High Magic Earth

Chapter 1635: God is fooling you

If you think about it carefully, it is not surprising that Yi Chou arrives.

In this era, there are not many waves in life. More often, the whole life is uninteresting.

Plain life, even day after day, year after year, doing exactly the same thing, buying goods, looking at stalls, selling goods, and then one day passed, buying, looking at stalls, selling goods, and then one year passed . . Until death.

Some people may not leave the city where they live for a lifetime, so caravans are so popular, not only because they bring wealth, but more, they bring the outside world.

More often, the most knowledgeable people in small villages or towns are probably camels from outside.

Although it is not a fantasy world here, it is just the ancient Egypt of the earth, but it is also the same, because the desert and the wind and sand limit the travel of the Egyptians. The caravans that can conquer the desert are all warriors. . Or, lucky.

Because there are more camels swallowed by Huang Sha.

Of course, life is always full of accidents, such as sand thieves, horse thieves, they will break everything. . In fact, it is also a kind of luck and luxury to be able to enjoy the old age and stay in the same place forever.

Most people are either forced to leave their homes by sand thieves halfway through, or. . He was directly caught as a slave, or slaughtered mercilessly.

This is an era of chaos. Killing and backwardness are everywhere. Maybe it will happen in the villages and towns for a lifetime, but it must be a very remote and poor area. Even if it is so poor, it is not willing to go. Patronize.

Of course, if there is no sand thief as an enemy, then there must be another enemy, for example. . hunger.

In this chaotic era, fate will not look at anyone else, and everyone will be caught in this chaotic whirlpool. . Fight for survival.

In addition to the threat from survival, the lack of spiritual entertainment is inevitable. . After all, even if you can't even eat rice, you might be thinking about other things.

Perhaps those big businessmen and nobles care about these, but without huge civilians as the basis, no interesting activities will be born at all.

The stories sung by the bards or the far-reaching anomalies brought by the caravan may be all the fun in their lives.

But more, still those miscellaneous things happening around them.

But it is the whole life of people in this era. . It is also the meaning that they live in this world.

In this case, the meaning of the existence of the family and wife is magnified indefinitely, because this is likely to be the only persistence possessed by this chaotic era of life.

In many legendary stories, those heroes or generals value their families for no reason, because in this era of scarcity, the relationship between people is closer. . This connection may be the only one that makes people feel valuable exchanges.

In fact, even in later generations, communication is one of the most important existences, even if there are many other things to meet the spiritual needs, such as the Internet, games, but this is actually just expanding the scope of social.

Humans are social creatures. . The family is the most basic unit, and the kinship of the blood cannot be let go.

And the revenge of the wife. . Almost arguably one of the greatest hatreds of this era.

The hatred in this person's heart is naturally understandable.

"Focus on him."

Yi Chou said immediately.

Although Housset volunteered, he left a good impression in Yi Chou's heart, and it seemed that Hoset was still his believer. .

But of course, the believer is useless to Yi arrogant, he does not follow the line of faith and God, in fact, probably because he has never encountered a world with dnd rules, Yi arrogant did not find anything related to belief energy of.

Although Yi Xiao can use the silver tongue to really turn faith into substance, and give it a real existence, it has the meaning of actual existence. . But that doesn't make sense to Yi Chou.

The power system in his hands is enough and complicated. What he needs to do now is not to continue to increase these chaotic power systems, but to study the existing systems. . Become more specialized.

Each ability will become able to play a real role and strength.

So it is a pity that no matter whether the following guy is a believer or a fanatic, his impression in Yi Chou's heart is only a little bit.

A little bit in the real sense, Yi Xuan may look at him in a boring way, but in front of the real experiment process, Yi Xuan will not even put a little more attention on him.

Just like now. . He was ruthlessly abandoned.

Only, some experimental material.

Although Yi Xiao recovered most of his feelings, or could perfectly simulate it, he still deeply ignored life.

This point has nothing to do with the lack of feelings, because so is the wizard.

Except Harry Potter, the bloodline wizard. . Warlocks are much better than the wizards' happy family of novices. Many wizards in other worlds are synonymous with evil. Even if it is not evil, most humans are afraid when they mention wizards.

Even the Middle-earth world, even those Vera walkers. . Even the world of Harry Potter is divided into black wizards and white wizards, and there is more to war.

But it seems that it is not appropriate to attribute all of this to magic, because it is not just the wizards in the magic field. . Some guys are even crazier than wizards, for example, bottomless scientists.

Once these crazy guys are crazy, they are no less dangerous than the wizards. After all, I haven’t heard of any wizard who wiped out the world through experiments. Instead, it is the virus, robots, and artificial intelligence on the technology side that are commonplace.

Of course, whether it is a wizard or a scientist, their camps are divided into good and bad, and there are justice and evil, but more of them are neither evil nor justice, and they dedicate everything to truth and knowledge.

Yi clamor. . He is never justice.


The little yellow man in a white lab coat made a crazy stroke on its record board, chattering on the side.

The existence of the serious character rarely seen in this little yellow man, the little yellow man in the white lab coat, seems to be somewhat inclined to the tendency of those crazy scientists. It is always interested in various experiments, and has even suppressed its nature, eating, drinking and playing. . And pranks.

It is the chief scientist of the Red Castle and the manager of the little yellow man, including the remaining eye of Oz, the weather adjustment device, etc. are all under its control.

But more core things can not be handed over to it. For example, the transformation of the God of Creation plan, the little yellow people play the most role. .

In fact, even Lucy did not come into contact with the most core existence, which is the experience Dornting brought to Yi Chou.


The voice of the little yellow man once again made Yi Xao turn his attention to the third slave.

Unlike the other two slaves, although Housset did not have any firm beliefs or intense feelings, he did not have much fear. So far, there has been no success or failure, and it seems to have no effect.

In addition, the slave avenger's reaction was the strongest. The crimson luster had penetrated the skin of his body, which was the scarlet blood color, and even Yi Xiao was a little worried that he would burst in the next moment, the whole person Torn.

And the remaining one. .

He was terrified.

He should be regarded as a typical ancient Egyptian, with neither Hosette's big heart nor so many plays in his avenger's companion's heart, he has always been scared.

Because he didn't know what happened at all, in his eyes, this series of strange situations represented the next moment, and he would be sacrificed by blood.

For example, if you turn around, a high priest will come behind the stone tablet, holding a dagger high, and then pull his heart out of his chest.

This fear made him very uneasy. The fear originated from the unknown, and the fear also made people burst into power.

Yi Chao’s investigative magic clearly told him that the magic in this person was very uneasy, and the magic was also agitated, and the little yellow man pointed out to Yi Xiao very clearly according to the detection that this person’s heart had reached the threshold Value, at any time, the heart may burst directly in the next moment.

"In other words, fail."

Yi arrogantly concluded that there was not much change in tone, because what was more important was not but, but. .

"So why?"

He asked.

Fear is also a very strong feeling, not even weaker than hatred. It is also a strong feeling, why hatred can produce results, but fear is not.

You know, the manifestation of fear power is also an indispensable part of the soul card, if it is missing. . Perhaps they are not complete.


The little yellow man in the white coat jumped hard next to Yi Chou, raised one hand, and used exaggerated body movements to attract Yi Chou's attention.

It seems that its nature has not been completely wiped out.

Yi Huo understood.


He said.

The reason is not fear itself. Fear is indeed a very strong feeling, just like hatred, but the problem may not be whether the feeling is strong or not, but confrontation.

This slave is fighting against all this.

His instincts are in confrontation, and he himself is not willing to accept it.


The little yellow man issued a series of grunts next to Yi Huo. . In fact, they speak not just these monotonous syllables, but their sentences are equally complete.

It's just that the speed of speech is very fast, and the vocal organs are indeed a bit weird. This is in the Loki's ears with squinting eyes and a blatant observation, it sounds grunting.

"No, no."

Yi Chou shook his head.

Remind the slaves below not to try to resist. . There is no need at all. The meaning of his existence is to become a line of valuable data. Whether it is success or failure, he will generate value.

even if. . death. .


A dull sound came from below, and blood instantly filled the air,

His heart stopped suddenly, or worse than that. . His heart exploded directly, and there was a circle of blood mist around his chest, which seemed to be mixed with a little bit of fragmentation.


There were already slaves overwhelmed by this fear and collapsed. They screamed like crazy and even tried to jump from the floating bricks. But when they heard it, they hit a layer. The invisible protective layer directly hit them dizzy. . Don't think about jumping anyway.

Yi Xiao did not pay attention to them, but continued to pay attention to the stone tablet below.

Obviously, if the heart bursts, the dead can't die anymore, and the heart can still survive. . Even in the multiverse, there are not many.

The avenger is still stuck in his own small world, and his anger has completely swallowed him, and Yi Xiao can see the monstrous anger through his eyes. . Only anger, no reason.

Then there was Housset.

The death of his companion finally made him feel a sense of panic, and the threat of life seemed to finally let him wake up from the state of fanatics.

"The omnipotent God... we should..."

He murmured in awe.

Hossett knew Yi Xuan was on the top. He said that Yi Xiao would certainly be able to hear it, but after half of it, he stopped abruptly.

Because he found out that he didn't know all of this at all, he didn't know at all, not even at all.

What to face, what to pray for, what to pray for is completely unknown. . He only knew that he could pray like Yi Huo.

The scene is very quiet.

Only the scarlet energy continuously escaped from the magic circle of the stele, gradually covering the whole ground, even crackling out of thin air like an electric current.

Facing Hosette's prayer, Yi Chou did not respond.

Hosset seemed disappointed and more frightened. He lowered his head, and his calm body seemed to start to tremble.

Then in the next moment, Yi Chou's voice suddenly passed calmly from above.

"This is a test."

He said nothing.

Hosette is a big heart guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and parallel to the big nerve of the big heart, often with a simple mind, Housset is not stupid, but only in the arena, others are not bad. . It is a pity that it is not smart.

In theory, even if Yi Xao gave him a response, he would have to think carefully for the last half of the day with only half of this classic Tibetan saying, and he might not even be able to think clearly.

But I don’t know if it’s really blessed by the gods. At the moment when Yi Chou’s words fell, Hussete seemed to have figured it out in a rare moment. He suddenly raised his head and his face also showed joy. .

Then it quickly calmed down again.

A test. . Everything now comes from the test of the gods.

Yi Xao saw that he told himself in his heart.

Honestly, Hossett did not have absolute confidence to pass the test, but he would never fear the test of the gods. He might not be very smart. . But there is no lack of courage.

Then let the spirit see the most real and fearless of him.

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