High Magic Earth

Chapter 1629: It’s your fault if you don’t sell

"Get up, get up!"

"Don't be lazy, you pigs!"

"Bang!" The door was pushed open fiercely. The slave owner Aisha shouted loudly in the mouth and walked in with five tall black thugs.

Seeing the evil master coming home, staying lazily in this room is not so much a prison as an open-air hall or a large open-air yard. Slaves lying or leaning against the walls have stood up.

Old Thum is no exception.

In fact, although it is called the evil master, in fact, Ayshain is not a brutal slave owner. Perhaps this is also related to his being a little slave owner. The slave is his property, and the slave is his wealth, strong or fine. The more slaves fighting, the more money he can make.

Aisha was too late to love the slaves. . How could the slaves be treated brutally at will.

Unless the slaves make some unforgivable mistakes, such as Mrs. XX, or rebellion, instigation of riots, etc., Ayshain will punish or even execute those slaves. In most cases, Ayshain Apart from being stingy and harsh on the slaves, they would not harm them maliciously.

but. . That is, Ayshain is a little slave owner. If he is a big slave owner, I am afraid he will not care about the life and death of these slaves.

Brutal training, strict rules, even if there are slaves in this wear and tear or death, slavers who have a large loss rate can withstand it.

It would not be possible to trade for a small book like Ayshain. The dozen or so slaves under one hundred can be said to be all his belongings, every casualty. . That's all shiny money.

"You swarms of pigs!"

"It's simply the favor of the Sun God, at noon today! You will go to the temple with me! To pay respect to the great shore and glory of God!"

Ayshain's voice is very loud, and being able to enter the temple is also a supreme glory for him. After all, those who can enter the temple are either messengers of God, that is, mutants, or nobles and officials , The ruling class among ordinary people.

Even the mutants need these rulers to manage and rule other ordinary people. After all, the scarcity of mutants is a factor. In addition, being a mutant does not mean that you have the natural talent to become a superior. .

After all, besides possessing special supernatural powers, mutants are no different from humans in character, and natural talents are also good and bad.

Those who can set foot in the temple are all identities and nobles. Even the big slave owners and the big merchants of the caravan are not qualified to enter, not to mention the small slave owners like Ayshain.

So he was very excited to learn that he could enter the temple to admire the glory of God, and even his face was flushed red, and he looked a little ridiculous.

"What do we do in the temple."

But at this time, there was a discordant voice among the slaves below.

Aishin was very familiar with this voice. As soon as he heard it, he immediately dropped his face and became impatient. He said angrily, "Hosette, why are you talking so much nonsense, am I not clear enough."

The young slave named Hosette below shrugged, his muscular muscles shivered like a golden sand wave under the sunlight, and then perfunctoryly said, "Clear enough, clear enough."

Ai Xia nodded in satisfaction.

As the most capable man among the slaves, Hosset earned him a lot of glory in the arena. Of course, there is still a lot of money and the favor of many ladies, which is already a very good horn. The fighter is gone.

However, Housset is still some distance away from those big cities and the top gladiators in the big gladiator field, but he also sits firmly in the name of Ayshain's strongest gladiator. In these small rural cities, his level is actually It is already a top-notch gladiator.

Faced with such a cash cow, Ai Xia naturally beats and scolds because he will not easily, as long as it is not a big problem, he will pass with one eye closed.

As the chief gladiator of Ayshain, Hosette still has this privilege.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Hussein's troubles. He just has a cheaper mouth, so there are no other big problems.

This is the reason why Ayshain always tolerates him, otherwise if Hussein always wants to run away or rebel against the slave owner, even if he can fight again, Ayshain will not let him go.

Even the more such Husset can fight, the faster he will die.

After all, the slave owner is a slave owner. He cannot allow a slave who is malicious to himself or that threatens his life and status to survive.

In their eyes, slaves are still goods, but the value is slightly different. . Whether the loss will be distressed.

Seeing that the slaves were standing in the open air hall, Ai Xia Yin nodded again with satisfaction.

Ai Xia Yin is a middle-aged person, about the age of more than thirty years old, in this era, people have become older.

But it may be because of the black heart business, as a slave owner, he does not lack food, wear well, and use it well, so the maintenance is also good, and it does not look as old as old Tum.

His appearance was a bit ridiculous, and he was totally unconnected with the handsome. . Instead, it can be associated with ugliness.

From middle age to middle age, the baldness crisis threatens everyone, every era, every man in every country, and Aishin is one of the victims. There is not much hair on his head, just on the edge of the head There is a shallow layer.

In fact, this is not a big problem. After all, because of the hot climate, many people put a layer of cloth on the top of their heads, and a white cloth, they can’t see any baldness.

What's more, the shameless can also shave a bald head, bald head is not uncommon here, such a hot day. . The black beaters who followed Ai Xiain were a bald head.

But obviously, Aishin did not want to shave his head or wrap a cloth around his head, so he still left a light layer of hair on his head.

This made him look very ridiculous, like the missionaries with St. Peter's hair style in the Middle Ages.

But Egypt does not believe in Catholicism.

In addition to the ugly hairstyle with a different style of painting, Ai Xia's appearance is not linked to handsomeness at all. The red-brown skin caused by the sun exposure, the thin body, and the slightly sinister face and appearance make him look at the whole person. It seems very cunning.

It also fits the image of a cunning and greedy slave owner. . But compared to those in their twenties, they are closer to their thirties, which is the pinnacle of the age of these people. Although they are not handsome, with the support of money, they look like humanoids and dress up the magnificent slave owners. The attractiveness for ladies is much worse.

This is one of the main reasons why Ayshain and his slaves did not often receive invitations from ladies.

Poor appearance. . After all, people are visual animals, even people in this era.

"Okay, everyone went to take a bath, cleaned up for me, and then we went..."

"Why choose us?"

Ai Xia Yin raised his voice, preparing to lead the slaves to the rear of the open courtyard, where there was a large bathroom, and the water had been drained.

Entering the temple, although not invited by those noble ladies, it must be sorted out in order to show respect for God.

But before he finished speaking, the voice that made his eyelids jump again appeared below.

"I said, how are we so lucky this time."

Glancing at Hosette fiercely, Ayshain said angrily, "How come you have so many problems, shut your mouth clean and take a shower!"

Hosette shrugged, not arguing with Aishin.

Soon, a group of slaves lazily walked to the public bathroom in the backyard with the black thugs around.

Looking at his group of mobile gold coins, Ayshain sighed inwardly.

In fact, he didn't know the answer to Hosett's question, and he was whispering in his heart. . Why did they suddenly choose them?

Ai Xia Yin and his slaves were inconspicuous in the Holy City.

The news that the Holy City is going to build new large buildings has long been released, and many slave owners have driven their slaves over. . Although there is no specific engineering news in the holy city for more than half a year, a part of the slave owners and slaves have been left, but there are still thousands of people, or even nearly ten thousand people.

It can be said that the number of slaves in the holy city of Saloah is absolutely not to be seen.

Among them, there are some large slave masters, and even many of the slaves are elite gladiators who have survived several battlefields, and he. . It's just a little slave owner. Not only are there a small number of slaves, but most of them are old, weak and sick.

Whatever they think, it seems that they will not get their turn.

There is also the invitation of your wife, not to say that their luck is bad, only that Aishin’s business is too small to be famous in the arena, and there are not so many high-quality and strong slaves for the ladies. Choose, make them feel satisfied, naturally they will not choose them.

Of course, Ai Xia Yin can still change hands and resell some slaves to earn some money. Otherwise, if he has not been able to make money, let alone feed so many slaves, even he himself will go bankrupt and become a slave.

However, compared with those big slave owners, they earn less, compared with ordinary civilians, Ai Xiayin made a lot of money.

Arena. . But the profiteering industry.

Greece and later Rome were the most popular. The Egyptian arena was not as popular at this time, but it did not develop into the activity that attracted the attention of the country like the Rome of later generations.

There are still open public arenas, and they are still very popular. For the excitement in this arena, those nobles and officials will also spend a lot of money.

Of course, Aishin's slave team. . Still the most obscure member.

There are actually many small slave owners like Aishin who have only a few hundred slaves. Aishin has no handsome appearance and no outstanding slaves under his hands. Naturally, there will be no special places. Extra attention.

So this time I suddenly received a declaration from a messenger of God. . To enter the temple, Ayshain actually didn't know what the reason was, and even murmured in her heart.

If it is not that there are more and more mutants, the legends and majesty of the gods are getting weaker and weaker. In recent years, the blood sacrifice has been steadily decreasing, and it has even reached a point where there is basically no. A grand blood sacrifice is held at birth.

That's a new god. .

Like Old Tum, Ayshain has been staying in the holy city of Saloa, and naturally experienced the night of the gods gift last night.

Yes, Yi Yi used magic last night to try to create a miracle comparable to a miracle. It was indeed regarded as a miracle by this group of ancient Egyptians who didn’t know anything, and a special name was quickly circulated in the city. Proper nouns born from this miracle.

The night of gods gifts.

Everyone who stays in the holy city is included in the scope of this miracle, whether it is the Elder Twilight or the child who knows nothing, whether it is a sturdy gladiator, or will die in the next moment. Loser in the arena.

They were all drawn into the gifts of the gods.

This miracle is beyond the imagination of mortals. The twilight old man who has experienced the whole life will be amazed. Even children who do not understand will grow up quickly in the center of God, enjoy everything, and then forget everything, even the dying His life will be frozen, everything will wait until the miracles, then the dust will settle down, and move towards the end of life again.

In the same way, everyone's gains and experiences in miracles may only be known to them.

But there is no doubt that that is the power that the gods will have, the great shore that mortals can never touch.

. . .

"Candidates... are you ready."

In the second-floor corridor laboratory where the lights are flashing, various computers are on, and virtual projections are constantly appearing, and then disappearing again, Yi Chou intercepts the next group of little yellow men roaring in the laboratory. Neferhot asked calmly as a red mist appeared suddenly.

"Yes, everything is ready."

"There will be no problems."

The red devil Neferhot appeared on one knee behind Yi Yi, with a respectful voice.

"That's best~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yi Huo doesn't seem to have much worry. It just responded as if I knew it, and said casually.

"After all, this is my first mission to you."

. . .

Yi Xiao didn't worry about it at all. This matter was not important. It was just a selection of candidates. In case of an accident, it can be replaced at any time.

There are so many people in this city.

Ai Xiayin is very worried, but understandably, this is human nature, but in fact there is nothing to worry about, because Yi Xuan himself does not know how these people are selected, completely random.

. . Well, it's not completely random. Nefihot chose the people who meet the standards and are different according to the requirements of Yihou.

But after all, it's just selection, and it's not a blood sacrifice, nor will it have anything to do with it. . There is nothing to worry about.

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