High Magic Earth

Chapter 1628: This kid is serious. .

The mist came from nowhere, like the mirage on the sea that lured the sailors to lose, slowly dispersing around this rich food feast, wrapping the long table, the ground, and even the old Tum.

A lingering song slowly floated out of the mist, wrapped around the ear, as if it could be straight into the soul and heart.

The sumptuous delicacy is in front of him, but Old Tum did not rush to enjoy it, but closed his eyes slightly, listening carefully to the singing voice with his ears.

Then the next moment, his body moved slightly, as if to make a defensive posture, but he endured it.

The mist in the ear was broken, and a white slender jade hand extended from it, slightly over his ear, and then picked up a bunch of clear grapes from the table, slowly withdrawn, and sent to old Tumon Some cracked mouth.

Old Tumu's old rocky face cracked a smile, and then opened his mouth calmly, slowly chewing the juicy grapes, just like tasting the most delicious fruit in the world.

Although he is a slave, Old Tum is not short of women, whether they are slaves who are also slaves, or they are rewarded before they go to the arena.

As an old man who lived in his forties, Old Tum had never seen anything.

So even if I came to a strange place in a blink of an eye, and even filled with the food he had never seen before, it seemed that there was something even more wonderfully hidden in the mist. . Old Tum was not surprised either, because he didn't think there was anything else that would alarm him.

It's nothing more than some good food, but nothing. . What. .

"Pull on everything..."

Old Tum's mouth grew slightly, and his turbid eyes stared.

The fog is slowly fading away, re-exposing everything that was covered up in the vicinity. The original surrounding seemed to be a darkness that could not be seen, but now I don’t know when, it has been replaced by a magnificent building like a temple.

Surrounded by walls, the magnificent wall exudes a golden yellow luster, and the burning red torch is inserted diagonally between the gaps of the wall, forming a whole, which illuminates the whole wall exceptionally brilliantly.

But the most striking thing is the beautiful and beautiful temple maid. . Or saint.

Old Tum vowed that he had never seen such a beautiful woman.

In memory, one of the most beautiful aristocratic women that Old Tum has seen should be in a building called Cypriot. . What city.

It was a big city with shrines and aristocratic territories, and a noble lady invited them to visit her house. . In addition to the lady, there are many maids there.

Of course, the noble lady certainly did not go to Old Tum, but at that time another strong gladiator under his slave master, it seemed like a name. . Thracians of Sparta.

But old Tum still deceived a young little maid with rich experience. . It was a wonderful night.

The lady at the time was the most beautiful woman that Old Tum had seen in so many years. He was mature and exuded a charming peach-like atmosphere. Unfortunately, Old Tum was already old, but he could not fight those young gladiators. It may become a new star in the arena, so this tempting fruit cannot be picked.

In fact, Old Tum also knew that even if he was 20 years younger, he could not be the opponent of the elite soldiers who retreated on the battlefield.

Some people are born gladiators. They go to the arena and will only make their skills more exquisite and fierce in the fights.

However, even if some people survived the first game, then, it was just going on.

Old Tumu is living, but he is lucky and seems to be able to survive forever.

The lady was the most beautiful woman in Old Tuum's memory, and any slave, maid, or other lady he met again was far behind her.

And in memory, it has been about ten years.

But now, everything that Old Tuum sees at this moment, every woman, even every face, is far more beautiful and enchanting than the lady in memory. . Not even a level of existence at all.

Perhaps these beautiful women who don’t look like humans don’t have that kind of maturity, but Old Tum still can’t deny their beautiful essence, and not all of them are green fruits. The women here are all young and natural. Thum's favorite.

Exquisite, rich and unimaginably rich food, beautiful, almost beautiful to human-like woman. . Where is this temple?

Is this really the dwelling place of God? .

Even with the help of old Tum for more than 40 years, almost traversing the life experience of Egypt, it is inevitable that there will be a moment of distraction.

But the absence was short-lived, because in the next moment, countless weak and boneless, as if slender white arms that had been cut off at the touch of a chance, he entangled his body, entwined like a sea snake.

Wine, food, beauty. .

Old Thum closed his eyes and immediately put his head full of doubts away. He didn't need to care where it was, just to enjoy the moment. .

There was a little speculation in his vagueness. Perhaps he was dreaming, because there was nothing in the dream, but he was able to taste the sweet taste of food, the intoxicating taste of fine wine, and that. .

But in the next moment, Old Tuom had already forgotten the question of whether it was a dream or a non-dream, and then fell into this dreamland completely.

. . .

"Old Tum! Old Tum!"

While old Tum half-dreamed and awakened greedily in memory of the dream-like memories of last night, a childish voice appeared in his ears, and someone on the arm felt pushing him.

The impatient wrinkle was enough to catch the brow of the fly. Old Tum decided to be too lazy to ignore the sound and snorted. He moved his body, rolled over, and continued to curl up in the corner, as if praying to continue to recall dreams. Illusory experience.

But obviously, the owner of the voice did not intend to give up easily.

"Old Tum, wake up, old Tum."

The sound continued, and the force pushing Old Tum's arm was getting stronger and clearer.

And soon, with more and more lucid thinking, Old Tum could no longer maintain the feeling of half-dreaming and half-waking.

He could feel the cold wind around him becoming clearer, and he could feel the hustle and bustle of the surrounding being drilling into his ears.

With a helpless sigh in his heart, Old Tum opened his eyes.

"Do what, little Dora."

At the moment when Old Tum opened his eyes, the dream-like experiences and memories of last night burst out like a bubble, and seemed to leave him completely, like a fading tide.

Some kind of relaxed feeling swept through his body, cold and cool, like drilling out of a jar of sticky candy with pink bubbles and returning to a real world.

What you see in the eyes is that the prosperous and hustle and bustle of the holy city of Saloa, every brick and tile around. . The incomparable truth, exceptional truth and cold ice form a strong contrast and gap with that dreamy experience.

And as the restless and fiery heart gradually cooled, that memory seemed to be quickly quiet, and soon old Tum was not so deep when he recalled his experience last night.

No longer seems to be a personal experience, but becomes more like a dream, confined in bubbles, familiar and strange, so beautiful and dreamy, but fragile, it will break.

Everything seems to explain that it is just a beautiful dream, and the previous sense of realism is only that he was deceiving himself by speculating himself, but. .

Old Tum licked the ditch under his lips, and the intoxicating delicacy remained, with the intoxicating fragrance and intoxication.

. . Is that really just a dream?

However, as life is over half, or even all the old Tum, although he said that there is still a long distance from the desirelessness, the various desires and desires are actually not so strong.

It doesn't matter whether this experience is true or false, dream or real.

Old Tumu looked around with his turbid eyes. This holy city has been living for half a year because of life. . After all, we still have to continue.

Let it be the most beautiful memory forever in his memories until death.

"Old Tum, old Tum."

Seeing that Old Tum opened his eyes, but still too lazy to take care of himself, Xiao Dora could not help shaking Old Tum's arm again twice.

Then Old Tum's eyes moved, and his cloudy eyes fell on Xiaodola's body.

Little Dora, it’s not that there is a small character in the name, but like old Tum, Old Tum is too old, and it is also a small legend among the slaves, so people call him Old Tum. Has become a habit.

And Dora, because he is still young, about fifteen years old, is not a soldier who was captured by the defeat of the war, may be a civilian who was ruined by his family, or a slave or the like after birth. Identity.

There are many slaves like Little Dora, far from being as rare as Old Tum, this very young slave will be habitually put a small in front of the name, Little Dora, Little Samur, and so on .

Little Dora is like that.

Slaves do not have surnames. Whether they are Dora or Tum, they only have first names. Even if they have surnames, such as the defeated soldiers and nobles, if no one is redeemed, they will be completely reduced to slaves and will be deprived. Have the right of surname and be given a new name.

Old Tom’s name, which is more memorable, was a defeated Thracian slave who was given the name Spartacus. . He always felt that the name was unclear.

As for Little Dora, Old Tum did not know his origin and life background, and he did not care. At the age of forty, the long slave life made him accustomed to the life and death of countless people.

Even a young slave like Little Dora died before him, not a few thousand, but a few hundred.

Even if his heart couldn't, it would have been numb.

"What to do... Little Dora."

Old Tum asked lazily again.

"At noon, we will go to the temple with Lord Aishin!"

Little Dora's tone is very interesting, with a good news to share with the excitement of good friends.

Old Tumu stunned slightly.

They have been in this holy city of Saloa for half a year, and their life is not bad. Because Saloa has no arena, so they will not be driven into slavery by a slave owner who has no business. The field becomes the background and victim in a short moment of cheering.

At first they came to this holy city, it seems that it was because of something to be built here. . Although there are the magical powers of the **** messenger adults, many cannon fodders are still needed.

So they came.

However, the construction plan has not been started, and now half a year has passed, and even their owner, Ayshain, is a little bit overwhelmed.

If the construction work is not carried out. . I'm afraid he will take them out of the city and go elsewhere.

It’s just that in any case, the existence of the temple has nothing to do with their slaves. The temple can only be visited by messengers or great people. Unless they need to repair the temple, they don’t need to go at all. Eligible to go to the temple.

So this kind of doubt was flashed in the old Tuum's heart for a moment, after he was thrown back into the brain, he didn't think about it anymore.

He has passed the age of curiosity, and. . As a slave, there are actually not so many options to choose from, right?

Tapping again, enjoying the aftertaste, Old Tum nodded indifferently.

But Dora apparently didn't realize his inattentiveness, and still chattered nonstop. . After all, the little guy of this age is still a child, although his identity is a slave.

Although Old Tum did not want to listen to such useless nonsense, he was very patient.

One of the reasons is that they are too boring. Without the arena, there are no ladies who try to invite them to be guests, and there is no coolie task. The only thing they have to do every day is to stay there, and then daze, or receive training. . Gladiator training.

However, these people like Old Tum don’t need it anymore. They went to the arena ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are also cannon fodder, because the training also needs gold coins to support, the training of gladiators will only select those strong potential slaves, and Will not choose them.

The second is. . Long life experience tells Old Tum that news is the most valuable thing, and valuable information is often hidden in humble nonsense, as long as you are willing to screen and think carefully.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong, and listening to Xiao Doola bragging and complaining here can be regarded as a way to kill time.

Old Thum's body is old, he doesn't like to move, most of his daily knowledge of the outside world comes from Xiaodola.

In fact, even Old Tum himself did not find that most of the people who communicated with him on weekdays were little Dora, who was the closest to him.

Although he doesn't think so in his heart, in fact, he is much more friendly to Xiao Dora than other slaves.

It's like watching a growing younger generation.

And soon, in the nagging of Dora, half a morning. . It passed.

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