turn his face. A little yellow man thought it didn't exist. , Straight on it, step on it from beginning to end. . It's like stepping on a foot pad.

This unlucky egg is like a piece of plasticine, with hands and feet stretched out freely, and when it is stepped on the body, the limbs rise like a seesaw.

"Oh, oh, oh!"

When the first little yellow man stepped on it step by step, it just landed on the ground, and his limbs were tilted high. When the little yellow man walked by, his limbs fell slowly.

And as soon as he was about to get up again, he saw the second little yellow man hurried over again and continued to step on it from the beginning to the end again as if it did not exist. .

Then the third and the fourth. . And more small yellow people's forces.

Its limbs are like springs, falling, bouncing, bouncing, and falling. .

This unlucky egg also tried to struggle in place at the beginning, and in the end, it became unmovable, just like a pool of mud that was badly played, that is, when it was stepped on, it would be conditioned. Limbs bouncing.

This group of little guys came and went quickly, and within half a minute, all the swarms of bees in the portal rushed out, stepping on the soft yellow carpet. . Then he ran outside, and now he had started whispering around.

Yi Biao continued to maintain the portal, sending messages to Neverland, preparing to move more things, while shouting to the unlucky **** on the ground that was still paralyzed.

"Hey man, are you still alive?"

The unlucky egg heard Yi Yi's question, and tremblingly stretched out a hand, slowly raised it into the air, and then clenched his fist tightly, "Oh!"

It raised a **** to Yi Chou very firmly.

Yi Chou shrugged.

"Is it very energetic."

He said calmly, and then waved his hand. The next moment, he saw a tall Tianmara heavy object coming out of the portal, and the huge horseshoe lifted up and dropped. . It was that unlucky egg.


The shadow enveloped this guy in an instant.

Just about to continue to lie down on the ground for a while, he noticed how suddenly the sky was dark, and then when he looked up, he saw a horseshoe that was bigger than its head, rising high and slowing down.

If this stepped on its head, it would not be completely stepped into plasticine.

The guy was so scared that he didn't pretend to be dead, his big eyes glared round, he bounced off the ground in an instant, and then he ran away.

Yi Chou shrugged again, motioning to observe his Tianma secretly to continue.

Anyway, I didn't plan to really step on this guy. . Frighten it only.


The heavy weight was slowly dragged in by Tianma, and at this time, Lorna seemed to have just reacted from another shock, only to notice the group of sudden little guys, whispered.

"God, what is this?!"

What could it be, those stupid little yellow men!

What Yi Biao called out from the Red Castle to help was Yi Biao, a good assistant now inseparable, and one of the largest number of creatures in the fantasy island ethnic group. . Little yellow guys, those little guys.

Although they are stupid, they like to play around and often mess things up, they are still quite useful.

The little yellow man is now responsible for the maintenance of the entire castle. It is not like cleaning the house elves, responsible for cleaning the sanitation and using magic to maintain the order of the castle, but more internal work.

For example, the weather adjustment device of Fantasy Island, the magical maintenance of the sun rise and sunset, and even monitoring the residual movement of the eye of Dornting and Oz, and staring at the energy coordinates left by Dornting, and watching the underground cliffs below the Red Castle Prison, etc. .

The little yellow people are born to assist their masters in their work. They are natural experimental assistants. They have a high level of creativity and autonomy. Even if they leave Yi Chou, they can still complete most of the experiments and work on their own.

They are not string puppets or controlled magic puppets, but completely independent individuals.

Have your own mind, soul, and. . Stupid appearance and character.

The Little Yellow Man was originally a peculiar race, with a very high learning ability and creativity, and was born with no heart and no lungs, whether it is magic or technology, it can be quickly and frankly accepted, and then use its very clear brain The circuit begins to create.

And they are always habitual to find a master to be at ease, a very bad, very bad, very evil, very evil master.

Otherwise, you will be depressed and unwilling to work, even. . death.

You know, the vitality of the little yellow man is quite tenacious, let alone being stepped on by a group of little friends as a foot pad, even if it is crushed and crushed by the car wheel, it may not be a problem. Bounced up and resurrected with full blood. .

But if there is no owner. . That is a very, very, very bad thing for them. .

The yellow-orange little yellow man seems to be easy to be loved by women, but I don’t know why. It may be that they are born with a cheap look. They are rarely able to get it by stupid appearance. Most women love it. . At least in their original world.

Probably all women in the world have a certain intuition, that is, they can see through their confusing appearance at a glance, and then see their cheap nature.

However, in their original world, this stupid appearance is much more attractive.

For example. . Just like Lorna, who has been attracted now.

But I am afraid that Lorna only sees their cuteness at the moment, and does not realize their stupidity, and it may be too late to wait until they realize their stupidity.

Under what circumstances can one find out how stupid a person is. . It must have been so stupid that it was so mad.

The appearance of the little yellow man is round and round, showing an oval column shape, and the color of yellow orange is also very bright. Wearing a blue worker's suspender suit, there are occasionally little yellow men with big glasses.

Although their dresses are the same except for glasses, they are strangely able to distinguish between tall, short, fat and thin. . Obviously a group of oval banana people came.

The small yellow people are very small, floating up and down about the height of the human calf. At this time, the crowd is crowded and running around.

It's a little bit cute, but it will attract Lona's eyes.

Probably because Yi Biao didn't call them for a long time, and held it for a long time in the Red Castle. At this time, they were running around like crazy.

Even if it just changed a new environment. . It has been enough for them to revel for a long time.

At this time, Lorna’s eyes were on this group of little guys. It seems that their cute appearance has aroused Lorna’s enough interest, and not only Lorna, even Daenerys and Lorna who turned her head before. The same is true.

This group of inhuman little guys. . It’s fun to just look at the appearance.

"Little yellow man."

"You can call them like this."

"Of course, they also have names, such as that... called Kevin."

"It's really a concise name..."

Hearing Yi Chou's words, Lorna's mouth twitched, small, yellow orange. . people? If a limb and an oval body can be counted as a human, then they are indeed human.

The little yellow man is really a concise and precise title.

And in the direction that Yi Chou pointed out, Lorna went to find Kevin and saw what she saw. . It's all a little yellow man carved out of a mold. Apart from big, small, tall, short, fat, and thin, is there any other difference? Can you distinguish a ghost Kevin!

"Which is Kevin?"

Lorna's mouth twitched, with hope. . Asked again.

"Just that."

Then I saw the direction of Yi Biao with one finger. . What I saw was all little yellow men!

The ghost knows which is Kevin.

"I know..." Lorna nodded.

Instead, Yi Chou gave her a very strange look, "Can you tell the difference?"

Lorna was anxious, and she couldn't help but want to give Yi Xiao a flying dagger. . Of course, it wasn't poke on the kidney, she was Lorna and not Loki.

But her magnetic field control force is still weak, and she can only control the metal of two daggers to fly in the air.

No matter how big it is, the speed will slow down and there will be no lethality. Of course, it doesn't matter if the metal is smaller, because even if it becomes a needle, as long as the speed is fast enough, it can have extremely high lethality.

But it may be due to heredity. . Lorna doesn't like things that are too small. She is just like her dad. She is a scene and likes big! Big scenes, big productions, big news! Lorna is naturally the same.

Although her ability is still weak, she would rather use a larger dagger instead of a small flying needle. . Although the latter is far more lethal than the former.

Of course, due to the control force, even if the flying needle is small, she can't control too much. Like the two metal daggers, she can only control three or four. .

Yi Biao didn't know that Lona's little head was thinking about how to poke five, seventy or eighty holes in himself with a dagger. . Don't care even if you know it.

Along the way, there was a little tacit understanding between several people, at least Lorna already knew. . Although Yi Xiao looks weird, he will not hurt himself at will.

Whether it is because you are still useful, or for some other reason.

Yi Xuan thought about it and continued.

"Don't look at their small size... The destructive power is not small, and it's annoying."

Lorna is undeniable. Obviously, I don’t quite believe what Yi Chao said, how much destructive power can such a group of small things have, so cute, how annoying.

Sure enough, even the female mutant, even the future scene person Polaris Lorna, can not avoid the strange circle of visual animals.

Oh, woman.

Yi Chou is no longer talkative.

"You will know."

He said lightly, and then greeted the group still running wildly. . And the little yellow man who has ran to Lona's mouth slightly stiffly, whispered.

"Everyone is ready... Do you want to go guard the boat."

Keep the boat. . It is a new punishment for the little yellow people.

Fantasy Island has a ship called the Red Pilot. Although it is a magic ship and is protected by magical powers that will never sink, it is not a starship.

It has been docked at Mermaid Lake for a long time. . long time.

Even if it is a magic ship, it also needs to be guarded and cleaned, especially the lake is not without creatures, mermaid lake and mermaid lake, of which the nature of life is mermaid.

The cleaning work is done by the house elves, they will phantom shift to the past, a clean one, and then leave the phantom visibly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then the caretaker work. . It fell on the little yellow man.

Although the mermaids will not deliberately destroy this ship, after all, they are also seen more, but the mermaids of the mermaid lake come from many worlds, where they are the intersection of the mermaids, and the mermaids of all the worlds will appear there, it is inevitable that there will be some IQ Very tall mermaid. . The little yellow man who likes to watch the boat opens the shovel.

The little yellow men are also good at pranks, and the mermaids are also pranks to tease them, but because of the away game, at the home of the mermaid, the little yellow people are almost retired, it can be said that they are opponents.

Although he will not die or be injured, he will always be miserable.

However, there are not many companions, only three or two guards, and there is no magic equipment for experimentation. . The only interesting thing is that the food is rich, but although the little yellow people are greedy, they do not put food first.

This caused the guarding of the ship, and became a new punishment for torturing the disobedient little yellow man. After this matter was discovered by Lucy, it also made Yi Xiao finally face the group of little yellow men who could toss. With a powerful threat.

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