High Magic Earth

Chapter 1636: First come. .

Hosette completely gave up resistance, he gave up everything.

No longer worried, no longer anxious and afraid, he has neither courage nor special curiosity. The only thing he has is a firm belief in gods.

He believes in God and can see everything.

See his sincerity.

Whether Yi Xiao can see his sincerity, or even whether his sincerity is useful or not, but it is obvious that Hussette just happened to meet the conditions of the experiment in the wrong hit.

Don't think about anything, relax, and maintain a most natural state.

This is what Yi Chou wants.

"What a smart guy..."

There was magic in Yi Biao’s eyes, and his pupils changed into the shape of a doji star, just like some kind of mark and score of the holy emblem, and the dim and shining luster flickered, he clearly looked at the experiment below Every change.

As one of the most vulnerable organs of human beings, his eyes are naturally in the arrogant sequence of arrogance. He did not choose the red-line laser eye matched with the body of steel. Although the attack power is strong, it is too single, but too lo.

There is no magic at all.

eye. . In magic, it is a very important organ, and many wizards pay attention to their eyes and even other body parts.

Because there are a lot of magics that are needed or can be used through the eyes, like the lucky number 13, a shadow that is often overlooked. . These corners and corners, even things that are rarely valued, occupy a very important position in the field of magic.

The same is true for Yi Chou.

In fact, his strengthening of his eyes is still not over, which should have ended long ago. . With the help and reference of Lucy.

But now it's obviously not working. Yi Xuan and Lucy are separated at two time nodes. Yi Xiao doesn't want the reinforcement to end before it is complete, so he just left it temporarily.

Even so, his eyes still possess a lot of magic, and the most common magic is naturally detection magic.

So unlike the little yellow people next to him, Yi Huo doesn't need to rely too much on the machine. Most of what he needs to do is just watching. . That's it.

Yi Biao saw the change of Hussein's mentality in the first time. No matter what he thought, he did it deliberately or by mistake.

This made Yi Ao's favorability for him rise again, and has changed from looking at the first one to paying more attention to the two.

"He seems to be very close to me."

The experiment is still continuing, and it seems to have re-entered a short period of stagnation. The dead slave hung in front of the stone slab, completely silent, the Avengers are still angry, and Hussete is emptying his mind.

At this moment, the progress of the experiment seems to be solidified, and the dark red energy does not continue to boil, but only slowly gathers between the five stone tablets.

Although only a few minutes have passed since the slaves were thrown down by Yi Chou until now, but in this race-by-second experiment, a few seconds is already a very long number.

Yi Xiao seemed to find it boring to wait like this, turning around and talking to the little yellow man in a white coat with nonsense that had nothing to do with the experiment.

Then after pondering for a while, I continued to add.

"If he survives, remember to remind me..."

"Go recommend him to participate in the next experiment as a reward."

"Oh, uh!"

The little yellow man in the white lab coat wrote a book.

Recommend him to continue the next experiment, but it is not easy for him to deliberately pit him. After all, participating in the experiment can also get certain benefits, which is also the preset link and result of the experiment.

but. . Of course, it is not necessarily possible to benefit. After all, there will always be accidents in the experiment. If there is no accident, then it is not an experiment.

Not far away, Kevin suddenly raised his ears.

Since he was beaten up by several muscular little yellow guys in white coats and dragged to the console to work, Kevin was a sleepy look.

As a member of the Little Yellow Man, it naturally loves work and strives to be a good assistant. . But just like the white coat next to Yi Xao, the two of them showed completely opposite trends.

This white lab coat loves experimentation more than pranks, eating, drinking, and playing. In other words, its nature is suppressed, and Kevin is just the opposite. Its heart of eating, drinking, playing, and pranks far exceeds its sense of responsibility at work. . This makes it completely unable to calm down and work.

Although it is not bad at work.

Sleeping on the console, Kevin used the talent of the little yellow man to avoid one mistake in the confusion, and cooperated perfectly with other companions. . It just doesn't look so energetic.

But at the next moment of Yi Chou's nonsense, Kevin's eyes were instantly rounded.

It is not interested in work, but is very interested in things outside of work. . Seeing that Yi Biao seemed to have something interesting to come there, it immediately came to interest.

Quietly jumping off the workbench, Kevin trot all the way to the back of Yi Xuan and the white coat, and then he didn't know where to get a banana. . And apples, nibbling while walking.

The second princess saw the nasty guy for the first time, but she squinted her eyes and didn't take care of it at all, and she didn't even bother to kick it far away when she passed.

Then it ran to the rear of Yi Chou.

Yi Xiao suddenly saw a little yellow man in his sight.

Yes, in sight.

Yi Biao's eyes can see 360 ​​degrees around. . But it is not opened in real time, because even Yi Biao's eyes can see that his thinking is difficult to deal with. Even if his thinking can be handled, this is not in line with the thinking habits of normal people.

Silver Tongue can change Yi Biao's vision and even her thinking speed, but it can't change his instinct.

Even if the instinct can be changed, but if these things have been modified. . So is he still him?

Yi Chou did not make up his mind or touch anything in this regard.

But even so, he was still able to capture the existence after sight, because after the research, Lucy and Yi Chou set these eyes as a more intelligent dynamic capture.

It does not observe the surrounding 360-degree range all the time, but if there is an object quickly approaching from the corner of the blind spot of ordinary people, the vision of this part of the range will appear instantly in the clamor of sight.

For example. . just now.

Yi Xiao turned his head and looked at Kevin blankly.

Kevin looked up at his head very innocently. . By the way, I took another bite of the apple.


"There are no fun things here."

Yi Chou said quietly, looking at Kevin behind him.

He knew Kevin. . As a little yellow man, there are few people who can remember his name. Be aware that the white coats around him don’t know the name, but just call it a white coat.

It seems that the little yellow people are more characteristic and easier to remember.

Although this is not an excellent feature.

Yi Xiao is also well aware of Kevin's character. . If there is anything that has nothing to do with work, it can always come together and try to chaos.

As soon as it is working time, he starts to be listless. His favorite job is probably to guard the machine or guard the big screen.

Of course, it is a real caretaker. No matter what problems occur on the machine or the large screen, it may not give feedback in the first time. . Because it is estimated to be sleeping.

Not at all like other little yellow guys, although they also like pranks and crazy playfulness, they also love work and help Yi Huo to experiment.

Seeing Kevin appearing behind him, Yi Chao immediately realized. . This guy is here for fun!

But now there is no fun for him to find, he just said a boring nonsense to the little yellow man around him. Is this guy a humanoid radar, how come it came out in the next moment.

Yi Biao’s eyes fell behind Kane again. Because of its brief disappearance, the console that was supposed to belong to it was now unattended. Fortunately, the little yellow man beside him was very responsible and took this consciously. task. . But the amount of tasks has undoubtedly increased.

This caused it to look very busy at this time. . With a sense of turmoil that is unique to the little yellow man, it makes people feel as if it will mess up everything in the next moment.

Yi Chou did not let Kevin go back. . Because I am afraid that even if it goes back, it will soon be distracted again, maybe it will cause more trouble.

At that time, you should not open the door and put it over, nor do you know how to choose the person.

Yi Xiao gestured to the little yellow man in the white coat, then looked at it and gave Kevin a fierce glance, and then arranged another little yellow man to take his place in his innocent little eyes.


Some strong current sound appeared on the next machine.

Then in the next moment, the movement of the little yellow man in the white coat was consistent with Yi Chou, all turned back suddenly, staring closely at the laboratory below.

experiment. . Has reached the most critical place.

However, Yi Chao was aware of the fluctuation of energy in the first time, and the little yellow man in the white coat was because he heard the alarm of the machine.


The avenger screamed loudly, the sound seemed to be able to pierce the sky, with anger, and some kind of turbulent waves suppressed in the deepest part, echoed above the hall, with continuous echoes and aftertones.

Hosette is still calm, and his current state is more like being close to some kind of ascetic. . Almost without desire.

In Yi gao, Loki, and everyone else's gaze, the dim scarlet luster slowly faded away, replaced by some kind of silver energy, this energy is like light. . The ubiquitous light replaced the dark red light, and then reoccupied the bodies of the three slaves.

"This is the final stage..."

Of course Yi Chou knows this kind of light.

Silver tongue.

This is not the real silver tongue energy, but is defined by Yi Chou using the silver tongue, a kind of energy similar to the silver tongue with the characteristics of silver tongue.

It is silver-white and is the core of the entire soul card experiment. . It is also that it will turn everything into reality.


Three silver-white beams of light suddenly rose into the sky.

They came from the three slaves. . The light spewed out from the ground and penetrated all over them. After being washed in the beam of light, they insisted that they seemed to be integrated with the light.

The invisible silver wave flickered violently, and a halo like a wave oscillated out. From afar, the effect of intersecting light and shadow was not weaker than the explosion of a bomb.

And it's continuous.


Yi Chou said calmly.

The little yellow man in the white coat next to it didn't know where to remove a pair of sunglasses. Instead of the original round-frame glasses, it put down the black lenses calmly, nodded, and then began to record again.

"Click, click!"

The voice from behind Kevin made Yi Huo unable to help Qingjin straight through.

But now is not the time. .


The roar came again. . But this time, it was not a real wave, it was more like a sound wave. A giant bell like a holy sound appeared between the five stone monuments. Then, in the next moment, the light bloomed to the extreme. It seemed to want everyone's eyes After entering a brief blinding, the hall suddenly dimmed.

The light slowly disappeared, faded along the surface of the five stone tablets, and the stone tablets themselves ceased to be active. . The three slaves suspended on the surface of the stele also fell back to the ground. Both the Avenger and Husset slumped on the ground and leaned softly against the stele. Only the corpse collapsed after losing its bondage. ground.

"It's over... was it successful?"

Yi Chou asked to the side.

But Yi Xiao did not pay attention to these things, because he left all his goals behind the three stone tablets. . Above the floating card.


As small as it is, the sound of the gear turning slowly floats, and behind the stele, three cards are suspended gently. . It is about half the size of a piece of clothing, with a silver sheen on the surface.

It's cards, it's them. . Succeeded.


The little yellow guy next to them made a gesture, which means that they have integrated all the data from the first experiment.

Yi Chou nodded, then stretched his hand forward.

The three cards suddenly shook, as if being drawn by invisible power, and suddenly turned into a streamer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ pounced in the direction of Yi Chao.

But in the next moment, before he left the stone slab half a meter, one of the streamers suddenly turned halfway and then hit the slave without looking back.

The Avenger's card. . Into the body of the avenger.

Yi Chou was stunned, but did not delve into where this card is, because it is just an experiment now, it doesn't matter where the card belongs to, because even Yi Chou can't determine what will happen in the experiment.

No matter what happens, it is expected.


The card made a slight buzz again, and then slowly floated on Yihou's hand. The two cards were engraved with distinct patterns, and the color of the edges and the strength of the energy were completely different.

The same point is that they contain an identical magical atmosphere.

"Then...it's them."

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