High Magic Earth

Chapter 1630: Don't panic, it's not a big problem

Of course, Aishin did not know the cause and effect of all this, so when his group of moving coins went to the public bathroom in the backyard, he still muttered in his heart.

But now that the matter is over, he actually has no choice.

Even if he escapes, I am afraid that he has no chance of even escaping from the holy city of Saloah. Even if he really escaped, and violated the messenger of God, where would he go?

All of his possessions are these slaves, no money, and what is the difference with death.

In Aisha's disturbed mood, time still passed slowly.

. . .

Relative to Aishin’s concerns, this group of careless slaves didn’t care at all. During the holy city, they really did a good job. They didn’t need to think about it when they were in other cities, or they did it every day. The coolie is either going to the arena as cannon fodder, or it is bought by someone, and then entering the arena completely, or. . There is a 10,000th chance of being lucky to become a servant of a great noble.

I really hope that such days can continue like this.

Although companions are still being bought every day, brought to the arena in other cities, and occasionally new people will be bought in, but it is also slower than the frequency of transactions in the cities that have their own arena. too much.

In the past, more than 100 people would be replaced in a few months, but now it has been more than half a year, but it has only left more than a dozen companions.

but. . Everyone knows that this is impossible. The slaves need money to eat and drink, and the slaves who stay in their hands, unless Housset can make a reputation in the arena and earn a lot of gold coins, otherwise he is losing money.

Ai Xia Yin did not have much money to pay.

So if the holy city of Saloa will not open large buildings. . Perhaps it was the construction of the new pyramid, and Aishin might have taken them away from here and headed to other cities with arena.

After all, the holy city of Saloah is a holy city. There are not many noble officials who dare to conduct open fighting events here. There are too many messengers here. . The ghost knows whether it will inexplicably provoke them, and then they directly use those God-given abilities to destroy everything.

There is nowhere to go.

But as long as you leave Zaloa to go to other cities, whether you are participating in the arena or doing coolies, the choice will be richer than in the holy city, and you don't need to lose money every day.

After all, the days of ease will end.

As slaves, they have long practiced the state of being drunk and drunk. After all, they are only slaves and have no choice at all. They can only enjoy and live a good life.

For them, any happy things and comfortable time will make them seem to forget all their worries, continue to live a happy life, and still have hope for future life.

Because if this is not the case, they may not be able to persevere at all. . Completely collapsed.

The same life day after day will never end, and we can only pray to gods to free ourselves from our destiny. . All of this is enough to make people feel desperate.

This is how their lives are.

Fortunately, no one was ashamed of the status of slaves, which eased their mentality a bit.

Because slaves are so common in this era, slavery is the mainstream of civilization in this era, everyone feels that this is justified, and it is estimated that only from the thinking of later generations will it be uncomfortable with the identity of slaves.

So the old Tumhousett slaves. . They are very calm every day.

In the bathroom, the water temperature is right. Although the decoration is not prosperous, it is cleaned very clean.

The Romans of later generations loved to take a bath, and there were public baths everywhere.

Whether it is a noble or a civilian, even the latter gladiator is the same.

This culture of Rome was inherited in several countries older than it, Egypt, Greece, Babylon, etc. It was only during the Roman rule that they carried forward the culture of bathing to the extreme.

Although Egypt is not as good as Rome in this era, it is just that it is not as popular as Rome. Of course, the geographical environment around Egypt itself determines that the conditions are not allowed, and it is difficult.

Egyptians also like to take a bath, and for Egyptians, taking a bath is just taking a bath. . Not like the Romans, even walking, playing, negotiating and selling were all moved to the public bath.

In any case, when there is no Black Death because the bath removes the dirt on the body, and the human is infected without the protection of the "shell", when the human races to resist the bath, the bath will always make people feel comfortable.

The proper water temperature, the rising mist, and the lethargic sense of relaxation. .

Only the idiots of dark medieval Europe will resist bathing.

"Old Man Tum."

Opening the bathroom door, a group of mermaids walked in, all men, no female slaves, and naturally there was no place for refuge.

What's more, they are not the first time to take a shower, they have to come every time before entering the arena. . And for some unlucky guys, it may also be cleaning themselves at once.

This law of bathing has almost become a part of their slave lives, and naturally there will not be any idea of ​​taking the opportunity to escape.

At the forefront is Housset. As Aishin’s number one gladiator, he naturally ranks highest among slaves. . Of course, the occupied bathroom location is also the best and most comfortable.

After sitting down with a few dog legs, he saw old Tum and Little Dora passing by. He grinned and said habitually with bad intentions.

"You old man, not dead yet."

Old Tumu glanced at Husette with a muddled look, and did not speak, so he walked toward a corner beside the bathroom, and Xiaoduo followed closely, like a little follower.

Husset smiled, not caring about it, but also not embarrassing old Tum.

In fact, his nature is not bad. . Although this may sound strange, it is indeed the case, and the only annoying thing about Housset is him. . It's cheap.

He is not bad, just cheap, especially his mouth.

As for the dog legs around him. . There are dog legs everywhere, no matter whether Husset doesn't care, there will always be people who try to stifle him.

What's more, deaths and injuries are rarely seen among slaves, and private fighting is not allowed. . Those black thugs are not standing there watching.

These slaves are all golden coins that can move, and Aishin is not willing to let them interact with each other.

Carrying half a piece of shabby white sackcloth in his hand, Old Tum ramblingly walked to the corner of the bathroom. The slaves of less than a hundred people were certainly not very familiar with each other, but they knew each other at least. Familiar, especially the famous senior figures like Old Tum.

Many people nodded or greeted Old Tumu, but were not enthusiastic.

This is also normal. Egyptians are not without the habit of respecting the elderly and caring for the young. They also believe that the wise old man is the most precious wealth of mankind, but who they are. . They are a group of slaves, a group of slaves, they have a precious treasure.

When a slave is old, he is a slave after all.

Old Tum was just a lucky old guy who lived longer than them, nothing more.

The slaves sat together in twos and threes, dunked in the pool, stretched their bodies, whispered and whispered to each other, naturally having their own small circle between the slaves.

Just like Hosette, although he is like an idiot every day, but he can fight in the arena, and there will be some equally fierce slaves around him.

There are many factors that divide the slave circle, race, skin color, language, combat effectiveness, but absolutely no age.

Old Thum, as a slave who fell into the soil halfway, naturally did not care. He slowly came to the corner of the bathroom and slowly sat down with the hand on the steps, stretched out his legs and sighed comfortably.

"Ah, I really hope to be here every day."

Little Dora also sat down next to Old Tum, seeing the twitter of the stitches.

"But Aisha must not allow that miser."

He was very comfortable soaking his entire body in the pool, leaving only one head resting on the steps, and a white linen cloth that was also worn on his neck.

Hearing little Dora's complaint, old Tumu's turbid eyes suddenly moved slightly, revealing an unidentified smile, and his facial muscles had long since aged and stiffened. . Make this smile a little cold.

"Don't worry...he won't allow it anymore...

Little Dora was stunned.

Although people of this age, 13- to 14-year-old children, even adults, can be on their own, but little Dora still can't keep up with the old guy.

His first reaction was instinctively happy, but then there was a burst of doubt.

At this time, Old Tum said calmly again.

"Because maybe... this is the last time."

. . .

Little Dora didn't understand it, but he already had a bad feeling in his mind. He chased Old Tuum and asked it several times, but Old Tumu was too lazy to speak.

but. . After all, Little Dora was just a young child. After having a new interest, he quickly forgot this question.

For example, the temple.


When he came to the temple, not only Old Tum, but also Aishin's heart was chilling, because there were no other people or other slaves at all. . Only them.

Their slave team of fewer than a hundred people, and a group of ordinary soldiers responsible for patrolling the holy city.

The kind of anxiety in Old Tuum stems from the fact that he sees many things when he is old, and Ai Xiain is a slave owner. Even if he is a little slave owner, his vision and insight are far stronger. Yu Lao Tum, even if Lao Tum has nearly 40 years of life experience.

This confirms that slaves are only slaves after all, even if they are old, they are slaves.

The eyes of the slaves are too low. They have been bought and sold all their lives, go to the arena, and wait to die in the arena. Even if they live longer, they are incomparable to those nobles, merchants, and officials.

Even the lives of these big men are simply unimaginable and unimaginable by the slaves.

Wouldn't it be a sacrifice to deceive yourself and these people into the prison and wait for the blood sacrifice to sacrifice to heaven?

This is the common idea of ​​Old Tum and Aishin, and some other flexible slaves.

After all, the holy city of Zaloa has been rumored to be building a new Great Pyramid for more than half a year, and it was precisely because of this news that they rushed over, counting time. . There should indeed be a letter of accuracy.

Although it is said that with the birth of the messenger of God, there have been no blood sacrifices, or ceremonies such as sacrifices to heaven, for almost a hundred years, but that is after all the most solemn respect for the gods and the world.

Some remote cities must still continue, even when the nobles absolutely start to sacrifice heaven again, it will not seem strange.

For example. . just now.

It doesn't matter whether Old Tum is sacrificed or not. After all, he is a slave and he has no choice at all. I want to be a good person, but I'm sorry. . Uh, the line is wrong.

As for Ayshain, he is holding himself as a slave owner, even if he is a small slave owner, but how can he be considered as a rank of merchants, he will not be as easily killed as these slaves.

But in fact, like the slaves around him, he had no choice at all. Even if he had to run now, where could he go?

And he also forgot selectively. . If all of his slaves really became sacrifices, he would be alive if he went bankrupt, and he would die much better in the end.

The temple is basically the messenger of God, those who are favored by the gods above. . He wouldn't care about his financial loss.

With this unspoken thought, the whole team was strangely silent.

Of course, the slaves who can feel this uneasiness are ultimately a minority, and the slaves are ultimately slaves. . Not everyone has such a brain.

For example, Housset, his face is serious at this moment, but the excitement and worship in his eyes can't hide the stare at the temple in front.

The messenger of God and the original god, Kang the Conqueror, were not so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even if they were real and extremely powerful, there were not many people who believed because they were too far away.

One is a humble slave, and the other is a high god. .

But after experiencing the night of the gods gift last night, Housset became an undisputed fanatic, because that kind of real experience can't be faked, and it can't be done by mortals at all.

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the fanaticism in his eyes is understandable.

In fact, such as Hosett is already considered good. He has no brains and a large heart. This is the excitement of his eyes. Except for Hosette, and most of the slaves with brains, most of them The slaves were still as little Dora as they could no longer speak.

"This this.."

Xiao Duola was usually a nagging little guy, but as of now, she can't even say a complete sentence.

Old Tum still couldn't hear it for a long time beside him, and he helped him follow it.

"This is the temple."

"Great dwelling place..."


At the next moment, accompanied by a soft crackle, a plume of red smoke suddenly appeared on the temple stairs directly in front of the slave team, and then one appeared in the red mist. . A figure with red skin.

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