High Magic Earth

Chapter 1625: Lucky Kevin

Lucky Kevin. . Lucky Kevin.

Oh, Kevin always feels lucky, no matter when.

Take the initial case. At that time, they had not yet found a master, because at that time there were no humans. . Not even an orangutan can find it.

The only creature living near their ethnic group is the big guy, a long-mammoth, of course, now it is called an extinct mammoth.

The last time Kevin saw it, he was still in the Natural History Museum, and they talked to each other. . It temporarily gained life because of a certain stone slab, but there are only a few words, because it is eager to go out, the museum is too hot, but it is snowy Christmas Eve outside.

Mammoths cannot be their masters.

Or it can be, but the mammoth is not willing, it is too big, and they are too small, the little yellow people can not help, even if they are proficient in invention, it also requires the accumulation of knowledge.

They can indeed discover knowledge in practice. . But they are too lazy to play around most of the time. Without their master's control, I am afraid their civilization will not progress in their lifetime.

Even if they have wisdom that is not weaker than humans.

And even more terrifying is that without the owner, there is no motivation. . Their ethnic groups will even gradually decline or even perish without energy!

That day. . Kevin remembered that he was hungry and had no energy. He lay on the ice, watching the stars and counting the moon.

The sky is getting farther and farther away from it, the ice on the back is getting colder and colder, Kevin feels his life is passing, its power seems to be getting weaker and weaker, and then the next moment. . An apple fell on its head.

At this point, it opened a new one. . Sorry, it can't be edited anymore, it doesn't actually live that long.

When he was in a dream, Kevin often returned to the ice age. He often had such dreams, but in fact, his life started from a small doll when he was a doll. . The moment you become a person.

It does not know that it can only be changed from a doll to a real creature, but it can clearly remember all its memories. . Every moment is still the memory of the doll.

The initial memory is in a small window, it can see the outside world, people come and go. . Okay, that’s a toy store in a small town. As a small town in the American guillotine valley, there are not many people on weekdays. Occasionally, a young mother walks past a stroller, which is when there are many people. Too.

The sky is blue and the ground is blue. . Ah no, it's white. . It seems wrong, anyway.

It will stay in front of the window every day, watching the morning runners passing by, watching the students passing by, watching the police patrol, watching the idle people enjoying a whole day of life.

In small cities and towns, it's good to feed ourselves in self-sufficiency. Most of the people who stay here are people who long for this slow-paced life.

There is no office worker who roars.

This is the case during the day. The town is peaceful and peaceful, but it is evening. .

All the people are home, and the only ones left are the street lights, as well. . They are model dolls and small toys in the windows.

They look at the world with little inanimate eyes and observe everything.

The night at Gudu Valley is also different from the night in other places. The night here is exceptionally deep, and there is a disturbing feeling, and inexplicable fog will appear in many cases.

That's right, like the fog of dry ice like the second-rate special effects of the last century in TV series.

At first, it did not know what was going on, but now, it knows, that is. . magic!

In this way, it stays in the window, day, night, day, night. . Wait a minute. . It is ten years.

Sorry, it wasn’t that long, but as a location near the window, it would indeed be taken last. It was the small partners in the warehouse that were sold in advance, and then behind the window. . In the end, it is them.

It's estimated that it will be a few months after the movie is released to the surrounding hot sale.

But sometimes it’s not a good thing to be picked out early, or how can it be lucky Kevin, and it and its last six little friends were bought by a little girl directly in a group .

Then I took it home and placed it on a shelf full of toys.

At first, the little girl played with them. . Hell, why put a group of cute scientists like them in that group of plastic soldiers.

Do they look like soldiers at all?

Fortunately, this stupid hesitation did not last long, and then the little girl never played with them again, and placed them on the shelf, it seemed to be forgotten.

This is also justifiable.

They are not quite interesting toys like plastic soldiers or plastic transformers, nor large soft dolls that cannot be held in bed.

At that time, their only role was to sell their cuteness by appearance. If it was a pillow, or they would be favored for a longer time, but they were made by small and hard toys.

that. . It's no surprise that it's forgotten.

Then it stayed on the toy shelf for a long time and met many new friends, such as Space Cowboy, Lego Superman, Lego Batman, and some guys named Rachel and Rose.

The number of these six puppets that look like humans is also six, and they are the same as the six little yellow brothers of their family, so Kevin paid special attention.

Unfortunately, they are not as lucky as Kevin, so. . But when that day came, they did not escape.

That day. . Disaster and vitality coexist.

Kevin didn't know how long he had been on that boring shelf, maybe a month, maybe two months, maybe longer than staying in front of the window.

then. . That day is here.

It doesn't remember what happened. To be precise, it doesn't remember the exact thing. It only knows that the sky seems to be alive in a moment, the clouds are moving, the earth is shaking, and there are noisy sounds around. . Then it came to life in an instant.

It's a good thing to survive, but the situation was not friendly at the time.

There is a large group of nutcrackers rushing through, they are fighting vigorously, there are many people, and they are tall. . Kevin and his companions counseled on the spot. .

Well, in fact, none of them responded. After all, they were just puppets before, and then suddenly lived, but lived is lived, they don’t even understand what it means to live.

And the dangerous creatures at that time were not only the Nutcracker. In fact, the Nutcracker, which is also a toy, did not embarrass them as long as they did not hinder them.

The real danger is the group of disgusting cockroaches and other insects.

The size of cockroaches and insects is a small problem for humans, but for dolls that are not big by themselves, that is a deadly enemy.

And many insects like to nibble fibers, damage fabrics, etc., are simply the natural enemies of dolls.

Not long afterwards, the doll's shelf was still on fire. In the chaotic battle, falling objects were everywhere, and the sprayed water flow was like a scene of doomsday disaster.

Kevin and his friends shuddered and hid in a corner, dragging a book over and covering it, barely forming a triangular tent for protection.

They don’t want to escape, but they don’t know where to go or how to escape. . In fact, hiding there is only an expedient measure, because the water tap is bursting, and the big water is about to form a wave, and then they are all washed away.

Hiding in the corner, Kevin looked at everything outside.

The dolls were wailing, and the lucky guy jumped off the shelf and even opened the door to escape, but there were also unfortunate guys who were directly crushed by falling objects falling from the sky. . For example, after a brief exchange, the six guys who knew they were dolls called friends.

But Kevin, it is undoubtedly the luckiest because of them. . Was found.

It can never forget those eyes at that time, surprised, puzzled, gentle, disdainful. . It was lucky because it and its friends were taken to Neverland.

Then it not only becomes bigger, it has a job, it has a master, and even more friends.

Everything on the Neverland is full of novelty. For them, it is a dreamland. Kevin has been on the island for a long time, but he has no boredom.

They can always find a lot of interesting things, interesting things to satisfy themselves, this is their happiness.

Kevin felt that he was very lucky, as can be seen from this series of things, and more importantly, since it thinks so and claims to be lucky Kevin, it seems that luck has really come to him, and has always been Accompany him.

It always accounts for the best in the cafeteria. It can always find fruits and small snacks in strange corners. It can always be assigned to interesting work. . And he hasn't been to the boat once.

Originally, this time it was supposed to keep the boat, but now it was chosen by luck, and it was temporarily staying outside of Neverland to work.

what. . Interesting work.

Kevin is not worried about his safety. The little yellow guys are not so easily injured, and Yi Chou is precious to them. Usually they are uncomfortable, and they yell at them if they don't move. . But it was indeed reluctant to let a little yellow man have an accident.

Training an assistant is different from training an assistant who is already familiar with existing work.

It is Lucky Kevin, Lucky always guards it, from the beginning, until it is on weekdays, as well. . just now.

Now, luck has come again.

The pink in Kevin's eyes is about to overflow, has turned into substance, quietly. . What it saw, the dream goddess appeared.

White skin, aloof and disdainful eyes in Gaoaozhong, and a tall figure. . The double peaks and the curved horns are also particularly charming.

Oh, the crown of horns, it doesn't matter, this aesthetic is really intimate.

The goddess of luck was indeed on its side. Kevin had never seen such a charming goddess. At this moment, he felt that he was in love.

There seemed to be some solemn and soothing tone around. . It sounded vaguely like a wedding march, and Rocky's indifferent eyes seemed no longer indifferent to Kevin's eyes.

To be precise, it can't see anything. Only the imagination in the head is left in the eyes. The goddess is looking at it with a smile. The eyes are full of gentle smiles, and the scarlet lips are like it. .

Approaching, approaching. . Closer. .

The slender jade hand carried Kevin, gradually approaching the red lips, Kevin also closed the big eyes behind the dull and ugly round big glasses, then pursed his mouth, and then. .


The wedding march disappeared and the dream was awakened.

Kevin covered his face and watched Loki slap his face innocently. He didn't draw his hand back, and there was no gentleness or kindness in Loki's eyes. . Some are just indifferent and arrogant, and full of disgust.

"What are you thinking."

She said coldly.

Carrying the flirty little yellow man in his hand, Loki carried it to himself and stared at the little yellow man's eyes.

Kevin first flicked, and then immediately felt the goddess's hand holding himself, and then the closer he was, the closer he was to the existence of the goddess. . That beautiful face, gentle eyes.


Kevin covered his face again, this time Loki's slap was a bit heavier, and finally woke it up completely.

At the same time, the farce here finally caught Yi Chou's attention. . In other words, Yi Huo discovered after a few rounds that the little yellow man didn't even know when one was missing.

Okay, because they are little yellow people, it’s not surprising that there is one less, while there is no big mess and more trouble,

Then Yi Biao turned his head and saw Beloki carrying the little yellow man hanging in the air and hanging in front of her eyes.

"what happened."

Yi Huo walked past slightly curiously.

It is very likely that Loki was curious about this little guy, and then grabbed a research study, but intuition told Yi Xiao that what seemed to happen inside. .

"All of them... are they like it."

"Like Kevin? What did it do."

Yi Xiao has recognized that the little yellow man picked up by Rocky is Kevin. . As for how Yi Yao recognizes it, even if their recognition level is low, they can recognize it after a few years of contact.

It turned out to be Kevin. . Lona next to her vomited silently.


Loki narrowed her eyes, then dragged her tone, and then the next moment, she placed Kevin in front of her magnificence and pressed it in.

Happiness came too suddenly, and immediately, Kevin fell into the fluttering of Yi Biao's eyebrows.

But the cheapness of the **** of mischief is not so easy to take. As Kevin fluttered, it heard his goddess ask again with a gentle voice.

"Are you comfortable."

Then, without waiting for Kevin to answer, it suddenly realized that the baby in front of him was gone. Instead, it was a dense group of venomous snakes~www.wuxiaspot.com~The group of venomous snakes was like a entangled vine. . As well as sticking to its face.


Kevin uttered a heartbreaking cry, his mouth wider than his face. . The palate trembles. . It seems to be highlighting the fear of its owner.

Immediately afterwards, a viper seemed to be wondering what this hole was, and also curiously darted into Kevin's mouth.

Then "Gay!" Kevin was scared and fainted.

"like this."

At the next moment, the illusion disappeared without a trace, Loki threw Kevin, who had fallen into a coma, into Yi Xiao, and then hummed.

Yi Chou caught Kevin with one hand, and then he threw it into the small yellow man army behind him. . Naturally, there are other little yellow people going back to catch it.

Opening his hands, Yi Chou shrugged and said, "It's a special case."

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