High Magic Earth

Chapter 1627: Come to a wave of titles

Faintly, he opened his eyes from the deep darkness.

The golden light flows in these eyes, the delicate gravel is like a gentle river, the surging waves are the endless golden desert, and the rolling sand waves are like the rising tide, and the end can not be seen at a glance.

The mysterious breath gathers in these eyes, and the golden light rotates slowly, like a deep sea vortex with substance, as if it can sweep around everything, matter, soul, and even time seems to be absorbed into it. .

And at the moment when these eyes gaze at the world again, the whole world seems to be frozen, as if time pauses in its eyes, or trembling.

This time of interference seems to be only for a moment, in a flash, the world comes back to life, the sky becomes exceptionally blue, the flowing white clouds become clearer, and even the dry desert sea seems to become exceptional Bright.

The sound of rustling flowing and the noise of the wind came from my ears. This is the sound of life and the rhythm of the world running.

"Slaughter Goddess..."

The owner of the eyes murmured.

The next moment, a touch of **** silk thread suddenly appeared on his face, spreading all around the eye socket, and soon wrapped the entire eye.

The **** silk thread formed a weird pattern around the eyes, and from the beginning, only the blood vessel-like thickness of the eyeliner quickly spread into a brow-like width.

These strange lines are delicately outlined around the eyes, and quickly make the owner of the eyes look like two pairs of eyes.

Eye of Horus.

And at the same time, the **** silk thread also began to spread within the eyes, along the white eyeballs, just like the bloodshot bloodshot blood.

But it is far denser than the tiny bloodshot, and it is also more terrible and terrible.

As the blood-colored threads filled out, a desire full of tyranny and unreasonable destruction instantly mixed into the mysterious atmosphere.

It was like the pure water mixed with a ray of ink, and everything in a flash swept into deep darkness and unreasonable tyranny.

Scarlet eyes stared at the world.

Then in the next moment, Dastan, suspended in the air, ignored the surrounding gravity-free field, and sat upright as if not affected at all. At the same moment, his body fell naturally and his feet stepped on this piece again. In the desert, the whole movement was flowing, and even the slightest waves were not lifted.

By the time he stood up again, the whole person's mental appearance seemed to have been completely restored, and he got rid of the confusion that had just woken up from a deep sleep and exuded a new feeling.

"Slaughter goddess... strange..."

Dustan murmured again.

"I smell the goddess of slaughter...but wait, all the companions are gone, why..."

"Why do I feel the trace of the massacre..."

Dustan was puzzled.

"I see, it's another timeline."

As a time assassin, Dastan is very skilled in traveling through time. Whether it is quickly adjusting his state or thinking rhythm, his acceptance ability is also very strong.

And as a time traveler's instinct, when he encounters something that he can't understand for a while, he always thinks whether it will be the timeline.

But then he rejected this possibility himself.

"No... impossible, the goddess of slaughter should not exist on all timelines..."

Just because he was a time assassin, Dastan knew more about the consequences of that war. In addition to their inherent characteristics of time, everyone else, including strong and weak. . None of them exist.

It was completely wiped out from the timeline.

So why. .

Dalstein's eyes flickered, and the Horus pattern around his eyes gave off a lilac-like black gloss, and the scarlet light was fleeting. Then, immediately after his eyes, a distinct pale golden gloss began to gather in his eyes.

The light golden luster soon condensed into a substance in his eyes, forming a small golden dot, swaying left and right, like a delicate and small hanging clock.

This light is mysterious and magnificent, exuding a breath that seems to leap above all things in the world. . It's a pity that a mixture of irritability and madness mixed it up, disrupting all this and making it feel worse in an instant.

The bell swayed in Dalstein's pupils, and his gaze looked into the distance, falling on the horizon of the Napasa Sea under the setting sun.

"It seems I am going to go in person..."

. . .

Old Tum felt he had a deep dream.

But now comes the morning, dream. . Woke up.


The old Thum in his sleep coughed suddenly, as if something was choking, and his mouth spouted a strong smell of drunkenness and wine. . He was half awake, but he sucked his lips and turned around, curling his body to the corner of the wall. He continued to squint like a dream, unwilling to wake up.

what. . The last time I slept so relaxed, it was still in the city of Earlse, because at that time a group of sand robbers were constantly attacking the city of Earl, trying to pry open the shell of this fat crab.

As a small business transit station that is not affluent, although the city of Else is called a city, it is actually just a larger town, and the whole city of Else has only more than a thousand people. . The only effect is to be used as a transit point by caravans here in many ways.

For example, the Slave Caravan.

Old Tum is a member of the Slave Caravan, but not as a caravan member, but as a caravan merchandise. . slave.

Although there are unscientific guys such as mutants, slavery still exists. In other words, mutants will not affect slavery at all, and the two are completely irrelevant.

This is actually the main reason why later generations of variants are regarded as aliens by ordinary people and cannot always be integrated into ordinary people.

Ordinary people think that mutants are special. In fact, mutants themselves think they are aliens. They never think about what contribution they will make to this world and this society. They will only continue to try to find fairness, or just everywhere Get in trouble.

The troubles they cause will always be greater than their contribution. . Not to mention those who hate mutants, even those who don’t hate mutants in the first place, for a long time, they will hate mutants over time.

It is estimated that the mutants do not know themselves, even if they are wise like Professor x. . Authoritarian fans.

Although there are mutants in this world, they are like um. . It is said that a group of pests is too much, but it is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that they are a group of people living outside the world.

Fight aliens, save the earth, maintain the peace of the universe, and ensure the stability of the timeline. . What they are doing is really too tall, and they are not integrated into ordinary people at all, and ordinary people are completely the existence of two worlds.

Although they seem to protect ordinary people invisibly, they are ordinary people's defensive nets, but in fact they will not bring much change to ordinary people's ordinary lives.

In other words, there is no impact on them without them.

The existence of mutants neither erased slavery. . Even if they are above the ordinary people, there are still differences in identity and class between ordinary people, but there is a variant human **** on the head as the master.

Nor did it exacerbate the existence of slavery, the temples became more and more, and the buildings became larger and larger. It seemed that more slaves were needed as coolies, but the mutants themselves have extraordinary powers, and many large buildings are They waved their hands and built it directly.

In short, even if there were more mutants, there was no major distortion in the development of civilization in ancient Egypt.

Old Tum. . It was a slave under the slavery of ancient Egypt.

Although he is called Old Tum, it sounds like he is sixty or seventy years old, but it is not the case. In fact, he is only forty years old, that is, the age of forty years old, maybe a man in middle age in later generations, but in this Times, he can indeed be called an old man.

After all, the average age of human beings in this period is very short. People between the ages of 50 and 40 are already considered to have a long life.

What's more, Old Tum was a slave with a high mortality rate.

Most slaves are difficult to live for three to five years, because the slave has only two endings, enter the arena, or be bought as a slave.

Needless to say the former, the ultra-low survival rate of three to five years was pulled down by the arena, not all slaves were prisoners of war captured and defeated on the battlefield, and many people were simply killed because of sand thieves. Ordinary civilian trafficked.

They often couldn't even survive the first fight.

Become a slave and live longer. As long as you don’t make any mistakes or encounter extremely brutal masters, most slaves will be safe.

Those who can be selected as slaves are undoubtedly very lucky, because only a very small part of slaves will be bought and selected as slaves.

Because not so many slaves are needed.

God. . There is no need for a servant. He has a messenger of God. Even if the messenger of God and other nobles, large and small, will also choose slaves, the number required is still not much.

The mortality rate of slaves is very low. Because of this, the number of supplements is not much. More slaves will still be sent to the arena.

In this case, Old Tum can live to such an advanced age. . It is rare.

And because of this chaotic and expansive era, the old Tum's 40-year experience is a life experience that most people don't even think about, even in the eyes of most people in the future.

Lurid, strange, crazy and poor, full of pain and despair, as well. . A trace of life's open-mindedness and free and easy.

The city of Earlse is an ordinary experience in Old Tuum's rich life.

Sand thieves attacked the city of Earlsee, trying to open the gate of the town, looting the wealth and women inside, and the caravans in the town naturally had to fight hard to resist.

At the time, there were three caravans in the city of Earlsee. Except for Old Tum’s slave caravan, the other two caravans carried goods.

Not all caravans are big chambers of commerce. . Even if it is looted once, it can still make a comeback. Many caravans will have nothing if they encounter a sandstorm and a sand thief.

Everyone is fighting hard to resist, including the slave caravan where Old Tum is. Although the slaves are not as valuable as the goods, they do not think that once the city is broken, the bandits will let themselves go.

Although one more person is more powerful, even at the most critical moment, the old Tuum and others who were slaves were not released to help them fight back the sand thieves.

The slave is a slave after all, unlike the people in the slave caravan.

Although there are many slaves who are ordinary civilians, there are also many slaves who are prisoners of war who were captured on the battlefield. The slaves are mixed, and it is difficult to say that they will not cause trouble.

Rather than helping, it is a further extinction.

After all, there are a lot of sand robbers that are made up of runaway slaves.

So old Tum and others waited quietly in the cell. . The slave caravan won, they would have nothing to do, the slave caravan defeated, they also would have nothing to do.

Sand thieves won't catch them, and then part-time slave caravans, they always come and go without a trace, so either let them join or abandon them here.

As for killing. . The ghost knows if there are any elite soldiers defeated among the slaves. Sand robbers are very sorry. Unless some famous perverts, they will not do such thankless things.

The flames outside the battle, the slaves in the prison were very comfortable. . There is no need for all-day work, and no advance training for gladiators, all they need is waiting.

Waiting for the result of this offensive and defensive battle.

Old Tum can’t remember how long this attack on Earl City lasted. He only knew that in the muddy nightmare, he slept and slept again, woke up and continued to sleep for several days. . Then the thieves lost.

Because another caravan came over and prepared to take a break, and left the sand thieves who were almost at the end of the crossbow.

and so. . Old Tum's slave career continues.

But he didn't care, anyway, he has been here for most of his life.

Sure enough, he continued to be thrown as a cannon foe gladiator, and survived from the first game with many years of experience~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There were more scars on his chest, and then. . His gladiator went bankrupt.

It seems that some ace gladiator made him lose a lot of money.

Old Thum became a slave again. In this way, after many ups and downs again, he was lucky to come to this holy city where the **** is.


then. . The first time he saw a miracle, the real miracle was also the most wonderful moment in his life.

Countless fine wines, fine wines he has never seen, even smelling, intoxicating fine wines, and rich and rich food, countless fruits he has never seen, and exquisite foods that he doesn’t even know, even I can't guess the name. A long table filled with fragrant food and wine has even overflowed.

On the ground, on long tables, on stools, there is fine food everywhere. . Old Tum knew he was dreaming, but this dream was so real.

Not only can he smell the aroma of food, taste the taste of food, he can even feel the intoxicating taste of that beautiful wine. .

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