High Magic Earth

Chapter 1626: Face your heart directly, heart: what do you look at

Waking up from his sleep, Kevin's face seemed to be confused with the dream of waking up, and the pink in his eyes still did not disappear. . The whole yellow man seems a bit silly.

His eyes glared round, and he was helped by the nearby friends and sat up, his body weak and weak. . It was almost dripping drool from the corner of the mouth.

Rocky tilted it away in the distance, and the disgust in his eyes turned into disgust.

Yi Chou was also helpless, but fortunately his face was thick enough. . And have long known what kind of virtue this group of yellow people are.

Faced with the silent accusation of Rocky's cold fish-like cold eyes. . Yi Chou is regarded as turning a blind eye.

Lucky Kevin seems silly now, but as Yi Chao said, it is a special case. Although every little yellow man likes a beautiful young lady, not all little yellow people have it so persistent. . And he slammed his attention on Rocky.

Some little yellow guys have very strong skin, and they wear it all day and night, and some little yellow guys are serious. . But once the interest came, the skin was not weaker than other little yellow men.

All in all, irritability and skin are the final destination of the little yellow people, but their performances are not the same on weekdays.

For example, three men in white coats are now guarding Kevin. . Under the gown is still a blue worker sling and a serious yellow man with a serious face.

And at this time they were staring closely at Kevin, and the serious little face was full of anger and dissatisfaction, and saw Kevin waking up. .


The little yellow man in the white coat led his little palm on Kevin's face with a slap, and then, while it was still in a state of coercion, coldly picked up a bucket of ice water that had been prepared next to it, then. .



Kevin's small face shrunk into a ball in a flash, or the entire yellow man curled up into a ball. The cold and biting feeling took away the temperature of his body in an instant and made it tremble.

Originally, the little yellow man had little combat power. . Most of the trouble is because they are too skinny, and almost all skins have appeared in Xintiandi. . This will often mess things up and develop to an incredible extent.

With the shock of the biting cold water, Kevin, who had no power at first, fell into a rigid state on the spot, curled up into a ball and lay there to corpse. . Then the three little yellow men in white coats dragged away calmly.

It's like dragging away a frozen salted fish.

For Kevin this guy. . The other little yellow people have been dissatisfied for a long time. They paddled the water and touched the fish every day. They didn’t work hard. The troubles they caused were always the most. Even among the little yellow people, the amount of trouble they caused was enough to make people Sideways.

After all, it is lucky Kevin, but its luck is sometimes accompanied by letting the friends around it get lucky patronage, but more often. . It will make the little friends around it feel more and more unfortunate.




Seeing that she was dragged away from her goddess farther and farther. . Kevin didn’t pretend to be dead anymore. He grabbed the ground with three fingers in black gloves to try to stop his body, but unfortunately, the power of a little yellow man is as big as the three little yellow men, so it only Howling, it was slowly dragged away.

On that side, with Kevin's screams getting further and further away, Yi Chou shrugged innocently to Rocky.

"Any wizard must have his own assistant."

"For example, people from Ompalompa, house elves, Eluru cats, Grid witch... ah no, Smurfs..."

Rocky looked at you with a funny expression on my face. Anyway, she had never heard of these things, and she didn't have any so-called assistants.

But she has also become accustomed to Yi Biao's way of speaking, things she can't understand. . Then there is no need to care, although it is very unpleasant.

Because Loki is very clear, it is because she has a lot of things that she doesn't understand and don't know, so she can't understand what Yi Biao said.

Although she knew that all of this knowledge was derived from other parallel worlds, she was still very upset about her self-styled knowledge.

In the conversation room, the remaining little yellow people have set up a rough laboratory look nearby, and the remaining unexpanded equipment are all large items, and the surrounding space is already not enough. In order to spread out completely.

Through this scene, Rocky turned the topic abruptly.

"Now let's talk about what the experiment is."

"I'm curious..."

"You would give up the original purpose... and stay."

There are words in Rocky's words. Yi Huo's original purpose was not known to her, but she can guess it. After all, he took himself and his fellow to constantly shuttle through the world of mutants, and most of the words were prominent. How powerful the mutant is, the real purpose must be related to the mutant.

But now he did not hesitate to decide to give up the mutants temporarily. . Then turned to this experiment, the importance of the experiment is naturally self-evident.

Of course, there are more sarcasm in Rocky's words, how to ridicule Yi Chou not continue to advocate how powerful the mutant is, what new Midgart. . It doesn't sound like kicking Asgard, it seems to be okay to punch and fight.

After all, she was Loki, and she didn't laugh at two words, but I was sorry for her god's name.

Yi Xiao turned to the rear and looked at the prototype of the laboratory set up by the little yellow people.


The prototype of the laboratory that has been built so far is not large. There are still many large appliances that are not put out, but piled up next to it, but the hall of more than 100 square meters is still packed.

The periphery of the laboratory is a lot of unknown equipment, such as the brain computer that should be eliminated early, and the brain computer that was used in the last century. There are also many very high-tech virtual projection devices that are connected to high places. Several large screens and colorful flashing lights.

Countless virtual projections are suspended in the air or floating on the ground, slowly rotating, the light and projection images are like searchlights that light up the hall of this ancient temple, the data is being calculated quickly, and soon there will be more 'S projection is formed nearby, combined with the well-placed laboratory, it seems to be completing and rehearsing.

These devices have many styles and ages, and they are not the same, ranging from the brain computers that look like the last century to the rugged appearance. . It is not like a computing device produced by the earth at all. There are also more delicate materials filled with future colors, just like small scientific instruments that have leapt into the technological level for hundreds of thousands of years.

They are combined with each other without the slightest confusion and conflict, just like the hard work of a craziest scientist, but the absurdity contains the beauty of science.

There is no conflict even with the surrounding magnificent temples. The ancient stone walls are made up of dim yellow bricks, exuding the same ancient colors, but when combined with the rugged technological creations below, there is no point Suddenly.

The rotating and projected virtual scene illuminates the wall as if a scene of stars has been lit, and the star map of Henggu's existence has been drawn.

It is like a relic left by a prehistoric civilization.

But this is not yet complete.

The entire outer room of the equipment room is covered by some kind of transparent glass lock, and then divided by blocks to form an independent laboratory room, which is roughly divided into three blocks, respectively in front and left, leaving the whole block in the middle Came out.

This is indeed the original pattern of the laboratory, though. . The original laboratory had several layers.

So Yi Chao took a step forward.

Because of insufficient space, the work of the small yellow people came to an end temporarily after the infrastructure was unfolded. It was necessary to wait for Yi Biao to solve this problem before proceeding.

At this time, the little yellow people were chatting together and noisy, but apart from Kevin, they immediately took a step back, another step, and then another step after they saw Yi Biao's actions. . Until I clung myself to the wall.

. . Then rushed out three little yellow men in white coats, and pulled Kevin who was still sitting in the chair in front of the console back and forth into the queue.

"Get up."

Looking around, Yi Chou's hands were raised in vain. With his movements, the whole temple suddenly began to tremble slightly.

The ground is rolling, and the walls seem to be shaking. At the next moment, the rising mound is like a towering tree, and it is rising wildly against the three laboratories. . All the way up to a height of five or six meters, this slowly stopped.

However, there is still only less than half of the top of the hall close to a dozen meters in height.

The surrounding walls also started to tremble madly, and then in the rumbling roar, the magnificent wall began to move, as if it was pushed by some invisible force, such as a building block toy spliced ​​together, by a pair of big hands. Push back, then move to the left or right to give way.

But dangerously and dangerously, with the movement of the wall, there is no abnormality at the top of the main hall above, and it is still very sturdy and firmly guarding the whole temple, protecting it from the wind and rain.

The shaking of the whole temple lasted about half a minute, waiting for the shaking to stop completely. . The face of Yi Chou's people has been reopened again, several times as large as before.

The surrounding walls were pushed outwards for one reason, and the other reason was that three laboratories with a large area were raised to mid-air by Yi Xiao, which was close to the wall by a height of four or five meters, forming a The second floor cloister.

Supporting this circle of second-floor corridors are some clay pillars.

"Click! Click!"

However, with the sound of peeling eggshells, the mud surface of the stone pillar cracked, and the soil fell down, and then exposed the reinforced concrete that did not know where it grew.

At this moment, this ancient temple was brought to the atmosphere of modern architecture. . It's like a mining site.

The second-floor corridor has been stabilized. This is where the experimental data is collected and the experimental process is controlled. Whether it is an arrogant or a little yellow man, he will usually stay here.

Looking down the corridor on the second floor, there are several other square glass rooms below, but this time there is no longer a variety of dazzling control equipment. . There is only a icy, square console like a freezer, and a bed.

A bed connected to the console, a cold operating table.

There are only two transparent glass rooms underneath, in two corners, which are far away, leaving a lot of space. . Although Yi Xiao has stopped using savage human experiments, the necessary experiments and observations are still necessary.

So there are only two operating tables.

And between the operating tables, the most central position below the entire hall, which is also the core thing, is five huge golden yellow stone slabs.

They assume the shape of a five-pointed star called placement. . It was like a huge magic circle.

The slate is about two people tall and two people wide. They are not square and square, but they are almost the same. The surface looks uneven and uneven, and the surroundings are also uneven.

There is a strange pattern on the front of the slate. This pattern is not like something regular, but more like a trace of graffiti after the work is randomly wiped.

Of the five stone slabs, four of them have such marks that have been wiped a lot, and only one is blank. . Purely blank surface.

In addition to the unevenness, the stone has surface pits, and there are no other marks that have been scratched.

As for the other four. . If you look closely, you can still find something in the traces. For example, these patterns look like a complete pattern.

Once complete pattern.

Yes, this pattern is not a generally strange pattern, such as the magic pattern commonly used by Yi Chou, it is more like a graffiti painting in the true sense, or a stick figure.

A few simple strokes have outlined a complete pattern. Although the pattern seems to be very simple, it can indeed distinguish the meaning of the representative.

it seems that. . Dragon, some kind of monster, looks like the existence of a bat, or something.

This is seen from a stone slab, through the complex and incomplete pattern on it. . Of course, more associativity and imagination than recognition skills.

But no matter whether they are just slate for graffiti, or what other uses, they can be placed in the center of the entire experiment, the importance is beyond doubt.

Obviously, they are the core existence.

The second princess can also be seen. . But Loki stared at it for a long time and didn't see any clues, so he no longer wasted brain cells, waiting for Yi Chou to explain.

"This experiment is actually very similar to the magic I am best at..."

"Fantasy, materialized, real..."

"Do you know Bogut."

Yi Chou suddenly asked.

Then, unsurprisingly, Loki stared at Yi Chou with indifferent eyes, then calmly said, "No."

"That's a very interesting little thing."

Yi Chou apparently had expected it, and it seemed to be just asking casually. . Soon he spoke again.

"They can be deformed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ deformed at will, deformed freely, and become anything."

"But the most interesting thing is."

Yi Xiao turned around and looked at Loki.

"They can become the most feared thing in your heart... Even if it's because of fear, you never face them."

Loki frowned slightly, but still maintained her arrogance, and seemed to disdain everything Yi Yi said. . This is also her expression most of the time.

"But of course, I don't have that bad taste."

Yi Xao suddenly turned his painting style, put his hand on the handle of the escalator on the second floor corridor, and looked at the five stone slabs below.

"What I'm better at is... tapping the truth."

"Then I will ask you a question."

"What do you think... what are you."

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