High Magic Earth

Chapter 1624: You are tempting on the verge of death. .

Hearing Yi Chou's scolding, the Xiaohuang people finally began to stand well, except for the cruelty of keeping the boat. . How to say Yi Biao is also their master.

Even the creator.

As the little yellow people who become an independent race, their tempers are not small, and they have requirements on their owners, and the requirements are not small, that is, their owners must be a bad person, a villain. . Anyway, no matter what, in general it must not be a good person.

In the original plot, Grew was a badass. He went up to destroy the earth and went down to grab the little girl's lollipop. He did nothing evil, but then he changed his evil, and for this reason, the little yellow people also made a big escape.

. . Only Kevin stayed with him, and I wondered if it was Kevin.

Whether Yi Chou is a bad guy is not certain, but it is certain that he is not a good person. . At least not a purely good person.

If Xiaohuang people really have any standards, then Yi Huo also passed the standard.

However, the origin of the little yellow people is strange. Except for the first batch of activated ones, all the remaining little yellow people who were added are created by Yi Chou using the silver tongue.

Although the appearance looks undoubtedly different from other companions, the essence is still slightly different. . Loyalty, loyalty is the first element to be modified.

At the beginning of creation, the silver tongue can naturally modify various attributes, but with more modifications, the created little yellow man is no longer a little yellow man.

If they get rid of their mischievous personality, babbling, and the talents that often mess things up, then they will completely lose the possibility of being a good assistant.

Because they are no longer little yellow people.

For the silver tongue, all things in the world can be described by words, because the silver tongue is reflected by the words, and it is these attributes that are described by the pleasing or unpleasing words that determine the unique small Yellow man.

Naturally, when they are lost, even if they are created, it is a creature with the same appearance as the little yellow man, but completely inconsistent.

There are not many places that can be modified, and Yi Heo chose absolute loyalty without much hesitation.

The Red Castle is his base camp, and the little yellow people who like mischief may often make a mess there, but after all, it is not back to an irreparable level.

But if they betray. . All of that will definitely become messy.

Yi Chuang, the creator of the speech, is still useful to them anyway. . Right. .



With Yi Chou yelling, the little yellow people who were running around immediately gathered together, they pushed and shoved together, originally intended to stand in line. . Unfortunately, this idea lasted about three or four seconds, and they were completely left behind by them again.

Like a group of tinned sardines packed together, the little yellow people started to quarrel and noisily, and they started to push and shovy when they didn't agree with each other.


The original overall formation was completely chaotic after maintaining for three or four seconds. A large group of little yellow people crowded together and shoved each other. .


Some unlucky egg that just got up from the ground hadn't waited for the reaction to happen, but was swarmed by the little yellow man partners and entered the big army. At this time, it was crowded by a large group of densely packed The little yellow man almost squeezed it into thin pieces of paper.

It made an angry squeak, using both hands and feet, and slammed it around, trying to squeeze out more space.

Yi Chou's eyelids jumped at this scene.


Even the corner of Lorna's mouth was a little stiff.

The little yellow man does look cute, but such a large group is crowded together. . Then it's not cute, and even looks very barbaric.

Yi Huo shrugged and gave Lona a look I had already said.

Then the next moment, Yi Chou gave a low growl.


The little yellow people stood still for a moment. . It is completely still, and even some little yellow men hold the banana in their hands to the nose of their companions before they take it out.

Yi Chou's eyelids jumped at this situation again.

"Take up the laboratory immediately."

"Laboratory No. 3..."

"Migrate a small amount of data without moving the main data. You know exactly what I want to do."

"Now, immediately."

Hearing Yi Chou's voice without much emotion, the group of little yellow men immediately persuaded, swallowing the banana in their mouth and spitting the skin on the little yellow man's head next to them. . They all moved.

Of course, it also includes the little yellow man who took his banana skin off his head and threw it on the ground.

Then in the next moment, in the corner of Yi Noo's eyes, a little yellow man running on the foot of this freshly baked banana peel suddenly slipped. . The body seemed to sit on a skateboard and slid forward a distance of three or four meters, as if it was a bowling ball thrown in an instant.


In a scream, it knocked down a large group of little yellow people all the way, turning the people around the little yellow people upside down and rolling into a ball. . Then it stopped.

Yi Xuan closed his eyes and felt that he had no power to scold them anymore.

Simply close your eyes and don't read it.

Shaking his head, Yi Chou patted Tianma beside him, indicating that they could go back.

Tianma is different from the little yellow man and is not a product of captivity. They exist on Dream Island even longer than Yi Chou. They are one of the large groups of magical creatures in Dream Island.

But they are more obedient than the little yellow man.

On Fantasy Island, how long it has existed can't bring them any say, although in the magic world most of the time, the longer the magical creatures, the stronger. . It is a pity that the most powerful part of Neverland is Yi Chou, the only wizard.

Creatures with a low level of intelligence can also bypass Yihuo by instinct alone, and those with a high level of intelligence. . Not even to provoke it.

Yi Xiao did not enslave Tianma, although when he was experimenting, Tianma's group also found that they occasionally disappeared some members. . But rather than daring to be angry or speaking, it is better to pray for peace without saying anything.

Of course, they just don’t speak.

Later, Yi Biao's experiment stopped, and both of them were at ease, so let them do some small help, and naturally they will not refuse.

In this way, Yi Chao can call them as sloppy horses to pull goods, if others. . Tianma is a very aggressive magical creature.

Powerful, flying, and fast, it must be fatal for ordinary people.

To be an ordinary person, he was kicked to death by their feet long ago. Tianma's wisdom, but it can be soaked in Meiwa, used to pull goods is simply an insult to them.

But if it is changed to clamor, it will be different.

"Where do they come from."

Rocky didn't know when he came behind Yi Chou. . Asked in a low voice.

"another world."

"I said it before."

Rocky is curious about Yi Yao's secrets, but. . Secrets are secrets for every mage, and no one will tell others.

Like Rocky, she was the one with the most secrets in Asgard, and perhaps even Odin's secrets were not as many as hers.

Of course, although Odin's secrets are few, they are all big secrets that can change everything.

After hesitating for a while, Loki still didn't ask.

Tianma have returned to the Fantasy Island along the black portal, and as they leave, there will be no new creatures coming out of it.

Approximately estimate the number of little yellow people here. . Less than twenty are enough.

The next moment, the black spreading on the wall began to shrink, as if it was falling around the wall. Large black marks fell down the wall, and then disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

The portal was closed. These dozen little yellow men were created with silver tongue in the later period. Even if an accident occurs, Yi Chou can continue to create it at any time.

It just needs to relearn for a while. . They stay here to help Yi Xuan to complete the experiment, in number, it is probably enough to use.

As the transmission stopped, Yi Chou also began to direct the Xiaohuang people to remove the experimental devices, and then directed them to assemble.

Although Xiaohuang people are not stupid. . But being smart does not mean being a genius. Even with this time's magic experiment, Yi Yi was not completely sure.

Even the entire experiment was gradually improved with the help of Silver Tongue and Lucy. These little yellow men may be able to maintain and fight well, but they want to fully understand everything by themselves. . . Then they are not as smart as they are.

Facing Daenerys and Loki, he made a self-willing gesture, and Yi Xuan began to chase the group of little yellow men who had been in trouble for longer than normal work.

But of course, neither Lorna, Daenerys or Loki had any plans to leave.

. . It's also boring here, there's nothing to see at all.

Lorna was insecure and did not want to leave these people too far. . Although Yi Huo is not a good person, it is better than being alone in an unfamiliar era.

Loki is not interested in those mutants, and allows Yi Chou to blow up the ceiling. Before seeing more distinctive mutants such as Magneto, Storm Girl, or Wolverine, she will only treat the mutants as some powerful ones. Variation Midgart.

However, it only increased some of the destructive power, but in front of the Asgard, it was still vulnerable.

As for Daenerys, she simply didn't want to leave Yi Xiao's side. She followed Yi Xiao out and opened her eyes. The main goal was naturally Yi Xuan, unless there was anything particularly interesting. . Otherwise she will not leave alone.

Squatted, Daenerys curiously stopped a little yellow man who was about to run, and said strangely, "What the **** are these little guys."

She pressed the head of the little yellow man with one finger, and then she couldn't run out anymore.

How great is Daenerys. . It was a dragon, let alone a finger to hold the little yellow man, it was completely ok to poke it directly.

Of course, Daenerys wouldn't do it.

The blocked little yellow man didn't react at first. . After waiting two steps to find that he was still, he saw that he was stopped by someone, and he was still a finger!

It was impatient to move his fingers away, and then moved. . Did not move.

And it was just about to get angry. As a result, when she looked up at Daenerys, it was like seeing a huge beast, and then she counseled on the spot, showing a pleasing smile.

Daenerys studied it again for a while according to its head, and then let it go.

Although Daenerys is the queen, she also likes cute things. No woman can resist their charm, but Daenerys' self-control is obviously stronger.

"...Maybe some kind of magic product."

Without scorning others, I was too lazy to ignore Lorna, but Loki was quite enthusiastic about Daenerys, at least to be able to say a few words gently.

Daenerys's strength made her feel recognized, and the other party didn't look like her elder sister Timmel, like a fool.

So Loki is still willing to communicate.

Daenerys nodded.

For magic, she is still in a state of not knowing anything. She decided to find a time to ask Yi Chou, for example, what the **** happened to her.

At the beginning, Daenerys did not delve deeper, but now, she already has such curiosity and doubts, and she feels that Yi Chou should not refuse or stingy to answer.


With a slight muffled sound, Loki suddenly felt that his calf was hit by something. When he looked down, he realized that he was a little yellow man running around. He didn't know how to blind his eyes and hit his own On the lap.

Impatiently raising his foot, Loki kicked it gently and rolled it out for more than half a meter.

Rocky is not a good person, but now she is not an absolutely bad person. . She is known as the **** of mischief, but there are not many real mischief pranks.

Only in the face of her dear elder sister, Loki seemed to be extremely irritable and heavier.

The little yellow people are not controlled magic dolls. They are unique races. Every little yellow person is different. They have their own tempers.

Some little yellow people are more irritable. . Then he was bullied and afraid, and when he saw a guy who was more powerful than himself, he counseled, like the one stopped by Daenerys.

There are also some little yellow people who like to play tricks and play tricks. In fact, most of the little yellow people have such careless character and thinking.

But obviously, it hit Loki. . The temper is very big and very urgent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, it is impossible to directly hit the calf of a person as big as Rocky.

Rolling on the ground for several laps, the little yellow man stopped, and as soon as he stopped, he immediately rolled over and sat up, running angrily towards Rocky.



It sent out angry whispers to Rocky, the kind of little yellow man's unique sound that sounded too fast to make people hear what it was saying.

Loki was impatient for a while, but they were also easy pets. . Can not be killed casually.

Bending down, Loki grabbed the blue and white jeans sling on the little guy's shoulder. . The ghost knew how it had shoulders and picked it up.

"What do you want to say?" Her tone was cold.

Then the next moment, the little yellow man's eyes changed into a heart shape at a rate visible to the naked eye. . That pink can almost come out.

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