High Magic Earth

Chapter 1632: Seems familiar


Little Dora's body stiffened and fell down directly from the sculpture's legs. The sculpture looked far away, but it was still a behemoth relative to humans.

Even the legs are more than two meters away from the ground. . After all, there is a stone platform more than one meter below the sculpture.

Little Dora was holding the sculpture legs back, and his back would touch the ground first. In other words, one accident might be that the head touched the ground first. This is fatal, even if it is only a few meters high.

Of course, as a slave child, his body is really fragile, not at all strong.

Old Tumu's turbid eyes didn't change much, just silently staring at Dora's direction.

But at the next moment, Xiaodola's falling trend stopped abruptly, because a pair of earthy gray big hands suddenly appeared under his fall, and they crossed very lightly, directly carrying him in the air.

"Be careful, little guy."

That rough voice appeared again.

Little Dora shuddered, looked up and then almost fainted.

At first, Xiao Dora didn't know what was happening. He only heard what sound came from his ear, and then the whole world seemed to rotate.

He thought it was his small movements that were discovered. . Found by Neferhot.

But then, he realized another thing, the earthquake?

Egypt in this era does not use such precise words to describe earthquakes, but it still knows the concept of earthquakes.

Yi Chao's use of the magic of forging miracles caused similar confusion at the beginning.

No matter who it is, it is no stranger to earthquakes.

Earthquakes are dangerous, especially if they are in the temple. . Little Dora was well aware of the hazards in the giant building when the earthquake came.

It's like a catapult when a war broke out, or a wall that collapsed during an engineering accident.

The former little Dora has not experienced it. Under the high pressure of the conqueror Kang, few large-scale wars have appeared, but the latter little Dora has experienced many times.

After all, the slave is the best coolie in construction, even if Little Dora is just a child.

I can’t move heavy things on the construction site, but I can still do things by transporting materials and pushing carts. Xiao Dora also experienced several times that the building collapsed due to improper operation or design errors.

Most of them appeared during the construction process.

The Egyptians preferred huge buildings, but these buildings were not so easy to build, nor could they be completed in one go, without any accidents, even if the Egyptians mastered many advanced technologies and theories, in the process of building In China, there are often collapses.

Especially the collapses in buildings are the most, because of Egyptian design. . It may have been advanced enough for this era, but there are still many things that are theoretically wrong.

They also keep learning while building. . Make changes while making trials.

And the undoubted consequences of the collapse of the building are also earth-shattering. Xiao Dora once witnessed a sudden collapse and landslide of the wall they built a dozen meters high.

The walls collapsed, countless stone bricks and dust fell, accompanied by the screams of human beings and the blood that suddenly bloomed, and of course, when the human fell on the ground, it bloomed like blood.

The sky is overturning, fireworks falling like meteorites everywhere, and the earth rumbling, because the near-infinite stones fall and tremble slightly.

Xiao Dora remembered that she had lost the ability to think at that time, only knowing that she was running around holding her head, and she was completely acting by instinct. .

Many people are like this, and then they died, but some survived, and no one knows whether the falling stones of the next moment will suddenly fall on their heads.

Fortunately, Little Dora survived, and Old Tum. . Of course, the latter is very clever. He hides in a triangular area constructed by a low wall. If it is not particularly unlucky, most of them will be fine.

Old Tom’s many years of life experience is still very useful.

But there are also many unlucky guys. . Anyway, Ayshain went directly to the brink of bankruptcy.

This time, the clamor of the ground and the rotation of the sky reawakened the fearful memory of Xiao Dora. . earthquake.

Why is it so unlucky.

Xiaodola felt her body fall to the ground, and prayed in his heart not to fall too hard. If he was okay, he would surely run up when he got up, but if he was injured directly, he would have to die in situ.

But at the next moment, the expected pain did not appear, and Xiao Dora felt that she was caught by something.

Instinctively opened his eyes, and then he saw a face facing himself. . This is nothing. What really scared Xiaodola was that it was a stone face.

Not only is the facial features beautiful, but even the expression is movable, changing in real time. Obviously, it is alive.

Instead of falling just under the face of a stone statue.

Although I know that there is a messenger of God. . But the sudden stimulus made Xiao Dora almost faint, and the brain directly lost its ability to think.

Indistinctly, he realized a strange phenomenon before, the voice. . Whose.

It's a stone statue.

Now the problem is estimated to have an answer.

"Hey little guy... don't be dizzy."

Seeing the horrified expression of the child in his hand, the stone figure. . Nosya is also somewhat helpless. He is a very ordinary hero. To what extent is ordinary, it helps the town to resist a group of sand thieves.

But in the end, the sand thief broke through there, and he also died in the unfortunate battle, probably for the sake of erecting the typical, his sculpture was placed here.

The reason why such a hero can also be placed in the temple. . It is not that Egypt has no heroes, but that there are not many Egyptian heroes at this time.

After all, it is now BC.

Moreover, most of Egypt’s famous people are Pharaohs, well-known heroes, and the number is really not much. More, they are only circulated in Egypt.

What's more, heroes are not classified, if they are heroes, they should be respected.

Nothia had never brought a child. Before death, she was still a single dog. It was not clear how to take a child. Of course, Xiao Dora was over the age of the child in this era. . It's just that Nothia turned into a statue more than one meter taller than the original height.

This made him look at the little Dora, who was more than a meter in his hand, and felt like a child.

But Dora was indeed very mature, and after only a few seconds of shock, he immediately reacted again.

The big guy in front of me. . Whether it is the messenger of God, well, it can only be the messenger of God, but obviously, there is no hostility to yourself.

At the same time, once the security was lifted, the humble thinking in Xiaodola's head immediately dominated, but he was. . Offended a messenger of God?

Little Dora shivered in horror.

He is very curious, but it is not that he does not know the priority of the matter. He is not a traverser, but a native Egyptian.

What will happen if you offend an angel of God.

The consequence is that you are not clear at all.

Because in the eyes of God's messenger, everything is ants, you can destroy them easily. . I can only pray and do nothing.

Nosya scratched her head a little.

He didn't know why the little guy who looked scared last time was suddenly not scared, and then the next time he was scared to death again. .

The children are really very troublesome guys.

Thinking about it this way, Nothia gently put Xiaoduo on the ground, then changed the shield to another hand, put a posture again, and then motionless again.

Now it is his duty time, as a sculpture, all he needs is motionless.

Xiao Dora didn't feel much more down to earth until she was down to earth.

When he looked up, he saw that the angel of God had returned to sculpture, or rather. .

But in any case, the sculpture has now ignored him.

Just when Dora didn't know what to do, he suddenly felt a slight thump coming from behind him, and the next moment, the red devil Neferhot came to him.

Xiaoduo looked back, and then shivered again.

He didn't know if it was a dream just now, and if it was not a dream, that one was not the messenger of God, but there is no doubt that the one in front of him was the real messenger of God.

Little Dora could feel the adult staring at himself coldly.

But everything that was expected did not come. The next moment, he heard Neferhot just said coldly.

"Go back to the team."

As soon as Xiaodola came to amnesty, he dared not do anything to die, and hurried to the team, just found an edge, and then stood in the team again.

Everything that happened here was naturally seen by the nearby slaves. Although they did not stop, they unknowingly slowed down their paces, and even further away, they could not see the slaves here.

And after Neferhot had dealt with Dora, he just watched them and said again.

"Keep going."

With no expression on his face, he took another step forward, and the whole person turned into a red mist, and then returned to the forefront of the team.

The slaves near Neferhot immediately shuddered, and did not dare to close their mouths unfamiliarly, following closely Neferhot's footsteps.

Many slaves have seen the scene where Little Dora went through. The miraculous, or weird situation, caused the slaves to have riots, but after all, Nefihot was at the front, and the riots lasted only a few seconds. , Everyone closed their mouths again.

The whole team fell into silence, and then only heard footsteps again, slowly moving forward in the deep corridor.

But of course, many people look at the left and right stone statues from time to time. About every ten meters or so, a huge stone sculpture with a height of at least three meters will be placed on both sides of the cloister. The heroes are standing on the stone steps , The side of the stone steps is also engraved with an introduction.

At first, no one took these things to heart, but now. .


Sure enough, there was another low exclaimation among the slaves, because the stone sculpture moved again, his head seemed to turn slightly, and his eyes glanced at the team.

They really are alive!

But more stone carvings are still motionless. This group of slaves does not have the spirit of death in Xiaodola, and can only sneak around to look around, even dare not to do even larger movements.

Neferhot ignored these little moves.

This caused the hearts of Aishin and Old Tum, who had been not far from Neferhot, to sink. . They don't think that the messengers of God are all kind and good people, so the other party has always tolerated, obviously there is only one possibility.

They are needed and valuable.

but. . Along the way, Ai Xia Yin did not hear any ding ding construction, they were not arrested to do the coolie.

If it’s not hard work, then where else are they needed.

Blood sacrifice. .

Once this thought appeared in his heart, it was like a bone gangrene that could no longer be shaken off. Anxiety and anxiety continued to appear in Ayshain's heart, but. . He couldn't resist at all.

Old Tum naturally thought of this, but he was old, that is, he didn't care about life and death, his turbid eyes moved a little, he continued to follow the team slowly, rubbing and moving on.

What is the way forward. . It doesn't matter.

The team continued to move forward, and in Aishin's restless way, about seven or eight corners were turned. After ten minutes or more, Neferhot suddenly stopped.


He said.

Ai Xia swallowed, but the expected **** smell did not come, which made him a little relieved, but he did not fully believe that the danger was lifted.

after all. . Perhaps the blood sacrifice is not today.

But the next moment, everything that appeared before him completely broke his imagination and cognition.


After Neferhot said that, it turned into smoke again, and disappeared in place instantly. With his disappearance, everything in front of him appeared completely in front of Ayshain.

This is a huge empty space ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ seems to be a hall, their group of people are crowded at the entrance, and in the center of the distance, five huge stone tablets are placed. . It's like a stone tablet used to perform a certain ceremony or sacrifice.

The hall is divided into two floors. In addition to the stone tablets, the two sides of the wall have been opened. . It was only cleared in midair, and some protruding steps surround it, so that people above can see the bottom well, and the disappearing Neferhot appears there.

And besides Neferhot, there are many people there. . And a lot of strange creatures.

All this looks. . It's like a huge arena.

But whether it’s the arena or the blood sacrifice, both of these options are too bad, and it’s so bad that it’s desperate, without waiting for Aishin to be more cranky, a voice that is not Neferhot appears in everyone’s ears. side.

"Then, it looks like everyone is here and you can start."

Also, the sound seemed familiar. 2k reading network

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