High Magic Earth

Chapter 1633: 5 Mangxing even stood 3 people

This is the voice of God. .

After discovering the truth, Aishin did not know whether to cry or face it all with a smile.

Laughing probably because he actually saw God, the real God. . And crying, probably because this may be the last time he saw God, and the last time, to see this world.

The old Tum next to him was unimpressed. His turbid eyes rolled around, and he still did not express any opinion, just like he was on the way to the temple before, silent, without saying a word.

But the **** above. . That's Yi Chou, but it seems to be very interesting, and asked in a rare tone with a slightly passionate tone.


This is indeed an exciting thing. After all, even for Yi Chao, the magic experiment in front of him is definitely a large experiment.

It is not like drawing a bust of a vampire, or studying how to create a more flexible, powerful, and mentally retarded activated statue.

This is true. Once successful, it will be enough to change an entire world, and even countless experiments in parallel worlds, even for the strength of Yi Chao, it will be improved.

The last similar experiment was the Chuangshen Project.

But at the time, Lucy was there, and because of the particularity and importance of the plan to create God, it was kept in a state of secrecy almost all the time. No one knew the specific process at all, and no record was left, even in the Red Castle. is also like this.

Even if Lucy participated in the whole process, she did not know all the experiments, because the core of the experiment was independently completed by Yi Xiao.

Similarly, the new experiment in front of us, because of its particularity, does not need to be too confidential, and even requires many people to participate, so this is the case now.

"Soul Card"

It can also be called the mind card plan. Both the mind card and the soul card are the names of this plan.

In fact, by name, it can be roughly guessed. . What is this plan to do.

In Yi Xuan's hands, I didn't know when a sudden emerged a deck of playing cards, not in a box, but a whole set. Fifty-four cards were scattered in his palm. . He didn't touch the deck of cards with his hands, but the cards still seemed to be imprisoned in his hands by an invisible force, unable to escape.

Withdraw, rotate, turn over, and fall back. .

Invisible forces are pulling these cards, letting them cut and wash automatically, like a prison cage that can't escape fate, it has to slowly rotate around Yi Huo's hands.

Like the planets that surround the stars, they are vast, mysterious, and everlasting.

This pair of poker once appeared. . Just before Gu Yi was determined to clean up Yi Xao, a heterogeneous visitor with a potentially high threat level.

Jebdia, who played on the iron plate, and Nobuyoshi Yoshioka, who has become an easy player, saw the power of this magical poker card first, because the user at that time was Jebdia.

This purple man's ability to awaken some indescribable hobby in the male version. . It is also strong to say strong and weak to say weak.

Even the Purple Man in the TV series has the ability equivalent to a weakened version of Professor X.

Speech control, he can directly control the thinking of another person through voice, communication, dialogue, even if the other party is a superhero, if there is no mind or thinking ability, it will be directly controlled, for example, Jessie Car Jones.

Not to mention how Ziren's sorrow reminded him of his childhood. With this ability that is almost invincible to ordinary people, as long as he does not die, then the whole world is a game of cheat codes for him.

This is indeed the case. Soon after acquiring this ability, he has enjoyed all the luxury and happiness he can imagine. . And women.

Then he forcibly fell in love with the superhero Jessica who was captured as one of the X slaves. After entangled with each other for more than two years, he finally succeeded in death and was cut off by Jessica.

His ability is very strong. The weakened version of Professor X allows him to directly control each other when facing anyone without targeted defense.

Similarly, Ziren’s abilities are also very weak. Once targeted defenses are available, an ordinary person with a closed ear may beat him, let alone Iron Man with various black technologies. , Frontline gangsters like the Scarlet Witch.

Of course, it’s a bit exaggerated to say this. The Purple Man has some fighting power to say, even if he can’t fight, there is also a self-defense pistol to understand, and even if the ear is plugged and the Purple Man can’t control it, he can control other people and act as himself. Shield and cannon fodder.

So ordinary people still can't beat him. First, they can beat those cannon fodders, and then they can beat Purple People.

As a female version, Jebdia is similar in ability to men. . Even hobbies are similar! Jessica was also staring at the soul.

So it wasn't long before Yi Biao opened that small shop with a bald head who was forced to leave his hometown, he was almost blown away by a group of hand-tight ninjas with ears plugged in.

The Ninjas of the Hand-Assembly themselves are proficient in melee and assassination. They are famous for sneaking in, melee fighting, assassination skills, various blind fighting, breath-holding techniques, but just plugging their ears and not accepting external sounds. Not much impact at all.

It might even be more focused and stronger.

But as one of the goals of Yihuo booking, Ziren Jiebudia is still not dead. In that case, she naturally lent her the set of playing cards.

Needless to say, Magic Poker is successful, it is very powerful. . But in Yi Chou's eyes, it is still not strong enough.

The content is monotonous. Fifty-four poker cards, except for the big and small kings, have no special meaning. . And ability, performance is like intellectual disability. In addition to the big and small kings, only the old K will speak a word when entering the stadium, and other poker cards will not even say a word.

There are more in other places. This was created by Yi Chao alone. It is not universal, mass-producible, and the defense is very fragile. The card itself will be damaged due to combat and cannot be automatically recovered. It is not easy after the war. Recycle.

the most important is. . Its combat effectiveness is too poor.

Perhaps it can only bully the cannon fodder of the hands together. These little guys who are not much stronger than ordinary people, let alone meet the superheroes, I am afraid that even the senior cannon foes of the group of Karma Taj. . Masters will also be easily solved.

This is not what Yi Chou wants.

What he needs is the kind of existence that can not only fight against superheroes, even first-line heroes, but also win.

Otherwise for him. . There is no point at all.

In addition to the deck of playing cards in his hand, there is another stack of cards on the tedious and dazzling machines not far away.

These cards were also put in the shop by Yi Chao at the time, because when the ninja in the hand meeting overturned the counter and dropped this large pile of cards and playing cards onto Jebdia, Yi Xiao also stopped her Use these cards. . Go to choose playing cards.

First of all, they are far inferior to playing cards in combat effectiveness, and some cards don't even have the ability to manifest at all, just draw a card surface.

Secondly, they can be said to be truly intellectually disabled. . Don't say a word, it won't even move.

The most powerful of this stack of cards is undoubtedly the blue-eyed and white dragon imitated by Yi Chou, but it not only has no soul, but even no thinking and consciousness at all.

All of its behavior comes from its instincts, and it is still a chaotic instinct, that is, it may be a kind of destroying everything in the last second, and may fall asleep directly in the next second.

It's like a robot with a chaotic program.

This time it is also within the plan of the soul card, and it can even be said that the plan of the soul card was carried out to perfect them.

Looking at the busy little yellow man and the card for a moment, Yi Chou asked again.

"Who comes first?"

No one answered, the slaves below looked at each other, and they didn't even seem to recover from shock and panic.

Of course, this is not beyond expectation.

Standing on the second floor, Yi Xiao gently waved his hand, and the stone bricks below suddenly moved. Numerous stone bricks suddenly floated up. They were suspended in the air like a large puzzle and building blocks. . A dozen slaves stood on top of each brick building block.

The slaves were divided into about seven or eight groups, suspended in the air, slightly overwhelmed. . There was even some panic, because many slaves knelt on the floating stone bricks on the spot, grabbed the ground, and screamed like they would fall to death in the next moment.

Among them, Ayshain's panic was the strongest. . Not because of the suddenly floating bricks, but because he was also among the slaves.

In other words, no matter whether it is a blood sacrifice or a gladiator, he is treated as a god. . Directly for the existence of slaves, they no longer have privileges.

"Ha ha.."

Old Tumu's turbid eyes saw this scene and saw Aisha's distorted and distorted face because of the panic.

It's a pity that Aisha has been so scared by this time that she doesn't care about other things at all, and she hasn't seen this scene where Old Tum is watching the joke.

Otherwise Aishin must make old Tum look good.

Yi Xiao didn't care about their panic and uneasiness, and waved again, these floating bricks and bricks immediately seemed to be magnetic, very light and flexible to fly to the distance, and soon in the five blocks in the center of the hall The steles regrouped not far away.

They are about ten meters away from the stele, neither relying on the stele too close, nor on the wall too close, stopped at an edge position.

Seven or eight blocks are floating in the air, lined up. . It's like a patient waiting for medical treatment.

"Since no one wants to go first..."

Regarding their silence, Yi Chou had long expected that after all, they were a group of ancient Egyptians, even the modern people of later generations, and the first reaction when they suddenly encountered this situation must be frightened. If they seem to have nothing, it is very calm. It should be strange that it should be down.

"I... I'm first..."

But at the next moment, a slightly panicked voice came from the slaves, but still a firm voice.

Yi Xiao looked up, and on the bricks and bricks where the vocalist was, the slaves near him also scattered like two waves of shocking viruses, and then directly exposed that people.

It is Hussein.

"I think.."

The exposed Hussein was also a little nervous, not only because of the direct dialogue with God, but also because of fear of the unknown sum he was about to face.

He said hesitantly and anxiously.

But Yi Chou interrupted him directly.

"Whatever you want, it's you."

Yi Xiao didn't want to listen to his nonsense of emoticons. Since someone volunteered, then, Yi Xiao waved again, and the stone bricks at the foot of Housset suddenly broke away from the whole building block.

Houssett occupies about four or five stone bricks, but as the bricks under his feet fall off, the whole stone brick has not been completely scattered, but just like a real brick, it was directly removed.

Four or five stone bricks left, and the other bricks were immediately replenished like gears, and the bricks at the foot of Housset took him to the place where the stone tablet was located.


Housette gave a short exclamation.

The stone brick accelerated too fast, he didn't have time to respond, and then he shot like a sharp arrow off the string. When leaning, he only had time to lean down and grab the edge of the stone brick. . But it stabilized his body anyway.

In fact, Yi Biao's magic was protecting him from falling, otherwise he would have fallen.

Less than half a second later, Housette came between the five stone tablets.

But since it is an experiment, then we must abide by the most basic experimental factors, such as comparative experiments, scientific experiments are still very rigorous and useful, even in the field of magic experiments. . also the same.

"Two less..."

The experiment requires more than one person, a group of three people, Yi Chou can better observe and record the experiment, this time he did not ask who was the first, and his eyes were swept away. Among the slaves who came over, they forcibly arrested two people.

"Just you..."

Instead of volunteering, Yi's attitude is much worse.

Regardless of their wailing and struggling, they directly grabbed the two people with shadow energy, and then captured them out of thin air to Housset's side.

Housette swallowed saliva.

He still has a little place to stand under his feet, these two people. . They danced and floated in the air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Looking at the panic and struggling look, they knew it was not very comfortable.

Of course, Yi Xiao still doesn't care about the feeling of these experimental materials and what they think, even if there is a brave little guy who cooperates with him.

"Ready to fall."

Yi Xiao said to the little yellow people who were in charge of experiments and records.

Five stone slabs are placed in the shape of a five-pointed star. As Yi's voice fell, three people in the air began to fall slowly.

The distance between them and the slate is in front of the slate, within a range of about half a meter.

And the final position. . Hussein's landing point seemed to be the center, which is the top corner of the pentagram, and the two left and right slabs were empty in front of him.

The other two were opposite him, separated from him by a stone slab, and there was no stone slab between those two.

One is presented. . Irregular triangles.

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